The word "baby" is very serious, and the meaning of banter is very obvious.

"You big sex wolf!" Jian Yao's face became more and more red, and she punched him on the arm angrily.

However, for Nancheng Pei, Jian Yao's shyness makes her look more lovely.

"Well, well, it's noon. Let's go to dinner." Nancheng Fu quickly changed the topic. He also felt a little embarrassed because of the people coming and going in the street.

"You know." Jian Yao stuck out her tongue, took back her hand, and walked in front, looking left and right.

In fact, Jian Yao has worked here for so long and has been eating in the hospital at noon. Although the staff canteen is not as good as the hotel outside, the food is also good. At least the nutrition is balanced, and the amount of food is more than enough for her little girl.

Having not been out for dinner for such a long time, Jian Yao couldn't help but make trouble looking at a wide range of food.

So many choices are really too difficult for her to be a Libra.

I don't know how long I've been walking. When the sun is red, the tip of Jian Yao's nose has exuded some beads of sweat.

"It's too hard to choose." Jane Yao shook her head, looking frustrated. Nancheng Kan couldn't help laughing with a puff when she saw her little cat's anorexia.

When Jian Yao heard the laughter, she couldn't help raising her head and looked at her angrily.

I don't know from when, Jian Yao doesn't keep any temperament in front of Nancheng Pei. When she feels like what, she will show it to Nancheng Pei intact.

Maybe at the beginning of love, most people will reject this idea, but for Nancheng Pei, he is very interested in his full display of Jian Yao.

Before Jian Yao was beautiful, but that beauty revealed a strange and inexplicable alienation. Of course, he didn't doubt Jian Yao's love for himself, but that kind of love seemed to be floating, which made Nancheng Pei a little unable to grasp. Now Jian Yao is different and more lively. It seems that it's not surprising that all beautiful words are put on her.

"Well, Kitty, hurry up. My brother will take you to dinner." Nancheng chuckled and rubbed Jian Yao's hair "maliciously".

Jian Yao wanted to be angry, but after hearing xiaomiaomi's doting address, her face became more and more red.

After a long time, she reacted from her consternation and rubbed her red face.

It's strange that they have experienced many storms, misunderstandings and gaps that others can't understand, but they still maintain the feeling of loving each other in the end.

Maybe it's impulse, maybe it's strong and deep love. Such a feeling only increases.

Looking at Nancheng Pei waiting for her back in front, Jian Yao smiled and followed up, as if Nancheng Pei's face had not been seen enough all her life.

Nancheng Pei seemed to be ready. He took Jian Yao to the parking lot, and an Aston Martin stood out.

"Here, have you picked up your new car?" Jian Yao asked, blinking and full of surprises.

Nancheng is mysterious, but he said, "it's blue. How can I like it as a big man?"

In fact, Jian Yao's favorite color is sky blue. She always thinks that this color will make her feel calm. It seems that she thought of this possibility, but Jian Yao can't believe it. After all, today is not a memorial day or a festival. Nancheng Pei doesn't have any reason to buy something for herself.

"No, no?" Jian Yao stared in amazement and looked at Nancheng Pei. He seemed to be waiting for his next explanation. He was both expecting and unbelievable.

Jian Yao knows that although Nancheng group has hundreds of millions of assets, it is definitely not a luxury person. Almost every sum of his money is used for investment and learning. This is also the reason why Nancheng group has been standing up for many years, and it is also the reason why grandpa can trust to hand over such a large Nancheng group to Nancheng group.

However, for Jian Yao, Nancheng Pei seems to have abandoned all his previous principles. It seems that as long as Jian Yao is happy, what Nancheng Pei does is worth it.

"It's what you think." Nancheng Pei put the car key in Jian Yao's hand. Jian Yao looked carefully and found that there was an abbreviation of "JY & NCP" specially customized by Nancheng Pei on the key.

I can see that he used his heart.

"Why do you suddenly want to give me a gift?" Jian Yao was moved and her voice trembled a little.

"How can there be so many? Why?" Nancheng Kuo rubbed Jian Yao's hair and took the key from her hand. Obviously, he played the role of a driver.

However, what he didn't tell Jian Yao was that when he met Nanming City partner's intention against Jian Yao in the hospital, he collected all kinds of information on the Internet, that is, how to beat him quietly in front of his rival? Another example is how to make your wife die for herself?

Nancheng's understanding ability is also strong. For the answers to many questions, he summed up two words - spending money.

That's why the car appeared in the hospital instead of their parking garage. Nancheng wanted to give the president of that company a slap in the face, but he didn't expect that the car needed to be booked. He didn't have an idea when he bought it.

When the bus arrived today, the president had long disappeared. However, seeing Jian Yao's moving response, Nancheng Pei's face is also full of a proud smile. Whatever he does, as long as he makes Jian Yao happy, likes him and loves him.

Seeing that Nancheng Pei had got into the car, Jian Yao immediately got into the co driver with great interest.

It's a little hot. If the convertible is opened, the temperature is just right.

Along the way, there were envious eyes of others. Jian Yao seemed to be embarrassed by this kind of eyes and wanted to close the convertible, but Nancheng Pei knew it clearly and put sunglasses on the ground for her.

Of course, Nancheng naturally didn't like the gaze, but he naturally ignored it. After all, as long as Jian Yao appears beside him, his eyes will never turn to anyone who doesn't matter.

Seeing the action of Nancheng Pei, Jian Yao didn't dare to delay his driving, so she took over the sunglasses. After wearing them, it seemed that the whole person was relaxed. No wonder many stars wear sunglasses when they go out. It turns out that they still have such a heavy psychological hint.

All the way, the wind roared in her ears. Jian Yao only felt that she had not been so happy for a long time.

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