London, England.

Because some people were dissatisfied with the government's weak attitude toward the German Confederacy, they decided to take to the streets to demonstrate.

However, this time the London police did not sit idly by like they did with the Chartists and directly sent mounted police to break up the parade, causing dozens of casualties.

But this was not the end yet. Then a large number of special police trained by Robert Peel were dispatched, wielding big sticks and beating anyone they saw.

After dispersing the crowd, they began to arrest die-hard elements. After interrogation, the British government quickly concluded that this was deliberately incited by foreign forces.

Then it’s time to judge, judge! Should be killed, killed!

Robert Peel is not a mediocre person. He knows exactly where his bottom line is and will never let anyone interfere with his plans for the future of Britain.

However, he still made some concessions, such as people from the Navy going to investigate the Navy's affairs.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is completely a naked cover-up. As a result, no one in the Royal Navy would be dissatisfied, and some even felt that this was a unilateral mockery of the German Confederation.

In fact, Robert Peel knew the other side's bottom line, but he just wanted an attitude from the British side. He didn't think the other side really dared to start a war.

But the international situation at this time could not help Robert Peel be careful, because there were many countries that wanted to deal with Britain, and giving them a chance was not what he wanted to see.

Especially the kind of pretending to mediate, but actually secretly stoking the enemy, is even more unacceptable to Robert Peel.

But what he didn't expect was that Austria really sent a fleet there.

Franz knew very well that it would not work to rely on mutual understanding to solve Nanming's problems. Negotiations with the bandits must follow their logic.

In fact, to this day, William Hawke has not reported any intelligence about the attack on Dutch merchant ships because he felt that he could suppress it.

William Hawke still made concessions to the blockade imposed by the Nanming regime on the island of Kalimantan, and he allowed some Dutch merchants to pass part of the time.

But once this ban was opened, it meant that the so-called blockade was in vain, so much so that the British naval officers and soldiers responsible for the blockade became lax.

This gave Nanming an opportunity to take advantage of it. After all, Zhu Qiongying never gave up on winning this war on his own. Although Franz's promise was there, she always felt that it was not true.

Moreover, many senior officials in Nanming are immigrants, and they have a special hatred for the British. Because the British were the culprits who caused them to leave their homeland. Now they have fled to Nanyang and are being blackmailed and besieged by the British.

How could these people swallow this breath? They once saw the British sinking a warship flying the Qing Dragon Flag and they all jumped for joy. Even Bazali, the commander-in-chief of the British army at the time, had a puzzled look on his face.

Later, the Qing government increased taxes in order to maintain its rule, which made ordinary people miserable. Later, foreign masters also came to the shore to dominate, and those who could not survive had to leave their homes.

They think they are working part-time, but they are called piggies. Nanyang is also a world where the jungle is like hell, with foreigners, natives, and gangs that oppress their compatriots.

Later, when Nanming founded them, they had a family and lived like human beings. Nanming's taxes on the poor and farmers were very low, while taxes on landlords and merchants were very high.

Therefore, it quickly gained the support of the people at the bottom, and those local forces that followed the Qing system and gang rule were quickly completely dismantled.

Nanming's system was to support small farmers, and then let the state control commerce and minerals. This is a typical thinking of an agricultural resource country, but it was very attractive to most ordinary people who could not survive at the time.

The people do not suffer from scarcity, but from inequality. When Nanming was founded, even Zhu Qiongying lived in Guandi Temple, let alone other senior officials of Nanming. It would be nice to have a straw mat and a shabby house, so the internal conflicts were not big.

After a little stability, she began to deal with internal corruption issues. The queen who grew up listening to dramas was not generally murderous. But the more she killed, the more people felt that this was the orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, successive victories also increased the power of the queen. The Nanming army went through dozens of large and small battles on the island of Kalimantan, and was invincible. Even the Dutch and British sent envoys.

In fact, the Dutch initially wanted to take him as a dog, but several Kapitan and a 600-man army they sent successively suffered consecutive defeats. Coupled with Austria's strength on the European continent, the Dutch East Indies The company is a rat-proof device.

At the same time, out of fear of the British, they felt that joining forces was obviously a more reasonable choice.

Due to the four Anglo-Dutch wars, it was difficult for the Dutch to trust the British, and the latter's occupation of a freshwater port in the northeast of Kalimantan naturally aroused the former's vigilance.

All in all, Nanming's army was still very effective at this time.

Zhu Qiongying also followed the example of the Ming Dynasty and established three major battalions. The Shenji Battalion was responsible for artillery, and the Three Thousand Battalion was the main force of Nan Ming. At this time, all the new muzzle-loading guns were used.

Percussion guns are not as likely to fail in the hot and humid jungles of Kalimantan as matchlocks and flintlock muskets. At the same time, the Three Thousand Battalion is also the most elite veteran under Zhu Qiongying. In addition to the percussion guns, they also have leather armor for protection, and even the bayonets are different from other troops.

The bayonets of the Three Thousand Battalion are all specially made three-edged military spines, which are of course Franz's handiwork.

This kind of bayonet has an edge-shaped blade and three blood grooves, and it looks fierce.

The actual function of the blood tank is not only for bloodletting, but also for continuous actions.

If there is no blood tank, the thorn will be wrapped in the human body due to blood pressure and severe muscle contraction. In this case, it will be difficult to pull out the thorn, affecting the soldier's further movements.

On the Russian-Turkish battlefield that year, embarrassing scenes often occurred where bayonets were stuck in and could not be pulled out. In the end, soldiers had to give up bayonets and rifles and instead fight with each other with their bare hands.

The three-sided military spurs with blood grooves will not encounter this problem, because the wounds caused are open and usually square.

In this way, soldiers can carry out continuous assassination actions, and it is also a last resort, because there is almost no industrial base on the island of Kalimantan, and the same is true of Batavia, including the Dutch.

They don't even have the ability to produce qualified bayonets, but the production of triangular bayonets is simple and requires low craftsmanship, making them more suitable for manual workshops.

The last five military camps are the elite of a motley army. They are elite soldiers drawn from various places. They don't even have uniform uniforms and have a variety of weapons, from artillery to matchlock guns to broadswords and spears.

Although it has no special features, it is better because of the large number of people.

At this time, Nanming's three main forces have been waiting for the opportunity, and the craftsmen have been paying close attention to the movements and entry times of British warships.

In fact, there are not many British people in Mara Port, but more local natives. Although these natives accepted employment from the British, they had no loyalty at all.

Therefore, almost all the British intelligence was sold to Nanming's spies. A total of four cruisers, 800 sailors, and 600 native soldiers were the entire British force.

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