While I was being chased or chased with the Warcraft, I somehow feel like I've figured out what collaboration is and how to deal with it unintentionally.

Working together is connecting moves with allies, increasing their attack power exceptionally, and crushing the opponent's counterattack. And a multifaceted attack to distract the opponent and create a gap. Or something to help prevent the opponent's misdigit attack power and grab the thread of the counterattack.

Without breathing in and reading exactly what your buddies are doing, you won't be able to decide on a beautiful collaboration.

Warcraft collaboration is skillful, but there is always a slight glitch as to race differences. I will find the glitch, break the Warcraft's link, and fight back.

When I prevail, the Warcraft will once armored and dazzle with appearances and signs. The next time I show up, I always follow my surprises.

My bad habit when I was stuck by surprise. That surprises me more than I need to and makes my movements a big mess. Like in the early days of my journey through Dragon Peak, I no longer completely lose sight of myself. But even now, sometimes my head turns white for a moment and I can't think about what to do.

Incredibly, the thought circuit of being greatly avoided by a spatial leap, has been read entirely by the Warcraft, and there are many situations in which the next hand is awaited.

What should I do?

To deal with accidental events, unintentional strikes, go through a lot. That's what I can do.

I may be sorry, but this is the best way for me right now. Learn a lot from failure. Even now, that's how I've worn all sorts of things.

So I thought it was good to be unkind, and I didn't have to be able to catch a deer. I'm so skillful at hitting unintentionally, I can't go around that way with someone who comes over and over again. Even if I could patrol him, if he was the one who needed a serious fight, he'd die there if he couldn't handle it.

In that regard, I appreciate the unintended and collaborative efforts of the Warcraft.

Even if you fail to dodge it, it just hurts to be slapped or poked. Warcraft will not hurt me badly. [M]

Think and try how to avoid accidental hitting. If it's read by the Warcraft, that's a futile way to avoid it. If you can make a move that can be turned back into a counter-attack, success. But I repeat, the Warcraft will deal with it soon, so we have to explore new aversions.

Find many ways to avoid them, practice them repeatedly, and let your body remember them. And to the next phase.

Until now, an unexpected strike has come, and I have been vigilant from the beginning. But the real unintentional blow only comes when you're alarmed, right?

So I dare to break my guard and take myself and my mind to their normal state. Take it to the urgency that is closer to practice, in a situation where it is precisely necessary to deal with something softly.

The Warcraft are also aware of my purpose and intentions, and I find them more highly unintended and collaborative.

I was beaten over and over again by a warcraft and rolled to the ground like no other. But you can't quit. I can't grow up without making a lot of mistakes like this and looking for a solution from there.

Mistral and I made a promise last night. When you become a man who can protect everyone.

Avoid accidental hitting somehow. Break the continued collaboration and explore the threads of the counterattack. And chase the deer.

Desperately working hard, I realized it was almost evening.

The focus was on how to deal with accidental strikes and how they collapsed when they were linked, but I didn't put any clue in pursuing the deer.

Because if we don't catch the deer, we can't go home.

I can't sleep with Mistral.

That's why I've been working so desperately on things, but the deer haven't been caught in the end.

Mm-hmm. I guess I can't go home today. When I started thinking.

And then the deer walked up to me like I was tired. And rub my adorable face against my stomach.

"Maybe, because I'm hungry, you mean end of the day?

When I asked, the deer looked up at me and snorted.

Though a child's warcraft, he seems to understand people's language. I can't talk to you like a baboon, but this is how you make an easy statement of intent.

Warcraft is really smart, isn't it?

When I gently give you my back, the deer closes their eyes with joy. It's a bit stiff but feels good with smooth fur stroking.

From the looks of the deer and me, I assume that today is the end, and the warcraft who cooperated will show up one after the other.

Same big collection of warcraft.

And the warcraft that appeared turned to me and stuck their heads out.

"I went out all day today, so I guess you mean stroke your head and work,"

To my words, yes, the warcraft snort.

"I don't have a choice."

I grinned and stroked as I thanked the Warcraft.

Somehow, is it because you experienced a similar situation in Moss Square a while ago?

And the lukewarm touch of the Serpent Warcraft was still bearable, but the Great Spider Warcraft was about to pass away in spirit.

As the Warcraft stroked to their satisfaction, it was entirely evening.

"Oh, it's time to go home. Or am I in a situation where I can go home?

I couldn't catch a deer on my own, but I walked over and caught it myself, in a way, and it turned out to be a good situation.

When I lean my neck, the Warcraft lean their necks the same way.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You guys are playing with me.

The real deal is, I want to go home and sleep with Mistral, but is it something I can go home to? And troubled, Luiseine walked in from behind the woods.

"Elnea, you were here."

"Ah, Luiseine. Hello."

"Yes, hello"

Luiseine walks beneath me, not cowering at the assembled warcraft. While you do that, check the situation and look at the deer leaning next to me and me.

"Apparently, has the purpose been achieved"

"Yeah, I wonder"

I tell Louiseine, who smiles, what's going on.

"If so, wouldn't it be good to accomplish it once and for all? Otherwise you won't be able to go home. Or would you rather spend time with the Warcraft than sleep with Mr. Mist"


What do you care Luiseine didn't say horrible things? How does Luiseine know I slept with Mistral!

No way.

Mr. Mistral. You've also told them a lot, haven't you?

I just noticed.

Louiseine seems to be smiling and angry. You can see blue muscles on your forehead.

"Yeah, Louiseine?


Smiling, looking at me, Louiseine. I'm a little scared.

Or shall we go home?

Intrigued to say goodbye to the Warcraft who stare at the interaction between me and Luiseine, he holds Luiseine's hand and walks out.

"Thanks for picking me up."

"You're welcome."

Luiseine walks in the woods, holding hands with me, without resistance.

"Are you mad?

"No, why?

"Hey, somehow."

"Did you do something that made me angry, Ernea?

"Ugh, yeah......"

Is it my fault? I feel a thorn in Luiseine's words, for some reason.



"Come on, let's go shopping together again next time."

"With Mr. Lyla and Mr. Mist?

"Yeah, just the two of us!

"Oh, well."

I felt Louiseine's eyes glowing at my invitation.

"Is it good? Put the others down. I can't believe it's just the two of us."

"Yeah. Sometimes."

"Is that, sin?

"Doh, I wonder what that means"

"Hi, Mist told me a lot about you."

Luiseine inflates her cheeks a lot. But there, I can't feel anger or jealousy. He just seemed a little obstinate.

"It's sloppy while we're gone"

"Ugh, sorry"

I wonder how far Mistral talked. also, could I have even said something about mouthing?

"Mr. Elnea. My eyes are swimming. Besides the fact that you two slept together, are you hiding something?

"Oh, I didn't hide it. Okay, it's true."


Luiseine stares at me with her eyes.

Hmm, apparently I didn't even mention the mouthpiece. If I told you, you'd probably bite the part there.

"And anyway. Shall we hurry home? If you don't hurry, the sun will go down."

Tell me, I walk like I'm pulling Louiseine. [M] Louiseine walks with my hands untouched.

"Mr. Elnea."

As I continued to wander through the dragon forest listening to a little stupidity, Louiseine inadvertently shook my hand with both hands.

Noticing that the atmosphere was a little different than before, I stopped and looked back at Louiseine.

"What's wrong?"

Unlike just now, the slightly-impregnated Louiseine seemed unwell.

"Elnea, please take care of me."

"Oh, yeah, of course. What's the sudden matter!?

I'm surprised at Louiseine for suddenly losing her energy.


Louiseine squeezed my hand hard.

"Ernea when you're with Mr. Mist, you look really happy, shiny. I think about Lyla personally and talk to her, and Priscia and Niemia are so adorable."

"Ugh, yeah."

"But I'm leaving you alone. Am I going to be your daughter-in-law, Ernea, just because I have dragon eyes?

"No, I'm not. What are you talking about?"

Suddenly, to be honest, I was surprised. I can't believe Louiseine's worried about my relationship.

I don't remember doing anything special to Louiseine recently. [M]

Luiseine was right, he was reunited with Mistral and floating, and he was left to worry about Lyla.

Louiseine was always so attentive beside me that I might have taken it for granted.

"I'm sorry."

I hold Luiseine's hand with both hands, too.

"But it's a misunderstanding. Even without the dragon's eye, I'd like to take Louiseine as my wife."

"Is that true?

"It's true."

"Now, let me see the evidence"


Something about last night's interaction with Mistral brings my head to a moment.



Me and Louiseine staring at each other.

And I hugged Louiseine hard.

I really wanted to do something bolder, but Louiseine is a witch. I think witch chastity is probably harder than royalty.

"I like Louiseine, too."

"Oh well, I feel like this is the first time I've been made clear"

"Am I?


Louiseine also reluctantly turns her arm around my back. And we hugged each other for a little while and left with a blush of embarrassment.

"You're all waiting. Shall I go back?"

"Yeah, you are."

Reconnect your hands and let your steps resume.

You were only a little satisfied with your current embrace, Luiseine walked closer to me, and the stupidity stopped overflowing.

And a word.

"I forgive you for having kissed Mr. Mist earlier,"


A trap! It was a trap!!

It was her calculations that made Luiseine look suddenly depressed!

It was Luiseine's act to incite anxiety and draw sweet words and behavior from me.

"Well, you fooled me."

"What is it about"

Hehe, and Luiseine showing a love laugh.

Gu, they were totally dancing with their hands.

But I don't think Louiseine's words were her true intentions. So let's be a little bit more careful with my surroundings. [M]

Me and Louiseine went back to Moss Square, holding hands.

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