Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 254 The real god, the ability after integrating the godhead

ΦT01 world, top of Mount Ouranos.

The warm sun hangs high in the sky and does not change its position even if time passes.

In the main hall of the majestic and solemn palace, the sun shines down from the huge circular skylight, and the warm air circulates in the main hall accompanied by the mountain breeze, making the smell of blood even more pungent.

X knelt next to the body of the king player, looking at the oath contract that suddenly popped up in front of him, a little confused.

Just now, the owner of this majestic palace, the owner of the Harvest Alliance, Greedy Wolf, gave half of the godhead of the Kingdom player next to him who was having trouble doing things well, to X, curing the curse of the immortal walnut in X's body.

Greedy Wolf will naturally not show his kindness in vain, he wants X to swear allegiance to him.

Although he had just witnessed the fate of the king player, X felt that his ending would not be a tragedy.

Besides, being able to join the Harvest Alliance is what many players outside dream about.

But just when he was thinking about saying something like swearing allegiance to the death, a sworn contract automatically appeared in his system.

The contract is very simple, that is, to be loyal to Greedy Wolf, and Greedy Wolf will handle everything.

X was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that the oath was just a verbal oath, or something like using magic from a certain world, but he didn't expect that it would be... a system.

The system used by players actually has the function of swearing allegiance?

X has been a player for so long. From level one to level two, he has almost destroyed two worlds and sneaked into many other worlds.

He has met many players and heard many legendary stories about third-level players, but he has never heard of the system having such a function.

‘Could it be that…this is the ability after integrating the godhead? ’

Regarding the contract that popped up in the system in front of him, X was thinking and being frightened.

In fact, he has not yet thought of disobeying Greedy Wolf, and with his strength, he does not dare to do so. But now he is not making a verbal oath, but actually has to pass the system...

There was no longer any trace of relaxation or duplicity in his words. X solemnly and cautiously focused his thoughts on "Yes" on the system panel.

Now that it was over, he had no choice.

Even if he "does everything by the greedy wolf" from now on.

As the system in front of him prompted "Contract signed successfully", X knew there was no turning back.

He was still kneeling in the center of the main hall, but the blood he had just pumped in order to express his loyalty had faded.

His broad shoulders sank slightly, his straight back was arched, and his head was half-drooped, leaving only a humble and cautious look.

Now X is somewhat similar to many players on both sides of the divide.

"Do you know why I gave you half a godhead?"

The gentle and lingering sunlight shines down and reflects on the smooth marble floor, emitting a soft jewel-like light throughout the entire black-tone main hall.

On the high platform, Tanlang sat casually in his seat again, playing with the core of the earth from time to time, looking at X calmly and asking.

‘Why did you give me half a godhead? ’

X knew in his heart that today was just a coincidence. Greedy Wolf had just killed a subordinate and took away the subordinate's godhead and earth core, and the godhead was useless to him. …

Give it to yourself, maybe just for fun.

X subconsciously thought this in his heart, but of course he couldn't say it with his mouth. He only said:

"I don't know, I would like to ask Mr. Greedy Wolf to make it clear."

The young man with a gentle face and a slim figure on the stage smiled when he heard this:

"I have seen too many people who think highly of themselves. You are different from them. You are self-aware."

Hearing this, X was confused and slowly made a question mark in his heart.

He has a high self-esteem and no self-awareness. This is the evaluation given to X by the elders of the Player Elders' Council in the world where X lives.

And X himself also knows that because of his good talents and smooth growth path, he is better than many people. Coupled with personality problems, he rarely takes others seriously.

It is common to be scolded for being arrogant and arrogant.

But, what about Greedy Wolf...

Just when X was wondering whether Greedy Wolf was speaking sarcastically or how to respond, a lot of information was suddenly injected into X's mind.

X had never felt this way before. When he was frightened, he suddenly felt the existence of the allegiance contract.

Looking at the thin young man on the high platform, X immediately understood that Greedy Wolf was using the allegiance contract to send messages to his brain.

Fearing the function of the contract, X passively understood the information.

He soon discovered that those messages were not actually strict orders, but actually the abilities of each stage after integrating the godhead.

From that information, X understood:

When a player obtains a complete godhead and upgrades to a third-level player, the system's requirements for them will become a fused godhead.

At the same time, a godhead fusion progress bar will appear on the mission interface, and the progress bar is full at 1,000 points.

In addition to the original ability to manipulate nature, change laws, and skip game cycles, third-level players will gain new abilities after each stage of godhead fusion.

And those abilities are really like the abilities of the legendary gods.

As long as the godhead is fused to 200 points, you can sense the person who has evil thoughts or poses a threat to him in the same world, as well as this person's intention.

And depending on the severity of the evil thought, you can stop the person's intention.

When the godhead is fused to 400 points, the system will open permissions to it, allowing it to have the ability to sign allegiance contracts with other players.

As long as the contract is successfully concluded, the leader of the contract can invade the mind of the contractee.

Greedy Wolf just used this ability to make an allegiance contract with X and put a lot of information into X's brain.

Players who obtain this permission can easily form an organization that is completely loyal to themselves.

X looked slightly at the many players standing on both sides of the main hall. It was obvious that the Harvest Alliance was such an organization.

When the godhead is fused to 600 points, the player will be able to truthfully know the inner emotions, intentions and thoughts of all creatures within a certain range, commonly known as his mind.

In other words, any lies or performances will have no effect on it.

Upon learning the information that had invaded his brain, cold sweat broke out on X's forehead.

He knew that Greedy Wolf's fusion of godhood had reached 800 points, so he must have the ability to telepathize with his mind.

Therefore, Greedy Wolf understood all his intentions from the moment he entered the main hall, or in other words, from the moment he arrived at the foot of Mount Ouranos. …

'Besides, he knows all my inner thoughts. ’

X recalled just now, indeed, no matter how anxious and angry he was just now, because of the fear in his heart due to the difference in strength, he did not dare to be dissatisfied with Greedy Wolf in his heart, let alone his usual curses.

X remembered that his thought at the time was that he would rather grow saplings on his own than dare to interrupt Greedy Wolf's treatment of his subordinates.

‘So that’s it, it turns out that it was precisely because of this that he said I was self-aware. ’

A chill that had long been seen through climbed up the back of his spine, and X suddenly thought of it while feeling lucky.

After getting rid of the threat of saplings, he just said what he meant and complained in his heart that Greedy Wolf gave him half of his godhead just because godhead was useless to Greedy Wolf and just because Greedy Wolf thought it was fun.

‘So he knows what I just thought? ’

Douda's back was soaked with cold sweat, and X also understood why Greedy Wolf allowed him to see the abilities after integrating the godhead.

'He was warning me. ’

Cold sweat streaked from his forehead to his temples, and X bent his waist even lower in fear.

His current appearance is almost identical to the many players on both sides of the main hall.

Needless to say, X also completely understood.

He had wondered earlier why those players who were clearly third-level players, who were obviously all-powerful beings, were so humble and cautious towards Tanlang, a player who was also a third-level player.

It turns out that the reason is here, after all, Greedy Wolf will know about his thoughts.

And those third-level players, no matter how legendary they are, can only integrate a few points of godhead.

He quietly glanced at the third-level player standing on his right. Judging from his special lion-headed armor, X had heard of this person, and even heard it very well.

According to rumors, this person has integrated his godhead to more than 50 points. Players outside know that he is a person who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

X used to say something awesome every time he mentioned this person, but now, he understands the difference between first and second.

That's not just a numerical difference between 800 and over 50, it's also a gap that spans many god-like abilities.

Not too daring to wipe away the cold sweat, X quickly understood the last ability that was integrated into 800 points of godhead.

Compared with several other abilities, X is relatively familiar with this because of the Moonfall World.

When the godhead is fused to 800 points, the ability to manipulate nature and change the laws is amplified to the point that a single thought can change a world.

You can even control the sun, moon and stars, such as the sun on Mount Ouranos at this time.

In addition, the system continues to open a permission to specify and change the world that a certain player wants to travel to, and who he will become after crossing.

X has also seen this ability before, and his eyes moved to the right. The player who hanged himself was still kneeling next to him.

Greedy Wolf once designated this person to cross over and become the king of the endless sea.

The information implanted in his brain stopped abruptly here. X was a little strange. Isn't the highest point for fusion of godhood 1000 points? Why didn't he have the ability to have 1000 points?

But in the next moment, he understood.

Because Greedy Wolf can only fuse to 800 points, even he doesn't know the ability to fuse to 1000 points, and he also needs to upgrade.

‘That’s why Greedy Wolf treats the Kingdom players like this, who are doing things poorly. ’

After all, if he does his job well, let Greedy Wolf kill or seal Cocoon, and plunder Cocoon's filthy-infected godhead. …

After exchanging 200 points of fusion degree in the system, Greedy Wolf will be the one who has fully integrated the godhead.

He might become a real god.

As a result, the king player missed it just because of his selfishness.

‘Oh—no wonder. ’

X sighed in his heart that Cocoon's godhead that was contaminated by filth was wasted, and lamented that player talent is too important.

Special talents are completely unparalleled.

However, at this time, a gentle voice sounded from the high platform:

"Talent is not static, just like you, X who fell into the moon."

Greedy Wolf, who could sense X's thoughts, gently held the core of the earth and continued calmly:

"Didn't you also rise from an A-level talent to your current S-level signing?

As long as you show your potential, the system will give you opportunities and care.

As long as you do good things for me, I will give this to you. "

Greedy Wolf said, gently raising the core of the earth in his hand to X.

The light was not very bright, the cold brick and stone house, and the heavy iron door locked from the inside. After only three seconds of dizziness and discomfort, X smuggled back to the world where he was born and raised.

The place where he is currently is a safe house prepared for war. Like the world of Falling Moon, in the world where X is born and raised, players and non-players are also fighting against each other.

As early as the beginning, when some players formed an organization privately and openly used their special abilities to challenge the law and disrupt order, non-player authorities suppressed them.

However, the players are not ordinary criminals. They have extraordinary physical fitness, and have puzzling high-tech weapons. Some of them even have super powers.

Regardless of the cost, they organized everyone who became players and vowed to seize power and control the world.

The non-players are not weak either. They are numerous, well-trained, and have a large number of lethal weapons.

The war started like this, and in the end it became more and more intense.

Since both sides do not care about the cost, it does not matter whether it is caused by players, natural disasters caused by the fusion of two lives, or man-made disasters caused by non-players.

In short, the world now has become a wasteland.

And because neither of the two sides in the war is dead, and the wasteland's supplies are extremely tight, the war is still going on.

The demands of both parties have also changed from seizing power and suppression to fighting for survival.

Taking a deep breath, X looked around. There were blood stains, urine stains, bullet holes, and all kinds of messy graffiti on the cold walls of this safe house.

Outside the house, there is a dark and cold night, a barren wasteland, and of course, there may be snipers from non-player organizations.

"You're not going to fucking go out and pee!"

In the safe house, as soon as

‘Someone peed in the house again, these worthless things. ’

Hearing the sounds outside, X instinctively felt angry again.

He wanted to hit someone with his fist, but then he remembered what he had witnessed on the top of Mount Ouranos, and suddenly felt that it was too cheap.

Walking out of the single room in silence, X appeared in front of the players in the same world as him.

Seeing him come out, the yelling and scolding stopped instantly, and the man standing in the corner shrank in fear.

"Uh, boss, you're back!"

The player who just scolded him said sarcastically when he saw X.

They only knew that X had smuggled away as soon as he returned. They knew that something must be wrong with him, but they didn't expect him to come back so soon.

"Hey, you, it will be good if you come back. The strange fish called just now. The elders of the Presbytery want to see you, saying that the front line is in trouble."

The player said to X, but X just raised his hand and interrupted him.

Looking at the mess in the small safe house, X, who has half a godhead, only wants to do one thing now. He wants to try the power of the godhead and transform this place.

X stood without moving, only thinking in his heart, but it was like time went back in time inside the safe house.

In the shock of all the players, the blood stains and filth on the cold wall disappeared, the garbage disappeared, and the bullet holes on the wall disappeared.

The shabby tables, chairs and beds are gradually losing their traces of time, and the indoor temperature has risen, keeping the cold night outside.

Not long after, X looked at the safe house that finally qualified to be called a safe house and smiled with satisfaction.

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