Chapter 91: 91 Red and Blue

Father José was first surprised, then quickly controlled his emotions.

He knew that if he reacted emotionally at this moment, the easier it would be to be targeted by it on the plane.

You have to act like a normal passenger.

But the constantly shaking corners of Father José’s eyes were enough to show that his heart was rising and falling violently at this time.

“Why are you here? He watched Burris put away his luggage and sit down next to him before asking him.

“Oh, originally I was reporting the news of His Highness Stuhl’s becoming Pope in Genni Country. ”

The other party continued excitedly: “Because His Highness Stuhl… His Majesty Sture walked out of St. Neil’s Church in Montt, so newspapers like our Urban Window are eligible to go to the Holy See to focus on reporting. ”

Burris continued with a proud expression: “I have a relationship with Your Majesty, so this task falls on me. ”

“Then why are you here? Father José felt that the other party was not getting to the point.

“The reporting is over, I was supposed to return to Monte, but we received news from the media.

In the city of Seisensu, there is a big news unknown waiting to be unearthed.

And it is related to the government of the Fatan. ”

Burris lowered his voice: “The point is that the current city of Xiesensu seems to be isolated from the world, and no news can be revealed, which should be related to the blockade of the Fatan government.”

Can you imagine that they are trying to cut a city off from the outside world, which is like erasing a city from the map and from people’s sight.

Now the countries of Joshu are nervous! ”

The more Burris spoke, the more excited he became, and the bigger the matter as a journalist, the more excited he became.

“They all suspect that the Fatan government is doing something else in the city and causing a lot of trouble.”

It will affect neighboring countries!

But I don’t know exactly what it is, so I can only go to the city of Xiesenersu to dig it myself.

This is sure to be big news! ”

Burris looked at the surprised Father Jose and asked directly: “Why did Father go to the city of Xiesenersu?”

I’ve heard that air and train tickets to the city of Seisensu recently aren’t available at all.

And I was luckier, I just got a ticket here, hahahaha. ”

Father Jose felt that the other party was overly optimistic, but he still explained: “Go and solve the troubles that happened in the city of Seisensu just mentioned!” ”

Burris was stunned for a moment: “But you are the priest of the Holy Bishop, unless there is only …”

Burris suddenly stopped talking, and he saw Father José nodding solemnly.

At this moment, Burris felt that his blood was slowly losing temperature.

He felt the temperature around him plummet.

So this is the truth that the Fatan Kingdom is trying to hide, and some kind of mysterious event?

Father José put his finger to his lips, and Burris nodded seriously, but he had already decided to follow Father José closely when he arrived in the city of Jose.

But this time it was also his luck, following the priest of the holy bishop, he was able to dig out the truth of the mysterious incident.

At the same time, it can keep itself safe.

Father José quietly took out the small note, and he squinted at the small print on it.

[1. Don’t sleep on the plane, but don’t try to wake up people around you if they fall asleep. 】

[2. No matter what happens, do not unfasten your seat belt. 】

[3. Red is safe, blue is not safe! ] 】

[4. If you can’t distinguish red, please cut the skin with a sharp object, the blood that flows out is red, do not use other colors on the plane as a reference! ] 】

[5. Don’t try to remember the badge information of the flight attendant, let alone remember the appearance of the other party, everything is subject to the color of the clothes worn by the other party, red is safe, blue is not safe! ] 】

[6. Don’t eat any food on the food truck! 】

[7. Don’t believe that the plane will land early, keep in mind the exact landing time of the plane! ] 】

[8. Mirrors do not exist, don’t look in the mirror! ] 】

He read the small note and memorized that there was a picture of a rabbit in the pocket of each priest, and if he suspected that he was affected by it, then see if it was a rabbit.

At this time, Father José saw that the seat belt color was also red, he carefully fastened the seat belt, and looked at Burris, who did the same.

However, unlike Father José’s calmness, Burris appeared more nervous and apprehensive, and almost wrote panic on his face.

This made Father Jose frown, would this state of expression be easier to attract ‘it’s attention’!

Handing the note to Burris, Father José lowered his voice to remind him to look at the contents of the note and not to make a noise.

“What is it? Burris asked in a low voice.

“You have to follow the rules on this plane, and only by following the rules can you get to the city of Sesenersu safely!” ”

“But this is a plane, will the staff on the plane still throw me out?” And these rules seem strange and basically have nothing to do with the rules on the flight. ”

Father José looked at him seriously: “There is a problem with this plane, it can only be said that your luck is too bad, you want to dig up the big news in the city of Seisenlsu, in fact, you can do it here.” ”

Burris didn’t quite understand at first, but then he figured out the meaning of Father José’s words just now, and his eyes widened suddenly.

He immediately went to look at the note in his hand and memorized the grotesque-looking rules on it.

Preparations before take-off are conveyed through announcements in the cabin.

Flight attendants in light-colored overalls come to each person to double-check their seat belts and ask if they are unwell.

Father José looked carefully at the clothes everyone was wearing, there were four flight attendants, but they wore work clothes that had neither safe red nor unsafe blue.

This made him doubt the accuracy of the rules on the note.

And Burris, who was next to him, sat up straight!

Father José looked at him and felt that Burris was a little nervous.

When the flight took off, Father José kept in mind that the landing time was an hour and a half later, at one o’clock in the morning.

And at this moment, there is still half an hour until midnight.

Burris took a deep breath and felt the plane rush into the sky in the dark night, and then slowly and steadily.

He wanted to have a brief chat with Father José sitting next to him, and according to the rules, as long as Father José did not sleep, Burris would be fine even if he disturbed the other party.

And Father José will not go to sleep either.

“Weren’t you nervous just now? ”

Father Jose put the note away and looked at him: “You seem too nervous, just four ordinary flight attendants!” ”

Burris leaned over and whispered in his ear, “But they’re wearing blue!” ”

(End of chapter)

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