Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

Chapter 7: Guilliman can't afford to lose

  Chapter 7 Guilliman who can't afford to lose

  Guilliman's voice was not loud, but it possessed a special magical power, which penetrated the crowd and made the cheering crowd even more excited.

  The ragged, devout fanatics of the state religion were so excited that they knelt down on their knees, singing poems praising the emperor.

  He has not forgotten mankind, and revived his parents and children to help mankind get rid of this dark and terrifying world and welcome a new and hopeful future.

  Some believers couldn't help crying. They took out whips with electric currents and slapped their bodies, making themselves suffer more pain to express their devotion to the emperor.

   "Look at him, child. He is the glory of mankind, the salvation of mankind." A woman held up her child, who was only a few months old, and asked him to remember the figure in azure power armor.

   "Long live the Emperor, long live Guilliman." No one knew who yelled first.

   "Long live the Emperor, long live Guilliman." More people followed suit.

   "Long live the Emperor, long live Guilliman."

   At the back, everyone is shouting, soldiers and civilians are cheering.

  A parent and son of the Emperor, a Primarch who swore to save them, made their hearts extremely excited.

  Guilliman also clicked his tongue, the power of human faith on the ruling template is rapidly increasing.

  He also felt an invisible force pouring into his body, making him stronger.

   There is even a sense of illusion, just like the big monster just now, he can fight ten of them.

   It’s just the blessing of the Macragge Starfield. What kind of scene would it be if it got the blessing of the entire empire’s human beings.

  Guilliman suddenly felt that fighting against evil gods was very interesting.

  I have to work hard, strive to punch the blood **** reckless man, kick the Slaanesh monster as soon as possible, dominate the world, dominate the situation, dominate the Warhammer universe, and then dominate the multiverse, open a way home, and stage a scene of the return of the **** of war.

   The battle was over, Guilliman entered the inner city of Macragge under the protection of the Ultramarines.

  The streets along the way are full of people from all over the world.

  The shattered star port with rising black smoke, and the continuous landing of aircraft, all came for him.

  When these people looked at Guilliman, their eyes were red. If he glanced at them, they would be so excited that they would cry and shout names such as Long live Guilliman.

   Guilliman looked at these people. They should all be considered fanatics. It would not be difficult for them to die for themselves.

  Great Sage of the Mechanic Cult, Calgar, and Chapter Leader Calgar followed Guilliman,

  Guilliman's successful recovery indicates that mankind has a glimmer of hope in this dark and hopeless universe.

  This pleased the Mechanic Sage, who spent thousands of years traveling all over the galaxy to collect various technologies for Guilliman's resurrection.

  All the hard work has finally paid off, and the galaxy will enter a new era.

  Guilliman came back from recovery, still adhering to his mission, fighting for mankind and the emperor.

  Even though the current empire has been torn apart by the great rift in the warp space, and countless worlds have fallen into darkness, the mechanical sage Kaul understands that as long as Guilliman returns, mankind still has hope to regroup and fight against chaos again.

  The head of the battle, Calga, was full of excitement, and even a nerve cable catheter on his head was full of excitement and joy.

  The awakening of the father of genes made him and the other Ultramarines so excited that it was impossible to suppress.

   Celestine, Amariqi and others were also in the team, and their faces were also ecstatic.

   This is an unprecedented victory, not only expelling the enemy, but more importantly, Guilliman's return.

   Surrounded by the team, Guilliman walked towards the inner city of Macragge. His eyes scanned the ancient city,

  Behind the excited cheers of those people were the ruins of Macragge. This battle was won, but it also paid a heavy price.

   Countless civilians died tragically under the ravages of the Chaos army, and their corpses lay in the ruins, waiting to be restrained.

  Those fearless guardians of the empire also lay dead in the trenches.

   Broken artillery and tanks, still burning, sparks sputtering from circuit boards, seem to mourn the loss of life.

  Countless buildings collapsed under the raging fire of the Chaos army, and those human art treasures were burned.

   Macragge won the victory, but he was already devastated and scarred.

   Their own recovery temporarily suppressed their sadness, but this sadness will eventually be released.

   The war between Chaos and the Empire will continue. Thinking of this, Guilliman's joy of fighting ten with one has also been diluted a lot.

  Guilliman understands that countless people will still die in the war, and in order to fight for victory and for the survival of mankind, countless lives will still leave.

  Every moment of the gear of destiny will be filled with the ashes of human heroes, just to defend the survival and dignity of human beings.

   "I just hope that everything will have a good result, and I don't want to be caught by the evil **** and used as a toy." Guilliman thought of this, and gathered his mind.

   Surrounded by the team, he walked through the cheering crowd and returned to the incomplete sanctuary.

  The corpses, rubble, and broken demon engines, these heavy war vehicles of fearlessness, have all been cleaned up and transported to other places.

In the sanctuary, many high-ranking members of the battle group, the great sage Kaur, and the saint Celestine paid homage to Guilliman in turn, and in their narrations, Guilliman had an understanding of all aspects of the empire today. Clear understanding.

  Even though he had made full mental preparations, what Guilliman heard still made his heart palpitate.

  The Cadian Fortress fell, and the entire galaxy was torn apart by a large rift. Countless demons transformed into entities and invaded the human world, causing indescribable and terrifying casualties.

   No world is left alone, all ravaged or infested by horrible demons, mutants, or traitors.

   There is no doubt that the current empire has long deviated from the original vision of the Emperor and the Primarchs, and has become what they hate the most, and has entered the darkest and most desperate era.

  The old empire was built by the Emperor and the Primarch. It was a golden age full of hope and triumph.

  People came out of ignorance and embraced science and rationality again, and the empire's expeditionary force spread the glory of the emperor to every planet.

  Those were wonderful and hopeful years.

  After listening to Celestine, Calgar and others' introduction to the current situation, Guilliman asked them all to go out on the grounds that he needed to be alone.

  Standing in front of the broken window, watching the people outside the sanctuary carrying the corpse, Guilliman sighed faintly.

   "Horus, you really don't deserve forgiveness."

  After tens of thousands of years, the aftermath of Horus' rebellion is still reverberating.

Abaddon, who was once the first company commander of the Sons of Horus Legion, was also the most loyal to Horus. During the years when the Primarch left, he became the new warlord of the Chaos Gods, launching attacks on the empire time and time again. attack.

   During the 10,000 years of suffering and war, the empire slowly abandoned reason and the future in order to survive, and turned into a bloated, absurd, ignorant, and cruel bureaucratic combination.

   There is no trace of reason and hope, only fear, hatred and ignorance keep this huge zombie alive!

   Primarch Guilliman is an out-and-out idealist. Even among his brothers, no one is as hopeful as he once was, outlining a bright future.

  The memory of the body affects the soul and makes it sad.

  Mankind's 10,000 years have been too hard, and the small galaxy is full of their enemies.

   Traitors and Chaos Demons are plundering them recklessly, and some races outside the galaxy are also attacking them frantically.

  Mankind today is much worse than the Great Expedition era.

  It can be said to be even more tragic than the golden age of the past.

   "There needs to be a brand new plan." Guilliman thought, helping the Empire win Chaos is not only for humans, but also for himself.

  The evil **** pays a lot of attention to the Primarch. Once he fails, his soul will definitely fall into the hands of those guys. At that time, he will really be unable to survive or die, and will be tortured for life after life.

  He can't afford to lose. If he loses, it will be really miserable.

  (end of this chapter)

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