Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 241: Tianliang City

Zhou Fan thought about it, but in the end he didn't unplug the bottle to observe the medicine pill inside.

He carefully put away the vermilion porcelain bottle. If he hadn't left the Burning Valley for Tianliang City today, he would even consider finding a place nearby to bury the bottle of medicinal herbs.

In his eyes, this bottle of so-called Rank-breaking Pill is a bottle of dangerous goods.

Zhou Fan returned to the camp, had breakfast with his parents and the others, then packed his bags, said goodbye to his parents Xiaoliu and the others, and left the Burning Valley with his brother.

Any burden on a person, coupled with the fact that the old man who is full of energy is now alerting him, Zhou Fan's walking speed on the footpath is not slow, and he finally saw the yellow city wall as high as 30 feet at noon in the sun.

That is the wall of Tianliang City, the center of Tianliangli.

A city wall as high as three feet would be so high if it was placed in ancient China, that is, the wall of a border fortress. For example, the average height of the wall of the Great Wall is two feet and three feet, and the famous Yanmen Pass is exactly three feet.

It can be seen that the walls of Tianliang City are a bit high, but the height is second. The wall is unusual in that the walls are filled with hard and strange bones, and the outermost layer is the talisman bricks fused with talismans.

According to Huang Fushi and the others, the talisman wall in Tianliang City is extremely strong and can withstand powerful and strange attacks. If a strange person tries to climb the talisman wall, it will also be destroyed by the linked talismans to stimulate the talisman formation.

The expensive talisman walls on all sides are the foundation of Tianliang City, and it is the key to Tianliang City's ability to stand for hundreds of years.

As long as the central city in Tianliangli is not destroyed by monsters, Tianliangli will never be desolate.

Unfortunately, the village was destroyed, so I would try to move the poor population from the city or move in enough people from other places to build a new village, but if Tianliang City is destroyed, human beings will no longer have a real reliable base here. .

Of course, Tianliang City is not impregnable. The more popular it is, the easier it is to provoke strange prying eyes. In history, Tianliang City has encountered several crises of destroying the city.

But luckily it was resolved.

Zhou Fan looked at the mottled high wall. He was thinking that when an unknown monster like Caiyi Body appeared near Tianliang City, how should Liangcheng deal with it that day?

For Zhou Fan, there is currently no answer to this question.

Tianliang City has three city gates in the north, south, east, and west, and on the west is a low mountain. There is a small gate, but it is usually not opened.

Zhou Fan took his brother to the north gate, and under the gate, there were a dozen or so people lining up.

Under the city gate, there are people from the Tianliang City patrol team checking the identity of the people entering.

Everyone in the queue is separated by a long distance. When it is their turn, they step into the area designated by the patrol personnel and accept the inquiry.

Zhou Fan glanced at it. The six or seven patrol members in armor had cold faces, and one of them was a tall man standing with his hands behind his back, earnestly vigilant.

The inspected personnel first take out the road guide and put it on the ground to back up, and let the patrol team come over to check and verify their identities, and then put it in after confirming that there is no problem under the test of the deceitful character.

What especially caught Zhou Fan's attention was that the pavement under the city gate was covered with a layer of cyan jade, and there were also runes carved on the jade.

Zhou Fan looked slightly startled, this is a jade talisman.

Wu previously told Zhou Fan that the talismans were made of different materials, and were divided into paper talismans, leather talismans, jade talismans and other talismans.

Everyone who has passed the test of the talisman will carefully walk through the road paved by the jade talisman. After confirming that there is no problem, they will stride away.

It seems that compared to the test talisman, this jade talisman is the real line of defense to detect whether the person entering the city is abnormal.

Zhou Fan retracted his gaze, patiently queued up, and waited to enter the city.

When it was Zhou Fan's turn, the tall man glanced at Zhou Fan vigilantly, and finally landed on the thin knife and talisman bag on his waist.

This made Zhou Fan frown slightly. Before he entered the city, he had seen two or three people dressed as warriors entering the city.

After all, in this world, except for some ordinary people who have to leave the city, most of them are warriors or people who know some self-defense techniques.

The tall man took a few steps before stopping. He stood about a zhang away and asked Zhou Fan with a calm face, "Your Excellency looks very good-natured, is this your first time to Tianliang City?"

The tall man's attitude is neither humble nor arrogant. As a warrior, he is responsible for guarding the city gate. He often faces warriors. Warriors are not easy to provoke.

Zhou Fan only knew what the problem was when he heard him ask this way. He nodded and took out the road guide and put it on the ground and stepped back: "I'm from Sanqiu Village in the Burning Valley. This is my road guide."

The man guarding the city gate's expression softened slightly. What he fears most is the warriors from other places. Those warriors come to Tianliang City from a long distance. First, they can realize their strength. Second, they will come here. A small place where the bird doesn't pull **** may have done something.

No matter what he said, it would be very troublesome to let such a warrior in. Now that Zhou Fan was a local, he naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

The man walked over and picked up Lu Yin and took a closer look. After confirming that there was no problem, he asked again, "I don't know why you came to Tianliang City?"

This kind of questioning is very normal, Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Come to Yiluan Division to be a wrestler."

The man's complexion changed slightly, but it quickly returned to normal. He asked Zhou Fan if he had a test talisman. If not, Tianliang City could provide it.

Zhou Fan took out two test talismans, pasted one to his brother and the other to himself.

"You can come here." The man guarding the city gate said after confirming that there was no problem.

Zhou Fan walked over with his brother, took his own guide from the man, and stepped into the road of the jade talisman before he really stepped into Tianliang City.

"Captain Miao, come to Yiluan Division to be a warrior... This is really a warrior!" The subordinate beside the man looked at Zhou Fan's back with pitiful eyes.

A warrior who dares to be a wrestler is an absolute warrior... A warrior who will Maybe this is the last time he sees this young warrior.

Captain Miao glanced at his subordinates, and he reprimanded with a cold face: "If you dare to say such nonsense again in the future, you will be kicked out of the patrol team. Without Yiluan Silishi taking the lead to stand in front of the strange, where is your security? day?"

"Yes." The subordinate quickly lowered his head.

After passing through the city arch, everything around him suddenly became brighter.

The road paved with bluestone slabs is full of houses with blue bricks and black tiles.

Some people walked into the city with their livestock.

This is the gate of Beicheng, of course it will not be too lively, Zhou Fan continued to walk inside.

The further inwards it gets, the more lively it gets. There are many stalls and shops selling various things on both sides of the road, and occasionally people will stop and talk.

Zhou Fan watched all this curiously. He gradually lost his way. He could only find someone to ask where the Yiluan Sifu was. After a while, he took his brother to Tianliang Street.

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