Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 722: Stage 3 gas refining

Zhao Yazhu saw Zhou Fan's promise, so she picked up the embroidery needle and said casually while embroidering: "True qi starts from the physical strength stage, after washing the marrow, changing blood, qi orifices, and connecting the veins, there are a total of five major ranks, and the essence of these five major ranks is It is just accumulating infuriating energy, training the muscles and bones and tempering the blood energy is just a side effect."

"How much is the difference between the strength level and the physical level?" Chifu asked with a confused expression.

Her mother may know this knowledge, but she has never mentioned it. It is estimated that even if she knows, she will not understand the cultivation level of human beings like Zhao Yazhu.

Zhao Yazhu smiled and said: "Little guy, it's not that I don't want to talk, but the rules are limited, you can only listen, I can't answer you, if you want to know, you can only ask Zhou Fan for you, or let him tell you. "

Qifu glanced at Zhou Fan, Zhou Fan pondered for a while and said: "You want me to ask questions for you, if Miss Zhao doesn't accept Big Grey Worm, I will accept your Big Grey Worm depending on the difficulty of the question, like this The problem is relatively simple, as long as ten big gray worms are enough."

It's a small problem, Zhou Fan can't be too expensive, otherwise he thinks that Chufu would rather not ask.

"I'll give it." Chefu said without hesitation.

"You can answer her question." Zhou Fan said to Zhao Yazhu.

"It's too easy for this gray worm to come. Poor little guy, that is, I have a good heart. If I exploit you again, you will be miserable." Zhao Yazhu smiled: "The strength stage is followed by the burst stage, the resistance stage, Speed ​​section, physical section."

"I understand the strength section and the explosive section. I want to know the difference between the resistance section, the speed section, and the physical strength section?" Qifu looked at Zhou Fan again and asked.

"These are too much trouble. I'll tell you later. If you really want to know tonight, I want five hundred big gray worms." Zhou Fan said impatiently.

"Forget it." Chifu shook her head.

"Miss Zhao, please continue the topic of Wu Shi Duan." Zhou Fan didn't have much time to waste here, and he still wondered if he could solve the training problem of Wu Shi Duan tonight.

Zhao Yazhu didn't care, she continued to thread the embroidery needle in her hand: "The physical strength section condenses the gas field to store qi, the marrow washing section reserves zhenqi, and the blood exchange section is to exchange old blood for new blood to reserve qi..."

"Stop, I know these realms very well, so I don't need to go into too much detail." Zhou Fan interrupted Zhao Yazhu, he suspected that Zhao Yazhu was deliberately revealing more information to Qifu.

On this ship, the information of cultivation is equivalent to the big gray worm. This is the magic weapon for him to squeeze the gray worm in Chufu's hand. He doesn't want to let Chufu know too much.

Qifu looked regretful, these were all information she had never heard of.

Zhao Yazhu snorted: "Simply put, the five rank of physical strength, marrow washing, blood exchange, qi orifice, and even pulse are accumulating true qi, also known as the fifth rank of true qi. All the places in the body that can store True Qi have been opened up.”

"Then we can't continue to open up. It is worth mentioning that when you reach the linking section, you want to go back to practice to increase the gas field and wash the marrow and bones in the future. These are all difficult and difficult things, unless you are willing to devote yourself to re-cultivation."

"However, the risk of rehabilitating after rehabilitating is extremely high. If you can't get it right, you will be completely useless when you lose your energy."

"So the martial artist's rank should be very cautious in every step, and your foundation will be very solid."

Zhou Fan suppressed his temper and continued to listen.

"After the fifth rank of true qi, there are three more tiers, which are martial arts..." Zhao Yazhu said this, and glanced at Zhou Fan: "Can I say the last two tiers?"

"Let's talk." Zhou Fan thought for a while.

Zhou Fan didn't know much about the last three paragraphs. If Zhao Yazhu was willing to talk about it in detail in order to erode the beauty, it would not be a loss for him.

"They are the three major ranks of Martial Potential, Martial Consciousness, and Qi Gang. These are the last three ranks of a martial artist. These three ranks have a name, that is, the third rank of Qi Refining." Zhao Yazhu said slowly.

"Why is it called the third stage of Qi refining?" Zhou Fan asked slightly startled.

"The qi in the third stage of practicing qi naturally refers to true qi. The true qi accumulated in the fifth stage of true qi cultivation is taken from the vitality of heaven and earth, and it comes from the purification of the vitality of heaven and earth, but this kind of true qi is not refined enough for martial artists, so Like a bubble in the air, it will burst once you poke it." Zhao Yazhu explained.

"The last three paragraphs will be more detailed, that is, to further refine the true qi in the warrior's body, and the changes in its rank are only the characteristics of true qi refining."

"Martial consciousness and Qi Gang will not be mentioned first, such as Wu Shi Duan, Wu Shi Duan is to continuously condense the infuriating qi of the whole body through skills, thereby generating a kind of martial arts. The generation of martial arts is the first change of Zhen Qi and Come."

"So that's how it is." Zhou Fan suddenly realized that he had read the records of the martial arts section, but the book only said that the whole body's true energy was running endlessly, and after hard training, the martial arts could be condensed.

But it didn't go deep into the inner layer of the martial arts section as Zhao Yazhu said.

This is the difference between simply reading a book and being taught by a teacher. Books are dead after all. Many times it seems that they can only know what they are and don’t know why. If you want to figure it out on your own, you don’t know how much time it will take.

"Then how can I enter the martial arts section?" Zhou Fan asked the question he was most concerned about.

"In itself, it's not that difficult. As long as you find a technique that condenses martial power, you should be able to easily cross this threshold with your foundation." Zhao Yazhu said calmly, "But I advise you to be more cautious. it is good."

"There are also advantages and disadvantages in martial arts. If you choose some inferior martial arts, not only will the condensed martial arts be useless, but the refinement of true qi will not be enough, but it will be very troublesome."

"Especially when you are perfect in every The huge amount of infuriating energy can be described as vast. If the refining degree of infuriating qi in the last three stages is not enough, maybe one of them is not good, and you will always stay in Three stages of Qi refining."

Zhou Fan said solemnly: "That is to say, I have to choose a good martial arts technique. Do you have a suitable martial arts technique?"

It will affect his entry into the Dao Realm, which is equivalent to affecting his lifespan, which is a major matter of human life.

Of course, with Zhou Fan's true energy, if he completes the third stage of Qi refining, he will gain unimaginable benefits when he steps into the Dao Realm. Even if Zhao Yazhu didn't say it clearly, it is conceivable.

"The martial arts are divided into upper, middle and lower grades. You can only choose from the top-grade exercises based on your true qi. Generally speaking, the rating of the martial arts is based on the degree of refining true qi it can provide and the concentration of martial arts. Comprehensive rating." Zhao Yazhu pondered for a while.

"Refining true qi is closely related to condensing martial arts. The higher the level of refining true qi, the stronger the martial arts. However, martial arts are not determined by refining true qi. There are countless martial arts in the world. That level of refining True Qi is definitely enough."

"So the key is what martial art do you choose?"

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