Chapter 3


End of the meeting.

The heads of various departments left the venue with mixed emotions.

The approval document, stamped with the seal of the cabinet, was issued immediately.

Relevant departments in the imperial capital urgently vacated an area.

Use it as a temporary residence for the Weird Research Institute.

The military mobilized an entire division of troops to deploy defenses around the institute.

This place has completely become a military restricted area.

Not even a fly can fly in. at the same time.

Various departments have transferred a number of elite key personnel.

Report to the Weird Research Institute.

In just two hours.

The entire skeleton of the Weird Research Institute has been completely set up.

This is the amazing mobilization efficiency of the Dragon Kingdom.

And at this moment.

Inside the institute.

A cute woman with a small and exquisite figure who looked like the little lolita next door was standing respectfully in front of Gu Yuan.

Her name is Zhou Zixuan.

Originally a cabinet clerk.

Even though she looks a little childish.

But he is very capable of doing things.

He is a first-class elite!

Now, she is Gu Yuan's personal secretary.

The cabinet transferred her over, hoping that she could assist Gu Yuan in realizing the institute's mission as quickly as possible!

"Dean Gu, now the institute has basically taken shape."

"What are your next steps? Zhou

Zixuan asked respectfully.

After thinking briefly,

Gu Yuan directly issued the order.

"Pull out the files of all the weird incidents at home and abroad!"

He needs to understand the current strange development situation in detail to find a breakthrough point for research!


Zhou Zixuan agreed.

Then she hurriedly left.

Not long after, she came back holding a large pile of documents.

"Dean Gu!"

"The first strange incident that can be confirmed so far occurred three months ago in Tomishima City in my childhood."

"The five thousand workers who participated in the discharge of nuclear wastewater all died suddenly overnight, and their eyes were missing!"

"We call it a nuclear wastewater incident!"

"Since that incident, there have been a total of 728 confirmed weird incidents around the world!"

"Among them, there were a total of forty-six strange incidents in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"The military is currently grading the impact of strange events accordingly!"

"From level one to level five, the higher it is, the greater the scope of influence and the more people it affects!"

Gu Yuan took the document and began to flip through it quickly.

【black umbrella incident】

【Impact level: Level 3!】

【Location: Outer suburbs of Daxin City】

【Event description: A woman holding a black umbrella appeared outside the suburbs. With it as the center of the circle, there was a downpour within a radius of 300 meters.

All the people who entered the rain disappeared, and their lives and deaths were unknown!】...

【Golden Buddha incident】

【Impact level: Level 3!】

【Location: Jinguang Temple, Dachen City】

【Description of the event: All the monks died. Before their death, they all imitated the posture of Buddha statues, holding flowers and smiling.

Anyone who touches his body appears to be in the same dead state.

The number of victims has reached more than 70!】......

【Qinghe shopping mall incident】

【Degree of impact: Level 2!】

【Location: Qinghe Shopping Mall, Dajin City】

【Event description:......】......

A thick stack of files.

Gu Yuan finished reading it within five minutes.

All the content is like a brand, deeply engraved in Gu Yuan's mind!

Every detail is extremely clear!

This is the terrifying memory brought by the god-level wisdom talent!

"The situation is really complicated!"

"There are all kinds of strange events, and there is no interoperability!"

"However, the circumstances of this incident are different!"

Gu Yuan's eyes moved slightly.

He focused on one of the files.

【Bloody barber shop incident!】

【Impact level: Level 1!】

【Location: Yidong Beauty Salon, Daming City!】

【Event description: There is a weird barber in the store. Every customer who enters the store will be forced to shave off all their hair.

After shaving the hair, the barber will immediately cut off the customer's head!

Currently, there are a total of seventeen customers who entered the barber shop, and only three survived!

The barber shop has been classified as a restricted area and no one is allowed to enter!】

"Dean Gu? Did you find something?"

Zhou Zixuan asked curiously.

Gu Yuan smiled lightly.

He tapped his finger lightly on the file.

"Didn't you notice?"

"Other strange incidents, the people involved are either dead or missing"

"Only in this incident, there were three survivors!"

"For now, there is an insurmountable gap between humans and weirdness!"

"In the face of weirdness, human beings are like fish on the chopping board, left to be slaughtered!"

"Why could these three people survive this strange attack?"

Zhou Zixuan couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

With Gu Yuan's prompting, she also realized something.

"Dean Gu, what do you mean?"

Gu Yuan nodded.

"Yes, if you find the commonalities among these three people, you may be able to find a way to survive in the face of weirdness."

"Then start from scratch and explore more weird features!"

"If you want to do research, this is the best place to start!"

As he spoke,

Gu Yuan's eyes suddenly turned cold.

He snorted coldly and said indifferently.

"Immediately retrieve all the information on these three survivors!"

"In addition, contact the military and send special personnel to send these three survivors to the research institute as quickly as possible!"

Zhou Zixuan's face also became serious.

She nodded seriously.

"Don't worry, Dean, I'll make arrangements right away!"

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