Chapter 11


Under Gu Yuan's arrangement.

Fifty doctors were called in.

Its majors include psychiatry, psychology, neurology, brain, hematology, cardiology, rehabilitation and other fields.

Each one of them is the top group in Dragon Kingdom!

There are even five academicians of Longguo Medical Academy among them!

These top doctors come together here.

All for the same goal!

Do everything possible to awaken Zhang Yonggui's consciousness and save his life! at the same time.

Gu Yuan applied for the most advanced ICU equipment in the country.

Plenty of medicine was brought in.

A series of psychostimulant drugs including epinephrine, amphetamine, sympathomimetic amines, ephedrine, xanthine, steroids, etc. were all continuously injected into Zhang Yonggui's body at the maximum dose! in addition.

The military urgently contacted Zhang Yonggui's parents, wife and children.

Have them all record relevant audio and video.

Played in a loop in Zhang Yonggui's ears.

I want to use this to influence Zhang Yonggui’s consciousness!

It can be said that all means are exhausted!

"This is all I can do."

Gu Yuan murmured to himself in a low voice.

He stood beside the hospital bed, silently observing Zhang Yonggui's various reactions.

From time to time, he picked up his pen and recorded the most critical points.

At this moment, Zhang Yonggui was not only a patient, but also a patient. An extremely precious research material.

Time passed in the blink of an eye.

One day later, Gu Yuan stood in front of the hospital bed, observing Zhang Yonggui for twenty-four hours.

One of the effects of his talent!

Gu Yuan's brain has been fully developed.

His energy has reached an extremely exaggerated level and he doesn't need to rest at all!


Gu Yuan's eyes moved slightly. He stared at Zhang Yonggui!

He noticed keenly.

Zhang Yonggui's body reaction seemed to be slightly different from before!

The next moment, under Gu Yuan's gaze.

Zhang Yonggui He opened his eyes slowly! Success!

Zhang Yonggui came back to life! This is a milestone step that will be of immeasurable reference value for future weird research!


Zhang Yonggui looked at Gu Yuan, a little surprised.

Gu Yuan smiled calmly.

"Don't worry, just lie down."

He waved his hand and signaled other doctors to come forward and conduct a further detailed examination of Zhang Yonggui's physical condition.

Soon, the examination was over.

A medical doctor of neurology stood there blankly. He kept shaking his head.

His eyes were full of shock


"It’s incredible!"

"This is simply a medical miracle, which has completely overturned the old medical system!"

He looked at Gu Yuan and stuttered a little when he spoke.

"Dean Gu, this is outrageous!"

"From a medical point of view, Zhang Yonggui's left arm is completely necrotic!"

"But now I can move freely!"

"Moreover, it is so strange that a human being would have irremovable rust on his arms!"

"If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn’t have believed it!"

Gu Yuan nodded. He understood in his heart.

He somewhat understood the current situation!

"After being strangely contaminated, Zhang Yonggui's body underwent a very strange transformation!"

"Although he is not dead"

"But he is no longer a human being in the pure sense!"

"His left arm, to some extent, showed strange features!"

"Whether this change is good or bad is not yet known."

After a brief thought.

He looked at Zhang Yonggui

"what do you think?"

Zhang Yonggui was a little confused.

"Chief, my current situation is very contradictory!"

"I feel so weak, but at the same time, I feel so strong!"

As he said that, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the railing of the hospital bed.

With a sudden movement

, the railing was twisted into a twist!

The strength in his left arm reached a terrifying level!

Gu Yuan's eyes moved slightly.

There was a vast sea of thoughts in his mind!

He was analyzing the current situation faster than a supercomputer! He was silent for a moment and took out a gold bar.

Sent to Zhang Yonggui

"Chief, what do you mean?"

Zhang Yonggui was a little confused.

Gu Yuan said in a deep voice.

"You pinch this gold bar and see if it can be deformed."

Zhang Yonggui did as he said.

But something strange happened! Even if he used all the strength of his left arm, he could not leave any trace on this gold bar!

This is so strange!

You know.

Gold is actually It is a very soft thing.

In ancient times, merchants used their teeth to identify the authenticity of gold ingots.

Ordinary people could easily leave traces on the surface of gold, but Zhang Yonggui's left arm could not break the steel railing. It causes damage to gold!

The contrast between before and after is so great that people can’t believe their eyes!

"Dean, why is this? Zhou

Zixuan spoke in surprise.

Zhang Yonggui also looked at Gu Yuan, his eyes full of doubts.

Gu Yuan coughed lightly and spoke slowly.

"My judgment is this"

"After being scratched by the barber's scissors, Zhang Yonggui suffered a strange contamination!"

"Theoretically speaking, this situation is fatal!"

"But because Zhang Yonggui's own will to survive is very strong, coupled with the assistance of various means, Zhang Yonggui survived this dead situation!"

"Zhang Yonggui was not killed by the strange pollution, but was a blessing in disguise!"

"Master this strange pollution!"

"That’s those weird rusts!"

Hearing this, the whole audience was shocked!

Zhou Zixuan, Zhang Yonggui, the staff of the institute, and the top doctors who were transferred urgently all stayed there!

They were frightened by Gu Yuan's bold guess.! Is something so weird and evil really something that humans can control?

Gu Yuan’s expression remained unchanged.

"Therefore, to a certain extent, Zhang Yonggui's arm has become weird!"

"He possesses terrifying destructive power from the weird, and can even break steel!"

"But at the same time, due to the strange iron law, gold can shield the influence of strange forces."

"So Zhang Yonggui cannot cause any damage to the gold bars!"

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath. They all looked at Gu Yuan with a little more awe!

Is that so? Fortunately

, there was Gu Yuan's explanation.

Otherwise, they might have thought about it all their lives. I don’t understand the reason!

He is indeed the director of the Weird Research Institute appointed by the great elder!

This intelligence is really terrifying!

"Then, chief......"

Zhang Yonggui gritted his teeth slightly.

He asked with some hesitation

"I now......What on earth is it?"

"Am I human, or am I......"

"So damn weird?"

The whole place fell silent immediately.

Everyone looked at Gu Yuan.

Zhang Yonggui's question was very sharp! It went straight to the essence!


Who is Zhang Yonggui now?

Regarding this question,

Gu Yuan has obviously thought about it for a long time. Yes.

He smiled faintly with a bright light in his eyes.

"You are the one who has mastered the weirdness of human beings!"

"It seems to me that you are......"

His voice paused slightly.

The tone of voice suddenly rose.

Every word, every word, speaks loudly!

"The trickster!"

"And, if nothing else, he is the world’s first trickster!"

Making such a guess.

Gu Yuan is naturally well-founded.

First of all, even with the power of the state machine, no similar cases have been heard of.

Secondly, judging from Zhang Yonggui's situation.

He wants to become a trickster.

Accept it.

Weird pollution, and relying on willpower, is the only way to maintain human consciousness!

Although the strange events are getting more and more intense, the number of people involved has not been revealed yet.

Those who come into contact with the strange are basically dead.

Zhang Yonggui's existence is also due to a series of coincidences, which is a unique exception!

But this situation will not last long as the influence of the strange incident continues to expand.

More and more people will see the weirdness in the daytime.

When the base expands to a certain extent, then there will definitely be new weirdo masters!

(PS: This angle is a special angle for the weird article.

Is it good for everyone? The author is also very nervous if he likes this genre.

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