Chapter 71: 71 Forecasts

Others looked at each other.

Hearing such a blunt explanation, the mayor of Monte asked: “Would it be illegal to do so.”

Even if these people all deserve to die, there is no formal legal route, and the fate of these deaths is determined directly through the judgment of the church. ”

The mayor swallowed his saliva and said, “Our city hall side will also face a lot of pressure. ”

“These are alien demons, and they can no longer be called people, and even if they are put in the dock of the court, maybe even the judges will be affected by pollution.”

Even if all these demons are put in prison, they will not be able to stop the spread of pollution.

No matter where they are, they are a huge threat, and they can’t even be seen as hidden dangers! ”

The mayor wiped the sweat from his forehead and wanted to debate a few words.

But this abrasive attitude caused the displeasure of Father José on the side, who stood up and said strongly to the latter:

“Mayor Brauli, I brought His Highness’s decree! ”

The latter took a step back in resistance, and at the same time he looked up at the holy and majestic figure in the holy light, and suppressed all the objections in his heart.

At the end, the deputy priest said to him: “If you are concerned about the increased pressure of the secular people, you may wish to seriously consider whether you will ignore these evil spirits or detain them alone.”

Any turmoil that causes pollution to spread will ultimately be borne by you personally.

And even then, the only way to deal with these alien demons is to end their lives and purify them with death! ”

“Yes… Yes! Everything is done according to His Highness’s will.

Praise the Lord and praise the Son! ”

Mayor Brauli laughed, and he suddenly felt that the priests of the Holy Bishop, who had seemed to be kind before, had become very cold, even a little ruthless.

“Praise the Lord, praise the Son! ”

Father José and the deputy priest also responded.

The deputy priest then began to prepare for the final judgment and destruction of all the remaining alien demons in the temple of Tasmu using the power of the holy relics.

“I hate that guy very much, who was a believer in the Holy Lord, and finally betrayed his faith in order to run for mayor, and such a guy even succeeded in the election. ”

The Fran elder on the side complained to the deputy priest about the despicable past of Brauli as a man.

And the deputy priest just said indifferently: “Don’t care too much about this kind of person, when the era of calamity begins, the brilliance of the Holy Lord will not shelter this kind of person.”

Remember that the Bible says that the Holy Lord prophesied that next year’s cold moon would be the beginning of the era of calamity, but again… He will only shelter true believers. ”

More and more believers gathered here, the power of the biblical manuscripts became stronger, and the light became more majestic.

The priest stood in place, and with three taps on his chest, he performed a church sacrament, and then chanted with open arms:

“I am Allah by our holy cause!

In the name of Son Stur Griffin and his powers,

Expell you, every unclean evil god,

Every dark force,

Every attack from the opponents of hell,

Every army, group and devil gang!

All, evil, evil, devil, should not appear here!

Extinction in the light of the Lord! ”

As he recited the last prayer, the temple of Tasm was shrouded in a curtain of holy light.

The priests of Okyoum, who were originally crawling and kneeling inside, suddenly let out a miserable howl.

It was as if he was suffering the divine punishment that had come.

They can no longer be described as human beings, whether it is physical contamination and transformation, but also spiritual fascination with Azira’s faith.

All of them have made these alien demons, both physically and mentally, out of the category of normal people.

At this moment, the holy light stirred, like a thorn in punishment from heaven.

The bodies and souls of these alien demons will be bound, and the thorns will pierce deeply, and then continue to tear until they are completely destroyed.

Gradually, the howling inside the temple of Tasm stopped.

The holy light began to slowly dissipate.

Stuhl’s huge shadow disappeared into the light curtain, and the biblical manuscript fell from above and was firmly caught by the subpriest.

Brauli jogged over while wiping his sweat, and he poked his head inside to look inside, and had just let out a terrible howl that frightened him.

“Is it all over? ”

“We will go in again and use holy water to meticulously purify the area.

Although we have been sealing off this area with the power of the Relic, we are avoiding accidents and putting the finishing touches. ”

“It should! You’re welcome! ”

The priests then entered the temple of Tasm and sprinkled holy water around them, chanting prayers for exorcism and purification.

“Can you still feel the contaminated residue of Azira’s faith power? The priest touched the blood-stained mottled walls of the catacombs and asked Father José next to him.

“No, no remnants of polluting power can be felt anymore. ”

Father José was the most sensitive to the power of pollution among the three transcendent beings present who had already embarked on the sacred path.

He had been lost before, and it was Stuart the Son who saved him from it.

This sensitivity is amplified after stepping into the holy path, but Father José is not at risk of getting lost.

By the time everything was taken care of, it was already evening.

And it was the time when the evening newspaper began to go on sale, and in this era it was the fastest news on paper to circulate, followed by radio, and then television.

Television was still a luxury in this era.

But when the newspaper went on sale, the news broadcast on TV began to be urgently inserted.

Stull is sitting in his ‘dormitory’ right now.

This was originally the dormitory of the Flemish elders, but it was later given up, and there was an expensive TV in this dormitory.

The news content that is being broadcast here at this moment is the news of the death of the Holy Bishop, the current Pope, at two o’clock in the afternoon.

The host above also tells the life trajectory of the pope without interruption.

Stull leaned his arms over the bed, and the presenter on television explained the assessment of the merits of the deceased pope by some theologians and historians in society.

Overall, fault outweighs credit.

They all agreed that the previous pope’s crazy promotion of the doctrine of calamity was a very unwise decision that would serve no purpose other than to make the pope a devout believer.

It even shakes the foundations of the Holy Bishop.

As a result, the trend of decadence of the Holy Bishop in recent years is uncontrollable.

And all the experts agree that the new pope will be a more stable and not radical person.

After hearing such a prediction, Stuhl’s face did not move, and he just muttered softly: “I’m afraid you will all be disappointed.” ”

(End of chapter)

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