Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 158 Promotion Certificate

"So that's it. It's an illusion that can affect the mind. It's a bit troublesome, but it's not impossible to solve."

Inside Fengxi City Posthouse.

After taking the potion, the Spellweaver mentor Alton, who had completely returned to normal, described to the two new Archmages the situation the six of them encountered on the first floor of the Theater of Sorrow.

While the mentor and the archmage were talking, Qi Heng was standing by, slowly picking up the bottles and jars used to make potions, in order to listen to the content of their conversation.

From the description of his mentor Alton, Qi Heng learned that after the six of them entered the Theater of Sadness that night, they uncontrollably watched a bloody performance.

Then he turned into an actor in the performance and performed it again.

Although they later came out of the Theater of Sadness, the performance still appeared in front of them all the time, making it impossible for them to distinguish between reality and illusion.

After hearing this, Archmage Quint, the fourth-level and sixth-level spell weaver, analyzed that there should be a very powerful illusion in the Theater of Sorrow.

Whether it was a performance that I saw or performing again, those were illusions that did not exist.

The next time you enter, just be prepared in advance and break the illusion, and the Theater of Sadness will be self-defeating.

With the Archmage's conclusion, Violet Eyes made everyone in the group feel relieved.

After Qi Heng understood the whole story, he left the room. As an apprentice, he still had a lot of work today.

He first covered his mouth and nose with a towel, and then tied the towel behind his head with a rope.

He used this method to make a simple mask, and then he dared to walk into the yard.

Because the medicine formula given by Li Feng has a miraculous effect on treating the mental impact of the Theater of Sadness.

Therefore, Violet Eyes is now obliged to assist Purple Flower Church in making potions on a large scale.

For those who go crazy because they hear the theater of sorrow singing at night.

However, the task of brewing the potion was given to Bonnie by Archmage Liquor.

Because Bonnie has giant blood, historically, giants have talents in alchemy, herbal medicine, etc. that are unmatched by other races.

At this moment, Bonnie is being helped by a group of apprentices.

In the courtyard of the post house, many pots for brewing medicine were set up, and she was brewing a potion to cure the illusion of the sad theater.

But Qi Heng always felt that Liquor must have overlooked an issue, that is, Bonnie's giant bloodline was not pure.

Although the potions she made were of high quality and purity, for some reason, her potions always smelled like feces and urine.

"Maybe this is also a talent."

Qi Heng sighed as he covered his nose with a towel.

In addition, there is another thing that makes Qi Heng happy, that is, because the treatment potion is effective, the food at their Violet Eyes Inn has finally been improved.

But there is no airtight wall in the world, and Qi Heng has never thought of hiding anything.

Therefore, now both the cook in the post house and the residents of Fengxi City know about it.

The healing potion was not brought by the Archmage of Violet Eyes, but was left behind by Lai Yin from their Wind's Breath City before going to sea.

In the eyes of the residents of Wind's End, it is not the Violet Eye that heals the sick, but their maester.

Therefore, their attitude towards the Violet Eyes Mission was less repulsive, but more arrogant.

"To cure this strange thing, we have to rely on our bachelors from Wind's Breath City."

"That is to say, if it weren't for Mr. Lai Yin, those people with violet eyes would still be crazy."

Qi Heng heard the cooks say this when passing by the kitchen of the post house.

But as Qi Heng no longer has to chew cold bread, it’s good to drink hot potato soup while thinking about what kind of bicycle he wants.

And now he felt even more that when Lai Yin came back, he must find a way to let Lai Yin and Huang Yanyan get to know each other.

For the sake of the officialdom of the player world, this relationship must not be broken.

In the early morning of August 19, the fish belly gradually turned white in the east.

The weak sunlight shines on the Theater of Sorrow standing on the lighthouse island, reflecting the ferocious and mottled ancient gargoyle statues on the top floor of the theater.

After a night of discussion and rest, Quint, Spirits, Alton, and a group of high-level spellweavers from the Violet Eyes Mission began to prepare to enter the Theater of Sorrow again.

Just like that night, when Quint put his hand on the theater's heavy front door, the door opened on its own to allow people to pass through.

The prepared Spellweavers filed in again.

As the door with complicated and weird patterns closed silently, Bonnie lowered her head and asked Qi Heng:

"With the Archmage here this time, they should be able to pass through the first floor of the theater smoothly, right?"

It was probably Bonnie's question that reminded Qi Heng of his experience in taking care of his mentally abnormal mentor in the past few days.

Looking at the theater of sadness in front of him, Qi Heng took a breath and replied:

"Who knows, in the worst case, I'll let them drink the potion you made again."

After hearing this, Bonnie thought for a while and asked slightly unwillingly:

"Is it that bad to drink? I think it's okay."

Qi Heng rubbed his brows speechlessly:

"Junior sister, sometimes I think the potion you make is exactly the same as the Theater of Sadness."

"Huh? What does this mean?"

"It can all cause psychological damage."


The golden morning sun shines down from the east, reflecting the brilliant blue sea.

Because of this first experience, two great mages were added to take charge.

The spellweavers who entered the Violet Eye again were not lost in the illusion staged on the first level.

They used the previously prepared ritual to break the illusion, and finally were able to see the true appearance of the first floor of the Theater of Sorrow.

But facing the ruins of the entire first floor, not only the mentor Alton, but also the archmage Quint and Lijiu were stunned.

What about the treasure? What about the promised power?

Why is there nothing here except broken stone pillars and broken halls.

"It shouldn't be. Shouldn't there be nothing in the Lost Land that has existed for tens of thousands of years?"

Archmage Quint was a little anxious.

As a lost place sunk to the bottom of the sea, if there were no special treasures or power, it would have long since decayed on the bottom of the sea.

It is absolutely impossible for him to suddenly appear in this world for no reason.

"I see!"

When all the spell weavers were shocked and strange, Alton stroked the fracture of a broken wall and suddenly said loudly:

"We had previously speculated that there were people entering the theater before we first entered the theater, you see."

Alton said and asked everyone to look at the break in the wall:

"These broken wounds are all new. They must have been caused by the being who entered the theater before!"


Quint, who didn't really understand the previous situation, widened his eyes and was shocked.

Has anyone passed the Theater of Sorrow level one already? Obtained the power and treasure here? Destroy the entire first floor?

How can this be?

Apart from anything else, breaking through the illusion just now is not something that ordinary high-level extraordinary beings can do.

The few people on their trip were not only of high rank, but also people with complete Spellweaver heritage in the Violet Eye.

But even so, when facing the illusion just now, they made a lot of preparations and spent a lot of effort before they successfully cracked it.

But looking at the newly destroyed wall in front of him, Quint and other Spellweavers were there.

You don't need to think about it to know that the first person to enter the first floor of the Theater of Sadness must have cracked the illusion.

And not only that, he must have also grabbed the power or treasure that existed on the first level.

"This statement is quite credible."

Archmage Lijiu walked among the ruins, looking up at the entire shattered hall. A little fear emerged from her heart, and she murmured:

"What kind of strength and rank should the person who broke through the illusion and destroyed it all have?"

The midday sun passed through the gaps woven by the lush leaves and left a bright spot on the writing table in front of Li Feng.

August 19th, the game world of Endless Sea, the seventh game cycle.

Li Feng sat in front of the desk in his room, playing with the white gold invitation letter.

The Surprise Attack docked at the dock area of ​​Wind's Rest City last night.

It was night, so there was almost no one in the dock area, and it was difficult to walk around in the dark.

Except for those who had people waiting at home, most of the crew members chose to continue sleeping on the ship for one night and wait for dawn before disembarking.

Li Feng took advantage of the fact that it was dark and the crew members were asleep, so he and Shia quietly went to the lighthouse island to sacrifice a thunder eel.

Wait until the next morning, the sky is bright.

At the kind invitation of Captain Andrew and John, Li Feng and the returning crew members went to a restaurant to celebrate.

What Li Feng didn't expect was that the owner of the restaurant actually knew him and expressed his gratitude to him repeatedly.

Li Feng learned about it after the restaurant owner told him.

During the few days he was out at sea, strange self-mutilation incidents occurred every night in Fengxi City.

Although those who self-mutilated were rescued by the light prayers of the Purple Flower Church, they all had extremely serious mental problems.

At that time, everyone was at a loss. Even the Archmage with Violet Eyes who came to deal with the problem was helpless.

Just when everyone in the city was in despair, Perry, the apprentice of Violet Eyes, made a potion according to Li Fengxin's formula, and actually saved everyone.

The restaurant owner's son is one of them.

Before going to sea, Li Feng vaguely expected that the Theater of Sadness might affect ordinary people in the city.

But what he never expected was that the impact of the theater would be so severe.

And because of the pharmaceutical formula in Thaksin, these serious effects were solved.

So much so that now, the residents of Wind's Breath City are lamenting that Mr. Lai Yin once again saved Wind's Breath City after killing the demon.

However, Li Feng also has his own considerations. Now that the matter is so big, Governor Feier will definitely summon him.

Sure enough, after many social interactions, as soon as Li Feng returned to Storm's End, the Governor ordered someone to invite him to lunch.

At the dinner table, Governor Penros Fair, although he was just chatting in random directions, Li Feng didn't have any lies that couldn't be rounded off.

From learning the ancient troll language from a teacher when he was a child, to helping Violet Eyes translate historical materials, to meeting old friends from the crew and going out to sea to help.

Everything has a sufficient cause and effect, and the most important thing is.

Because of the mediocre cufflinks of the relic, in the eyes of the high-ranking governor, Li Feng is still a second-level hunter.

His strength has not changed, and there are sufficient reasons for what he does, so it is difficult for Governor Fell to doubt anything.

Under the scorching sun, bursts of cicada chirping came from the window.

Li Feng turned his gaze back to the snow-white gold-plated invitation in his hand.

This was the performance invitation he received last night when he presented Thunder Eel to the Theater of Sorrow.

"My dearest Mr. Lai Yin, please watch your performance at midnight today.

——Theatre of Sadness”

‘It’s tonight. ’

Li Feng sighed as he unfolded the invitation letter.

Different from the fear of receiving the invitation letter last time, with the existence of Black Dragon Shia, Li Feng seeing the invitation letter now is equivalent to seeing the certificate of promotion.

If nothing else happens, he and Shia will be able to enter the second floor of the Theater of Sadness at 11:30 tonight.

And because of Black Dragon Shia, he could be promoted to the second and fourth levels while lying down.

Seeing that nothing happened around him, Li Feng lay down on the bed, ready to take a nap and have a good rest.

But before going to bed, he saw the system chat channel, which had accumulated many unread messages.

I just wanted to take a look at it while I have some time.

But as soon as I opened the chat channel, I realized that I couldn't understand anything at all.

*: "This system is too deceptive. Just kill them and don't bury them!"

*: "Yeah, doesn't it issue tasks based on levels?"

*: "I can't imagine that if I were to do this task, I might die without even knowing how."

*: "That's right, this system is too confusing."

*: "To be honest, I haven't even been promoted to extraordinary, yet I actually received this mission."

*: "This mission should be of a regional nature. Players outside the region cannot receive it."

*: "Almost, but this task reminds me that before, official players stopped Boss No. 67 from doing the promotion task of system reward."

*: "Oh, I remembered it too. I remember that the official players at that time called that mission a death mission."

*: "The mission we are receiving now can probably be called a life-threatening mission."

Seeing the lines of information flashing before his eyes, Li Feng guessed whether some players had received some missions.

Looking through the chat history, Li Feng discovered that it was just at noon today.

Players on Luofeng Island and nearby players all received a system task.

Li Feng roughly figured it out from the discussions among the players.

The requirement of the system task is to obtain the Tide Scepter.

The reward for completing this task is to be promoted by one rank.

Judging from the rewards of the task alone, this task is indeed very attractive.


‘What is the Tide Scepter? ’

Li Feng was curious and continued to look through the chat history.

Then he saw that a player who was suspected of living on Luofeng Island mentioned it.

*: "I wonder if you all still remember the big storm in the sea near Storm Island in the last few days of the last cycle?"

*: "Is it the time when the Violet Eye ship was trapped so that they could not capture the paper crane?"

*: “Yes, that was it.

The news I heard is that the storm was not caused by natural causes, but was caused by someone fighting to open and control the tidal scepter of Haishi.

If nothing unexpected happens, a new island should have appeared in the center of that storm.

The future sea market will be held there. "

*: "Uh... Since I live an ordinary life, can I ask, what is a mirage?"

*: “You can think of it as a black market where illegal items are traded.”

*: "Wait a minute! That scepter sounds so powerful, but the system asks us to snatch it? Isn't this an obvious life-threatening mission?"

*: "Yes, actually, if you think about it from another angle, the system is not obligated to upgrade us."

*: "It hurts my heart."

*: “I don’t think everyone should be nervous.

Even if you accept the task, it won't have any impact as long as you put it aside and don't do it. "

*: "That makes sense!"

*: "That makes me feel relieved."

Watching the discussion among the players, Li Feng couldn't help but think of the new island he had just visited.

The island appears in the storm, the tidal scepter that opens the sea market.

The voodoo dolls placed in the cave and the floating blue things that the crew had seen.

Li Feng, who couldn't sleep anymore, thought in his mind, could there be some kind of connection between them?

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