Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 146: Important historical materials delivered to your door

"Do your dragons have any spells that can hide their rank?"

In the dock area of ​​Fengxi City, Li Feng looked at the Sad Theater in the distance, which was guarded by various forces, and asked the black cat lying on his arm.

The Theater of Sorrow has seven floors.

Since each level you pass can gain an equivalent level of power, he and Shia will definitely not give up the opportunity to advance to the next six levels.

But if you are promoted too quickly, it will be extremely dangerous in Wind Breath City, where high-level extraordinary people now gather.

If the two parties are of the same rank, it is still not easy to detect each other's specific rank.

But if he encounters a fourth-level ninth-level transcendent like Governor Fehr, he can easily determine the opponent's level from the extraordinary fluctuations on the opponent's body.

So if you don't hide it well, it can easily attract suspicion.

And what worries Li Feng the most is.

In addition to Governor Feir who is in the light, there is also an unknown Soul Eater in the dark in Wind's Breath City.

Moreover, the Soul Eater still has apprentices working for him.

The last time Li Feng was at Garde's wooden house, he fought against three of his apprentices.

As for the Soul Eater himself, according to the wood elf Morning Star, he has been involved in forbidden spells and is by no means an easy target to deal with.

"You mean..."

When Xia heard this, her golden eyes rolled, and she immediately understood what Li Feng meant.

“I am a born extraordinary race, and I have better control over extraordinary abilities than humans.

If I wanted to hide, it would be difficult to be found unless I was someone of my own kind or a demigod.

This is also the reason why I turned into a cat and can go everywhere to find out information without being discovered, because they can't feel the extraordinary fluctuations in me.

But you..."

Xia raised the cat's head and looked at Li Feng from below, thinking in her heart:

"I do know that there is a potion that can hide the rank, but it is similar to the transformation potion and you have to take it all the time.

That potion can hide your rank for one hour every time you take it.

It just tastes a bit unpleasant, said to be like rancid water mixed with feces, and you may lose your sense of taste after drinking it for a long time.

But it does work. Do you want me to..."

"Ahem... no need."

Li Feng interrupted Xia's good intentions with a smile. He gently smoothed his hair, and an extra hair fell out of his hand.

That's the price of using today's relic - the humble cufflink.

Compared with drinking sour water mixed with potions that smell like shit, losing one hair every day can hide one's rank.

Li Feng looked at the fallen hair and couldn't help but sigh, how lucky he was.

"There's no need for that potion, I have my own way."


Hearing Li Feng's immediate rejection, Xia tilted her cat's head and blinked at him.

Since Li Feng said so firmly that he had a way, Xia certainly believed it and didn't ask again.

However, Xia also discovered that besides liking cats, Li Feng also hated drinking unpleasant things.

The scorching sun above our heads is gradually setting towards the west, and the wind is blowing from the sea.

The wind brought coolness, and there was the cheerful and noisy drumming on the first floor of the Theater of Sorrow.

Listening to those voices, Xia raised her head and asked Li Feng:

"Now that the invitation is gone, what should we do?"

When she woke up from her dream last night, like Li Feng, Xia's invitation spontaneously combusted without fire and turned into ashes and disappeared into the air.

If it were the first time, being able to get rid of that invitation letter would definitely make Sia happy and have a good sleep.

But now that she can obtain the power of her ancestors from the Theater of Sorrow, the disappearance of this invitation is something that makes her unable to sleep.

"Didn't you say that the Violet Eyes brought the ancient historical data of the Floating Island?"

Li Feng asked instead without answering.

"Um-yeah, why do you ask about that?"

Holding Li Feng's sleeve, Xia shook the cat's head.

"Because most questions can always be answered in books."

Looking down at Xia, Li Feng smiled and said that he was now interested in the historical materials brought by the Violet Eye.


Hearing what Li Feng said, Xia suddenly felt uncomfortable in her heart.

She opened her golden vertical pupils wide and stared at Li Feng very seriously:

"Isn't it too risky? The Spellweaver mentor from Violet Eye this time is of a very high level!"

Li Feng was stunned when he heard this, but then he understood what Xia meant.

Speechless in his heart, he replied through the contract:

"What are you thinking about? How could I do such things as murder and robbery?"

Sia: "..."

‘Have you not done enough of killing people and stealing goods? ’

After making a fuss in her heart, Sia got back to business:

“Those historical materials come from the Floating Island, and to them, although they are not as important as solving the mystery of the Theater of Sorrow.

However, there is no reason for them to show it to an irrelevant person? "

Listening to Xia's statement, Li Feng nodded. He thought it was reasonable.

But while stroking the knot in his pocket that was given by Huang Yanyan and blessed by the Light Prayer, Li Feng suddenly made a joke:

"Maybe I will have good luck today."

"Hello fellow comrades, the information ends at 4 pm on August 16."

In the toilet cubicle of the Maester's Tower at Storm's End, Qi Heng used the excuse of having diarrhea to deliver a message to all official players.

He sat on the barrel. In order to buy time, Qi Heng took out the A4 paper and signature pen brought from the player world from the system backpack.

Because of the production process, the paper and pen in the player world are much easier to use than the paper and pen in the game world.

Now, Qi Heng laid the smooth A4 paper flat on his lap, and then wrote with a signature pen.

"I am now at Storm's End. The Theater of Sorrow in the Lost Land appeared last night. The theater is in the shape of a tower, with a total of seven floors.

Last night, the Violet Eyes Mission had tried various methods but failed to enter the theater.

And the strangest thing is that about an hour after the theater appeared, the lights on the first floor of the theater suddenly turned on.

No one knew why at the time, but today, the mentors of Violet Eyes are investigating the historical materials sent from the floating island.

They speculated that if the lights came on on a certain level of the theater, someone had passed through that level.

Moreover, they also speculated that unknown items were hidden on every floor of the theater.

But these are all speculations, because the historical records are written in ancient troll language.

Although my mentor knows Troll Language, he only knows a few words of Ancient Troll Language.

As for the invitation letter found from Zhihe, no one knows what it is, how to get it, and how to use it.

In short, we are currently stuck in not understanding the ancient troll language in historical materials.

Dear comrades, if you have any clues about the ancient troll language, please let us know in your next communication.

Finally, due to suspicion, someone passed the first floor of the Theater of Sorrow within an hour.

So infer this.

In Wind's Breath City, there is most likely an unknown existence that is even more powerful than the Violet Eye.

Players in Wind's Breath City and even Storm Island, please be careful. "

Under the not-so-bright light, Qi Heng quickly finished the letter and passed it to other official players through the Fire Seal Orb.

He then quickly left the bathroom and returned to his mentor.

Because they don't understand the ancient troll language, the entire Violet Eye mission is now in a state of darkness.

Qi Heng heard that in order to legally participate in the investigation of the Sad Theater.

The chief of Violet Eyes, however, kept low to the king, made many promises, and even gave up some business interests.

All their executives did was to study the sudden appearance of the Theater of Sadness.

And use this experience to control other lost places that have sunk to the bottom of the sea.

To put it bluntly, it's all for the extraordinary power.

But the reality is that it was not successful at the beginning, and it was directly stuck because of not knowing foreign languages.

‘Sigh—I’ve traveled to another world and tied my belt, and I still have to learn a foreign language. ’

Qi Heng, who had never passed a foreign language in school, cursed in his heart.

However, those are things that his mentor needs to worry about.

As an apprentice, Qi Heng is now more concerned about what excuse he will use to leave midway the next time he delivers a letter.

Recently, the excuse of diarrhea has been used to the extreme by Qi Heng.

He estimated that if he used this excuse again, his mentor Alton would ask Bonnie to inject him with various strange potions.

Thinking of Bonnie's potion, Qi Heng's legs couldn't help but soften.

Qi Heng was thinking like this as he turned around a long corridor, and then he heard a rich and powerful female voice.

"Perry, you're back!"

Along with the sound came a shadow.

He guessed someone in his mind, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Bonnie.

Bonnie is also an apprentice of Violet Eyes. Like Qi Heng, she also studies under the spellweaver mentor Alton.

To be precise, Bonnie is human, but her ancestors were married to giants.

With giant blood, she is more than half a head taller than Qi Heng.

So much so that Qi Heng felt even more stressed every time he walked with this junior sister.

The beautiful fantasies about junior sisters in those novels were shattered by Bonnie, who was strong and tall.

"Is your diarrhea feeling better? Do you want to drink some of my medicine?"

Bonnie asked forcefully.

Upon hearing the potion, Qi Heng quickly waved his hand and immediately expressed that he had completely recovered.

In his opinion, Bonnie was a good girl with a kind heart, but the potion she made was simply cruel and ruthless.

Qi Heng was lucky enough to drink it once. It tasted like shit at first and smelled like rancid water at the end...

Qi Heng said that he can remember it for a lifetime.

"Okay, as long as you're fine."

Bonnie was used to it since the potion couldn't be delivered.

"Oh, by the way, the mentor asked me to come to you, and we found a bachelor who is very knowledgeable about trolls.

He might know the ancient troll language. "

On the way back to the first floor of the Bachelor's Tower, Bonnie talked to Qi Heng about the latest progress in translating historical materials.

Hearing this, Qi Heng was shocked.

‘Is there progress so soon? ’

Qi Heng was happy. After all, if someone really translated the historical materials, then the officials of the Player World would also be able to obtain important information.

"Who is this person? Is he in Wind's Breath City?"

Qi Heng asked immediately.

"Well, that person's name is Rhine. I heard he lives in Storm's End."

Bonnie nodded and said in an energetic voice:

"And I also heard that half of the books in the Bachelor's Tower belong to him."


Qi Heng thought about this name, and it felt familiar to him. He must have heard it somewhere before.

At the same time, Bonnie's voice continued:

“This time our mentor overheard the apprentice who managed the library talk about it.

That Mr. Rhine once brought all the troll-related books in the bachelor's tower back to his room to study.

The person who can read those books must be someone who knows a lot about trolls.

Maybe he also has a lot of knowledge about the ancient troll language. "

While listening to Bonnie's words, Qi Heng suddenly recalled where he had heard the name "Rhine".

That was some time ago, because the kestrel of the Earth Ring sent Faranir's notes to the royal city.

And his mentor, Alton, happened to be in the royal city on business.

At that time, Qi Heng had contacted Kestrel through referrals in order to find out information about Faranir's notes.

But Kestrel is an old man with a sharp mouth and a careful mind, so Qi Heng didn't get any information.

But during the time when he was in contact with Kestrel, Qi Heng also carefully discovered that he had corresponded with a person named "Rhine".

Moreover, Kestrel, who always treated others casually, showed a rare sincerity towards this Rhine.

‘Is it really the person Kestrel knows? ’

Many thoughts were swirling in Qi Heng's mind. Whatever he thought of, he immediately confirmed to Bonnie:

"Is this Mr. Rhine the 'free man before the Sea Throne'?"

Qi Heng heard in the royal city that the Rhine whom Kestrel knew was once awarded the title of "The Free Man Before the Sea Throne" by the king.

"Oh yes! I heard from other bachelors in the bachelor's tower that Mr. Rhine does have a title personally awarded by the king."

‘It’s really him! ’

After getting Bonnie's confirmation, Qi Heng immediately felt that he must make friends with Lain.

One is for the current translation of ancient troll language.

The second is for the previous Faranir notes.

If he befriends Rhine, he might be able to deepen his relationship with Kestrel through Rhine.

By then, we might be able to discover who found the notes, and the more detailed story of the last time the demon came ashore and invaded the world.

This is extremely useful information for the officials of the player world.

"Now Mr. Rhine, where is he?"

After clearing his thoughts, Qi Heng asked hurriedly.

"It is said that I went hunting a few days ago and will return to Storm's End today."

Bonnie replied, and then she said in a loud voice:

"Just now, the instructor asked me to come to you and said that we would go together to meet Mr. Rhine."


Qi Heng nodded, very good, things are developing as he expected.

But then he suddenly realized:

"Wait, the instructor asked you to go to the toilet to find me?"

"Yes, if you have diarrhea and go to the toilet, of course I will go to the toilet to find you."

Bonnie lowered her head and looked down at Qi Heng with a confused look on her face. She had no idea why Qi Heng asked this.


Qi Heng lowered his eyes and was speechless.

‘Sure enough, among the three masters and disciples, I am the only normal person. ’

In the evening of midsummer, the sun is westward.

The breeze blowing from the sea blew away the summer heat that was no longer strong.

When Qi Heng and his mentor Alton found Li Feng, Li Feng was holding Shia in cat form and slowly returned to Storm's End Castle.

"Ancient troll language?"

After listening to Spellweaver Alton's explanation of his purpose, Li Feng had many thoughts in his mind.

What he knows is Troll Language, as for Ancient Troll Language...

how to say?

It is very possible that you will know each other after reading the book.

"There are very few books written in the ancient troll language. I'm not sure. I happen to know the part of the text used in the historical materials stored in Guidao."

Under the expectant gaze of Qi Heng's mentor Alton, Li Feng politely replied with an ambiguous word.

"What Mr. Rhine said is absolutely true. Books written in ancient troll language are indeed rare."

Alton immediately nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

He is a fourth-level Spellweaver, in the middle and upper ranks of the Violet Eye, and he is usually arrogant.

But now, the pressure of not being able to enter the Theater of Sadness is weighing on him, and he is almost unable to explain to the floating island.

And according to his guess, the first floor of the Theater of Sorrow has been invaded by an unknown entity.

If in the end, others pass through the Theater of Sorrow first, but the mission he led returns without success.

Then he might not be able to stay at the Violet Eye anymore.

Therefore, Alton, who is usually arrogant, put away his arrogance and was polite when facing Li Feng, who was much younger than him and of a much lower rank.

For fear of missing out, the possibility of translating ancient troll language.

At that moment, he smiled extremely kindly and cordially:

"Then Mr. Rhine, I wonder if you can go and take a look at the historical materials we brought from the floating island?"

As soon as these words came out, Xia, who had been lying on Li Feng's arm, suddenly felt angry and funny.

She raised her cat head high and looked at Li Feng, and said to him through the contract:

"Is this what you call good luck?"

Li Feng didn't reply to her, but continued to listen to Alton's introduction of historical materials, while freeing up a hand to gently press the cat's head.

At the same time, he replied to Alton with a smile:

"You're welcome. It's an honor for me to be able to help."

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