99 – What was hiding in the magic tower


Light purple hair, visible at a glance between the beautiful black hair pouring down like the Milky Way, flaunts its existence.

The eyebrows drew a straight line without any artificial parts being cut off or lacking, and even though the eyelashes extended long, they drew a graceful curve as if against gravity and pointed to the ceiling.

The eyes were a perfect golden color that would make any gold lose its luster.

Smooth skin without a single blemish, let alone a mole, extends from the face to the body.

The top of the dress, which exposed the breastbone, was cut so deeply that it looked too obscene. But even that outfit feels like art when she wears it. He was so noble that he couldn’t even think of a person selling himself in the back alley, and that he couldn’t even talk easily.

Her breasts, about 2/3 of which were exposed from the center, were so huge that they didn’t match her slender body, but the waist that came down below it was thin enough to be wrapped around with one arm.

The long skirt with open sides reveals not only the legs but also the well-proportioned pelvis. He, too, was so perfect that not even an inch of dust could be found.

It didn’t look like a human. He had an appearance that could not be standardized as a human being.

“What happened?”

His voice was so high and low that it was almost believable as music.

The toes of the twisted legs twitched. The high heels on the tip of her head swayed as if tempting something.

“That.. uh.. There was an unusual person next to Al Sola.”

A woman who could not even lift her head and trembled and barely finished speaking.

“Is there one or two unusual people here?”

“That… that… had no magical power.”

The woman sitting on her horse stopped wiggling and got up and came closer to her.

Her figure, slightly obscured by the unlit room, was fully revealed.

In the part covered by the golden iris, there were not circular pupils, but those of a vertically flattened cat, and the skin was so pale that it had a faint blue tinge.


A demon of unhuman beauty knelt in front of him and lifted the chin of the woman whose head was lowered.

As if there was no such thing as lowering one’s posture, he spoke with his toes.

“Nice job. Lick it.”

Despite such treatment, which completely defined her as a lower person, the woman kissed her bare foot once with a smile of happiness rather than any objection.

side. The sound was repeated five times, and he licked her feet as if carefully caressing them with his tongue.

report of pleasure. A place that melts the bodies of wizards tired of research. Deep inside, there is a place where those who do research that shouldn’t be there are kicked out.

Devil worshiper’s laboratory. The chief there was a demon, not a human.


The reason I brought Ron here. It wasn’t a childish reason to separate him from Lane and Lian.

When he was in the Demon Realm, his condition had become serious.

He was the one who blocked the infiltration of Magi with only his mind, which would have been difficult for anyone to endure. It wouldn’t be strange if there were side effects.

As the Magi invasion lasted for years, the symptoms I noticed were chills, fever, chronic fatigue, insomnia, irritability, vomiting, auditory hallucinations, hallucinations, and so on. There are many more to list, but these are the ones I have identified for sure.

Of course, it would be because of the deterioration of the condition due to overwork, but the invasion of demons must have been one of the main causes.

However, self-harm, which can be said to be the most dangerous thing in the current situation, occurred after an adventure and a breakup. Judging from his words and actions, it was because he was jealous of one of us.

Could Remedion’s curse remain? can’t be sure of that I am neither a scholar nor an alchemist, much less a devil worshiper.

Regarding the demon and the curse, Lian was the best, and such Lian worked hard to drive the demon out.

However, even if all the internal demons were removed, it was not possible to block the external invasion.

I tried to implement a protective shield using holy and magical powers as efficiently as possible in concert with everyone, but only the person concerned knows if it was possible to prevent the invasion.

What if the effects of the curse continued to circulate, and the intensity gradually increased due to the invasion of Magi? Then why didn’t the symptoms weaken on the continent where Magi was not present?

It was clear that he hadn’t taken psychiatric drugs because they use the magical energy inside the body to make them effective. Healing can also stabilize the mind, but it cannot cure the fundamental psychological damage.

I went back to the beginning and thought about it.

How to overcome the Curse of Morjin. The method I suggested to burn all the mana in the body.

I couldn’t be sure because I hadn’t used it, but I knew that the organs that produce magic would be damaged.

so? Is Ron’s magic organ broken?

I was sure it was broken. That organ was originally immobile, and no magic power was detected in Ron’s blood vessels.

Let’s think otherwise. That’s how the Curse of Cruelty broke the flow… So, what are the conditions for activating ‘that which disperses the damage’?

I’m not sure, but I’m sending something over a certain intensity, all over my body through muscle contraction in that area.

What is it?

Margie? Magi doesn’t exist?

mana? Magic doesn’t exist?

is it something else?

what else is it? blood?

What happened to Ron’s body when he cast the curse?

Increased heart rate, pupil and body muscle contraction, micro-tremors.

However, this reaction was a reflex reaction that occurred after facing the devil.

The end of the thought was a new hypothesis.

What if the magic generator isn’t broken? What if you’re falling somewhere as soon as your magic power comes out?

What if the mana is changed into demonic energy and is being used to use the Curse of Morality?

What if Magi, who had changed like that, even activated the curse of Remedion that remained?

The probability is low, but it does not converge to 0 at all.

Fortunately, thanks to Ron entrusting me with a fragment and making a good excuse, I was able to go to the Mage Tower with him smoothly.

What I said to Ron was not a lie. I did something wrong, and it is true that there are many people who hate me among alchemists.

So what? Do I need to care about the feelings the alchemists have for me?

All that matters to me is about him. I don’t care how they treat me.

An alchemist who insulted me in front of Ron made me angry, but the alchemists had something to ask of them in the future, so I held back.

Make sure to read from noble mtl com

Next up is a demon worshiper. They’re the kind of people I don’t want to associate with, but there weren’t as many experts on this side as they did.

They tried to find them, but they settled down in the basement of the lowest tower and were kicked out and went somewhere else.

..Let’s finish the investigation of the fragments first. Ron must be resting in the common room or taking a walk around the neighborhood.

I’m going to finish work quickly and examine his physical condition closely. We also take a walk in the mage tower together.

If done well, the relationship will progress. maybe?

Motivation rises. Let’s get this done ASAP.


I looked around the Magic Tower, bought things I could buy, and enjoyed what I could enjoy. It took less than an hour.

Most of the food was sweet, so I stopped eating, and since there weren’t many people coming, the tourism business didn’t seem to be doing well, so there was nothing to enjoy.

There were a lot of books written in the special language, though it wasn’t called a substitute. Judging by the pictures, there were just a lot of things, including biology, astronomy, and literature. I couldn’t read it anyway because it was a proprietary language, so I just glanced at it and passed by.

It went round and round like that.

Make sure to read from noble mtl com

No one was paying attention to me. It must have been because of the robe Solar gave her. The moment I thought …, I felt a gaze from somewhere in the distance.

He looked at me so blatantly that I thought he had been hit by bird poop.

As I move, they approach me at regular intervals as if they are following me.

I glanced behind me.

It was buried among the crowd, and it was slightly blurred to detect whether it had used something that erased the presence. Of course, I managed to track it down somehow.

wearing a short robe

A tight-fitting dress that shows off your figure.

Huge breasts, high heels worn despite not being short.

shiny black hair. A light purple color that can be seen sparsely between them.

Who is it?

I tried to lure him to a place where people are rare and ask him, but it wouldn’t be the right choice to pamper someone with unknown identity.

I went to a place where there were a lot of people walking around as much as I could and pulled the robe tighter and approached the person.

“who are you?”


As if startled by my sudden approach, the woman pulled her upper body back slightly in surprise. Those huge breasts swayed and followed her movements a step later.

“Ah.. ah. Did you notice? I’m sorry. I feel a bit alien…”

being heterogeneous Have you noticed that you don’t have any magical powers?

Make sure to read from noble mtl com

No, dissected!

“No? I’m just an ordinary wizard you see everywhere?”

“Really? For something like that…”

The woman approaches me and tries to take off the pressed robe. For some reason, the hand seemed huge enough to cover the sky.

When he avoided the gesture, the woman flinched as if she was surprised, but withdrew her hand again.

“I hope you don’t touch me carelessly.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. For some reason, I think you’re my taste.”

understood. You’re either a scammer or a madman.

Do you think you would trust a person who says he likes a person who can’t even see his face properly?

“I have no money.”

“You don’t have to. I only want one.”

yes. You must want to see my body ripped apart.

I have no intention of winning plainly. He muffled his footsteps and blended into the crowd.

The gaze was withdrawn. You probably missed it. But for some reason, it seemed that there were people approaching me.

great. Decided. I’ll just hold my breath in the common room and be quiet.

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