Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 173: Meeting the official player; I must send you home

*: "It turns out they are all players! They are all trying to complete the mission!"

*: "So in order to complete the task, he instigates people who don't know the truth online. Who are these people?"

On the evening of August 16th, Player World.

Li Feng sat in the lobby of the police station, looking at the rain falling outside the window.

The blood sacrifice incident has reached 30%. The blood mixed in the rain is already obvious, and the low-lying areas on the ground are already obvious blood red.

This blood and water will affect many animals, plants, and even people.

And not only that.

This afternoon, many posts and videos appeared inexplicably on the Internet, advocating that contaminated animals and plants can cure diseases and cultivate immortality.

Li Feng didn't understand why someone did this at first.

But after seeing the system notification just now, he and other players in the chat channel finally understood.

It turns out that instigating people to come into contact with and eat contaminated things is also a systematic task.

Moreover, a player numbered 0429 at the same time as him also completed the instigation task and received the reward-an immortal servant body.

*: "I think this 0429 must be from the abyss camp."

*: "It must be true. In the blood sacrifice incident, only those from the abyss camp should have triggered the mission."

*: "As a lawful person, I really didn't see the mission."

*: "I think these are not the point. The point is the reward 0429 received. What on earth is that 'immortal servant body'?

I always feel that he wants to use rewards to continue causing trouble to the world. "

"I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Li Feng was looking at the rain and staring intently at the chat channel, when a sound suddenly sounded in his ears. It was Huang Yanyan coming out.

Different from the sternness just now, although she was still tired now, her eyebrows were smiling.


Li Feng turned off the chat channel, and then looked at the drizzle outside:

"The rain hasn't stopped yet."

"Well, I drove here to take you back."

As Huang Yanyan spoke, she and Li Feng left the police station and walked into the large canopy connected to the building.

In order to cope with the abnormal rain, in the past two days, people all over the country have taken advantage of the non-raining days to build seamless awnings under various buildings.

These canopies are built over a large area and can cover sidewalks and part of parking lots.

This protects people who are too late to go home when it rains, as well as necessary travel in emergencies.

"Thank you so much for coming all the way to get me."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Li Feng said to Huang Yanyan.

"Thank you, you are obviously a victim too."

Huang Yanyan was still unhappy when she talked about this. Firstly, because Li Feng almost got wet in the rain, and secondly, she was also angry that the people below did not follow the rules.

"That's right. I'm sitting at home today, and the pot came from the sky. I almost got smashed into a cult leader."

Seeing Huang Yanyan frowning tiredly, Li Feng said something to liven up the atmosphere.

Sure enough, Huang Yanyan was amused. She frowned, then turned around and said to Li Feng formally:

"No matter what happens in the future, call me first."

When Li Feng heard this, he suddenly felt protected. He nodded:

"Okay, Dr. Huang."

"whispering sound--"

Hearing this title, Huang Yanyan smiled disdainfully, then started the car and prepared to take Li Feng home.

But at the same time, her cell phone rang.

Quickly picking up the answer, Huang Yanyan only listened to a few sentences before her nerves returned to a tense state.

From Li Feng's perspective, he heard the other party say that he had found it, and then gave an address and asked Huang Yanyan to go quickly.

"If something happens to you, I'll go back by myself, I brought an umbrella.

And it’s not much of a walk, just a ten-minute walk. "

Seeing Huang Yanyan hang up the phone, Li Feng said.


While he was anxious about what happened on the phone, Huang Yanyan rejected Li Feng.

But when she said these words, she realized that she was angry.

Her tense body and attitude immediately softened, and Huang Yanyan continued to talk to Li Feng in a nice tone:

“The pollution in the rain today is even worse, and you really can’t touch it at all.

In fact, some rumors on the Internet that you will get seriously ill after being exposed to the rain are true. Don’t think it is a rumor. "

Huang Yanyan's tone was concerned, and there was even a hint of coquettishness and pleading on her pale face.

Seeing her look, Li Feng could only raise his hands in surrender and said with a smile:

"Okay, it's all up to you."

Seeing Li Feng surrender, Huang Yanyan immediately changed her face, her smile full of success.

She knew that as long as she was kind and serious, Li Feng would agree to whatever she said.

The little trick worked again. Huang Yanyan, whose mood temporarily improved, started the car and was about to take Li Feng home, so she hurried to Furong Building.

But before the car started, her cell phone rang again.

After reading the call, and then looking at the rain outside the awning, which was still raining with obvious blood, Huang Yanyan felt helpless and angry.

After pressing the answer button, the person on the phone still urged her to go to Furong Building quickly.

There was just one minute between the two phone calls. Huang Yanyanxin said that even if the portal was opened, it would not be so fast.

"How about... you work first, and then you can take me home when you're done?"

Seeing that the matter over Huang Yanyan was really urgent, Li Feng asked tentatively.

Huang Yanyan thought for a while after hearing this:

"Okay, let's go to Furong Building together, and when we get there, you can drive away."

The proposal was feasible, and Li Feng agreed.

But when he heard Furong Building, Li Feng suddenly remembered, isn't that a famous unfinished building in Yuncheng?

The gloomy sky was covered with dark clouds, and the emergency drains drained the accumulated water on the ground smoothly.

Because of Huang Yanyan, Li Feng followed the car into a road that was full of warning lines.

It is the street where Furong Building is located.

Soon, the car parked next to the building, under a makeshift awning.

“You must go home from the underground garage, don’t try to save trouble.

By the way, do you close all the windows at home when you go out? If there is no rainwater, please don't touch it and call me.

Oh, and also, do you have enough food at home? "

When they approached the place, Huang Yanyan told Li Feng a lot of things.

After getting a satisfactory answer, he gave Li Feng the car keys and ran to report.

After Huang Yanyan left, Li Feng changed to the driver's cab.

While there was a dispatch car ahead, Li Feng observed the spectacular unfinished building through the car glass.

Because it has been out of work for several years, its surface has long been dilapidated.

Under the sky covered with dark clouds, the square windows with deep blackness are like mouths that choose people to eat.

‘Yanyan is an official player, so for her to come, it must have something to do with the extraordinary. ’

The temporary parking canopy is connected to the downstairs of Furong Building in the distance.

Li Feng looked over there, and besides Huang Yanyan, there were many people there.

‘There should be official players among them. ’

As expected, Li Feng soon saw the Violet Eyes apprentice named Perry whom he knew in the game world among the crowd.

For the sake of the future, Li Feng carefully wrote down every face here.

‘But, with so many people, could those in that building be those Abyss players who have acquired the bodies of undead servants? ’

Li Feng recalled the system announcement just now. 0429 completed the instigation mission and obtained the body of an immortal servant.

The one in this building, although not that coincidentally, is 0429.

But judging from the number of instigating videos and posts on the Internet today, there must be many players like 0429.

Maybe they are really from the abyss camp as the players in the chat channel guessed.

But since the Abyss camp has taken action in the blood sacrifice incident, the officials will definitely not stand idly by.

But the reward from the abyss camp is the body of an immortal servant. Just this name...

Just like the players in the chat channel said, just hearing the name is a very difficult thing to deal with.

And it seems very much like those people have changed their bodies and become something that is completely unkillable.

“Bang bang bang bang—”

Just as Li Feng was guessing this, a faint sound of assault rifle gunshots suddenly came from the closed car window.

The sound of the gunshot was very faint, as if it came from a far away place, but because of his previous life experience, Li Feng believed that he would never hear it wrong.

After being stunned for a moment, Li Feng looked back at the dilapidated Furong Building.

That's where the gunfire came from.

So whether it is extraordinary means or technological weapons from the player world, have they been used?

But can these methods solve the "immortal servant body"?

Thinking about this, Li Feng was a little worried, but at the same time, the cars in front of him that were entering or exiting had all adjusted their directions.

The staff member directing traffic waved to Li Feng, indicating that he could leave.

Helpless, Li Feng could only drive away.

[You killed a severely contaminated koi, and the flint fusion progress +3%]

[Overall fusion progress of third-level flint: 5%]

Perhaps because of the blood sacrifice incident, there are fewer brilliant neon lights in the night sky of modern cities.

But the air has been polluted, and the dark sky is still so turbid that no stars can be seen.

Just like the previous times, the bloody rain only lasted for two or three hours.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the rain had stopped falling, and the accumulated water on the road was repeatedly flushed into the city sewers by sprinklers.

Seeing that the sky was completely dark, Li Feng went out quietly like last night. He climbed over the cordon surrounding the park and continued fishing at the artificial lake.

Thanks to this being a park, many koi carps were artificially put into the lake for viewing pleasure.

Normally, as long as someone comes to the lake to feed, those huge colorful koi carps will crowd the embankment to grab food.

But because of the blood sacrifice incident, those beautiful and ornamental koi fish have turned into polluted and terrifying monster fish.

And compared to the original defenselessness, they are now much more cautious.

They do not easily bite the hook, and even pull the fishing line with premeditation to pull the fisherman into the water.

The fish became smarter and caused Li Feng a little trouble, but it had no essential impact.

After checking the time, Huang Yanyan still didn't reply.

Li Feng continued to watch the chat channel while fishing because the impact of the instigation incident was too wide.

Therefore, many players also learned a lot of inside information from other channels.

*: "I just came back from the Internet, and there is a particularly weird video there."

*: "The guy who drove a truck into the Quadron? Or the guy who robbed a bank? Or..."

*: "Let me go, is it such a mess outside now?"

*: “The bank robbery I saw was a man robbing a bank with a gun.

According to surveillance, he entered the bank and opened fire, then threatened the tellers to steal their money.

After getting the money, he ignored the police at the door and went out to fight with the police without even taking any hostages.

As a result, to everyone's surprise, the robber was shot many times, but he was completely fine and walked away with the money directly from the hail of bullets. "

*: "Is it okay to be shot? He is a high-level transcendent, right?"

*: "No, high-level transcendental beings can control bullets and dodge bullets, but they won't let bullets hit them."

*: "Yes, I also watched the video. The robber had no other means except that he couldn't be killed with a gun."

*: “Guys, so did the guy who hit the Quadron with his truck.

The entire front of the car was flattened, but the driver was fine. A security guard opened fire and the driver was shot, but he was still fine and killed many security guards. "

*: "Oh my god, who are these people?"

*: “The body of an immortal servant.

I think they are all Abyss Blesseds who completed the task of instigating and obtained the bodies of immortal servants. "

*: "It's not unreasonable, just from the names they look alike."

*: "Everyone! Latest news! I just captured one here.

It is said that the rumors were spread on the Internet because the arrest was relatively close to my home and I heard the sound of walls falling down and houses collapsing, as well as a lot of gunshots. "

*: "??? Extraordinary spells and modern weapons together?"

*: "It seems like, hey, no matter what, everything is in chaos.

As for the official players, can you come out and explain the situation? "

In the lightless night, water vapor comes from the lakeside.

Li Feng looked at the chat channel and then at his phone. Huang Yanyan still didn't reply.

Worried even more about her safety, Li Feng sent another message.

But as soon as the message was successfully sent, Huang Yanyan's call came back.

Feeling somewhat relieved, Li Feng answered immediately.

On the other side of the phone, Huang Yanyan looked very tired, but she said that she was safe and uninjured, and that the operation just now went smoothly.

After chatting with Li Feng for a few more words, Huang Yanyan hung up the phone and stuffed many pieces of candy into her mouth.

Just now, through modern investigation technology, their research institute discovered a person who posted instigating videos online and hid in Furong Building.

There is a famous unfinished building in Yuncheng.

Because Abyss players from other periods have already completed the instigation task, official players at the same time as them have also seen the system notification.

Therefore, the institute has known about the reward of immortal servant body since the first player completed the instigation task.

Through the information in the instigation video, the institute arrested these players.

But they soon discovered that those who acquired the bodies of immortal servants actually became unkillable.

0097: "The instigation task is a trigger task for the abyss camp.

The mission is to make normal people contaminated by the curse of blood sacrifice.

After completing the mission, you will be rewarded with an immortal servant body. "

Seeing that people in the chat channel were panicking, Huang Yanyan came out to explain the situation and reassure people.

0097: "As everyone thinks, the immortal servant body is a reward that directly improves the physical fitness.

Abyss players who have received rewards have extremely strong, even instant self-healing abilities.

At this stage, extraordinary means and modern weapons can only make them weak, but they cannot kill them completely.

Moreover, people who come into contact with them will also be mentally contaminated.

However, thanks to the therapeutic potion provided by Mr. Rhine, mental pollution does not pose a threat for the time being. "

As soon as Huang Yanyan finished sending the message, she threw the disposable cup that had just contained the healing potion into the trash can.

She had just been in contact with the abyss player, and her spirit was polluted, so she could only drink a cup of potion with a strange smell.

Holding back her nausea, Huang Yanyan ate another piece of candy.

Afterwards, she thought of something and sent a message to Li Feng.

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