Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 117 Research new talents and find fishing spots

[Hunter promotion mission: Investigate gargoyles and kill the mother of gargoyles. 】

[Task Tips: Storm's End]

[Task reward: Promote another level to the original hunter level. 】

[Accept or reject]

‘Gargoyle? ’

In the game world of the Endless Sea, the bright moon hangs high.

In the quiet Bai Feng Manor, Li Feng looked at the mission panel and tried to recall whether he had heard of such a thing as a "gargoyle".

In my impression, he seemed to have seen it in the autobiography of veteran player Faranir.

It is also mentioned in the notes of his grandson Gad.

Immediately getting out of bed and sitting back at the desk, Li Feng turned on the gas light, then took out two notebooks and looked through them one by one.

Faranir's autobiography states that a gargoyle is a disgusting, bat-like monster with wings.

From what he read between the lines, Li Feng could tell that Faranir hated gargoyles.

The autobiography also mentioned that although gargoyles are monsters, their heads are very precious high-level extraordinary materials.

In many underground trading markets, it is often hard to find a single coin.

But it is a pity that the old player only recorded it in his autobiography.

How he spent a lot of money at the auction and viciously bid for gargoyle heads with two big families.

The final result was that he raised the price so high that all the big families were cash-strapped and defeated.

Faranier wrote the auction process in great detail, with thousands of twists and turns, which is amazing.

As a copywriter, Li Feng felt that he could copy this paragraph into the novel he was copying.

But as a reader, the information and sources about gargoyles that he most wanted to see were not mentioned by Faranir.

Looking through Gard's notes again, we can see that Gard, as a grandson, did not record much more than his grandfather.

'Pity. ’

Closing the note, Li Feng looked back at the task interface.

First of all, no matter what the gargoyle is and how powerful the mother gargoyle is, the reward of this mission is too tempting.

This reward is not promotion to the third level, but promotion to the first level on the original basis.

Therefore, no matter what level you are in to complete this task, you can get a full level of improvement.

With no reason to refuse, Li Feng accepted the task.

What made him somewhat worried was that the clue to the mission was actually at Storm's End.

Why is Storm's End associated with monsters like gargoyles?

Thinking of Storm's End, Li Feng also thought of Governor Penros Fell.

If it were revealed that he had killed many nobles of Storm's End before, then the Governor would definitely not spare him.

But Li Feng also understood that those were not the fundamental problems.

The most fundamental problem lies in the Faranir Notes, which is already known to the world.

Even though he had handed over the notes to the king, could a man as shrewd as the Governor fail to guess that he had a copy in his hand.

Or, the Governor could get the notes from other places, but given the Governor's suspicion...

‘Would he think that the notes were altered by me? ’

It was not without reason that Li Feng was so suspicious.

After all, the notes written by Gard under the false name of his grandfather had many important recipes incomplete, unclear, or even wrong due to translation problems.

If you have never seen the original notes, you may become suspicious and think that Li Feng deliberately altered them.

There is a saying that it is a sin to hold a bi in your arms. For Li Feng, it was also a sin to have a bi in his arms.

Subconsciously, Li Feng always felt that the governor and he would not get along well.

What's more, there is now a Soul Eater in Wind's Breath City who wants to get the notes and has access to the forbidden spell.

Thinking of this person, Li Feng immediately took out the relic fortune teller's letter opener.

He first picked up the dip pen and dipped it in the dark ink bottle, and then wrote on the letter paper:

Did the Soul Eater who sent three apprentices to assassinate me conspire with Governor Penros Fell?

Fold the letter paper, write your name on the cover as the recipient, then put down the pen and seal it with wax.

Afterwards, Li Feng picked up the letter opener of the Relic Fortune Teller and cut his own hand with the tip of the knife.

The letter opener that absorbed the blood beads immediately glowed slightly with scarlet light.

"Stab it."

The letter he had just written was opened again. Li Feng unfolded the letter paper, and the text on it had changed its content.

"Under the deep night, the bright moon and stars will always appear together."

Li Feng looked down at the letter:

"Oh, it's true."

Mold stains climbed up the walls. In the castle basement, which was damp and smelled of rancid water, the candlelight flickered out.

"Why did this player...die?"

Just after midnight, Soul Eater Mathas looked in surprise at Governor Penlos Fell, who was sitting behind him and watching the interrogation.

Mathas, who was showing surprise at the moment due to being exposed to forbidden spells, looked more like a skeleton.

Faced with this situation, Governor Fehr had expected it.

He casually stroked the whip in his hand and said:

“Some players once said that they would return to their own world at a fixed midnight.

They lived there for more than ten days and then traveled back. "

Governor Fehr said as he stood up and walked to the dead player who was tied to the torture rack.

His tall and strong body suddenly cast a large shadow in the candlelight.

"Perhaps this person couldn't stand your torture and committed suicide when he traveled back to their world."

Mathas: "??? Mr. Governor, I don't understand."

Tonight, Mathas meets the man the Governor calls "The Player."

Under his evil spell, he heard many incredible things from this player.

But now, he is even more confused.

"The players claim that they have bodies in both worlds. As long as one body dies, the other will die as well."

Governor Fehr said as he looked around the player's body.

No matter how you look at this person, he is just an ordinary farmer working outside the city.

If he hadn't recently come to Wind's Breath City, asking around for purchasing channels for secret treasures, and always speaking some strange language, his own people wouldn't have discovered him.

"Do you still have a body in another world? Live in another world for more than ten days?"

Mathas's blood-red eyes moved back and forth in his dry eye sockets, and then he asked what he couldn't understand the most:

"But, Mr. Governor, more than ten days have passed in other worlds, but only one second has passed in our world?"

"I heard this from other governors, and I don't know the details.

From what they said, many of the players who were caught went crazy for no apparent reason. "

Governor Fell simply replied, and then he asked Mathas:

"How's it going? Any ideas?"

Mathas took a slight breath, his attitude was respectful:

“Sir Governor, I still think this is just some kind of curse.

Traveling between two worlds, having two bodies, and time flowing at different speeds, the villain believes that this is all a figment after being cursed.

Moreover, the villain makes a bold guess that the person who cursed them...may just want to weaken the rights of the governors. "

"Diminishing the powers of governors?"

Governor Fehr sneered deeply, and he narrowed his eyes slightly and thought of the king sitting on the Sea Throne.

"Then what can you do?"

Governor Feier raised his head and lowered his eyes, looking at the groveling Mathas in front of him and said.

Hearing the governor's question, Mathas straightened up slightly, his skull face full of flattery:

"Don't worry, Lord Governor, the villain is a soul eater. Even if the player dies, I can pull out his soul and ask about it.


"Just what?"

Governor Fell raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I just ask the Governor to arrest a few more players to make things easier for the villain."


In the dark basement filled with the smell of blood, candlelight danced gently.

When footsteps are about to sound:

"Lord Governor!"

Seeing Governor Fell turning around to leave, Mathas immediately called to the Governor.

"What's up?"

Looking back at Mathas, the Governor's eyes were playful.

Mathas immediately bowed and said:

"Mr. Governor, I don't know what you mentioned last time... Faranir's notes..."

Seeing Mathas's servile appearance, the governor sneered in his heart.

‘This Soul Eater was full of disrespect towards me before.

But now, he can only get the notes through me, and he starts to behave in a low-key manner. ’

As his thoughts changed, the Governor suddenly smiled warmly and said:

"Don't worry, my friend, I will share the notes with you when I get them."

At the same time, the governor thought to himself that Mathas' forbidden spell would be of great use to him in the future, and he could not kick it away just yet.

"Thank you my Governor, you are truly as merciful as the Seven."

Upon hearing the governor's promise, Mathas immediately bowed and saluted.

The Governor nodded with satisfaction. He likes people who bend their knees and lower their heads to him.

Finally, with a glance at the dead players, Governor Fehr turned around and left the smelly basement.

However, at this moment, Mathas stopped him again.

"What else?"

In the dark basement, the Governor frowned deeply and sounded unhappy.

However, Mathas took a step forward and whispered:

"Mr. Governor, that ceremony..."

Mathas looked past the dead players to the depths of the basement, and then said cautiously in a smaller voice:

"That ritual requires more gargoyle heads."

After hearing this, Governor Feier couldn't help but look deep into the basement.

Then he said in a deep voice:


The morning light in the east dissipates the night mist, and the endless sea welcomes a new day.

Although he didn't go to bed until late at night, Li Feng still got up very early.

Since fishing can restore health, sleeping for him now is just a way for his brain to temporarily forget what he needs to face every day.

As for the rest of the rest, he didn't care.

After washing up and getting dressed, Li Feng walked out of his room.

At the Bai Feng Manor in the Wind Breath City branch of the Earth Ring, everyone is now very polite to Li Feng.

Even the leaders of Bai Feng Manor.

Although Li Feng's rank is not high, he is a free man in front of the Sea Throne, which is professed by the kingdom, and his identity is here.

And besides that, what these old men of higher rank than him were even more concerned about was that Li Feng found Faranir's notes on his own.

Everyone knew that the notebook had been watched by various forces, and it would be extremely dangerous to rashly search for it.

But after Li Feng left alone without saying goodbye, he came back alive.

And not only was he alive, he also found the notes, which was something no one familiar with the matter in Bai Feng Manor could have imagined.

For extraordinary people in the extraordinary world, strength always comes first.

Li Feng has impressive strength, so he will naturally get corresponding respect.

In addition, he is a man of three generations and looks young, but in fact he is quite understanding of people and the world.

So even though he had only been in Bai Feng Manor for a short time, almost everyone in the manor had become friends with him.

The sun was rising, and the bright morning light shone into the dining room of the manor.

While having breakfast, Li Feng met Spellweaver Candice, who had participated in Operation Mist with him.

During that operation, she was scratched on the face by a demon on the ship.

Li Feng remembered that some time ago, she said she wanted to find a pharmacist who could cure scars.

But now it seems that the pharmacist's scar removal medicine does not seem to have any effect.

"Oh—that's so sad."

Candice, who was sitting across the dining table but didn't touch the tableware or food, sighed.

She held her chin in her hand and looked at Li Feng, and said in a rather exaggerated tone of regret:

“The scar makes me ashamed to take off my veil in front of a handsome man like you.

If I don't take off my veil, I won't be enjoying the food. Alas, the Seven Gods...

Even if we see each other every day in the future, can't we have dinner together? "


Li Feng was a little embarrassed by the question.


After hearing Candice's words, the Holy Judge Benjamin put down the tableware, wiped his mouth, and asked Candice:

"As a handsome man, why can you not wear a veil in front of me?"

Upon hearing this, Candice glanced at him squeamishly and said angrily:

"The only person who can make me ashamed of my scars and focus on my image is a handsome man like Rhine. Compared with him, you feel somewhat ordinary.

And you, listen to my advice..."

Candice suddenly said to Benjamin seriously:

"You must never participate in the social season with Rhine in the future. If you two stand together, you will suffer~"

Benjamin: "..."


Dreamkeeper Jian, who had been eating with empty eyes, suddenly couldn't hold herself any longer.

But soon, her expression returned to expressionless.

Li Feng was a little embarrassed by the mature, intellectual and sociable Candice, but then he remembered something.

Pretending to put his hand into the inner pocket of his jacket, Li Feng actually took out a small brown glass bottle from the dragon's luggage.

He handed the bottle to Candice and said:

"When I went out this time, I accidentally got this bottle of potion. The person who made it said that this potion can remove scars."

Li Feng got this small bottle from Gade's wooden house.

Before traveling through time last night, Li Feng took the time to sort out Garde's extraordinary materials and the potions he made.

Then he discovered this bottle of potion that could remove scars, and solved a mystery that had been bothering him.

Before going to Wood County, Li Feng had seen an advertisement selling scar removal potion in a newspaper 50 years ago.

He remembered that the name of the inventor of the potion was printed at the end of the advertisement.

Among the three inventors, the last name is "Faranir".

However, through the news in the following two issues of the newspaper, Li Feng discovered that the potion in the advertisement was not effective at all and received many complaints from customers.

Li Feng never understood this, and later he thought it was just a coincidence in the name.

Until last night, among Gad's many belongings.

Li Feng discovered this bottle of scar-removing potion, as well as clippings of newspaper advertisements from that year, and Gad's own diary.

It turns out that although he was poor at the time, Gad had already made great achievements in alchemy. He once wanted to change his life through his skills.

He took his alchemical results to the capital of Wood County, where he met two people.

The two people took a fancy to his talent, invited him to dinner, and called him their friend.

When Gad expressed his desire to make money, the two men told him.

If you can make a potion that makes scars disappear, you will definitely earn a lot of money from beauty lovers.

Gad wrote in his diary that he trusted those two people at the time and listened to their opinions.

After countless experiments, Gad finally made a satisfactory scar removal potion.

After that, the two people showed Gard the contract and told him that for every bottle of potion, he would get 2% of the profit.

The young man from the small town didn't know that he had met a liar. Although he was doubtful, Gad felt that the two people were very kind to him, so he agreed without asking anything.

After that, the two people registered a company and published advertisements for scar removal potions in newspapers.

In order to commemorate his grandfather, Gad used the name "Faranir" as the inventor of the potion.

But when Gad happily got the newspaper and read the advertisement published on it.

But he was shocked to find that the names of those two people were also written in the column introducing the inventors of the potion.

Gad, who had almost never interacted with outsiders, couldn't figure it out.

It was obvious that he developed the potion after more than 100 days and nights, so why would the inventor include those two people?

They clearly did nothing when it came to the development of potions.

what is this?

Gad couldn't understand this. He felt that he had been deceived and that the two men had insulted what he considered to be a noble profession of alchemy.

Unable to listen to the explanations of the two men anymore, one night, Gad secretly got on the train and fled back to his cabin on the mountain of Alvin Manor.

Since Gadde left, the two men had no potions to sell, so they sold fake products as inferior products, and eventually received customer complaints and refunds.

While those two were punished, Gad has been dealt a blow ever since.

He was stubborn and would rather be poor forever than leave Wood County and go to a big city to meet strangers and sell his alchemical results.

Li Feng couldn't help but sigh when he looked at Gad's diary and the only remaining bottle of scar removal potion he made.

After all, Gad is not his time traveler grandfather.

With Gard's knowledge, character, and temperament, he would never be able to do what Faranir did and spend huge sums of money at the auction to attack the big family.

From this incident, Li Feng also figured out why Gadde was obviously a very accomplished great alchemist, but he was isolated from the world and impoverished all his life.

In Gad's diary, he once admired the expressions of users who marveled at the miracles caused by using his potion.

He also longed for the user to be happy because the ugly scars were removed.

It's just this longing that Garde has never been able to fulfill in his life.

Giving the scar removal potion to Candice, Li Feng suddenly felt.

After 50 years, the potion made by Garde finally had its first user.

Although Gad couldn't see Candice's expression of wonder and happiness, in the end, it could be regarded as helping him get what he wanted to some extent.

After breakfast, Li Feng bid farewell to Candice and the others and went to the dock area of ​​Windshine City.

The mysteries surrounding Gard and Faranir were finally solved, and it was time for Li Feng to concentrate on his own affairs.

Due to system rewards, he now has a new evolutionary talent - finding fishing spots.

This new talent can only be used once every 24 hours, but it can help him find places where extraordinary creatures can be fished near him.

For Li Feng, as long as the extraordinary creatures are of the right type, he can hunt them and fuse them with the secret treasure flint, which will give him the resources to advance to the hunter level.

So he must take advantage of it.

Silently using his talent for finding fishing spots, a picture suddenly appeared in Li Feng's mind.

After thinking carefully, he discovered that this place was an uninhabited rocky coast in the dock area of ​​Storm's End.

Bringing his specially made fishing rod from the player world, Li Feng found this place.

There was not much wind and waves today, and the seawater lapped gently on the rocks.

After some searching, Li Feng came to the place he perceived in his mind.

He stood on the rough, weathered rocks and lowered a long fishing line into the sea.

The sun is warm and the sea breeze is salty.

Not long after.

There was a "swish" sound in the sea in front of me.

Li Feng felt the fishing rod in his hand sink suddenly, and something bit the hook.

//Some explanations of this chapter are in the author's words.

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