War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 459 Not Believing in Evil

The French army has been active in Texas recently for two reasons. First, daily training, and second, there is a rebellion in the territory.

France's first governor in Texas had served five years, and Gabriel de Villepin wanted to be re-elected, and he had strong support from the locals.

However, when Guizot arrived in Texas, he discovered that taxes here were much lower than those in mainland France. This behavior was simply a betrayal of France.

You must know that the French economy is stretched thin at this time, and Texas, a rich and fertile land, has not yet reached its full tax revenue.

This was unbearable, so I wrote a letter to Paris.

At this time, Louis Philippe was troubled by the high deficit of the French government. When he saw Guizot's letter, he became furious.

In addition, the Villepin family had just spent a huge amount of money to buy a luxurious manor near Paris a few years ago, which made Louis Philippe even more certain that the governor was behind the scenes.

"Damn it, it's all my money. He used my money to buy a house! Let Gabriel return immediately and appoint Francois Guizot as the new Governor of Texas. Tell him! He has only one mission, That is to levy all the taxes that should be levied on me!"

In fact, Paris doesn't know much about the situation in Texas, but it doesn't have a bad impression of it. After all, it pays a large amount of tax every year, and it always pays it on time.

At this time, senior officials in Paris learned that Gabriel de Villepin had secretly lowered the local tax rate. This behavior was tantamount to treason.

So Paris immediately sent someone to urge Gabriel to return home, and sent new troops and officers to Texas to replace those of Gabriel's men.

Gabriel had no reaction to Paris' attitude. He thought that awards and flowers would be waiting for him when he returned home.

After all, Texas had become a model colony for France at this time, not only providing a large amount of taxes, but also soldiers and equipment.

Through these years of operation, Gabriel has penetrated French influence into Mexico and the United States. He has many, many things to say to His Majesty the King.

“Rebuilding the glory of the French Empire is just around the corner”

It's just that Gabriel was sent to prison as soon as he returned to the country, and what awaited him was thirty years of prison life.

January 1, 1844, Arkham Prison.

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte welcomed a new cellmate. He returned home inexplicably and was inexplicably convicted of treason. Although it had only been ten days, Gabriel's hair had turned mostly white, and he could no longer look like he was as high-spirited as before. , murmuring from time to time.

"France is finished and New France is finished."

The so-called New France refers to French North America, and the map in General Gabriel de Villepin's mind is the entire North America, excluding Canada.

Seeing Gabriel's performance, all the inmates laughed in laughter.

"It's over, another one is crazy. Haha!"

"What do you all know!? I am different from you filthy scum! I had a chance to bring France back to its peak! No! It must be you! It was you who incited His Majesty the King and put me in jail! You guys Sinner of France! Your Majesty the King! I was wronged!"

Gabriel clutched the railing with both hands, roaring hysterically.

"You still say you're not crazy?"

"How can a madman admit that he is crazy? Haha!"

"Ha ha!"

The prisoners in the other cell burst into laughter.

Gabriel was so angry that he even wanted to spit on the other side in desperation, but he had hardly drank water in the past few days, so there was no saliva.

"Are you a pillar of the country?" the prisoners continued to mock.

"Yes!" Gabrielle replied firmly.

"Are you going to save France?"

"Yes! So what?" Gabriel asked.

"That's such a coincidence! So is your neighbor!" The prisoners opposite could no longer stop laughing.

Gabriel subconsciously looked at the next door. The other person was a young man who was not very old. The clothes on his body were a little old, but the original appearance could be vaguely seen. It should be the standard of the Napoleonic era. The other person extended his hand in a friendly manner.

"Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte."

Kalimantan Island, Mala Port.

The battle has ended, and the stacked corpses and broken walls in the city tell the story of the brutality of this battle.

In this battle, the Nanming Army captured three British warships and more than ten other large and small merchant ships, annihilated more than 800 enemies, and captured the British commander Colonel Haddock Chris and 53 other troops. In addition, Ma Baron Wrangell, trade superintendent of La Port, and one hundred and ten British expatriates.

As well as Brunei Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin II and a number of Brunei civil and military officials.

The Nanming Army suffered losses of up to 1,700 people, of which 600 were killed in battle, 300 were seriously injured, and more than 800 were slightly injured. However, with the medical technology of this era and the local climate conditions, those seriously injured people would only die a little later. That’s all.

This was the most brutal battle in Nanming since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In the past, when fighting gangs, companies, and feudal states, the phenomenon of frequent good news disappeared.

In the Malagang Fortress, Nanming's civil and military officials all looked solemn. According to their previous estimates, ten thousand against a thousand, ten times the force, whether the enemy was overt or covert, or a sneak attack, it should be a good battle no matter what.

But the current result really makes these people unhappy, because they living in Nanyang know very well how powerful the British are.

The British troops in Brunei are just a drop in the bucket. You must know that they still have 6,000 people in the Lion City, and there are more than a dozen cruisers like the ones captured today.

Everyone's face was full of worry, and the man next to Zhu Qiongying, Mr. Zhiyun, who was known as the "Reincarnation of Zhuge", also frowned.

Zhu Qiongying herself felt relieved. Franz once warned her that Nanming did not have the strength to expel the British at this time.

But Zhu Qiongying didn't believe it. After all, just a few decades ago, a big pirate appeared in the South China Sea and beat the British and Portuguese to the point where they had to pay protection fees.

The former great hero Zheng Chenggong could also make foreigners fearful, and Zheng Yisao was even more of a womanizer. Why couldn't she, Zhu Qiongying?

What she didn't know was that the reason why Zheng Yisao was able to defeat the British-Portuguese combined fleet and obediently pay the protection fee was because the British were trapped in the European battlefield and could not spare any action. They only sank a few ships. Just armed merchant ships and cruisers.

Even if Zhu Qiongying had recovered all the pirates in Nanyang at this time, he could not compete with the British battleships.

If the British really sent a fleet of more than a dozen battleships, it would be able to level the entire Southeast Asia.

One of the most important reasons why there were so many casualties was that Zhu Qiongying's original order was to take no prisoners.

But at this time, the Nanming army lacked experience in fighting powerful enemies, and even if it had equipment advantages, it could not fully utilize them. Both tactics and tactics were lagging behind the times.

As for the young master Zhiyun who has been following her, she is actually a strange woman. She is well-read in military affairs and used to intrigues, but she is still helpless in the face of this great change that has not happened in a thousand years.

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