The girl in the black group was sixteen or seventeen years old. After hearing Li Feng's question, you could see her blushing face even in the dark.

"He never treated us as human beings..."

The girl lowered her head and talked intermittently about what happened to her and the girls who were abducted here like her.

They thought they had found a job, a place to live, and a generous salary to send home.

But when they entered the castle happily, they found that this was the beginning of their nightmare.

There weren't many surprises, just as Li Feng expected.

But compared with the abnormal cases reported in the player world news, Borg Moros is obviously worse.

Perhaps it is because we live in a feudal aristocratic society where no one is equal, so those in power are more confident.

"So do you know the girl that Danny killed?"

After listening to the stories of the girls in the black group, Li Feng asked.

"Yes, her name is Charlotte."

The black group girl replied:

"But she wasn't killed by the doctor, he was killed by Borg Moros."


Li Feng asked.

"That day……"

The girls in the black group looked at the castle from a distance, and she began to recall with a painful expression:

"That day, Charlotte was taken to the room by Borg Moros, but he was not good at that. Unable to satisfy himself, he started beating Charlotte, and finally strangled her to death in a rage.

But just in time for this scene, the doctor who came to treat Borg Moros caught him.

Bog Moros was afraid that he would tell the truth, so he teamed up with his housekeeper to frame the doctor, saying that Charlotte was killed by the doctor.

Afterwards, the housekeeper threatened us and asked us to testify that we saw with our own eyes that it was the doctor who killed Charlotte.

We had no choice but to do as he said. "

Hearing the girl's words, Li Feng nodded, and then he looked at the girls in the black group:

"Does Borg Moros often do this to you?"

The girl nodded and subconsciously touched her chest with one hand.

Then she opened her collar a little, revealing a scar that had been burned by an iron.

"There's a room in the basement of the castle that's full of stuff that Borg Moros used to torture us.

I couldn't bear it anymore, so I ran away. "

Hearing this, Li Feng almost had an idea in his mind.

Through questioning, he learned that this black group of girls had no relatives in Jinhu Town and no friends to rely on.

So he gave her 10 gold coins and some copper coins and asked her to take the train back to her distant home.

The girl in the black dress still didn't know what Li Feng was going to do, but she felt that Li Feng was a good person, even though he was very skilled in killing people.

After that, the girl thanked Li Feng and said goodbye, then ran to the train station in Jinhu Town.

The night breeze is refreshing and the sky is like a canopy.

After the girl in the black skirt ran away, Mrs. Alvin floated out from the dragon's bag.

She looked at the direction the girl left with a sad face.

"Sir, my poor grandson-in-law was indeed wronged."

Mrs. Alvin also heard what the girl in the black dress just said.

"I don't know if you..."

The madam was in a dilemma. She felt she had no reason to ask Li Feng, but she had no one to turn to except him.

"Don't worry, I will help Danny reverse the case."

Li Feng saw what she meant and said lightly.

Mrs. Alvin was overjoyed after hearing this. She looked at Li Feng gratefully and asked:

"I wonder what method you are going to use, sir? What can Kathleen or I do to help you?"

In what way, this made Li Feng question.

What can he do? He's not a real lawyer. Besides, even if he is a lawyer, he probably can't do anything.

"There's nothing I can do..."

Li Feng looked at the Moros family cemetery next to the dense forest and said:

"The only thing we can do is to build a few new graves here."

The moon is gradually setting in the west, and it is now past two o'clock in the morning.

Li Feng entered the shadow world in a flash and began to return to Borg Moros Castle in the distance.

Because he had covered the body when he killed the guard just now, and it was already late at night, so he missed the shift change time.

So nearly half an hour passed, and no one in the castle noticed anything strange.

Quietly, Li Feng sneaked into the castle.

This time he did not go to the backyard again, but went straight to Borg Moros's residence in the castle.

Since it was summer, most of the windows in the castle were open for ventilation.

This saved Li Feng the trouble, as he could just enter through the window.

Just now, Li Feng had asked the girl in black skirt about the rooms inside the castle and the residence of Borg Moros.

So after entering the main castle, you are familiar with the familiar roads.

Along the luxurious stairs, Li Feng came all the way to Borg Moros's bedroom on the third floor.

The bedroom door was half open. Li Feng approached the door and heard conversations coming from inside.

The first is the voice of a middle-aged man.

"Master, you can't do this anymore. If you cause too many lives, we will definitely attract suspicion."

"You know nothing!"

A young voice immediately replied to the middle-aged man.

“You old dog talks so much nonsense, can you cure my disease?

It’s not you who insists on killing that doctor. Now there’s no one to even treat me! "

Li Feng listened to the conversation and roughly guessed the person in the bedroom.

He slowly moved into the bedroom, because no one could see him in the shadow world.

At this moment, there was a middle-aged man wearing a black tuxedo standing in the bedroom. According to what the girl just said, this man should be the housekeeper of Borg Moros.

Another young man, who looked to be in his twenties, was wearing a white wide-sleeved silk shirt with his lower body exposed, and he kept complaining loudly.

But what made Li Feng frown was that at this moment, there was still a maid lying on the bedroom floor, her clothes were almost taken off, her body was injured and she was unconscious.

Li Feng was far away and was unsure of her condition, but judging from the weak breathing on her chest, it was obviously not good.

"When will uncle's medicine be delivered?"

Borg Moros shouted at the steward.

"The Lord Councilor's reply said that it may take a few more days. The medicine this time was personally prepared by the pharmacist at Storm's End."

The butler replied respectfully.

"Storm's End? When did my uncle get so close to that bitch Seren Weiss?"

Borg Moros was so agitated that he walked around naked in his bedroom.

"No, Master, the Chief Political Consultant said that this time it was the Governor who ordered someone to prepare medicine to cure your illness."


Hearing this, Borg Moros seemed to be less angry.

"Yes, the Governor is very fond of our Moros family."

Seeing that his master's anger had subsided, the butler immediately spoke with compliments.

"What our family? How dare you, an old dog, call us 'our Moros family'?"

After hearing this, the housekeeper immediately lowered his head and apologized for his arrogance.

Borg Moros, who was already angry, was walking around the room angrily, as if he wanted to vent his anger on something.

At this time, seeing the girl lying on the ground, he strode over and kicked her hard in the ribs.

Li Feng couldn't stand it anymore. He retreated to the light switch on the ceiling of the bedroom, preparing to turn off the light and kill.

But when his left hand was about to touch the switch, he touched another soft hand first.

How can it be? An alarm bell rang in Li Feng's heart, and he immediately turned his head to look to the left.

In the distorted black and white shadow world, a woman with long pointed ears was holding the switch with one hand and smiling at him.

'How can it be? I was clearly in the shadow world, how could she see me? ’


Li Feng immediately realized that this woman was clearly in the shadow world, and she was a hidden person.

And I didn't find her!

In an instant, thousands of thoughts suddenly appeared in my heart like a spurt.

To prevent any changes, Li Feng suddenly used his left hand to press the woman's hand and turned off the bedroom light.


The bedroom suddenly became dark late at night.

Just when Bog Moros and the housekeeper were confused and caught off guard, Li Feng threw the dragon blood dagger with his right hand, hitting Bog Moros in the throat.

At the same time, he had already grasped the flint in his left hand, aiming at the woman who suddenly appeared at close range.

Li Feng's agility talent is not low, and he did it with all his strength, so this movement was so fast that it only took the blink of an eye.

Because he was afraid that the woman would protect Borg Moros, Li Feng chose to kill Borg Moros first and leave the housekeeper when he could only kill one person.

In the darkness, the housekeeper realized something was wrong. In panic, he heard the sound of something falling to the ground.

The next moment, the smell of blood filled his nose.

The housekeeper screamed and wanted to run, but because he was in the dark, he could only discern the direction like a headless fly.

"You missed one!"

A gentle voice sounded in my ears, and it was the woman who spoke.

However, before Li Feng could see her movements clearly, he heard a "puff" coming from the housekeeper who was trembling with fear.

Li Feng looked immediately and saw a short blade stabbing the steward in the chest.

The next moment, the butler fell to the ground, dead together with his master.

The short blade was drawn out, but the woman with the pleasant voice still stood where she was. Li Feng didn't see her movements clearly from the beginning to the end.


Suddenly, the bedroom light came on again, and it was the woman who turned it on.

Li Feng immediately leaned his back against the wall in alarm. The flint stone had been switched to his right hand, pointing tightly at the woman.

Because of the actions just now, both of them had already exited the black and white twisted shadow world.

Li Feng also saw the woman's appearance clearly.

She is tall, wearing a set of dark red tight-fitting soft armor, and has delicate makeup on her beautiful face.

Her eyes are green, her ears are pointed and long, and her long light blond hair is tied back into a high ponytail.

‘Is it... an elf? ’

Li Feng was stunned for a moment. Regarding elves, he had only seen illustrations in books or some murals depicting history.

Another thing is to listen to Paul Dodd, a hunter in the northern battlefield.

Paul had seen elves far in the north, something he always boasted about.

"It is not a wise move to miss a target when assassinating."

The elf was pointed at by Li Feng with a gun, but he didn't seem to care at all. He still wanted to talk to Li Feng about the key points of the assassination.

"Who are you?"

Li Feng forced himself to ask calmly, and there was no emotion in his voice.

"You can call me Morning Star."

The elf named Morning Star smiled lightly, and she walked leisurely to the center of the bedroom, not caring that she was being pointed at a gun.

Chenxing's reaction made Li Feng frown. The two faced off, and he lost first in terms of momentum.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Li Feng put away his gun, letting his whole body relax.

Based on the current situation, it can at least prove that this elf is not here to protect Borg Moros.

"I've never seen you before. Who did you receive the mission from?"

Morningstar stepped over the body of Borg Moros and came to the unconscious girl lying on the ground.

Chenxing took out a small bottle from his waist after taking a breath.

Uncorked the bottle and poured the potion into the girl's mouth.

After doing all this, she turned back and asked Li Feng.

‘Who did you take the mission from? ’

Li Feng didn't know what she meant by her question, so he simply shut up and didn't answer. He just walked up to Borg Moros and pulled out his dragon blood dagger.

"Huh? Aren't you a hidden person?"

Chenxing's eyes followed Li Feng. She saw that Li Feng avoided answering, his head tilted to the right, and his face was filled with curiosity.


Chenxing seemed to have thought of something. Her green eyes widened, and her head slowly tilted to the left unconsciously, as if she was hesitating about something:

"You...are not from the Black and White Institute?"

Li Feng:? ? ?

He didn't know anything about who received the mission or what the Black and White Courtyard was.

But from the look of the elf, it seemed like he should know these things.

In other words, as a hidden person, you should know.

"Are you really not from the Black and White Institute?"

Chenxing's voice was obviously excited and surprised, her green eyes were wide open, and her red lips were slightly open.

She stared at Li Feng closely, as if making final confirmation.

Li Feng looked at her expression, and although he didn't know why, he felt that she was excited because he was not from the Black and White Courtyard.

‘What exactly is the Black and White Institute?

Does it matter if he is from the Black and White Institute?

Is she trying to hurt me or something? ’

Many questions popped up in his mind for a while, and Li Feng was unsure. He only held the knife in his left hand and the gun in his right hand, slowly retreated to the shadow, and then nodded lightly.

But what he didn't expect was that this gentle movement made Chenxing even happier.

An uncontrollable smile appeared on her face. In a flash, she came to Li Feng and stood very close to him.

"You are not a hidden person who was inherited in the Black and White Institute. So you are the one who was personally responded to by the stranger in the shadow?

Have you seen Him? I mean the God we believe in. "


Li Feng now concluded that this elf would most likely not kill him.

As for the Black and White Institute, it sounds like it's a place to cultivate hidden people.

"Maybe I've seen it before."

Li Feng replied that when he was promoted to the Hidden One for the first time, he did see something resembling a human figure in the fog.

At that time, he also sensed from the fog around him that it was the stranger in the shadow.

Because he was allowed to, he looked directly at the true God through the fog.

"What does He look like?"

Chenxing curiously asked about the stranger in the shadow. She seemed very excited because she was discovering something secret.

"It was foggy, so I couldn't see clearly."

Li Feng replied lightly, and then he continued:

"What is the Black and White Institute? And what are you doing here?"

Chenxing was in a good mood. After hearing Li Feng's words, she first gave him a big smile.

"I came here, of course, because of the mission of the Black and White Institute."

As she spoke, she walked away from Li Feng and continued to wander around the overly spacious bedroom.

"Ah! Here."

Seemingly discovering something, Chenxing picked up a vase and motioned to Li Feng to come and take a look.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Feng stepped forward.

He looked carefully at the vase. It was exquisite and gorgeous, nothing different.

Confused, Li Feng raised his eyes and looked at Chenxing.

Chenxing curled up her lips, smiled and took out the flowers from the vase.

"This is for you."

She happily gave the flowers to Li Feng, then reached into the bottom of the vase and pulled out a blood-colored crystal ball the size of an egg.

"This is mine."

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