Chapter 84: 84 Daily Arrangements

On his first night in the Holy See, Stull slept uncomfortably.

He always felt like he was sleeping in a coffin.

The morning sun shone in, and he looked around, always feeling that everything around him was stained with a layer of old air.

It wasn’t like a room for him, it was like a place for an elderly person to retire.

“What was I thinking, which previous pope was not sixty or seventy when he was elected.

It’s normal for this room to smell of the late sunset, maybe the Pope’s room has never changed.

After all, the people who live here are the elderly, who will care too much about the decorations, as long as the elderly live comfortably. ”

Stull rolled over from the bed, which was particularly low.

Even metal armrests were added on both sides of the bed, and the already extremely low bed was even equipped with handrails, and Stull tried to use them, and he suddenly felt like an old man.

The door of the room was knocked softly.

“Please come in, I’m already up! ”

Outside, two very young deacons dressed in black robes came in.

One of them pushed a silver dining cart, and the pope lived in many rooms, the innermost room was the pope’s bedroom, the outside was the living room and dining room, and there were separate entertainment rooms and study rooms.

But the two deacons had apparently entered the living room and stood outside Stuhl’s bedroom knocking on the door.

He froze for a moment in surprise, and then asked, “Shouldn’t it be in the restaurant?” Why are you pushing forward? ”

The two looked at each other, and the deacon who pushed the dining cart said, “Sorry Your Majesty, the Holy Father used to eat breakfast in the bedroom. ”

“No need, I will eat all three meals outside the restaurant in the future! Stull said.

Some people call the Pope in different ways, and addressing the Holy Father is also an honorific title for the Pope.

But Stuhl was too young to be called the Father, even though Stuhl was the chosen spokesperson for the miracle and the Lord.

Stull looked at the other person next to him, and the other party said awkwardly: “Then Your Majesty definitely doesn’t need me to wash and dress you.” ”

“Of course! Do you think I look like an old man who can’t take care of himself? ”

Stull stood up, he was still wearing a dressing gown at this time, and the pope’s usual clothes were a full set of white divine robes, which were not complicated to wear.

“Change my daily routine, after all, I’m not an old man. ”

Stull thought for a moment and added: “But the Holy See should not have had a pope like me for hundreds of years.” ”

“Your Majesty, you are the one chosen by the Great Holy Lord. One of the deacons said.

Stull just smiled in response.

“And can you rearrange my bedroom, this is not for me, if I live here, I feel like my bones will become old.” ”

Stull continued.

“We will tell the chamberlain. ”

“Thank you. ”

The food truck was pushed into the restaurant, and Stuhl’s breakfast was all about some of the older people’s favorite foods, including a liquid meal.

Stull had no appetite just by looking at it, and he shouldn’t have expected anything.

He felt that if he didn’t give any more opinions, he would probably have to live a lifetime of retirement here.

“I don’t want to eat it, thank you, but I hope lunch doesn’t have to be so soft… If I really didn’t prepare in advance, I would eat whatever others would eat, without special treatment. ”

The two deacons looked at each other and said they would tell the chamberlain about Stuhl’s needs.

He did not go to breakfast, which gave Stull another free time in the morning, and today was the first day he spent in the Holy See after becoming Pope.

The Holy See should have packed his time.

Before the rest last night, the Chief Electoral Officer, Bishop Difeng, told him that Stour’s priority today was to receive the ministers of the Holy See.

Understand the basic workings of the Holy See and get acquainted with the ministers under it.

“Sorry Your Majesty was negligent, these breakfasts are really not for you, I will let them re-prepare, do you have a preferred menu?” ”

The papal chamberlain was a man in his forties, who looked older than Phil in St. Neil’s Church.

However, the papal chamberlain in front of him is a close confidant of the previous pope.

According to the practice of the Holy See, when the pope dies, the period when the new pope has not yet been elected is called the period of ‘vacancy of the Holy See’.

During this period, the papal chamberlain was in charge of the entire Holy See, and his power was the same as that of the pope.

When a new pope is successfully elected, the papal chamberlains are generally sent to other dioceseses, and it is unlikely that they will remain in the Holy See.

The position of papal chamberlain is usually when the new pope reappoints a young man from among those around him.

Stull glanced at the papal chamberlain in front of him, and he asked directly: “Have you thought about continuing to stay in the Holy See?”

After all, unlike previous popes, I should be able to see that I am more like a loner.

I jumped directly from a monk to the position of pope. ”

The Pope’s chamberlain suddenly knelt down on one knee to Stuel: “Great Holy Father, you are the chosen spokesperson of the Holy Lord…”

The other man gritted his teeth and continued, “But I am not qualified to continue to serve you as I did the previous Holy Father.

Only those whom are valued by your will are the most qualified, but rest assured that I will continue to serve you in the meantime.

Until you find a suitable person to be an attendant of the Pope. ”

Stuart looked at the person in front of him carefully, according to the practice of the Holy See, each papal chamberlain would only serve one pope in his life.

And the person in front of him is still the adopted son of the previous pope, and the death of the previous pope has a greater impact on him, in fact, Stull also has a suitable candidate in his heart to become his papal chamberlain.

If that’s the case, let’s transfer the other party directly.

“Get up, I understand your feelings.

No matter what position or wherever we are, as long as we are faithful, we are in the service of the Lord. ”

Stull then asked, “Tell me about my process for today?” ”

The Pope’s chamberlain looked at Stuhl, who was rubbing his hands excitedly, and he smiled, feeling that His Majesty the Pope in front of him was more like a child looking forward to fresh toys.

“According to today’s arrangement, you should first receive the Minister of the Holy See for the Sacraments!

Today, however, the Minister of Foreign Affairs suddenly and urgently requested that he meet with you immediately.

So take a look at your opinion Holy Father. ”

“Ministry of Foreign Affairs? ”

The Pope’s chamberlain briefly explained to Stuhl, and Stuart understood that this Ministry of Foreign Affairs was actually equivalent to the department in charge of foreign affairs of the Holy See of Genni.

According to today’s arrangement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should have been the last department to be received by Stuhl.

But the other party suddenly and urgently requested to be the first to meet the Pope.

Stull thought about it, maybe it was related to yesterday, when he used the power of the mystery book.

“That… Meet the bishop who is in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ”

(End of chapter)

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