Chapter 53 53 Criticism

Monte City, nine o’clock in the evening.

Elder Fran took a copy of today’s evening paper.

There are Urban Window newspapers, as well as several other newspapers.

He sat on the bench where the faithful sat during the day.

Spreading out the newspaper in your hand and perusing the text on it, Urban Window reports on several recent disappearances in Monte City.

So far, Monte City police have no clues, and the article is full of worries and concerns about social unrest.

In this article, there are many very blunt criticisms of the Monte City Police Department and the Federal Police Department.

If it were not for the articles published in the newspapers that needed to pay attention to the wording, the journalists who wrote this story would have almost scolded the police department and the Federal Police Department as waste.

Elder Fran looked relieved, thinking that he was directly taken away by the people from the police station this evening, and he was on fire.

Even the most unfortunate thing is that the Holy Baptism and Enlightenment, which was not easy to appear, was interrupted by this incident.

He looked at the newspaper and reported the name of the person who was writing it.

It wasn’t the journalist who knew His Highness.

And the report of Urban Window this time seems to have used up the luck in the Witero case before, when reporting the Witero case before.

Burris’s press releases always give the public a very striking clue to detail, and it can be said that by reading his articles, the public, like the police detectives at the time, were on the spot.

He wrote a case into a crime-solving short serialized novel.

But this time the disappearance case, Burris did not know the inside story, so the newspaper changed another reporter to report, which made readers who read Burris’s report on the Wittero case, and then read the content of the disappearance news written by others, will feel bored.

The Fran elder looked at another page, and the window of the city did not publish the article written by Burris, but it was not written on the front page.

It is also a long article written by Burris, which reports on the sudden outbreak of the mysterious plague in the city of Monte today.

And Burris also described in detail the various symptoms that patients will show when infected with the plague, and the incidence and fatality rate once infected are extremely high.

Doctors can’t do anything about it.

Elder Fran then looked down, and he found that Burris’s report was particularly close to the mysterious pollution, and it can be said that the other party was describing some characteristics of pollution.

Even the other party also vaguely mentioned in the article that after being polluted, if it does not die, then there is a chance of turning into a crazy loss of mind, like a monster-like walking dead.

Elder Fran felt that the other party knew about the existence of the alien demon, and just used this way to cryptically express it to the public.

At the same time, the article also very directly states that the people who are currently polluted are considered followers of the Okyum Cult.

Even Burris directly pointed out in the article that the pollution outbreak was related to the Okyum Cult.

The people of the Okyum cult collude with the people in the Egg of Life organization to mutilate the believers in order to achieve their shameful ends.

Elder Fran stretched his eyebrows, and after reading Burris’s news report, he could only say that this man’s criticism of the Okyum God Cult and the Egg of Life was really fierce enough.

Moreover, this journalist should have a good relationship with His Highness, and the other party also knows the inside story of many incidents, such as the so-called ‘pollution’.

Even in the end, Burris encouraged those who had been contaminated and mutilated by the Okyum Church to go to St. Neil’s Church to pray devotedly, where miracles might happen.

The Flemish elders put the newspaper down, not perhaps, but surely a miracle would happen here.

All the priests in St. Neil’s Church were ready at this time.

They will give the sick the sacrament of anointing to those who are about to seek help, in order to purify their bodies.

“Elder Fran, do you think someone will come? ”

A young nun asked in a low voice, she had just brought Elder Fran a cup of hot tea, after all, it was already night, the weather was a little cool, and Elder Fran was the oldest of all.

Special care needs to be given to the elderly.

Elder Fran took a sip of hot tea, “Why do you think they won’t come!” ”

“They are all infidels! The nun replied categorically.

Elder Fran was silent for a short time, and he said solemnly: “The instinct to survive will force the bottom line of faith, and I have also had times when my faith in the Holy Lord was shaken, when I was young, my hometown was a small country in Joshu.”

At that time, the Great War broke out, and I was still a monk. ”

Elder Fran, who seemed to recall some bad memories, continued: “War, human nature, many things happened to shake my faith in the Holy Lord, and it was not until I met His Highness that I regained my firmness. ”

Elder Fran smiled bitterly, he was a little unclear, after seeing Stuhl’s miracle with his own eyes, he became a faithful believer in the Holy Lord or a believer in Stoul’s Holy Son.

But one has to believe that one is not.

The nun opened her mouth, according to the words of Elder Fran, wouldn’t that mean that he was almost an ungodly priest in his life!

“It is between life and death that people realize that at that moment they either become devout and faithful believers or they struggle with the instinct to survive. ”

Elder Fran explained with a smile that he suddenly felt that state of enlightenment again, which showed that he could perform holy baptism now.

But he forcibly pressed down.

It is not yet possible to carry out the Holy Baptism, and the Fran Elder has some care of his own, and he can still be treated in the same way as Father José, and His Highness the Son will guide and witness him for the Holy Cleansing.

“Someone is coming. The priest standing on the outermost shouted to the inside.

But then he hastily added: “Many people are coming.” ”

The doors of the church were suddenly crowded in, many people, mixed with doctors, to maintain order for the contaminated crowd, who were transported from other hospitals but inside St. Neil’s Church.

They saw from the church hospital that this thorny condition could be cured, so the originally helpless hospital had to send the contaminated patients to St. Neil’s Church.

Because the church hospital could not accept more patients.

It was a funny scene where the doctor who was supposed to save the life actually sent the patient to the church.

There was a sound of a sharp shutter flash, and Burris, a reporter from the window of the city, seemed to have been waiting here for a long time, as if he already knew what was going to happen here, so he took the opportunity to take a picture.

These will become tomorrow’s morning newspapers, photos to be published in press releases.

Burris couldn’t help but think of a famous painting depicting a group of doctors snatching sick and ignorant patients from a church from priests and monks.

It was a period of widespread ignorance, and the most influential period of religions and churches, and even if people were sick, they would choose to go to the church to pray for God’s mercy at the first time.

Even a large amount of money was donated to the church.

The appearance of that painting signifies the beginning of the end of theocracy, which has always been regarded by modern people as a symbol that civilians are no longer fooled by religion.

It is the beginning of the confrontation between modern civilization and theocratic civilization.

At this time, in front of them, the doctors continue to send contaminated patients to the church, which is a huge contrast to the content of the famous painting from a hundred years ago.

When humans encounter something unknown, incomprehensible, or calamity, they re-attribute it to God.

Even doctors understand that it is ridiculous to hand over patients to the Holy Lord for healing, but at this time they can only pray for the Lord’s blessing and let the miracle happen.

“Don’t riot, we’re ready to give the ‘sacrament of the patient’s anoinment to people who suffer from milder symptoms of pollution! ”

Elder Fran stood up and shouted, and he then said to all the clergy present: “The holy oil is saved, this is personally blessed by His Highness, and the amount is not very large.

His Highness has not returned at this time, but he has entrusted us with the affairs to be done. ”

“You guys… Why did you send me here! ”

“Damn it! This is the church of the Holy Bishop, and I am a member of the Okyum Cult, so I should be sent to the temple of Tasmu. ”

“Fuck off! Don’t touch me, you bastards! ”

Elder Fran raised his hand to signal to all the clergy, and he said: “Since they are against it, leave them alone, and give sacraments to those who do not object, or who are more polluted.”

We are priests who serve the Lord, not doctors who save lives.

If they are firmly opposed, it only means that they are not yet worthy to enjoy the blessings of the Lord’s light. ”

“Let there be no psychological burden, no moral condemnation, no one but the Son and the Lord. ”

Hearing the words of the Fran elders, the monks and nuns would no longer care about those who resisted fiercely.

And not all Okyum believers are resistant to the treatment of the Holy Bishops.

Between life and death, as long as someone can heal them, the bottom line of faith in their hearts can be easily crossed as if they did not exist.

When a monk administers the ‘sacrament of the patient’s fat’ to a contaminated patient, he can see with his own eyes that the granulation drilled out of the other person’s body begins to gradually fall off, and the sense of peristalsis in the body begins to be greatly reduced, and finally disappears.

And when the monk’s finger stained with holy oil just tapped on the patient’s forehead, the other party could clearly feel a holy breath flowing into the body.

This holy breath is like cleaning his body of dirt and hygiene.

When one polluted person was purified and cured, the rest immediately let go of their resistance.

Even those who fiercely resisted at the beginning closed their mouths firmly at this time.

Even the vast majority of people began to obediently cooperate, and then began to scramble later, afraid that they would become the last person to be cured.

Elder Fran strolled over to check the acne pits that remained on the surface of the skin after the granulation was taken off on these people.

He shook his head: “This is a gift from your faith in Pimir?” ”

He said in a deep and solemn voice, “How can God do harm to his own believers!” ”

(End of chapter)

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