"Why do you look like you didn't sleep well last night?"

The next day, September 11th, the ninth game cycle, the world of Endless Sea.

The bright sunshine in the summer morning shines into Wind's Rest City, casting the shadow of a black cat on the large window.

Xia looked at Li Feng who was sitting at the desk in a daze, frowned and asked:

"What did you do last night?"

After closing the chat channel, Li Feng came back to his senses and looked at the cat, and asked funnyly:

"Don't you know what I did last night?"

The mermaid Delana appeared last night, and she revealed the news about the godhead to Li Fengxia and Hazan who were present.

"I'm asking what you did after we left last night?"

Sia has the attitude of asking the question to the end.

"Sleeping, but not asleep."

Li Feng replied.

Seemingly dissatisfied with the answer, Sia narrowed her golden vertical pupils and asked suspiciously:

"That mermaid didn't come to see you?"

"Why did she come to me?"

Li Feng did not answer directly and continued to pretend to be confused and asked questions.

Seeing this, Sia jumped down from the window very sadly.

Sitting on the desk, facing Li Feng, he told him very solemnly about the curse of the seven gods on the mermaid.

For example, if mermaids want to gain power, they must seduce humans and make humans love them.

Another example is that every midsummer breeding season, mermaids will swim to the sea to seduce the crew and so on.

After some explanation, Li Feng finally understood that mermaids are equal to vixens in the player world.

Not only does it nourish yang and replenish yin, but it also controls the current situation by charming men.

In short, mermaids are not good things. As a man, you must be extremely careful and stay away from them.

"Oh - that's it."

Listening to Xia's serious explanation, Li Feng nodded. Suddenly he remembered something and asked insinuatingly:

"Then do you know why the Seven Gods cursed the mermaid? And where are the Seven Gods?"

Last night, Delana talked about the current situation of the Seven Gods, which made Li Feng a little curious.

From what she said, the current situation of the Seven Gods seems to be not good, but according to normal ideals, it is not appropriate for them to live a bad life even after becoming gods.

"I don't know about that. If our black dragons hadn't been exterminated, maybe I would know something else."

When she mentioned the ancient secrets, she thought of the genocide and the severance of inheritance, and finally she thought of mermaids, Shia was displeased.

From the history of the dragon clan that she knew, the decline of the black dragon began when her ancestors fell in love with mermaids.

But the mermaid broke the agreement and stole the Black Dragon clan's treasure, causing constant internal strife.

Later, several generations of black dragon masters worked hard to maintain it, but eventually the dragons of other races rebelled. They took refuge in Penlos Fell, killed her parents, and slaughtered the entire black dragon clan.

Although the mermaids are not the culprit, it all started because of them.

So Shia hates mermaids and is extremely wary of them.

‘It seems that the ancient dragon doesn’t know this either. ’

Li Feng felt relieved and stopped mentioning these things:

"By the way, have you eaten?"

"No, I want to eat fish."

Shia was furious when she uncovered old stories filled with grudges.

Li Feng: "..."

In the small restaurant with the morning light coming in, Shia spit out the bones of the last grilled chicken wing on her plate and looked at Li Feng's plate.

"Don't you have an appetite?"

"Well, think of something."

Li Feng replied casually.

Hearing this, Xia took the cat paw of the chicken wings on Li Feng's plate and slapped her, and she became nervous instantly:

"Is it related to mermaids?"

Looking at her look, Li Feng found it funny and thought that this girl had PTSD from being a mermaid.

"Don't worry, I don't like slippery things."

Li Feng said as he pushed the chicken wings to Xia.

What he was thinking about just now was actually what happened in the player chat channel.

Perhaps it is because 11 days have passed since the end of the last cycle, but there is still no news about 2121-0776, which caused the blood sacrifice in the player world in the last cycle.

So in the past few days, players have been asking the official player in the chat channel every day, asking him whether he has caught 2121-0776.

But perhaps due to some scruples, official players have not responded.

To this day, perhaps because the ninth cycle is coming to an end, players have to return to the player world.

The official player in the chat channel finally gave an explanation.

He said that to this day, there is still no whereabouts of 2121-0776.

But according to the intelligence they had, 2121-0776 was supposed to be in Wind's End City, the capital of Storm Island.

It's just that the official players sent failed to catch him. According to speculation, he most likely escaped to the sea.

Therefore, the official players in the channel ask players at sea to be careful, and from the beginning of the next cycle, players should also be careful when returning to the player world.

Because 2121-0776 is very likely to continue to do evil in both worlds.

This news undoubtedly put the players in the chat channel into fear again. Some of them were afraid, some complained, some made suggestions, and some criticized.

Li Feng didn't have much idea.

However, he discovered that the clues given by Delanna about 2121-0776 were consistent with the results of the official player investigation——

All 2121-0776 escaped to the sea.

‘It seems that there is still some credibility. ’

Li Feng wanted to catch 2121-0776 not only because of peace between the two worlds.

Also, he really wants to experiment with 2121-0776 to make him admit his identity as a player to the mermaid Delana.

Let’s see if, like Delana said, the game advice will not be triggered and no punishment will be incurred.

In this world, mermaids know too many things, and Li Feng really wants to learn the truth from them.

But the premise is that security must be verified, and 2121-0776 is exactly the person suitable for verification.

"I'm going to go to sea."

Li Feng said to the cat who was chewing chicken wings.

"Is it related to mermaids?"

Shia ignored the chicken wings and immediately asked vaguely.

Li Feng held her forehead and laughed, thinking that she really had PTSD from the mermaid.

"Don't worry, I don't like slippery ones, I like furry ones."

Li Feng said and rubbed the cat's soft, round head, which made the cat feel stagnant.

"Let's go and see how Hazan's preparations are going."

Li Feng changed the topic and took out a small blue glass ball.

The ball is about the size of a grape and looks nothing special at first glance, but upon closer inspection you will find that there seems to be a slightly wavy ocean inside the blue glass ball.

With a little force, Li Feng crushed the ball, and endless seawater, both real and illusory, flowed out of his palm, and the scene in the room changed instantly.

This is a magic item given to Li Feng by Hazan, which allows him to teleport to the space opened by Hazan in the deep sea.

As the space changed, the original surrounding walls disappeared, and the surging seawater surged from all directions below, and then stopped under the invisible barrier.

The warm sunshine has disappeared, replaced by countless bright and bright magic light balls.

They either stop at the edge of the space barrier, or swim freely around the barrier.

Through the magic light, Shia could clearly see the seabed outside the barrier.

There are patches of coral, rocks covered with plankton, small colorful fish, and jellyfish that emit a faint light.

"The underwater space created by the Tide Scepter?"

Shia asked while observing her surroundings.


Li Feng roughly told Xia his idea of ​​creating a space in the deep sea as a "safe house".

Shia agreed very much. Although the deep sea is dangerous, it is also hidden. Moreover, in the vast sea, the probability of encountering a crisis is not unbearable.

Not to mention that there is a tidal scepter and three thousand troll warriors on Nusha Island, so it is impossible to be defenseless.

"Well...don't you plan to become a human?"

Li Feng looked down at the cat on the ground and felt that she should be very concerned about appearing as a weak cat in front of her subordinates.

Moreover, cats have short legs and a huge height difference.

Speaking of this, Sia burped, touched her belly and replied:

"I'm full."

Li Feng's head was full of questions. He thought that if he was too full, he would not be able to change his shape, or if he was too full, he would not be able to put on his clothes.

Just when he was about to ask, he saw Xia jumping on his arm and looking back at him as if nothing had happened, as if it was okay, let's go.

Li Feng: ...he actually used this method to eliminate the height difference.

In the bright space opened up by the deep sea, Li Feng sat at the table and looked at the list of consignment items.

Under his instruction and Hazan's arrangement, Haishi reopened on a small scale.

Those who have obtained the qualification to enter the sea market have used special magic channels to consign or write down the names of the items they need.

Li Feng browsed through them briefly. There were all kinds of them, but there weren't many worth paying attention to.

Looking at Hazan, Hazan was standing at the table. The Black Dragon King turned into a cat and was held by a human. He was filled with emotions.

"Where's the news about the consignment?"

Li Feng asked.

In the endless sea, secret information is equally precious.

There are often people or forces selling information in the sea market, or buying information that is useful to them.

However, due to the special nature of the message, the seller usually writes the message on a scroll provided by Haishi, and then the tyrant seals it.

Then hang a label on the outside of the scroll and use the label to describe the information inside the scroll.

For example, when, where, and who or what happened.

When the market is open, buyers browse these labels and understand the meaning of the labels if it is really the news they are looking for.

However, since the information sealed in the scroll is unknown, it may be true or it may be nonsense, so it often requires a tyrant's decision afterwards.

If the news is outrageously false and the buyer files a complaint with the tyrant, the tyrant will arbitrate based on the true situation.

If there is indeed something wrong with the news, Haishi will refund the stranded money to the buyer and penalize the seller. In short, it can ensure fairness.

This system made Li Feng complain that it was very similar to online shopping.

Because Li Feng asked, Hazan quickly ordered two trolls to bring a huge wooden box, which contained sealed message scrolls.

It seems that Haishi's business is good.

Picking up one casually, Li Feng was about to open it.

Seeing this, Haizan was stunned for a moment and stepped forward to dissuade him:

"Your Majesty, you can't!"


Li Feng was confused.

"Your Excellency, it's like this. The consignment disappears during the transaction and cannot be seen by a third party. This is a mirage rule set by tyrants in the past."

Haizan spoke and explained the details of the sea market transaction to Li Feng in a serious manner. In short, these are the rules, and the rules that tyrants must abide by.

Wei Wei lamented that the troll was weak, Li Fengxiao glanced at Haizan, then lowered his eyes and continued to unwrap the scroll in his hand.

Seeing that his persuasion was fruitless, Hazan looked at Shia imploringly, hoping that the Black Dragon King could speak for him.

But I don’t know whether the little cat agreed with Li Feng or was accustomed to Li Feng’s shameless behavior. He only yawned and then closed his eyes and took a nap.


[On September 9, 2020, the new moon, the ocean-going ship of the Black and White Institute was dispatched, with an unknown destination. 】

This was written on the first scroll Li Feng opened.

‘The Black and White Institute… isn’t this the hidden organization established by the Shadow Stranger in the mortal world? ’

Reciting this name, Li Feng remembered some things that happened in Jinhu Town before.

There is also the wood elf Morningstar met in Jinhu Town.

At that time, Chenxing wanted to follow her to the Black and White Courtyard to formally learn the knowledge of the Hidden One.

But a lot of things happened afterwards, and Li Feng had almost forgotten about it.

But looking at the message on the scroll, it seems that the Black and White Institute is going to deal with something.

Ignoring it, and regardless of Haizan's hesitant and hesitant expression, Li Feng continued to remove a scroll.

The label hanging outside this scroll says Wind's Breath and the Theater of Sorrow.

Li Feng was very curious and took it apart to look at it, but...

In short, if this news is sold, the buyer will definitely seek arbitration from the tyrant.

In the deep underwater space, the troll warriors brought the scrolls recording the messages to the table one by one. Li Feng opened them one by one, while Xia lay on the table and took a nap out of boredom.

As for Hazan, who saw that the rules had been completely broken, everyone was numb.

But suddenly, a scroll was pushed to the table in front of him. Hazan looked and saw that it was Li Feng who asked him to read the words on the scroll.

Hazan swore to the god of dreams that his first reaction was to follow the rules and not want to see it.

While hesitating, he heard Li Feng say:

"It has something to do with Nusha Island."

Hearing about Nusha Island, Haizan suddenly became energetic. Even the few troll warriors who were sorting the scrolls on the side unconsciously stopped what they were doing.

Taking it immediately, Hazan read the words on the scroll carefully, and then he couldn't help but feel angry.

The message written on the scroll is exactly what he once inquired about the whereabouts of the Tide Scepter.

And it is also clearly written that they are only in the state of their souls, weak and in danger.

Obviously, this is to provide information to those who are preparing to seize the Tide Scepter.

Thinking about the consignment news, Hazan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling angry and afraid in his heart.

‘If Sir Lain hadn’t broken the rules, you would have plotted against me right under my nose this night. ’

Looking up at Li Feng, many apologetic emotions came over him. He didn't know what to say, but Li Feng spoke first.

"News, like precious treasures, often plays a key role. Since you are in your position, you must maximize the value of this position.

As for the rules of the sea market you mentioned, they were set by the previous tyrant. Now that I am a tyrant, the rules have changed. "

"Uh, yes, your Majesty understands."

Hazan lowered his head and replied.

Li Feng nodded slightly. It seemed that the troll was not particularly stubborn.

Also thinking that Hazan encountered a scheme, they should have a lot of things to prepare.

Although he is still in a soul state, fortunately, he and his Nusha Island warriors are no longer hiding in broken voodoo dolls.

The dragon bag has enough conditions to carry souls, and even restore these souls to their original strength.

So Li Feng was not worried, and instead asked what he had asked Hazan to prepare before:

"Is the boat I want ready?"

Li Feng also has his own things to do, and the mermaid Delana promises to divine the whereabouts of 2121-0776, but only if she needs her mirror.

Li Feng didn't want to go to sea personally, but Delana said that there was something belonging to the goddess of hunting placed with her mirror.

He also said that when Li Feng sees this thing, he will understand the current situation of the Seven Gods.

This made Li Feng, who wanted to find out the truth about the world, decide to go to sea personally.

"Yes, Your Excellency, we are ready."

Hazan replied, taking out a glass bottle sealed with an oak stopper and holding a ship in it.

At first, when Li Feng informed Haizan, Hazan was actually very opposed to Li Feng's dealings with mermaids.

After all, mermaids are cunning and good at seducing, and they always have the means to lure men into doing what they want.

But because of the matter of taking apart the scroll just now, Hazan suddenly discovered that this human being had clear thinking and strong purpose. Maybe the mermaid was no match for him.

So now, even if he knew Li Feng's purpose of going to sea, he no longer dissuaded him. Instinctively, he began to trust this human decision.

"Are you going to sea now?"

Shia, who had been napping, woke up, looked at the ship in the bottle and asked.


Li Feng nodded. He didn't want to have long nights and many dreams.

"I also need to go."


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