Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 349: I kill someone, she sets fire, Huang Yanyan becomes suspicious of No. 67’s identity

"Do you mean...revolution?" Hong

In the late autumn afternoon, the forest wind in the mountains carries the warm sun through the window, illuminating every detail of the interior.

Xia blinked her golden eyes and thought about Li Feng's words.

The people overthrew the crown prince's rule, fought for their own rights, and more importantly, when people took up arms, despair and fear disappeared.

Instead, there is hope and fearlessness, as well as the determination to fight hard.

As for the nightmare, he no longer had anything to feed on, and his strength could only decrease sharply.

Shia, who wanted to understand the relationship, smiled sweetly:

"I like this idea." Hong

She walked behind the desk, sat on Li Feng's lap, and then said slyly while thinking:

"To overthrow the crown prince's rule requires a lot of things, money, troops, weapons, support from major forces, influence of public opinion, and most importantly, extraordinary power...

The crown prince controls the royal elite army, which is equipped with the most advanced weapons and extraordinary people provided with a large number of resources.

They are all descendants of established nobles, or have inextricably linked interests with them. This time the crown prince raised the least tax on them. He probably still wants to use this army to teach those who are disobedient.

Although Nightmare is powerful, he also needs people to do things for him.

And I think what we should do is to unite the governors of the islands, the wealthy new capitalists, the major forces with extraordinary control, and the vast number of workers and farmers.

The governors of each island can provide troops, capitalist factory owners can provide money, big forces can provide extraordinary power, and workers and farmers will also join the struggle. They will be affected by public opinion, but they are also the best objects to spread public opinion. Hong

By mobilizing all these people, the crown prince, or nightmare, and his elite royal army will not have anything to worry about. "

Xia analyzed everything in a coherent manner, and Li Feng looked at the kitten on his lap. This may be why he likes Xia.

When she wants to kill someone, she will have no questions and no need to explain. She will only help you set a fire and then dig a hole to bury the body.

When she wanted to launch a revolution to oppose the royal dictatorship and change the world, she would not ask any more questions, and would only clearly plan various details with herself.

In short, the three views are the same and they are in perfect harmony.

Listening to Xia's analysis, Li Feng smiled and touched her head.

Xia didn't know what Li Feng was thinking. She blinked her eyes guiltily and said in a low voice: "Hong

"Of course, if necessary, I will also pay some money~"

Li Feng: ...She was actually guilty of this. It is really not easy to make the dragon spit out gold.

"Oh no! I will provide a lot of money and an army."

Shia rolled her shining eyes, suddenly changed her mind, and became excited and excited:

"This is my investment. After the royal family is overthrown, I will share the fruits of victory. Moreover, Storm Island will never pay taxes."

Li Feng:......

Good guy, the way to make the dragon spit out gold is to make her earn more gold. Hong

In the afternoon, Xia, who had already made up her mind with Li Feng, went to summon Hazan and her trusted staff.

Li Feng went to find Huang Yanyan.

This morning's tax increase meeting, Huang Yanyan had already received the details of the meeting through her father's friends and other channels.

Holding a bundle of letters she had just received, Huang Yanyan felt mixed.

"What do you think?"

Li Feng asked Huang Yanyan, he was referring to the crown prince's tax increase. Hong

Huang Yanyan sighed and replied worriedly:

"Isn't there a saying in our world that the development and changes of things are caused by contradictory movements, and everything has two sides?

And there are too many examples in the history of our world. Whenever oppression is severe and people cannot breathe, they will overthrow their oppressors.

Now, the nightmare oppresses the people and plunges them into despair and fear, but we all know that when workers pick up hammers and farmers pick up sickles and use weapons to fight for their rights and interests, their emotions will turn to the other side—— Hope and futility, they will escape the effects of the nightmare.

In this way, the identity of the crown prince is no longer important, and without despair and fear for nightmares to feed, his abilities will be greatly weakened.

By then, we will be able to find a way to kill him, and because people in the revolution are no longer desperate and fearful, and the influence of nightmares has disappeared, countless people will not be buried with him when he dies. "

Huang Yanyan's thoughts were completely the same as Li Feng's. After all, they came from the same world and had the same knowledge and life experience. Hong

But when saying these words, Huang Yanyan was obviously not as excited as Xia to change the world. She was much more anxious. She was an official player and had to obey the orders of the institute after all.

Li Feng understood the concerns brought about by her identity and didn't say anything. Huang Yanyan took out a letter and handed it to Li Feng, gesturing for him to open it and read it.

Li Feng didn't think much. He took the letter and saw that the envelope was very tight, so he habitually put the envelope upright and knocked it on the table, letting the letter paper inside slide to the bottom, and then tore off the entire seal.

Because the letter paper inside has already moved to the other side due to gravity, even if you tear off one side of the envelope, the letter paper inside will not be damaged.

Li Feng was used to opening letters like this, which was convenient and efficient, but Huang Yanyan's eyes stagnated for a long time when she saw him opening letters.

The player society has convenient communication methods. Generally speaking, paper letters have withdrawn from people's lives.

But some time ago, when returning to the player world, Huang Yanyan remembered that she had given Li Feng a letter. Hong

That letter was for Li Feng to send to the official player in charge of this aspect to ask for help when he needed help.

Huang Yanyan remembered very clearly that Li Feng got the letter and asked if he could open it. Then he opened the letter in the same way as before, the same way he opened letter No. 67.

Number 67 is Li Feng? Li Feng is No. 67?

But... how is this possible? Huang Yanyan was making speculations in her heart.

Is it a coincidence?

It's just that we are both players, it's just a way of opening the letter...

But... isn't the characteristic of opening letters a bit too obvious... Hong

Huang Yanyan was speechless for a moment, many memories and clues came out, but Li Feng just looked at the letter.

Now, like Eminem, he doesn't always use his telepathic ability when it's not necessary, so he doesn't notice the turmoil in Huang Yanyan's heart.

"It seems that it's not just us, there are many people who oppose the crown prince."

Li Feng read the letter and said, this letter was sent by Mr. Warner's friend, a very wealthy businessman.

He is wooing some forces and planning to oppose the crown prince's activities, but unlike the revolution that overthrew the royal family, he just hopes to change a crown prince and support the younger son of the old kingdom who is easier to control.

"Uh, well...but, but everyone has different ideas."

Huang Yanyan was busy with other things in her heart. She came back to her senses and replied hesitantly. Hong

It is by no means an easy task to bring people from different classes together and get them to change their stereotypes that have lasted for thousands of years and dare to fight for their rights.

Li Feng understood the difficulty, so he said:

"But we can guide them. Hasn't the institute been doing this work?"

Indeed, for a long time, organizing trade unions to unite farmers and finding ways to become people in key positions are what the official players in charge of secular affairs of the institute have been working hard to do.

Huang Yanyan nodded blankly. Her mind was still on whether No. 67 might be Li Feng.

Li Feng thought the topic was too heavy and Huang Yanyan was too entangled, so he smiled easily and said:

"Someone just said to me, 'I don't care if he is a crown prince or a lava lord, as long as he dares to raise taxes, I will kill him.' Hong

In fact, the essential truth is very simple, and it is easy for most people to agree. Since someone refuses to let me live, then I have to let him die first. "

//After taking a look, the foreshadowing of the last letter opening was in Chapter 306.


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