Soon, Ai Wen returned to his room, took out the two boxes of magic stone materials that Du Ao and the others brought, and prepared to make equipment for Du Ao and others.

"The monsters on the next few floors will become more and more powerful. We can't just rely on defense. We also need to attack. This time there are a lot of materials. It seems that we can try to make some weapons.

Ai Wen picked up a piece of ore metal and began to refine it, the alchemy was turned on, the ore cracked, changed its shape, and the fist-sized ore produced a slap-sized dagger.

A magic sword or magic dagger.

In the world of "Dungeon Adventures", there are many magic swords, weapons that can summon magic, but not in the sense of magic swords.

These swords are long or short, and the short ones are like daggers, just like the one made by Ai Wen, which is only used to release magic, not for melee combat.

"Melting the magic stone as an energy source, increasing the strength of the weapon itself, applying the magic inscription to strike 753 with lightning, very good, it's the first time to make it, it's very simple~".

The first magic dagger, Ai Wen, was made in less than ten minutes, and the speed was astounding.

On top of that, the magic attached to the dagger is very powerful, releasing a powerful electrical current from the tip of the sword when activated.

Three more daggers were made, each with a different magic engraved on it, each with a different effect.

Unlike the magic sword in "Dungeon Adventures", the magic sword is a consumable item, and Ivan's magic sword can be used repeatedly without much loss of power, and the magic stone can also be replaced.

"Electrical shock, freezing, ground strike, healing, magic sword, just do these, and then make some amulets."

Ai Wen used magic stones and some strange materials to make amulets with magic stones, which was very convenient for Ai Wen, and soon he made 20 such amulets.

The talismans this time are much more advanced than the previous ones, and the army will definitely need them as they continue their journey into the dungeon.

"It's almost here, this should be enough for a return gift, then..."

After the army's equipment was processed, Ai Wen was ready to deal with the huge skull.

It's just that this skull is too big. Although Ai Wen's room is also very large, he has to stumble and take it out, so Ai Wen didn't take it out directly, but told his family that he would retreat and practice.

Flying Fish Island, Ai Wen went to the place where he practiced last time.

This time, Aiwen went to the island for two purposes: on the one hand, to complete Goryeo's skull, and on the other hand, to fuse the blood of Jinwu.

Chapter five hundred and ninety-eight of the mirror of the Golden Crow

Little Elaine has released the fog shrouded in the place where Ai Wen is, hovering in the mist, watching Ai Wen retrieve the golden capsule.

"This is my first time using this, I don't know if there are any side effects...".

Ai Wen activated the array he had laid out before, hesitated a little while holding the capsule, then opened his mouth and put the capsule in his mouth.


After taking a sip, Ai Wen clearly felt that the capsule entered his stomach, and then...


A scalding hot air suddenly burst out from his stomach! A heat flow spread all over Ai Wen's body! Ai Wen's body instantly became red and hot!


Ai Wen's body seemed to be turned into an oven, waves of heat radiated from him, and his clothes instantly turned to ashes.

The power of the Golden Crow's bloodline is too ferocious. I don't know if it is because of the incompleteness or because the ferocious power of the Golden Crow is impacting Ai Wen's body, and there is a feeling of wanting to tear it apart.


Ai Wen's eyes became red! The sea of ​​qi in his dantian was surging! Ming Kun's qi sea opened wide! An endless hot force began to gather in his dantian, and quickly formed a vortex that was swallowed by Ming Kun.

But Ming Kun's devouring speed still can't keep up with the power gushing out from the Golden Crow, so!

"Oh! The Golden Crow is known as the incarnation of the sun! I'd like to see it! How do you compare to the real sun! The body of the sun god! Revealed!"


Accompanied by the sound of rumbling! The Sun Peak behind Ai Wen has been stirred by the power of the Golden Crow, bursting with infinite rays of light! The surrounding fog was instantly torn apart!


Elaine, who was hiding in the fog, screamed in horror, the light suddenly fell on her, her small body was shrouded in black smoke, and she no longer dared to look up.

And Ai Wen was glowing all over, golden light shrouded his whole body, his face was invisible, but his body was like a rising sun, slowly floating upwards!


The Tyrannosaurus rex leader has dived again with his clan, and now he knows he can't afford it anyway, so he'd better hide before he gets affected, as for the eggs on the beach...

It doesn't matter, they can still get them off!


Ai Wen gradually climbed to a height close to the clouds, and a huge circle of sunlight appeared around him. This circle of sunlight exploded and expanded, just to clear the clouds above his head.

And with this outbreak, Ai Wen's aura quickly stabilized, and the two forces related to the sun merged with each other and finally became one!

He felt the power of the blood of the Golden Crow fused with his body, and a large amount of ancient knowledge, the legacy of the Golden Crow, appeared in his mind.

The inheritance of the Golden Crow is very diverse, including all aspects. Ai Wen used his strong mental power to quickly read it, finally! Saw a way to improve the Golden Raven weapon, and saw it right away.

"Have it!"

Raising Ivan's hand, a Goliath's skull appeared in front of him!


When the huge skull appeared, Ai Wen stretched out his hand, and a large number of golden flames suddenly burst out from his palm.

This flame is the legendary fire of the Golden Crow, which is said to be the essence of the sun and has the power to burn the sky and boil the sea.

At that moment, golden flames coiled around the skull, and traces of golden patterns appeared on the bones.

Here's a way to refine the Golden Crow's legacy, which can be used to create a powerful magic weapon suitable for the Golden Crow!

This Goliath skull is like jade but not jade. It is not like a bone in itself. It was obviously dropped by a monster, but it is as white as jade and emits a weak heat.

After the flame treatment of the golden crow, the initially huge skull began to shrink, a large number of journals were destroyed by the flame, the skull continued to shrink, and finally only half a meter was left...

Although the skull has shrunk countless times, it has now completely changed its appearance.

The skull itself looks like glass, with countless golden lines carved inside, forming a mysterious pattern.

As Ai Wen poured his power into the bones, the flame gradually dissipated, and finally, a pale golden bone mirror appeared in front of Ai Wen.

The skull that was a few meters wide eventually turned into an ancient circular mirror less than half a meter wide, with a circle of sun-like flames on the periphery, a mirror that could illuminate human figures in the middle, and a picture of the golden black sun transforming into the back.


As soon as the bone mirror was formed, the mirror surface trembled. Ai Wen raised his hand and released a drop of golden blood, which fell on the bone mirror and was immediately absorbed.

When the blood was absorbed by the bone mirror, Ai Wen also obtained the ownership of the bone mirror, and this bone mirror belonged to Ai Wen alone.

"I don't know how the bone mirror made by using the power of the Golden Crow and the power of the sun will work together!".

Ai Wen quickly used the power of the sun **** body to create this bone mirror. I saw Ai Wen waved his hand, and the bone mirror flew out immediately! The flame of the bone mirror turned! A strong light instantly broke through the clouds and went straight to the sky! At this time, Ai Wen discovered that this bone mirror had become a mirror.

The power of the bone mirror did not disappoint Ai Wen, it was unbelievably strong.

At this time, the power of the Golden Crow and the Sun God merged into Ai Wen's body, and the sun coat of arms on Ai Wen's back also had a three-legged Golden Crow totem.

The power of the golden crow bloodline has completely entered Aiwen's body, becoming a part of his bloodline and power.

This is an extremely powerful force, so powerful that Aiwen dare not release it because he is afraid of its impact on the ground.

He quickly gathered his strength, the bone mirror turned into a golden light, and got into the divine rune behind him.

In the end, Ai Wen gathered all his light, became bland and unsightly, and returned to Flying Fish Island in a heavy heart.

The fog on the island has all disappeared, the green vegetation that originally spread across the island has now withered, the formation barrier established by Ai Wen has been destroyed by (Zhao Li Zhao), and a circle of cooked seafood has formed around the island. Most of the eggs left on the beach now have a strong egg fragrance.

Only a few, buried deeper on the shore, are still uncooked.

Not only were the eggs undercooked, but they also had a faint golden glow, as if. Some incomprehensible changes have taken place.

\'Eileen? "

Seeing his influence on the people around him, Ai Wen couldn't help frowning, thinking of Elaine's landing. Without seeing Elaine, Ai Wen's heart also twitched, worried about Elaine's accident.

But fortunately, Elaine hid in advance, and after hearing Ivan's call, Elaine went deep underground and was able to escape.

"Elaine, are you alright?"

Ivan was relieved to see Elaine appear. Elaine first looked at Ai Wen and found that Ai Wen was no longer glowing before she quickly flew off the ground and went straight to Ai Wen's shadow.

Chapter 599 Are you going to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger today?

"Elaine? Elaine?"

Ai Wen shouted a few times, but Ai Lao did not respond. After thinking about it, Ai Wen guessed that Ai Lao must be frightened and felt a little guilty, so he did not continue to shout, but sat on the ground and began to get familiar with this newly acquired power, master it, so as not to hurt Ai Lao again.

The power of the Golden Crow was added to him, and Ivan felt that his abilities in all aspects were greatly enhanced.

The power of the gods and beasts created this terrifying power of the Ivan blood.

The original golden crow bloodline was still somewhat crude, but with the blessing of the body of the sun god, it was not only compensated, but also slightly enlarged.

In the past, the power of the Golden Crow only had the attributes of light, fire and heat, but now there is a fusion attribute! ".

It took Ai Wen a long time to become familiar with this blood-red power before being able to fully control it. This power is very powerful, and the slightest carelessness can lead to destruction, hurting others and yourself.

Just the radiation of this power destroyed a large area of ​​​​the surrounding sea, and Aiwen did not dare to use this power indiscriminately.

Taking advantage of this time, Ai Wen intends to lay out what he has learned and determine the direction of his further cultivation.

"People have three dantians, the lower dantian is the source of my strength, and the upper dantian sea of ​​consciousness is the destination of my spiritual power, and now there are 757 golden thunder gods in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. I must not mess around, and then. There is also spiritual space."

Now there are three energy gathering places in Ai Wen's body, which are located in the upper, middle and lower Dantian of the human body.

The lower dantian is the sea of ​​qi, the middle dantian is the space of spiritual power, and the upper dantian is the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

These three places represent different powers, each with its own characteristics, but...

"The upper dantian and lower dantian are the foundation of my strength and spirit, only this spiritual space..."

Ai Wen's spiritual space is the flame of thunder, and the other is the space spiritual space.

To be honest, the spiritual power space of the thunder attribute does not have much effect on Ai Wen, it only exists as a way to enhance the power of thunder.

Now that Ai Wen can protect Thunder with golden light, he only needs his own divine power, and this Thunder-attributed spiritual space has no sense of existence.

"Inheriting the Golden Crow's magic, the Great Sun Tathagata has a Golden Crow's Nest Method, which is the method for the Golden Crow to cultivate the spiritual space. If I want to increase the strength of the Golden Crow, I must build this Golden Crow's lair. I am not the real Golden Crow. No new spiritual space has been opened, and now..." I can only transform the spiritual space of the thunder attribute (babd) to build a nest! "

With this idea in his mind, Ai Wen began to arrange a large number of formations around to block all his spiritual energy, and then, with the help of the power of the Golden Crow, he entered the spiritual energy space of the thunder attribute.


The thunder in the thunder attribute spiritual space is huge. After the power of the Golden Crow enters, those thunder and lightning do not need to react at all, because they are all the energy of Ai Wen.

According to the Golden Crow's lair method, Aiwen began to destroy the spiritual space of the thunder attribute, and slowly and painfully transformed the original attribute of the spiritual space, which would bring great pain, no less than the pain of depriving the spiritual space, but this It is the price paid for increasing the power of the Golden Crow.

The transformation of the spiritual space will take quite a long time, because there are many stages, the first is the transfer of the thunder power of the spiritual space attribute.

At first, this part of the power needed to be dissipated, but Aiwen did not do this. He released the source space power of the thunder attribute spiritual space into the body, and then summoned the golden thunder **** to absorb and occupy it, which could also increase the power of the golden thunder god.

Afterwards, after a series of operations, he believed that the Golden Crow's Nest had been completed.

In the end, the spiritual space with the thunder attribute turned completely golden, and the warm light and heating filled the spiritual space, nurturing the extremely strong sun fire.

The golden crow's nesting method was successful, and the transformation of the spiritual body space was completed, but Aiwen could not use the power of the spiritual body space immediately, and he needed some time to stabilize. When Ai Wen completed the retreat, more than a week had passed.

Ai Wen returned to Guanhaitai.

He first gave the completed magic stone equipment to Yang Minghao, and asked Yang Minghao to pass it to Du Ao and the others.

After more than a week, Yu Xian also learned to talk freely. It was the first to notice Ai Wen's return. Before Ai Wen approached the beach, Yu Xian showed a pair of golden wings and flew to greet Ai Wen.

He used to sit behind the eagle, but now he carries the feather string on his back and asks east to west along the way.

"Yiyi, what's the name of the technology you got? It seems that it can affect time, which is very powerful."

Even now Ai Wen can remember the scene at that time, a golden ripple enveloped him, and then his movements slowed down.

Yu Xian was lying on Ai Wen's back, her long golden hair fluttering in the breeze. She heard Ai Wen's question and thought for a while before answering.

"Huh? I don't know what the principle is. I only know that my practice is called Tianyin Jinbo Su Gong. It seems to be very powerful. I am just starting."

"Tianxuan Gong Jin Boeing? Is it more powerful just because its name is longer?"

Yu Xian has just embarked on the right path of cultivation, and he still can't see the depth of this inheritance method, but since it can be called Xuan Gong, it must not be weak. Ai Wen intends to find a time to discuss in detail with Yu Xian to study together and make progress together. .

Back in his room, Ai Wen has begun to prepare for the future adventure.

He cleaned up everything on his body, various potions and a lot of potions made by Ai Wen himself, all of which had different effects.

Many of them were not used by Ai Wen, so he took them all out and kept them at home.

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