Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 301 The Purpose of the Seven Gods

"Ganlang, that's the name of the player behind the scenes." Wrinkle

Li Feng remembered the name he heard when he smuggled into Xinxing last time, and he explained:

“I overheard Nova players talking about this guy.

I heard that Greedy Wolf has fused his godhead to 800 points, and that this person was also responsible for the disaster in Xinxing. "

"Hmm - so that's it, 800 points, it looks pretty powerful."

Yinyue nodded. Although she said this, her tone was light and unconcerned, and she even looked pleased to see someone with great talent come out of this generation.

Li Feng felt a little emotional when he saw this. After all, it was the difference in strength and level.

Thinking back to a few days ago, Li Feng was very concerned when he first heard about Greedy Wolf's level and what Destruction Xinxing had done. wrinkle

But looking at Yinyue now, she is a level four player. Even if she has been trapped for many, many years and her strength is not at its peak, it is obvious that Greedy Wolf cannot threaten her.

The blue on his head was like washing, and the water under his feet was as thin as a mirror. Yin Yue's attitude and strength made Li Feng feel relieved about Tanlang's threat, and he returned to business.

"Why did you plot against me before?"

Not wanting to beat around the bush, Li Feng got straight to the point.

"Plan? When did it happen?"

"That's what I'm thinking about right now."

Knowing that Yin Yue had his mind, Li Feng pointed out bluntly that he was referring to the bottle of Moon Shadow Potion that he got while fishing on Moonlight Island on the first day of crossing the Endless Sea. wrinkle

Li Feng didn't understand at first. He only thought that the Moon Shadow Potion was a relic that required a huge price.

But after a series of events later, he learned that the Moon Shadow Potion was the goddess of hunting, the means by which Silver Moon controlled mortals.

Li Feng wanted to find out about the price of Moon Shadow Potion and Faranir's notes.


Speaking of this, Yinyue smiled and confessed:

"I think you also know that, although in recent years, most of the Seven Gods have been trapped with the Lava Lord, checking and balancing each other.

But our fundamental purpose has not changed. We hope that the Endless Sea will escape the control of the Creator God. wrinkle

So Eminem... Oh, by the way, did you know that Eminem is the god of death? "


Li Feng was stunned for a moment, thinking back to what happened before.

I finally understood why Eminem had such a great influence on the old king and the crown prince. It turned out that he himself was not simple.

For a level four player, coupled with the ability of the Soul Eater, it is not easy to control a few mortals.

Thinking again of the title that Eminem had planned for him and the position of governor that he had planned for Xia, Li Feng understood clearly:

"I know now." Wrinkle

Yinyue nodded and continued what she just said:

“So every time a group of players comes to the Endless Sea, Eminem will collect the souls that have been replaced by the players.

This is partly because of Eminem's own character choices. "

Speaking of the gentle and stubborn Eminem, Yinyue smiled:

"But that's not the point. The point is that he collects the souls replaced by players, which is equivalent to knowing who has become a player.

Therefore, over the years, no matter how many worlds are related to the Endless Sea, and how many players appear, Eminem knows them all.

Of course, this includes you. wrinkle

When you first arrived in the Endless Sea, you were floating alone on the sea. Logically speaking, it started off badly, but Eminem 'saw' you fishing and found your talent very interesting.

But he didn't disturb you, he only told us about it in the chat channel.

Then by coincidence, you landed on Moonlight Island, which is my island, and my clone once hid a bottle of Moon Shadow Potion there.

You don’t blame me if you choose to fish Moonlight Island later on, but I also admit that Faranir’s notes are the price I specified. "

After speaking, Silver Moon, the goddess of hunting, spread her hands, and she didn't hide it.

"All right."

Li Feng pondered for a moment: Wrinkle

"Then why Faranir's notes?"

Li Feng had spent a lot of time on this notebook, and now he wanted to figure it out.

"Because...the mermaid clan."

Yinyue said as she glanced at Xue Yu who was hiding behind Li Feng. She had been listening carefully to the conversation between the two just now.

Now that she heard that it was related to her own tribe, Xue Yu asked in confusion:


"Faranir is a player from another world. He has a very advantageous player talent, and he is clear-minded and decisive."

Silver Moon answered while looking back at Li Feng. Many times, in her long memory, she would feel that Li Feng and Faranir were similar in some aspects.

Thinking about the past, Yinyue continued to say to the two of them:

"But he is good at everything. Except for being too bohemian, after more than ten years of playing as a player, his beauty can be found everywhere in the Endless Sea.

Humans, elves, trolls, mermaids, dragons, cat demons, demons, descendants of giants...

Who said that, as long as there is a female race, Faranir has provoked them all. "

Li Feng:......

"Of course, the one that Faranir will never forget the most is the mermaid with the slippery tail." Wrinkle.

Yin Yue said and winked at Xue Yu:

"Just like the contemporary mermaid clan leader - Sara."

Xue Yu's eyes widened when she heard the top gossip in the clan. She was really surprised. It turned out that the stable and kind clan leader who always controlled the overall situation still had such a past.

"Well, that's a bit far to say."

Silver Moon continues:

"A long time ago, Ammu found out something. He learned that there were records about the creation of the Endless Sea in the mermaid tribe.

This record is very likely to help us free the Endless Sea from the control of the Creator God. wrinkle

Of course, you also know that the hatred between the Seven Gods and the mermaids makes it impossible for us to obtain the creation record directly from the mermaids.

But Faranir and Sara were very close, and Faranir left another note.

So we just speculated whether Faranir would leave anything in the notes, after all..."

Yin Yue stopped here for a moment and sighed long before continuing:

"Faraniel is a player, and he's smart.

Although when Eminem had a showdown with him, his gamer world had been destroyed, he was disheartened by the gamer path, and he refused to join us.

He said he found the true meaning of life, he wanted to go home, and he wanted to raise his grandson Gad, but I think...wrinkle

The ruined player world may make Faranir empathize with our actions.

The rise and fall of the world, the emergence of players, the invasion of players, the disaster of failure of progress, these are all arranged by the Creator God.

The God of Creation is high above. He may really be a god, or he may be a supercomputer with unimaginable computing power.

He has a far-sighted vision, He has an extremely grand overall view, and He can calculate how to make the starry sky above our heads better and how to promote a better future.

For a better future, He will do whatever it takes, so some people in this world are the price of being given up, but you two, who deserves to die?

His wonderful future falls upon us, and it may be too much for us to bear. "

Yin Yue's tone was calm, and the endless time had erased her indignation and hysteria, but Li Feng could see that Yin Yue was much more helpless than the relaxed and indifferent mood just now. wrinkle

After a long pause, Yinyue looked at Xue Yu, whose faith was shocked and whose mood was complicated, and said softly in a conciliatory tone:

"Actually, we Seven Gods don't want to accuse the Creator God. He is at a different level from us. He has his plans, but we also have to live, so..."

Yinyue looked back at Li Feng and continued to say to him:

"So, if Faranir can understand us, and with his intelligence, he really comes into contact with useful information, then where will he record it?"

"That's why you want that notebook."

Li Feng concluded.

At the same time, he recalled that in Jinhu Town, after Mrs. Alvin was resurrected, he finally got the note. wrinkle

At that time, a breeze blew, the page was turned, and the price of the Moon Shadow Potion disappeared. Silver Moon must have read the notes at that time.

"Then did you find what you needed."

Li Feng asked uncertainly. He had read Faranir's notes from beginning to end, but he didn't find any records of creation.


Speaking of this, the Hunting Goddess Silver Moon smiled:

"Thanks to you, we already know how to free the Endless Sea from the God of Creation."

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