Chapter 46: 46 Holy Baptism

Two days went on and on.

Stull still hosts the regular evening mass every day.

“Any demagogic whisper is a disturbance by some mysterious being to the clergy who have already stepped into the holy path, or are about to step into it. ”

Stuhl stood on the holy altar and spoke slowly.

“Holy baptism, the divine washing of one’s spirit, body, and soul, as long as the baptism ceremony is passed, it is only a matter of time before you step into the holy path.

But those who are baptized after baptism, at this time, are the purest and more likely to be stained with some dirt.

Even if you don’t take the initiative to contact the mystery, those mysterious beings will indirectly contact you. ”

Stuhl pursed his lips, and he continued: “This is a process of mutual attraction, so be steadfast and faithful to the faith in the Holy Lord.”

Do not pay attention to any mysterious whisper, generally speaking, after passing the holy baptism, you can set foot on the holy path within seven days.

The earlier you step into the holy road, the higher your qualifications, the higher your talent, and the farther you will walk on the holy road in the future. ”

Stull finally added: “Of course, the stronger the strength.” ”

Looking at some of the people, some of them showed doubtful and confused expressions.

Stuhl explained, “Perhaps for you, you still don’t understand why the faithfulness of the priest is related to strength after stepping into the holy path.

Then I’ll give you an example…”

“If a demon suddenly appears in front of you, or some other mysterious being that threatens you or others.

It’s like the devil in our Bible!

What should you do? ”

Watching the silence of the crowd, Stull quietly waited for them to respond.

Until the last nun whispered timidly: “Pray to the great Holy Lord.” ”

“That’s not right! ”

It was obviously a very whispered sentence, but it was heard by Stuhl.

He loudly refuted this practice, and then said seriously: “They should be killed!” With fists, with strength, with holy arts, destroy these scraps! ”

“Lyden and Rust have both seen alien demons with their own eyes.

And I have also seen with my own eyes how I destroy the evil spirit, praying to the Holy Lord… I cannot think that this practice is wrong, but the Lord cannot answer every prayer of everyone.

We are priests who serve the Lord.

Walk on earth on behalf of the glory of the Lord.

It is the representative of the radiance of the Holy Lord covering the earth.

We are not only believers of the Lord, priests who serve our Lord, or our Lord…”

Stull raised his voice and said aloud, “Warrior! ”

These two words are like a heavy hammer, and the priests who will listen to the Stur Mass will be shaken.

As if he had realized something, Father José’s mental state entered a mysterious state, and Stull’s voice became softer and softer, until finally any sound disappeared.

Stull noticed this scene, and Father José was the first of the many clergy he had chosen to walk on the holy path.

He can’t create the Holy Road in its entirety now, so he can only simply create a model among the people in St. Neil’s Church.

Sture stood in front of Father José, and tonight’s Mass was over.

“Your Highness, Father Jose, he…” asked the deputy priest, standing by the side.

“Father José has previously lost himself by accidentally touching a mysterious object.

His mastery was like being locked up in a prison, and the spiritual world was torn apart.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the former Father José was like a madman.

But Father José was a devout priest who remained faithful to the faith of the Holy Lord without wavering.

Even in a lost state, Father José made faith in the Lord a pillar of his own personality.

So when I pulled him out of his lost state, his faith became more pure.

Even if you have been lost in the past, you can now easily enter this state of enlightenment before holy baptism! ”

“Bring me a glass of water! ”

A monk quickly brought the water that Stull had requested.

Stull took the cup of water in his hand and prayed, “Holy Lord!

Almighty God.

Praise be that you will bless us in the Holy Bishop.

Transform us from the heart, for He is the living water that will bring us salvation!

Grant grace to those who use it by sprinkling it or in other ways through the power of the Holy Spirit, transformation, transformation, spirit, God, body, and three. ”

The priests and priests on the side reacted immediately, which was a prayer to bless the water.

Apparently Stull turned this ordinary cup of water into holy water for prayer.

The deputy priest poked his head and looked inside, and the cup of water that was originally ordinary shone with a holy luster.

“There is also holy water in the holy pool at the entrance to the church. A monk muttered.

Elder Fran stared at him with a look that looked like a fool.

Hehe, the holy water blessed by ordinary priests can have the holy water personally blessed by His Highness the Son, with high grade and quality?

Stull reached deep into his index finger and lightly tapped the inside of the cup, dipping a little holy water on his index finger that he had just blessed.

At this time, in the spiritual world of Father José, he is at this moment in a dark space.

There was nothing around him, he was like a duckweed floating in the dark universe.

“Jose! Follow the divine light in front of you, ignore any distractions around you, and I will come to complete the baptism ceremony for you. ”

The sudden sound made Father José look around.

“Your Highness, Your Highness…”

He had been following Stuhl for the past few days, and he had long been familiar with Stur’s voice, and he wanted to find Stuhl’s location here.

But at the moment there was a flood of all kinds of whispering.

Inaudible, but full of demagoguery, Jose felt that his deepest desires began to be constantly stuffed with these words, and even the black hole of inner desires was being filled little by little.


This feeling made Father José experience the state of being lost in recent years.

The pain of spiritual tearing and splitting made Father Jose, who was in the spiritual space at this time, feel the pain of his body being torn apart.

Outside, Stur’s finger dipped in holy water touched Father José’s eyebrow.

In an instant, the holy light bloomed, and the aura of sacredness and majesty began to rise in the church.

Everyone knelt on the ground, clasped their hands to their chests and began to pray silently in their hearts, praying that Father José would be baptized.

Step into the holy path that the Son spoke of.

At the same time, they widened their eyes and looked at the scene full of miracles in front of them.

In Father José’s spiritual space, a divine beam of light suddenly pierced into the boundless darkness.

The surrounding whispers seemed to have suffered a great panic, and suddenly dissipated.

Father José saw the light as if he saw the rope that saved him, and he ran desperately to merge himself into the light.

For a long time, Father José opened his eyes.

Stull’s fingers slowly lifted, leaving Father José’s eyebrows.

Lyden and the rest of the deacons on the side were constantly recording in the notebook, not missing a single detail.

At the end of the day, they will also put together what each person has written.

The priests were so excited that their eyes shone brightly, and their church in St. Neil was destined to be recorded in the church’s gospels in the future.

Recorded in the annals of the Church.

The Son Stur Griffin came here, and during the few days of mass, Father Jose was baptized.

“What is so excited, Father José is not the first priest to be baptized.

Think of the disciples of the Son of Jeja in the past.

His Highness said that the ritual of baptism in the church is spread to the holy baptism that steps into the holy road! ”

Elder Fran on the side looked at the state of the deputy priest and couldn’t help but scream.

Stull nodded and said, “Holy baptism is not very complicated, just like I just did, using holy water can guide people who have realized and grasped that layer of feeling.

It is also equivalent to adding a layer of assistance.

But the key depends on me.

And the ritual of holy baptism does not have to be very complicated, a glass of holy water is enough.

Anyone of you can participate in the baptized people to help.

I just got my hands on it because Father José has been lost in the past and his situation is somewhat special. ”

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Elder Française asked Father José, “How are you feeling now?” ”

“It feels good. Father José scratched his head, but he felt that his mental state had become better than before.

Stand up and move, feeling a little lighter.

But in a hurry, everyone avoided Father José, who had just moved a few times, and immediately emitted a strong stench.

“Hurry up and wash up, you’re like a whole piece of carrion now.” Elder Fran shouted at the top of his voice.

Stull stood closest to Father Jose, who was almost knocked out.

Fortunately, the deputy priest next to him pulled him, and even Stuhl did not expect the effect of the holy baptism to be so direct.

In the Book of Mystery, he created the ritual process for the priesthood inside St. Neil’s Church.

After baptism, the spirit, soul and body of the clergy will be sublimated.

Obviously, after Father José’s holy baptism, he drained all the dirt from his body.

“I’m going to go… And here it goes. ”

Father Jose smiled and waited until the others to study the rest of the changes in him.

After the evening mass in the interior, the doors of the church are reopened, and there are still worshippers or tourists who come to visit or worship.

When Stuhl was about to leave the main hall and go back to his own room, he unexpectedly saw a familiar figure walking in outside.

The other party also took the initiative to greet Stuhl.

“Ms. Mel, how did you leave Gannon Town? ”

“Yes, Your Highness, the case of Wittero is over, to be exact, the work of our group is over.

After all, the murderer Withro is dead, and the rest of the deceased regrettably let the medical examiner take tissue samples.

The rest of the work is to check the identity of the deceased at the Federal Police, but those do not need our team to be responsible…”

Mel took a deep breath and said, “So we’re back to work on another, tougher case.” ”

In recent days, the work overtime has been relatively busy, and it will resume normal after tomorrow to update the double change.

(End of chapter)

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