Chapter 74

A blink of an eye.

Another week has passed.

The strange scout unit has been fully trained.

Uniformly equipped with micro-weird arrays.

Then they went to various places separately and began to conduct detailed investigations into various complex and strange places. at the same time.

All major military regions responded positively.

Except for some military dogs whose positions are special and cannot be moved.

The others were all sent to the Weird Research Institute as quickly as possible.

Along with the military dogs, there were many other miscellaneous animals.

There are animals such as lions and tigers, and birds such as eagles and falcons.

The five hundred priests and conspirators were specially arranged to take care of these military dogs and animals.

This will gradually establish a solid emotional link and lay the foundation for the next step!.

The construction plan of the Monster Legion is moving forward in an orderly manner.

In the laboratory.

Zhou Zixuan stood in front of Gu Yuan and spoke respectfully to report

"Report to the dean!"

"According to your order, night watchmen everywhere have secretly conducted random sampling surveys of the people!"

"According to the survey results"

"All the people of the Dragon Kingdom already have a strong and strange affinity in their bodies!"

"Among them, 11.325% of the people have reached the highest level of weird affinity!"

"At the same time, we established a special mathematical model based on the data to calculate"

"It is expected that in another half month, the strange affinity of other people will gradually reach its peak!"

Gu Yuan nodded.

Things are progressing very smoothly.

Both the Wei Crystal and the Yu Wei Health Fist have fully exerted their effects!

As long as the Weird Affinity of all Dragon Kingdom people reaches its peak level.

Then, The prerequisites for the national conspiracy plan have truly matured!

"What about the weird materials?"

"How are the preparations going?"

Zhou Zixuan opened her briefcase and handed a thick stack of documents to Gu Yuan.

"Dean, during this time, the night watchmen have been working hard and fulfilling their duties, and have dealt with a large number of strange incidents!"

"In addition, Dean, you have improved the method of splitting weird materials for the third time, improving the efficiency of obtaining weird materials."

"In this way, a large amount of strange materials have been accumulated!"

"If all are enabled, implant surgeries can be performed on all people!"

Gu Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

His eyes quickly swept over the documents.

Then he shook his head slightly.

"not enough"

"There are other things to consider besides implant surgery"

"For example, the suppression of strange resurgence, the strengthening of strange powers, and the popularization of some basic curse props."393

"These things also require sufficient weird resources to support them!"

"Once the National Trick Control Plan is launched, our Dragon Kingdom will have a total of 1.4 billion Trick Controllers!"

"Even if a trickster does not require many resources, as long as it is multiplied by the number 1.4 billion, it will become extremely terrifying!"

"The amount of strange materials consumed every day is an extremely exaggerated astronomical figure!"

Zhou Zixuan's face froze.

Her eyes couldn't help but become serious.

As Gu Yuan's secretary, she is also a smart person.

Of course she understands that Gu Yuan's worries are definitely not unfounded! The strange resource problem must be solved! And we must find a way to solve it!

As soon as possible!

She pondered for a moment and whispered.

"Then I should supervise the night watchmen and let them deal with as many strange incidents as possible?"

Gu Yuan shook his head.

"The night watchmen have worked very hard"

"It would be too difficult to make up for such a huge material gap just by hunting weirdos."

"There must be a new way to obtain strange materials!"


Gu Yuan's eyes moved slightly.

There was a bright light flashing in my mind!

"Maybe we can try to breed weirdness ourselves!"

"Just like farmers farming and herdsmen grazing, an industrial chain with sustainable output is formed!"

Zhou Zixuan was shocked.

In her beautiful eyes, she couldn't help but reveal a bit of disbelief and shock!

She looked at Gu Yuan blankly.

She couldn't believe her ears!

"Dean, you......What you just said is......Breeding weirdness?"

When she said those four words,

Zhou Zixuan's voice trembled a little.

It seemed as if she was telling some taboo words!

This was something she couldn't even think of!

She really wanted to rush forward. , hold down Gu Yuan, and open Gu Yuan's Tianling Cap.

See what kind of things are in the head of his dean!

Gu Yuan affirmed again

, as if he was unaware of what he said. , how shocking and earth-shattering it is!

"Yes, it's weird."

The corners of Zhou Zixuan's mouth twitched.

She felt as if her tongue was tied up.

For a while, she couldn't speak a fluent word at all.

After a long time, she finally held back a sentence.

"But, is this possible?"

"That's a weird creature!!!"

"Until now, we have not figured out how the strange era came (ahce)"

"Can those weird creatures really be bred by us?"

"Isn't this a little too whimsical?"

Gu Yuan smiled calmly.

"Scientists just have to be whimsical"

"Although we haven’t figured out the origin of these strange creatures"

"But don’t forget, we’ve discovered two special places."

Zhou Zixuan's eyes flashed and she answered subconsciously.

"The treacherous forest!"

"Strange soil!"

Gu Yuan nodded.

"That’s right!"

"It's the treacherous forest and treacherous soil!"

"Although these two places are completely different, they are both breeding strange creatures in some special way!"

"Moreover, through the super cursed props, we have successfully detected some of the same strange fluctuations"

"Theoretically, if we can decipher the weird laws hidden in them and copy them, then we can completely achieve the artificial birth of weirdness!"

Zhou Zixuan was breathing rapidly.

She was completely shocked! It was so amazing!

So terrifying!

Sometimes, she really felt as if Gu Yuan was not a human being at all!

Can a mortal have such a heart and courage?

From the very beginning of creating the Monster Controller, to the creation of the Cursed Items, to the later creation of the Monsters, and then to the evolution of the Dragon Kingdom group, none of these things are earth-shattering, but they seem to be slightly inferior compared to what Gu Yuan is thinking now! A chip!

Artificial breeding is weird!

But she has to admit that

Gu Yuan really has that kind of magical personality.

Even things that seem impossible to outsiders can be done by him. A ray of hope has opened up!

If artificial cultivation of weirdness can really be achieved, the entire weird era will undergo earth-shaking changes!

"Don't be stunned!"

"Get ready to get to work!"

Gu Yuan raised his eyes slightly.

In his eyes, an extremely sharp light flashed past!

Zhou Zixuan took a deep breath.

Her body suddenly tensed

"Dean, tell me what you want me to do!"

Gu Yuan took out his notebook and quickly wrote down a series of lists.

"Go prepare something!"

Zhou Zixuan's work efficiency is very high.

She quickly prepared everything she needed.

Including strange trees, strange soil, and a series of strange puzzles!

Gu Yuan sat in front of the experimental table and began to use his god-level wisdom talent at full capacity. , perform extremely complex calculations and analysis.

The time acceleration array is quietly turned on, increasing the time flow around Gu Yuan.

Of course, only three days have passed in the outside world.

"There is a way!"

Gu Yuan suddenly raised his hand.

The problem he wanted to study this time was too profound!

It directly involved some of the most essential weird laws!

It is extremely difficult to deduce! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

But a god-level wisdom talent is a god-level wisdom talent after all.

After countless calculations, she came up with a preliminary plan!

Zhou Zixuan hurriedly came up with the specific thinking and deduction process, and she had no choice. I can’t help.

I can only do my best at the implementation level!

"The first step is to mix the original strange earth and strange blood in a specific ratio!"

"The second step is to use the strange tree as fuel to light the strange fire and burn the mixture!"

"The third step is to collect the remaining ash from the strange tree and continue mixing!"


"Step 35: Add some weird ashes!"


"The final step is to add a tear from a strange creature!"

Gu Yuan quickly explained the results he had deduced.

There were many steps, all of which were meticulous and extremely complicated!

Zhou Zixuan did not complain at all and carried out the results meticulously.

Soon, the finished product appeared!

It was a jar of culture medium, green and shiny. Bubbles would bubble up from time to time, and you could vaguely see an extremely sinister grimace floating in the liquid!

"Dean, is this successful?"

Zhou Zixuan asked with some expectation.

Gu Yuan's eyes were solemn.

"This is the first solution!"

"There must be many shortcomings!"

"The specific effect requires rigorous experiments!"

The culture fluid was introduced into a giant biological culture tank that was as tall as one person.

Then a strange puzzle piece was put in.

It was part of the skin of a strange creature.

The two of them stayed here, handling work while waiting silently.

It was enough. A full day has passed, and the strange puzzle pieces in the culture fluid have not changed at all!

"It looks like it failed......"

Zhou Zixuan sighed softly. really!

Still wishful thinking.

The strange rules are too unpredictable!

Artificial breeding is weird and involves some kind of hidden taboo!

No one can do it!

She turned her head away, wanting to comfort Gu Yuan.

But Gu Yuan's expression was as calm as ever.

His mind is as solid as iron.

A mere failed experiment could not shake his mind. not to mention.

Whether the experiment failed or not is hard to say!

"The gestation of life is a very long and difficult process!"

"Humans need ten months to conceive, and so does Weird!"

"Just like the strange soil, in the uppermost places, the strange puzzle pieces have not grown at all, and the complete strange creatures cannot appear until thirty meters below!"

"The timeline for our observation experiments needs to be lengthened!"

Gu Yuan analyzed calmly.

Zhou Zixuan frowned slightly and said with some worry

"However, we don't have much time."

Gu Yuan turned his head and looked at the time accelerating array around him.

He was thoughtful.

"The level of the gong is too low, and the time ability it possesses is not strong enough."

"The strange materials separated from his body can accelerate time ten times. This is already the limit and cannot be mentioned again!"


"One time array is not enough, what if there are several?"

"If we could add another time acceleration array in addition to the first time acceleration array and superimpose the matryoshka dolls, wouldn't it be possible to achieve a hundred times acceleration of time?"

A bold idea popped into Gu Yuan's mind.

After thinking about it carefully for a while, he believed that this idea is completely feasible!

It just needs to make corresponding changes to both the internal and external time accelerating arrays.

He has always been A character with strong execution ability.

After coming up with the idea, he immediately started working.

The double-nested time acceleration array was constructed and placed in the core biological culture tank to enjoy a hundred times the time. Accelerate!

However, this is the limit.

Due to the limitations of the weird materials, it is impossible to achieve triple nesting.

Zhou Zixuan stood by and was completely stunned!

This is Gu Yuan

's extremely tight and complicated weird array. It's just a toy in your hand!

It can be adjusted and changed at will.

Who would have thought that the two strange arrays can be combined to form a double nested structure? Time passes in a matter of seconds.

Twelve hours passed.

One thousand two hundred hours passed in the biological culture tank!

That is, a full fifty days!

Suddenly, a piece of flesh and blood filled the area that had been silent.!

This part of flesh and blood expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, frantically absorbing the green culture fluid!

As the culture fluid gradually disappeared, the flesh and blood there completely expanded into a strange human shape!

There is a trace of emotionless malice in his eyes!

The spiritual vision crystal ball placed aside shines with a dazzling white light, with a dangerous energy level of 9!


Zhou Zixuan's eyes widened, her breathing quickened, and she couldn't wait to let out a low cry of surprise!

Although the intensity of this strange creature's magic power was pitifully low.

It was only in single digits.

It was not even as good as a newborn human trickster!

But There is no doubt about it.

He is indeed a strange creature!

The sight before him can only prove one thing! Gu Yuan really went against the will of heaven and did something so forbidden as a creator!

An ordinary weird puzzle piece grew into a complete weird creature in his culture fluid!

This was an epoch-making moment! It was even more thrilling than Gu Yuan's previous efforts to create a monster!

I was also extremely excited.

He clenched his fists silently, and a bright light burst out in his eyes.

He immediately began to settle accounts.

"The production of culture solution requires the consumption of part of the strange soil and part of the strange tree!"

"A lot of weird materials still need to be consumed!"

"Roughly equivalent to one sixth of a weird one!"

"This is the cost!"

"And a piece of culture fluid, after about fifty days, can transform a weird puzzle piece into a complete weird creature!"

"This is equivalent to making a net profit of five sixths of the strange creatures' supplies!"

Gu Yuan whispered to himself.

His eyes were filled with indescribable light!

What is this called?

This is called blood profit!

And this is not the limit!

After this experiment, he has some brand-new Insight!

The culture solution can be improved again!

In this way, the time required to cultivate a strange creature from scratch will naturally be shortened, and the quality of the strange creatures cultivated will be relatively high! High!

For a moment, he seemed to see a golden road in front of him.

As long as he followed this road

, there would be no shortage of low-level weird materials from now on. Got it!

��Even if there are 1.4 billion people, all the people can be completely satisfied!.

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