Chapter 74: 74 • Secret Elections

Outside St. Peter’s Church, on St. Peter’s Square, the number of people gathered has reached 100,000.

Viewed from above, the crowd is like an ant blanket formed by the gathering of ants.

Moreover, there are still many believers in the city of Enfa, who are constantly pouring into the country of Genni.

On this night, the Ginnee Holy See entered the highest level of alert.

And the Pope’s coffin was not buried at this time, and his body was rested in St. Peter’s Church.

Even the current deceased pope may be one of the most controversial popes in church history.

But this does not affect the feelings of the devout disciples who are saddened by the death of the Holy Lord’s spokesperson.

In St. Peter’s Square, the gathered believers, the cry of grief sounded in the heart.

Not everyone is crying, most of them are waiting for tomorrow’s secret elections and whether a new pope will appear.

Only a very small fraction of the cardinals and members of the College of Cardinals in the world are resident in the Holy See in Genni.

The vast majority of cardinals, cardinals, are assigned to the archdiocese of various countries.

In general, there are no more than two cardinals in any country in the world.

The cardinal is one for every archdiocese.

And the bishops everywhere will not give preference to which country because the economic situation is better and more developed.

Religion values believers, population, missionary, and after satisfaction in this regard, wealth comes second.

The papal funeral is the most sacred rite of the church, when the first rays of sunlight penetrate the stained glass of St. Peter’s Church in the early morning and shine into the hall of St. Peter’s Church.

Several bishops who have been elected will gather around the body of the pope to pray for his memorial.

The hanging incense burner dangled white smoke in the hands of a cardinal, slowly walking around the papal body.

Inside St. Neil’s Church in Montt, Stall is sitting quietly in his chair watching television, but the news media is always showing a few images of him in St. Peter’s Square.

This made Stuhl’s heart even more curious, until the vicepriest who came to deliver breakfast told him that the secret election of the pope would not be held until after noon.

In a televised footage, Stull looks at the crowds of St. Peter’s Square and the majestic church buildings around it.

In his eyes, St. Neil’s Church was already large enough, and it was even a well-known landmark in Montt.

It wasn’t until he saw the Holy See on television that he discovered that there were almost a dozen such huge churches connected in the country of Genni.

At the moment, in Stuhl’s room, there is also Phil’s deputy priest.

Stull asked him: “Have you been to the Holy See before?” ”

“Went there when I was a child. ”

The priest went on to say, “I was not born into a family of believers in the Lord, my parents were ordinary workers.

When I was a child, they took me on a trip to the city of Enfa, and then once to Genni Country. ”

Stuhl nodded: “You are the deputy priest of this archdiocese, second only to the position of Bishop Rama, don’t you usually have the opportunity to go to the Holy See?” ”

“Your Highness, even the bishops, who have not received a call from the Holy See, are not allowed to take the initiative to go to the Holy See, and the Holy See’s divine law is very strict in this regard. ”

“So who might be the election of a new pope this time?” ”

Although Stull knew that the new pope would be him, he did not know how the bishops in the Sistine Chapel, who were secretly elected, would vote for him.

After all, Stull was not a bishop, and his current priesthood in the church was nothing more than a monk.

To be on the safe side, Stuhl also added a setting to the mystery book that the new pope would definitely be him.

In this way, the dream and the setting that has been made in advance will not be accidental, but this process makes him very curious.

The deputy priest thought for a while and explained: “Now there are actually two major factions formed between the cardinals and the bishops, the steady faction and the reform faction!

The Steadys hope to restore the majesty of the Holy See, at least not to let the image of the Holy See continue to decline, and then maintain it.

But the reformists want the Holy See to carry out a comprehensive reform, or it will only decay more and more, and the reformers see the theory of calamity as nothing more than an introduction.

The main reason for the decline of the Church is the derailment of the cultural circle with countries and all walks of life, and with the common people! ”

The deputy priest went on to say, “But there are many other groups between these two factions that have great differences of opinion with each other. ”

“What faction did Bishop Rama belong to before? Stull asked.

“Bishop Rama belongs to the reformists! ”

Stuhl was stunned, he really did not expect that the old man who looked full of bureaucratic atmosphere was still a reformist.

But after thinking about it, he felt that a person like Bishop Rama was really suitable for reformists.

The attitude of doubting the Holy Lord’s blessing, even if he suddenly shouted a word of support for science, Stull felt normal.

“Whether reformist or steady, the candidates on both sides add up to a total of four, namely:

Bishop Jorge.

Lord Bishop Geza.

Lord Bishop Minahir.

Lord Shinke. ”

Stull nodded and remembered the names of the four men.

Finally, the moment when the pope’s burial was broadcast on TV.

The Pope’s body was carried out by the coffin bearer, followed by a long procession of bishops, and a passage was separated early from the crowd in St. Peter’s Square.

When the Pope’s body is buried in the church, all the bishops enter the Sistine Chapel for secret elections.

Stull glanced sideways, but found that the deputy priest’s eyes were filled with tears.

This made him not very understanding of these fanatical priests, but if you think about it, the Pope is also the leader of believers and priests, although not the end of faith, but the spokesman of the Holy Lord on earth.

is their leader.

After the procession of farewell to the papal body circled the obelisk in the middle of St. Peter’s Square, the papal body was returned to St. Peter’s Church for burial.

Buried in the catacombs of St. Peter’s Church.

All the bishops came to the Sistine Chapel.

And enter the Sistine Chapel through the ‘bronze door’.

Separate live in their own ‘secret rooms’.

During the papal election, the Sistine Chapel was completely isolated from the rest of the world, with layers of doors locked and sealed, allowing no one to enter or leave.

Except for one emergency telephone number, all other telephone lines were cut off.

The only channels of communication inside and outside are the two turntables set up on the ‘bronze door’, and the food, medicine, etc. that need to be sent inside are placed on the turntable, and the staff turns the turntable to send it in.

When the bronze gate outside slowly closes, it creates an isolation between the two worlds.

(End of chapter)

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