Chapter 99: 99 Good (2-in-1)

The request that Stull just made is actually very far-fetched.

Tomorrow, the Holy See will issue a call to summon 10,000 priests to the Holy See, but even if the summoned priests are uneven, it is necessary to consider the time consumed by the journey and the reception on the side of the Holy See.

It is always necessary to arrange a place for these ten thousand priests to live, and the Holy See simply cannot accommodate so many people.

At that time, it will also be necessary to negotiate with the government personnel of the city ‘Infa City’, after all, this city still belongs to the capital of the ‘Republic of Michaeli’.

As a country within a state, the Holy See of Genni wants to gather so many people and always say hello to the high-ranking politicians of the Republic of Michael.

And the Pope holds the Great Mass, which is a sacrament belonging to the Church, especially since the current Pope is a true Son, and even a miracle has come to help him ascend to the position of Pope.

All the bishops shouted the Pope’s name in unison, which is proof that they have received the miracle.

Phil explained these situations to Stuhl, who had dealt with many of the church’s work when he was a vicepriest in St. Neil’s Church.

And now after becoming the Pope’s chamberlain, his work process is from small to large, from simple to complex.

“Within a week!

Set the time for next weekend’s weekend and get it all done. ”

Stuhl’s tone was unquestionable, and he directly gave a strong order to Phil about this matter, and Phil, as the papal chamberlain, was able to use the power of the Holy See to call everything in the Holy See to complete this matter.

The Holy See belongs to the absolute divine center of the entire Church.

The decrees from the Holy See represent the will of the Pope, and all priests in the Church must obey and carry them out.

“I will do this well Holy Father. ”

“Okay, you go back first, rest well, your work will be very busy next.” ”

After Phil left, Stull felt a special touch, his mind pursued this feeling, and finally heard a familiar voice.

It was a prayer from Father José, a prayer to Stuel, and was received by Sture.

Just now, on this flight to the city of Seisenersu.

The moment the red warning light came on in the cabin, the disturbed ‘blah-la-la’ broadcast also sounded in the cabin.

“Dear passengers… Plane…… The plane is about to encounter bad thundercloud weather… Electronics in the cabin … In case of interference, please fasten your seat belts… No…… Don’t move around the cabin! ”

At this time, the two blue-clad flight attendants standing next to Burris’s seat immediately withdrew from the cabin.

It was as if they were following the rules that they had to evacuate the cabin when the red warning light came on.

This made Burris, who had unfastened his seat belt, stand in place at a loss, and finally he returned to his original position and re-fastened his seat belt according to the radio prompt.

Jose had returned from the flight attendant lounge, and at this time he wanted to bring Burris back to the lounge as soon as possible, and it was clear that Burrees was more polluted.

It’s a pity that the purification technique has no effect, but according to the diary and the communication with Nina, a flight attendant in red, and others.

José has a bold speculation that perhaps he and the others are not polluted, but purely intellectually reduced, and disturbed by the spiritual level.

Treating everything that is irrational as reasonable makes what is reasonable incomprehensible.

If it is fundamentally different from the pollution of the Azira faith.

Then the only way to return to normalcy may be to increase one’s sanity.

Or let the impaired sanity not continue to deteriorate.

In fact, as long as you are paid attention to by ‘it’, then sanity will gradually decrease, even Jose himself.

It’s just that at present, he has no other performance except for the difference in the color of the flight attendant’s overalls, and he will not start to lose his memory and color discrimination ability like Nina and others.

“Quickly unfasten your seatbelt and come with me! ”

When Father José returned to the cabin, he was immediately watched by the other priests.

Even Bishop Rama immediately shouted at him, “You’re not in danger.” ”

“No, red is to be trusted, and so are red flight attendants, they are trustworthy.

But the blue-clad flight attendants are by no means worth believing, they are puppets manipulated by ‘it’!

And…… Except for the rabbit photo, all flight attendant overalls should be light gray in color.

Only after being paid attention to by it and suffering pollution, sanity begins to decrease, and the color of overalls changes from light gray to blue and red. ”

Jose continued: “There are three sets of rules on this plane, the rules that passengers must follow, the rules for the red flight attendant and the blue flight attendant rule.

But ‘it’ can’t identify the ‘person’.

It doesn’t recognize people’s looks and names!

I don’t know who the passengers are.

All those who were polluted by it and surrendered to puppets wore blue overalls, the color of which it marked as servant obedience.

And all those who are fighting it wear red overalls, which in its eyes are marked enemies.

So anyone who unbuckles their seat belt and leaves their seat will be watched by it.

In addition, he should choose a random one of all passengers to watch for the polluting him. ”

Because Father José really didn’t know how Burris was contaminated, that’s his only guess.

Father José continued: “Red and blue are the means by which it marks the camp in which people belong.

But when our passengers enter the plane, as long as they suffer from pollution, we will be able to see those who are colored by it.

These people must be flight attendants!

Because only flight attendants can wear overalls. ”

All the priests kept firmly in mind what Father José had just said, information that José had obtained at the risk of losing his life.

They trust the accuracy of the intelligence without the slightest doubt.

“Also, both the red flight attendant rules and the passenger rules mention that there are no mirrors on this plane.

Because the pollution affected by it is completely different from the pollution of Azira’s faith, one’s own sanity will continue to decrease after being polluted by it.

will lose the ability to distinguish colors, which is very dangerous when facing blue flight attendants.

You will forget your identity, and there will be a gap in your memory.

All this is the effect of loss of sanity.

Once you forget your identity, you will form a dependence on the mirror and want to see who you are through the mirror, but there is no mirror on the plane, and everything that is considered a mirror is not a mirror.

When you look at the reflection in the so-called mirror, you encounter its interference with your identity.

The consequence is that there will be one more blue passenger on this plane! ”

“Don’t disturb sleeping passengers, which means that all passengers are paying attention to what is happening in front of them.

Just as all the priests listen to me because you are watching me, even if I stand here and shout loudly, only my own people can hear me.

Passengers around are not affected at all.

Unless you take the initiative to disturb them and let them observe you as well. ”

Father José concluded: “All the rules can be explained.

In fact, there are three sets of rules on this plane, the blue flight attendant rules, the red flight attendant rules, and the passenger rules.

There is a starting point, and that starting point is ‘it’! ”

Burris looked at him dumbfounded, and he suddenly shouted loudly: “What about flight attendants, flight attendants, there is a madman here!” ”

Looking at Burris’s performance, the other party suddenly didn’t know him.

This convinced José that Burris’s pollution was so deep that his loss of sanity was so severe that even his memory had been affected.

He completely forgot how dangerous his environment was.

“Do you remember who you are? Jose suddenly leaned in.

But such a move startled Burris.

He subconsciously pressed a call button on the passenger seat, which can contact the flight attendant during the special period and let the flight attendant give help and care to the passenger.

And Burris just wants the flight attendants to take away the madman in front of him as soon as possible.

At this moment, José was suddenly wrapped in a mysterious whisper.

He looked around, and the sound came from any direction, almost pervasively.

It is clear that the red warning light has not disappeared, and the time has not exceeded three minutes, why did its gaze suddenly move back to the cabin.

At this time, in the cabin, only Jose did not sit back in his position.

Thinking of Burris’s behavior just now, only the other party pressed the flight attendant call button on the seat.

‘Damn it! The passenger rule should be added not to press the button to call a flight attendant.

And the red flight attendant rule should also add a clause, if a passenger presses the call flight attendant button when the red warning light is on, the red warning will be invalidated.

Regain its attention and leave the cabin immediately! ’

“Hmm! Jose lay on the ground in pain.

He felt like a piece of bread, being broken little by little, and then swallowed into his stomach.

“Jose! ”

“Father! ”

José covered his ears in pain and lay on the ground, and Bishop Rama and the other priests immediately cried out anxiously.

They don’t have Jose’s sensitivity to mysteries.

So the others simply did not know that ‘it’ was once again moved back into the cabin.

Jose shouted with all his might: “Don’t unbuckle your seat belt, don’t leave your seat, ‘it’ is back!”

Its gaze is back on this cabin! ”

“Hahahahaha! It’s just that I like you so much, I really don’t want Father to torture you to death like this! ”

Jock, the red-clad flight attendant, laughed loudly and ran into the cabin from behind, if Father Jose was curious when he was stared at by it.

Then when Jock appeared, its gaze immediately shifted from Jose to Jock.

And it was an extremely angry gaze, because Jock was wearing red overalls, and he was the enemy against ‘it’.

“Bang! ”

Jock fell straight to the ground, and he was just a little away from Jose’s position.

But Jock’s sacrifice relieved Jose of the pressure on the whisper, which had tortured him to death.

Jose knew that it was all focused on Jock at this time, and it was possible that it had taken the initiative to attack him.

Jose tried to stand up by holding the handle of the seat next to him, but Jock, who was lying on the ground, suddenly trembled violently.

Then he got up from the ground ahead of time, faster than Jose.

He took off his red overalls and turned it inside out.

Wearing the red overalls backwards, the inside turned out to be a blue lining, and in a blink of an eye, Jock changed from a red-clad flight attendant to a blue-clad flight attendant.

The scene left Jose and others stunned.

“This passenger, why are you outside and not sitting back in your original position. ”

Jock’s tone changed.

It is as if it has lost all its humanity and become a mechanical puppet.

Even if Jock before him lowered his sanity more, he showed madness in front of Jose, and when communicating, the other party could show the cheerful and optimistic side of human nature.

At this time, Jock in front of him is like completely losing his humanity and has become a puppet without self-thinking and autonomous consciousness.

“Jock! Jose shouted, the situation in front of him was the last thing he wanted.

“What are you talking about, passenger? Who are you calling?

Why are you leaving your seat, are you trying to get off the plane? ”

Jock leaned over, straightened up and looked down at Jose from above, and continued, “If you want to get off the plane, I can help you achieve that.”

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get you to your destination early? ”

The guard in José’s heart has risen to the highest.

“Don’t leave your seat! He shouted again loudly, as he observed that some priests, even Bishop Rama, wanted to leave their seats to help.

He was abruptly stopped by Jose.

There was another sound of footsteps behind Jose, and he didn’t look back to be convinced that it was definitely the worst scene.

Behind him, five blue-clothed flight attendants walked over, plus Jock, who had just changed into blue in front of him.

Six blue-clad flight attendants in the cabin surrounded Jose.

And they were still asking the question Jock had asked at the beginning: “Why aren’t you in your seat?” ”

The whispers came again, and José once again suffered the pain of being pulled by the spirit, as if someone wanted to tear open his mental defenses to scan his memory.

José knew he was being taken care of by ‘it’.

Lying on the ground again, he only felt that his whole body strength was drained.

The mind seems to have stagnated.

“I am…” Jose looked around blankly, this was the cabin, and the whispers around him did not subside.

But Jose couldn’t remember why he was here.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! ”

He suddenly shouted His Majesty twice, and the face of a handsome young man wearing a divine robe suddenly appeared in his memory.

Stur Griffin, Holy Son, Pope, Your Majesty!

The identity information of the teenager has not been forgotten by José, this must be a very important person to him, the object of his loyalty!

Jose suddenly covered his chest and prayed: ”

Your Majesty the Great Pope Stull Griffin, you are the human substitute of the Holy Lord.

You are the Great Son.

Shelter me at this moment and give me your grace.

Fight with me!

Fight with me!

Block the one who is chasing me.

Drink back that killed me.

Say to your soul, I have come to save you. ”

At this time, Jose’s ears suddenly heard a familiar voice and said ‘yes’!

Then a dazzling holy light bloomed on his body.

(End of chapter)

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