Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1249 Want to open a building

Of course, Zhao Hanzhang not only ordered Tinghe to stock up on grain, she also asked Chang Ning to use money from the treasury to buy large quantities of grain, cloth, medicinal materials and other disaster relief materials.

Chang Ning's scalp went numb when he heard this number, and he quickly said: "General, I have followed your instructions to purchase a lot of grain during the autumn harvest. I also purchased a lot of cloth and medicinal materials years ago. I will buy it now..."

"Buying them is all disaster relief supplies."

Chang Ning didn't want to think about it, and persuaded in a low voice: "Disaster may not come. I think we have prepared enough now. No matter how much we prepare, if nothing happens, of course, I hope that everything will be fine, but then there will be so much food." What to do with , cloth and medicinal materials? If you buy them at this time, you can buy them at a high price."

Stocking up now is different from last time.

Last time, he was fully prepared and had plenty of time. He began to purchase grain in small batches in July. At that time, the new grain was about to be harvested, and many grain merchants began to reduce prices to deal with old grain, which continued until the new grain came in August.

After the new grain came out in August, the price of grain began to drop in a large scale and slightly. At this time, he directly sent people to buy grain from farmers. The price was the same as the price offered by grain merchants. If you buy it at this time, it will not be used in the future. This batch of disaster relief food will not make a loss to the national treasury.

Can be purchased now...

There was no extra grain in the hands of the people, so they had to buy it from grain merchants. It was already the first month of the year, and most of the grain merchants were waiting for the price increase in February or March, so they could not sell it to the court at a low price.

If natural disasters are not enough to use this batch of food, we will lose money every time we go in and out.

As the Minister of Household Affairs, this matter cannot be tolerated.

However, Zhao Hanzhang was very insistent and said to him: "I gave up all my wealth to let Tinghe buy food. I am personally willing to take this risk. Why is the imperial court not willing?"

"The loss won't amount to much. We have the food in hand. If we collect labor during the slack season, we can turn it into the expenses of the migrant workers."

Chang Ning: "Transportation costs are high. Originally, the local government was responsible for food for civilian service."

"You don't need to transport the grain into the capital now when you buy it. You can store it locally. I will send troops to envoy you," Zhao Hanzhang said: "I have promised to reduce the amount of labor and reduce taxes this year. In this case, the national treasury will inevitably support the local areas. When the time comes, instead of giving money, it’s okay to give food.”

This is when there is a surplus of food.

"Besides, aren't there others like you? These grains can also be used as rice for court officials."

Chang Ning's head turned black: "...the disaster relief grains you want to add are enough to support civil and military officials for ten years. Do we have to eat old grains every year?"

Zhao Hanzhang insisted.

Chang Ning could only obey the order and prepare while holding his breath.

But privately he couldn't help complaining to Ji Yuan, "The girl trusts Guo Pu too much. Although he has good vision of the astronomical phenomena and climate, he is an alchemist after all. If he talks nonsense, won't there be another big disaster in the world?"

Ji Yuan also frowned, feeling that Zhao Hanzhang believed in Guo Pu too much. Based on the winter climate, it was indeed rainy in spring and summer this year, but spring rain was precious. For the north, more rain than in previous years would be beneficial to farming.

The worst case scenario is to plant rice instead. As long as you choose to grow food with a suitable climate, it is not a bad thing. Why do you think it is a disaster?

This is the north. How much rain can there be in spring in the north?

At this time, not to mention Ji Yuan, Chang Ning and other court officials, even Guo Pu himself felt that Zhao Hanzhang was overreacting.

But Guo Pu was different from other courtiers. He never thought that Zhao Hanzhang would do this for no reason. Could it be that Fu Tinghan had figured something out and quietly told her but not him?

Or, what secrets did they glimpse when they were given the gift from heaven?

Guo Pu was so excited that he immediately retreated to stargazing to calculate the climate. He also found all the rainfall data available in Taichang Temple over the years, and compared them one by one with the stargazing records over the years.

Zhao Hu took a break for two days after the banquet, and then he discovered that his good friend Guo Pu did not come to attend his last banquet. He quickly asked Wuyin, "Is he sick?"

With Guo Pu's fun-loving and sensual character, how could he miss his three-day banquet?

Wu Yin said: "Mr. Guo is in seclusion. He was beating his chest before going into seclusion. However, business matters are important, so he can only regret that he is in seclusion."

"What a serious business. This time I have invited all the famous prostitutes in the capital."

Guo Pu is good at food, fun, wine, and beauty. It can be said that apart from power and fame, he is good at everything. Oh, he is also good at gambling. It can be said that he has all the five poisons.

So after Guo Pu and Zhao Hu met, they quickly became close friends. The speed and the intensity of their relationship made even Zhao Song find it incredible and made him a little jealous.

Although he was dissatisfied, Zhao Hu still thoughtfully gave some delicious and fun things to his friend, "Tell him that when he comes out of quarantine, I will take him to play. I plan to open a happy building in the capital. When the time comes, as long as he comes , all free.”

Wu Yin agreed and went to deliver the message in person.

Then Zhao Hu’s application for practicing law was rejected.

Zhao Hu was furious when he found out. This was the first insulting rejection he had received after relying on Zhao Hanzhang. He was doing everything legally and compliantly, so why not give him market coupons?

The market certificate is the current business license, which contains the name of the operator, business location, business projects, etc.

Of course, in order to avoid the imperial court listing him as a businessman in the future census of population and property, Zhao Hu did not record his own name, but recorded it under the name of his manager.

Then he changed the steward's deed of sale to a white deed, and signed a bunch of contracts to ensure that this property was his property, but when the court counted people and property, it could not say that this property was his property.

Just like corporate legal persons who are often blamed in modern times, the company is a legal person, but it is not a legal person.

Zhao Hu never thought that he would be embarrassed when applying for market coupons. Who in Luoyang would dare to target him like this?

The first thing Zhao Hu thought of was Zhao Hanzhang, and then he immediately shook his head and threw her out of his mind. It shouldn't be her. She had just borrowed money from him.

That's... Zhao Hu frowned slightly, "What is the Fifth Master doing?"

Wuyin bent over and didn't dare to lift it, "Master Wu is at home basking in the sun."

Zhao Song disliked Zhao Hu for being too noisy here. During this time, he went back to their new house, which was not far from Zhao Hu's house, but he was too lazy to move. Unless Zhao Hu came to the door, he would only go out if Zhao Hu got into trouble.

I also curse when I go out.

Zhao Hu frowned, "Does the Fifth Master know about this? Did he ask the Yamen to stop me?"

Wuyin: "After some inquiry, it seems that it is the intention of the imperial court and has nothing to do with the Fifth Master, but I can't ask more detailed questions."

When Zhao Hu heard that it was not Zhao Song who did it, he immediately became more confident. He was getting more and more angry, "Someone in the court wants to deal with Sanniang, and they want to use me. Humph, forget about other departments, and who does the Ministry of Household Affairs count?" Onions, they eat and drink from me, but they still dare to use my coupons? This is unreasonable!"

Zhao Hu killed Hu Bu.

The clerk of the Ministry of Revenue was so frightened that he hurriedly went to invite Chang Ning.

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