After listening to these words, Li Mengyuan smiled faintly and thought how Xie Yan has always been so good to herself. It's really a lifetime's blessing that he can meet such a trusted and entrusted boy.

"What, you've worked hard enough for this family, husband, don't say these words again. I'm very satisfied if you can have this mind." Li Mengyuan's face was full of a happy smile, and then he hugged Xie Yan's neck tightly.

At this time, Xie Yan's mother just came out of the kitchen with the hot milk in her hand.

"Mengyuan..." before she finished, Xie's mother stopped.

This vivid scene should not be seen by people of their own age. After hearing Xie's mother's voice, Li Mengyuan and Xie Yan blushed and quickly stopped their actions.

"Well, you two are really tired every day." Xie Yan's mother said with a smile. In fact, her son and daughter-in-law have a good relationship. She can't wait for it. She'll be satisfied to see his relationship like glue.

"Mom, we're tired of being crooked. What's the matter?" Xie yanpi smiled, looking neither big nor small.

Xie Yan's father, the only wife's command, was the first rule in the world. After hearing this sentence, he obviously quit and ran after Xie Yan in the living room.

After that, it was Li Mengyuan and Xie Yan's mother who pulled one by one, so as to avoid the next fierce battle.

During the meal, Xie Yan's mouth seemed to be closed, but later he tucked his father's hair, and then he offered Li Mengyuan attentions and make complaints about it. Later, he gave his mother a dish.

For a time, the atmosphere at the table was much more lively because Xie Yan was a naughty man.

However, when Xie Yan and Li Mengyuan get along alone, he is always very calm.

Li Mengyuan knows that Xie Yan may have done this deliberately, but it is because of this that Li Mengyuan deeply understands that the more perfect he wants to show in front of himself, the more proof of his love.

Such a truth may be absurd and hopeless in others, but it is extremely easy to understand for people with child temperament such as Xie Yan.

After the meal, Xie Yan and Li Mengyuan returned to the room. Li Mengyuan lay in bed and ate a hot meal, which warmed her cold body a lot. It's rare that my mood and body are so comfortable.

Xie Yan plunged his head into the pillow. It can be seen that he is naturally very tired today.

Although he is busy on weekdays, because it is the entertainment circle, he is basically physically busy, and mental activities are a very distant thing for Xie Yan.

Xie Yan is naturally smart. Otherwise, he can't climb and roll in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry for so many years. However, his intelligence and ability to apply it to business thinking and logical thinking are different.

I have to say that after today's study, Xie Yan did master some business principles and his business thinking has matured a lot. However, he is really very tired.

"Very tired, ah Yan?" Li Mengyuan's voice was soft. During her words, her hand rested on Xie Yan's hair and touched it gently.

This feeling made Xie Yan feel that it was like an electric current passing through his body, and the whole person was in spirit for a moment.

He almost bounced out of bed. Xie Yan faced Li Mengyuan and said seriously, "not tired, Mengyuan."

However, the trance in her eyes made Li Mengyuan think the boy was too cute. He just wanted not to worry about himself, but he forgot that Li Mengyuan's major was psychology.

"You can't deceive me." Li Mengyuan covered her lips and smiled. She didn't mean to laugh, but an inexplicable expression of affinity.

Xie Yan then reflected how many steps Li Mengyuan had given herself before.

"Ah, this..." Xie Yan was about to stop talking, while Li Mengyuan took the opportunity to speak his heart.

"Ah Yan, you don't have to pretend to be strong in front of me. I also hope that I can show my true self in front of you." Li Mengyuan seems to have thousands of feelings in her eyes, and the most obvious thing Xie Yan captures is sincerity.

It seemed that she was moved by her inexplicable affinity. Xie Yan couldn't help nodding unconsciously.

Perhaps, Li Mengyuan is the one destined to lead Xie Yan's emotions. Her words, deeds and every move can easily make Xie Yan crazy and let him understand that her birth is to show her sincerity in her eyes.

With these words, Li Mengyuan saw Xie Yan's reaction and didn't say anything more. It was the first time for Li Mengyuan to confide in each other.

This action indeed consumed Li Mengyuan's courage. However, Li Mengyuan was in a better mood when she felt her slow change and development in a better direction.

"Ah, by the way, Mengyuan, do my parents know about me?" Xie Yan still said the questions in his heart.

Li Mengyuan also had some doubts after hearing this. Her parents are out of town at this time. It is reasonable to say that they should also see the news, but maybe the elderly are waiting for their children. Let's take the lead in saying these words.

Thinking of this, Li Mengyuan shook her head, "let me tell my parents now?"

Xie Yan nodded slightly, and Li Mengyuan dialed the phone. After connecting, Li Mengyuan told her parents everything about Xie Yan.

In fact, when calling, Li Mengyuan was still worried, but the dialogue between her and her parents was unexpectedly smooth. Finally, Li Mengyuan's father gave her a clear answer.

At that time, Li Mengyuan's parents were able to identify Xie Yan not because of Xie Yan's achievements at that time, but because of his enthusiasm for Li Mengyuan. They still remember this feeling.

After all, she is a baby girl who grew up in her palm. If she doesn't give it to someone who can rest assured, how can it be.

Hearing her father's words, Li Mengyuan was moved.

A good night's dream, for Li Mengyuan, today is destined to be an extraordinary day.

At the same time, because Xie Yan suddenly withdrew from the circle, Li He's company was also busy.

The telephone in the office has not stopped. People in all departments are working overtime. Even the functional departments that are usually relatively relaxed are busy in recent days.

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