Chapter 35: 35 Confession

The skull of Saint Neil was held up by Stuart in his hand.

The two kinds of holy light are intertwined, and the holy light on Stur’s body is purer, but the holy light blooming from the skull of the saint has a breathtaking feeling.

“Huh… Huh…”

The deputy priest opened his mouth wide, and the picture in front of him made his mind stuck, and a second ago he was still annoyed why he invited the holy relic out at today’s Great Mass.

Now that the relic had been destroyed by a group of young people, he had become a sinner in the church of the church.

But the next second suddenly happened, he was… Witness a miracle?

Father José helped a priest.

Give him a reassuring look and say, ‘Be calm, just get used to it later.’ ’

Originally, he was also taken aback by the situation in front of him.

When the skull of the saint was snatched and damaged by the group of offended young people in front of him, his heart was about to jump out, but fortunately there was a holy son!

When the Holy Light appeared, Father José’s suspended heart was like an extra platform to land.

The people around were stunned to see this scene in front of them, and Stull was surrounded by holy light at this time, like a holy spirit standing in the light curtain.

At this time, his left hand, tapped three times on his chest, represents the sacrament of the Holy Bishop.

Then he slowly raised his left hand, and his right hand was still holding the skull of the saint in the air.

And the sage skull was firmly suspended in mid-air three inches up from his right hand.

In the empty eye sockets, there seems to be more gods who can directly see through the barrier of people’s hearts.

“In the name of the Holy Spirit Neil, as a witness, as the arbiter of judgment, with the Holy Lord as the ruler over all beings, and in the order ordained by God!

Judge! ”

Stuhl’s voice was sacred, and with every word he spoke, everyone felt a giant hammer hammering their hearts.

When he said the last word, the light curtain of holy light suddenly condensed, like a veil curtain, and a condensed figure slowly walked out from it.

Behind Stull appeared the figure of an old man in a divine robe, he obviously appeared behind Sture, but he seemed to shelter him.

His eyes are the same as those in his skull.

The deputy priest and others were surprised to find that the image of this old man was very similar to the sculpture of the saint Neil outside.

The difference is that the sculpture is just a dead thing, and the carver can integrate one-tenth of the referent’s look into it, which is a masterpiece.

And the figure in front of him is like a saint standing alive on the opposite side.

The deputy priest and many priests finally could not hold on, and they all knelt on the ground and looked behind Stuel, and a tall giant-like figure appeared as a saint Neil.

And Saint Neil did not pay attention to these people, he raised his finger to the group of young, Egg of Life members on the opposite side, his voice was holy and determined, like a thunder that condemned sins and evil, but only spit out two words.

“Guilty! ”

Holy Light stirring!

The space inside the church seems to be torn apart.

This is an effect that Stull uses on the mystery book to consume the power of faith.

Psychic Blast!

At this moment, the young members of the Egg of Life let out screams that reached the depths of their souls.

Under the direct influence of the psychic shock, every wrong thing they did, no matter how big or small, even if it was a dirty word that they blurted out unintentionally, can be clearly recalled.

Every wrong thing that has been done is relived in my heart, as if it is right in front of me.

But each one brought them a heavy sense of sin.

And it was magnified a hundredfold thousandfold.

The mind is filled with feelings of guilt, guilt, and remorse.

One by one, they lay on the ground and wept, a sight that really made Stull think of an adjective, wailing all over the field.

He was happy with the results.

At the same time, the figure of Saint Neil slowly faded into the holy light, and his task had been accomplished.

Stull stepped down from the altar, picked up the red silk mat on the ground, and shook off the fragments of the crystal cover that shattered on it.

This red silk mat has been cut through several openings, revealing the down inside.

The holy light emitted by the skull of the saint faded, and he fell firmly into Stur’s hands.

Stull then put it back on the mat.

He ignored the group of wailing and weeping Egg of Life members in front of him.

Instead, he looked at the deputy priest angrily, and directly shouted loudly: “The holy relic is not for you to take out and display!” ”

“Bang! ”

The deputy priest’s forehead slammed heavily on the ground, and he cried out in pain: “I am guilty! I am guilty! ”

Stull let out a long breath, he was just playing on the spot, and then he looked at the group of young Eggs of Life members in front of him.

And in the back seat, there are two older adults, also crying, it is clear that these two people should be behind the troubles of this group of young members.

This time, he also came with a piece and could command them in secret.

However, it was also affected by the mental explosion that had just been shaken.

The more adults are, the deeper the sins hidden in their hearts, and one of them even keeps banging his head against the back of a wooden chair.

I hope that this will alleviate the guilt in his heart and the torment it has brought to him.

Stull calmly addressed the priests present, whether monks or nuns, saying, “Calm these people, and if they want to return to normal, go to the priest and repent!”

After repentance, they will return to normal, if they still feel that the guilt in their hearts has not completely disappeared.

To stay here and work is to perform voluntary labor under the watchful eye of the Lord. ”

He went on to say to the Eggs of Life members: “If you are still uncomfortable in your hearts after confessing to the priest, you can come to Mass more every day and pray more to the Lord.”

You are not required to become believers, but it does relieve you of the pressure of sin. ”

After he finished speaking, he dragged the holy relic and left directly.

The five priests present, including Father José, looked at each other.

They stood in a row and asked them to line up one by one to come forward to repent.

To be able to accept the confession of others, the minimum must be the position of priest, and of course the bishop can also be in the upper level.

But monks and deacons and nuns cannot.

The Flemish elder and another elderly elder also stood on the other side, and they could also accept the prayer of confession, which would relieve the pressure on the other five priests.

In the recognition of the Holy Bishop, the acceptance of confessions by priests is the most tiring task.

“I’m guilty, I’m guilty, when I was four years old, secretly drinking wine from my dad’s bottle. ”

The priests’ eyes widened, but they did not expect that these people would even confess here for any minor mistake.

“I’m so sinful that I secretly watched the pornographic tape last month, and I watched it with my buddies! ”

“I was last night…”

This is the confession of a young lad.

The young man spoke bluntly and in detail, and the priest who accepted his confession endured the discomfort, and some nuns around him even screamed and covered their faces.

The old lady scolded them and told them to get out of here and avoid it.

In fact, the priest should accept the confession of others, in a private space, without anyone else.

But today there are really no suitable conditions, so many people collectively confess and confide in their hearts buried little secrets with psychological pressure, such scenes are unheard of.

“I went out this morning and stole my neighbor’s Aunt Susan’s panties, which I still carry with me. ”

“My sins are great! ”

The priest in front of him let out a long breath, his hand reached over the young man’s head, and the void pressed.

“Pray to the Holy Lord, believe that the Holy Lord is watching you, that he is watching everything wrong you do, but confessing requires great courage.

You will change in the future, and I forgive you in the name of ‘Father’, ‘Son’, ‘Holy Spirit’! ”

The priest’s hand slipped over the other’s head, as if wiping away the other’s spiritual sins with a handkerchief.

“Praise the Lord! ”

“Praise the Lord! ”

One by one, everyone moved forward, but soon the deputy priests discovered that one of the sins they confessed in their mouths was related to the animal protection organization ‘Egg of Life’.

For example, the vast majority of them are children who should still be in school.

But because he listened to the members of the Egg of Life and participated in various protests, he skipped class in an open manner.

They knew it was a mistake, but they did it anyway.

Even this time.

These young students were arranged by the upper leaders of the organization to carry out a sabotage in order to attract people’s attention.

Burris took a shorthand book and wrote down the news about the Egg of Life bit by bit, which he had to distribute to the newspaper.

Let people see clearly how insidious and cunning the Egg of Life organization is.

Especially Burris thought of him, because of the recommendation of member Mr. K, almost died at the hands of Withro.

In the end, the two members sent by the Eggs of Life to be in charge of the secret command.

They repented longer, and they also talked about the Egg of Life organization.

When the priest said the words of forgiveness, the two breathed a sigh of relief, and the sense of guilt in their hearts that had just been overwhelming slowly disappeared.

But there are some remainers.

“Father, I am willing to stay and volunteer to wash away my sins. ”

“Father, I am also willing…”

“I’m going to stay too! ”

“I’m going to wipe the sculptures in the church, the idols! ”

The deputy priest came over and waved his hand, looking coldly at the two adults who were still kneeling on the ground.

He said coldly: “The young, underage can stay and participate in volunteer work!”

As for you two…”

He said solemnly, “I’m going to send you both to the police station!” ”

“But the priest just said to forgive me. ”

“The Holy Lord forgives you for spiritual sins, but I am still an ordinary person, and you have sinned! The deputy priest said through gritted teeth.

There is another chapter at two o’clock in the afternoon.

(End of chapter)

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