67 – Offer to take a break


Crazy bastard… I almost spit it out without even realizing it.

What kind of person… no, as long as a person is right?

How could he slaughter a wyvern that couldn’t even hold a blade well with one punch?

Even the fist he raised did not reach the target. It’s just that the wind pressure sorted out the situation.

really crazy

The dimension is different.

It makes me laugh at myself for trying to match these guys.

no I made an effort, so that’s what happened.

This gap was a natural result of my choice to run away.

That’s why I felt even more shabby.

Even though I knew that if I got stuck, I would only be pushed out, but I made an excuse and ran away.

I guess I’ll have to make a decision now. Will I be willing to face them and solve my problems, or will I live forever on the run?

With the sound of pick-picking, the intact skin is bursting, leaving scars.

The cold wind seems to dig deeper into the scratch.

oh, it hurts so bad really.

“Hey, it’s a really big one.”

“..Are you talking about me? Why are you calling me that? Why is my body at that point? Am I too late?”

Are you saying I’m too late? What do you mean?

Along with the body squeezed to the limit, the head seems to have stopped working as well. I’m not good at judging.

“What are you talking about. Anyway, thank you, hey. If I was alone, I could have really died.”

“Don’t talk about dying so carelessly. You’re not going to die anywhere.”

“hahahaha. Thank you for that. I’m a bit tough though.”

“If you die, I’ll put a punch through the corpse.”

Oh… that’s kind of scary.

It’s all the more scary because I just saw the power of the regime with my own two eyes. If I hadn’t peed, I would have been really bored.

“I’m sorry, but if you go all the way down this road, there will be kids who came with you? Can you take care of them too? Let’s make an official request.”

“Request? There’s no need for that between us. Okay. I’ll take you with me.”

To be honest, thank you. It must have been a little far, so when I went back, I felt like I would collapse because my stamina was exhausted.

After dreaming and covering her eyes with a bandage, she returned to the place where they were waiting in a shape as if they were hanging because of the height difference.


“Chief. Doesn’t it change if you shake it like that? It’s just a method…”

“Isn’t Torman-san too calm? You said you share a room! Aren’t you even a little friendly!?”

“No, think about it. At least the guy I saw wasn’t the guy to go hooking up here? He’s the guy who will survive on his own even if you drop him somewhere outside the border?”

“Even so… even so…”

The gloomy atmosphere seems to have worried me for nothing. It would be better to speak as cheerfully as possible here.

“Guys! Dad’s here!”

“Bung.. Mr. Bandage!!!!!”


“Ah, uh. Um. That.. Oh.. Lord O’Drox.. How are you?”

Priersil jumped up from her seat and greeted me with a slight hesitation. Krillion was also relieved with a timid expression.

Thorman glanced at me and greeted Odrox. Did you respect Odrox? You seem to be shaking a lot.

“Wow, I almost died, but Odrox-nim showed up and saved me. Really…”

“..That’s right. There was an incident, but the ground went out and I entered a side road. I found this friend who was scattered there and saved him.”

Odrox agreed with me.

“Mr. Bandage, I thought that Mr. Bandage was going to die… Uh huh…”

Priersil, who had been weeping, sat down on the spot and began to cry.

These days, people around me seem to be crying a lot, but somehow I feel like I’ve done something bad, so I’m not in a good mood.

It wasn’t like he did it to Solar, though.

“It’s not unreasonable to react like that since you’ve fallen into a side road. Isn’t it cold? Why don’t you go back to my estate and warm up for a while?”

“Uh, we’re coming back…”

“Unconditionally!! I’ll go!!”

“You said you had to go back and exercise.”

“Is that the problem? I met Mr. Odrox…you can’t refuse this favor!”

Rarely did Thor express his opinion with enthusiasm. There seemed to be some hesitation, but are you choosing your words?

It seems that Krillion doesn’t care what opinion he sits down on, and Priersil seems to agree with me.

A situation that seems to move around my opinion.

However, seeing only the lively Thor on rare occasions, I thought it wouldn’t be bad to make contact with Odrox.


“Yes. We warmly welcome you.”

Odrox nodded as if he had waited and stood at the front of the group.

As if trying to show that I was injured, he lifted me up and wrapped the leather cape he was carrying around to cover the scratches. To be honest, I appreciate the attention to detail.

He said he got married and he became a very sweet man. Although the fist was spicy.


“..that’s really dirty.”

Solar, who was sprawling on the sofa and looking at the sky, sighed in exhaustion.

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No matter how much magical power and talent one had, it was not an easy task to perform high-level magic such as space movement.

Repeated work of firing magic and drawing return scrolls.

After throwing away the pen, Solar repeatedly presses her tight forearm muscles and between her eyebrows.

I had expected. There will be a lot of work in five days. But I didn’t expect it to be like this.

It was an academy run and managed by Lane himself, so I thought the level would be high even for first-year students.

However, Hidin’s academy aims to focus on turning people with the will into heroes. The level of the test to check personality and ability is lower than other academies, but it is a little more difficult to graduate and be selected.

So it was only natural that the newly enrolled cadets had flaws in their personalities and skills.

In addition, the problem was that Solar’s eyes were too high. They are from different backgrounds, but with the exception of a few, there wouldn’t have been a case of going back and forth between the 7 labyrinths for a week.

Even active mercenaries did not readily agree, because it was a task to explore a large number of labyrinths in a short time.

Solar is the only wizard with the knowledge to move large numbers of people through space movement, so the burden she is carrying naturally begins to increase in weight.

Solar, who doesn’t often complain, showed signs that she was having a hard time.

Even so, the reason why this mage cooperates meekly.

The development of cadets? That wasn’t the biggest reason.

Lane’s request? It really wasn’t.

The driving force that motivates her now is that Ron, who returned from exploring the labyrinth, thanked her for saying hello.

It was an absurdly small motive, but for Solar, such sincere gratitude became enough firewood.

The self who is working in a delusion, the lover who returns. The way she hugged me with a moist voice saying ‘Thank you always’.

..It seemed that the dramatization was severe, but anyway, the series of processes seemed to be reflected in Solar as a husband who helps his wife who works.

I couldn’t steal a glimpse of him circling the labyrinth because I was busy with the rescue signal that kept coming in, but I was able to cheer up just by imagining Ron telling me he did a good job.

‘yes. I said I’d make it so that not even a drop of water would be buried, so I’ll have to work harder.’

Right now Ron was covered in blood, let alone water, but Solar was unaware of that fact.


“Umm… that…”

Rihanna forcibly parted her lips.

Even though they had seen each other, the sight of the same sex masturbating, and the sight of the Rain Guardon comforting themselves to the point of exhaustion, was not a shock that could easily go away.

“It’s fine?”

“yes I’m fine.”

The person himself was calm, but that’s why Lian said, ‘That’s right! thank god!’ It was ambiguous to respond.

Are you really okay? It is even more difficult to judge because it is a lane that does not easily change its expression.

Ryan picked up a piece of cookie and put it in his mouth. It was somehow uncomfortable, and it seemed that the taste was not well felt.

‘I think it’s going to fall on top of me.. Hung..’

Ryan’s eyeballs are swimming around, not knowing where to go.

“You’re welcome. Lian. I think I’ll need your strength as I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

Lian nodded hurriedly at Lane’s words as if to say, “Let’s pretend it never happened.”

“Where’s the injured person?”

“I still have enough staff, but maybe I’ll need your strength as of today.”

“I heard. Rather than that, is that possible? Hidin’s first year academy is still inexperienced.”

“I couldn’t help it because something unpleasant happened.”

“I see… so where should we go?”

“I decided to contact the faculty members when they are in their power. For now, Ron’s condition…”

As soon as Lane manipulates the artifact, a letter arrives. The mana stone for communication was sent in a letter that was inconvenient to write because Lane did not use it often.

She opened the letter she received.

In scrawled letters, ‘Help me!’ The sentence was written briefly.

“I have to go.”

Lane left the dean’s office, signaling Lian to follow.

On the screen that was turned on, the image of Ron being carried by Odrox was being broadcast.


O’Drox did not live in a very large house.

Whether it was frugal or simple, he just hung a nameplate with his and his wife’s names on the one-story log house.

Of course, it’s hard to imagine this huge, muscular man sitting in a rocking chair inside a lavish mansion. Now that I think about it, I think this log house suits me well in its own way.

Anyway, as soon as I entered, the warm air seemed to melt my frozen body.

The crackling bonfire and the fragrant aroma of warm milk create a languid atmosphere.

“You’re here, are you?”

“There are guests too.”

“Ah. Nice to meet you. I’m Odrox’s wife, Benin.”

A lithe woman smiled at us and said.

Everyone responded to the wife’s greetings, and following O’Drox’s guidance, they arranged chairs around the fireplace and sat down.

In particular, Krillion’s body, which suffered a lot from the cold, began to sag.

Friersil was sitting stiffly, looking a bit nervous, and Thorman was sitting upright, not even moving, to the point where he wondered if his spine was straight.

“I’m going to look at this friend’s wounds. Please wait.”

Odrox took me to the inner room. You don’t want to see the wound, you want to talk about it, maybe?

“..Why do you wear something like this? You didn’t like luxury items like this.”

As soon as I closed the door, Odrox looked at the artifact embedded in the back of my hand and said,

“Huh? Rain gave it to me, so there’s no reason to subtract it.”

“..what is this again?”

This time, he said while looking at the mana stone that was screaming in his pocket.

“This is what Lian gave me. Oh, that’s right. I have to report on what’s going on, but I forgot again. Wait a minute.”

After asking Odrox for his understanding, I gently touched the magic stone. It was an item that already contained magic, so even I without magic could use it. The price is too expensive though.

Anyway, after briefly talking about what I did today to the mana stone, I stuffed it back into my pocket.

Along with the sound of peek-peek, scratches appear on the body. The price of rolling hard alone was continuing for a little longer.

Odrox looked at me and signaled to remove the bandage.

I took off the bandages because I thought it wouldn’t matter if I took them off since there was only Odrox here anyway, and I showed them all to my old colleagues in the first place.

What I saw in front of my eyes, which had become brighter, was Odrox’s expression as if he was seeing something pitiful.

“Ron. Don’t you think you’re rolling your body more than necessary?”

“Me? Not really?”

I thought so, but it was necessary.

In the past, he somehow moved to prove his worth among his old colleagues, and after the breakup, to quell his own self-loathing.

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Now that I am moving for another reason, if I think about it, I think it was all necessary, and I did not roll my body more than necessary.

“Even though I’m not good at reading other people’s minds, at least you can tell that the fatigue accumulated in your body is considerable.”

Odrox says so confidently, but I don’t agree with him.

The sleeping time is also filling up 7 hours unlike before..

“You sleep lightly, so you won’t be able to recover much from your fatigue with just regular sleep.”

Uh.. And I’m eating well..

“Given your activity level, your intake is not enough to cover a meal with one or two breads.”

Uh… uh… And I’m not doing the adventurer thing I always did before…

“Instead, I belong to the academy and attend lectures every day. I think the reason why my self-harm got worse in the first place is because of the considerable mental fatigue.”

Are you reading my thoughts?

You don’t have the talent to read other people’s minds… You read them accurately like some kind of mind reader.

“Ron. You may not know it, but you’re bad at hiding your expression. It’s all in those eyes.”

Shocked by those words, Odrox, who passed it by, looked at me seriously and said,

“So, why don’t you rest for a month without thinking about anything here? I’m saying all of this for you.”

As he said that, his face was about 30 percent harder than usual.

It sounded like an old colleague, comrade, and friend.

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