Chapter 7 07 Ben wanted to teach them a lesson

A special snowflake audio sound suddenly sounded.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Officer Thurman, because the source of the voice was an intercom communication device on Officer Thurman’s waist.

This device is connected to the radio on the police car, and can reach a distance of up to 100 meters from the police car.

Since Stull crossed over, he found that the level of science and technology and culture in this world is equivalent to the seventies or so of the last century on the earth, and it may also reach the level of the eighties.

Mobile phones exist, but they are not universal.

Officer Thurman turned on the walkie-talkie, and immediately there was a shout from the other side: “Thurman, you damn fellow, where did you run with that newcomer!” ”

The newcomer refers to Richard next to Officer Thurman, who is the rookie police officer that Thurman is in charge of.

As soon as Thurman wanted to explain, the other side continued to scold: “The police department received a notice of the case from you, and now a large group of people have come here, and as a result, Ling and the new person have disappeared!”

Damn, I thought you were solved by the murderer! What the hell is this thing that can tear a car like this! ”

The voice on the intercom paused, and his tone slowed down: “Father Pete is also dead, how can I explain to the Holy Son, I don’t even know what the murderer is.” ”

Thurman hurriedly explained: “Director Yasen, Richard and I are here in the church, and the Holy Son of Stull is by our side, but for now, you better bring someone over as soon as possible.” ”

Chief Yasen’s tone suddenly became urgent, and came out of the walkie-talkie: “The murderer ran to the church? Is there anything wrong with the Son! ”

“No… No, the monster was solved by the Son. ”

After a short silence, Chief Yassen’s voice followed: “I will arrive with someone immediately, the body of Father Pete… There is not much left, and I will arrange for someone else to bring the wreckage back to the police station. ”

“It doesn’t seem safe here, and there may not be only one monster of this kind.” At this time, Priest Rust, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly stood up and said to everyone.

Then he knelt on one knee and looked at Stuhl, who was still fiddling with the monster’s corpse, and said, “Saint… Lord Son, come with us back to St. Neil’s Church in the Montt Region.

When we go back, we will immediately report what happened here to Lord Bishop.

And when you return to St. Neil’s Church, your safety will be guaranteed, Monte City is a metropolis… And…… And…”

Rust swallowed his saliva and continued to say to Stuel: “You are too important, the Holy See needs your guidance. ”

Now Priest Rust and Lyden have highly confirmed Stuhl’s identity in their hearts, as God’s spokesperson, God’s true child, and Son.

It is a human walker who grasps the mission given by God.

In short, the two people have multi-layered the identity of Stull in their hearts, which also causes Stur’s identity to become more and more sacred in their eyes.

Especially now that the influence of the church is rapidly eroding, and it is still being resisted by countries in the world, the current church is very sad, and the impact if Stull returns to the church will be huge.

Because Stuhl can prove that God exists, their faith, the existence of the church, and the persistence of believers are all right and sacred.

Stull is like the prince of the church who has been exiled outside… No, the status of the prince is not worthy of Stuhl.

Because God is above all the kings of the world, God’s children are equally great.

Asinsa and the two policemen, Thurman and Richard, heard Rust’s request and did not feel anything wrong.

After all, the church welcoming back the Son is also the right thing in the eyes of others, and only the Son can show true value.

But Stuhl spoke next, leaving the blood of both Rust and Leyden to cool.

“The church now … Not worth my trip back. ”

Stull clapped his hands and stood up: “And the matter here is not yet settled, I have to solve the birthplace of the alien demon here before I can go somewhere else.” ”

He sighed again: “It’s a pity that Father Pitt had such an accident.” ”

Soon, a whole five police cars roared with sirens.

Sheriff Yasin was a lean man in his sixties, with glasses, with a falcon temperament and very sharp eyes.

But when he led the police officers into the church, he was first startled by the corpse of the alien demon on the ground, took a long breath, and then immediately came to Stuhl’s side to ask if the other party was injured.

“Director, this monster was all killed by the Holy Son, and it was directly killed by the divine technique cast by the Holy Son. Officer Thurman explained.

“Gee, it is estimated that only tanks can compete with this big monster. ”

Chief Yassen glanced at Thurman and the rookie policeman Richard, who was more worried about whether Stuel’s body would be weak after performing the magic spell.

Because Stull once used healing techniques to cure Chief Yasen’s daughter, her daughter, who was also a police officer, had to lie in bed because of an accident.

It was Stuart who restored her health, which Father Pitt suspected at first, and Stuhl’s explanation was that Chief Yasen’s daughter was in disguise, in order not to go to work and not to socialize.

Now lying tired, wanting to live like a normal person but there is no suitable reason, just when Stull appeared, and talking to a teenager about this, Director Yasen’s daughter did not have much psychological pressure.

After all, adults are not easy to deal with, and Father Pitt did not continue to doubt this, but lamented that Stuhl’s business ability is really strong.

But this explanation was for Father Pitt, who did cure Chief Yasen’s daughter with a healing spell, provided that he sacrificed ten years of life.

“I’m fine, thanks for your concern, Chief Yassen. ”

A group of police officers crowded into the church, but looked at the corpse of the alien demon on the ground, and even the medical examiner did not know what to do with this big fellow.

Is this a new species? If it is exposed, it can sensationalize the entire scientific community… No, the whole world!

“This is an alien demon, it should be a newly born alien demon, without wisdom, only the brutality and bloodthirsty of nature.

If it is a wise demon, it is more troublesome. ”

Everyone fell silent and listened quietly to Stuhl’s explanation, and Priest Lyden even took out the notepad he carried with him and began to record.

“Grievances, special circumstances, souls, some contaminated objects, cursed life, etc… These can be born or transformed into alien demons, and there is no theorem for this thing!

The alien demon is a product that is not bound by rules, and the alien demon itself is also a source of pollution, but this guy is more miserable and met me as soon as he was born.

If I wasn’t here, Gannon would be in big trouble. ”

Stuhl said seriously: “The alien demon itself is also a terrible source of pollution, whether it is alive or dead. ”

He continued: “And the most important point is that the alien demons are not all like this, the forms of alien demons are strange, and intelligent alien demons are even similar to normal humans.

It is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and this evil is even more terrifying.

The so-called vampires, werewolves, and zombies in some mythological novels are all considered to be in the category of alien demons.

Weaker demons, some powerful high-tech weapons can also kill, but the post-mortem treatment is impossible for ordinary people, the key is to be careful of pollution. ”

Stull explained to everyone very subtly, everyone looked at the charred alien demon in front of them, and labeled the existence of the alien demon as extremely dangerous in their hearts.

At the same time, he also believes that the alien demon can only be solved by leaving it to a ‘professional’ like Stuhl, or that the state sends an army.

But relying on the army to destroy the alien demon is a huge risk, because this thing will contaminate.

Looking at everyone’s pensive performance, Stull was satisfied with what he said just now, what he needed was the brain supplement of other people around him, and the richer the brain supplement, the better.

Because he just said that half of the content about alien demons is true and half is false.

This demon was created by Stull through the Book of Mystery, and the power of faith he possessed was only enough to create this demon.

He wrote in the mystery book that after eight o’clock this evening, a stinking pond on the outskirts of Gannon would appear in which an unintelligent demon would appear.

The demon will kill Father Pete after leaving his birthplace, and the two departing priests, Rust and Leiden, will encounter the Gannon police while fleeing for their lives, and then be followed by the alien all the way to the church.

After entering the church, the alien demon did not kill anyone, but died under the attack of Stuart’s holy arts.

This is what Stuart wrote in the mystery book.

Although Stull explained the birth of the alien demon in great detail to others, he did not write the birth process of the alien demon in the mystery book.

Once written, demons will appear all over the world, and then humanity will face a catastrophe, and now Stuhl does not have enough faith power to write about it in the mystery book.

It can be said that there is only such a demon in the world now, which has been killed by Stuhl, so that the script in the mystery book has formed a closed loop.

And the ‘Holy Magic and Punishment’ that Stull just performed has only one use is to kill this evil demon, and in addition, Stull cannot perform the ‘special effect’ just now a second time.

Even Officer Thurman on the side was gesturing to Chief Yassen how shocking the scene where Stull had just killed the alien demon was.

And Director Yasin made up his brain, his expression was a little regretful, and he did not see this ‘epic’ scene of miracles and demons.

Not only Chief Yasen, but also the other police officers who followed him were very sorry after hearing Officer Thurman’s description.

And just before Chief Yasin and the others arrived, Stull asked Officer Thurman how he met Priest Rust and Priest Leyden.

Officer Thurman did not shy away from saying in front of the two priests that he was going to hunt them down and then put them in the police station to teach them a good lesson.

As for the reason, his brother ‘Ponyov’ called him, saying that someone had slandered the Son as a fake.

Officer Thurman’s brother, Ponyov, is the blind man whom Stuart cured this week.

After listening to Officer Thurman’s explanation, Rust and Lyden looked at each other and felt embarrassed.

Stuhl thought that what he wrote in the mystery book was that Rust and Lyden would meet the police and rush to the church together.

The mystery book fills in this part of the details, and the reason why he encountered the police was because the blind Mr. Ponyov, who he cured today, called his brother to file a complaint.

(End of chapter)

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