Chapter 26: 26 Montt City

Early morning.

Mr. Barry woke up early.

He slept late yesterday, and now most of the guests still sleep in their guest rooms.

He was wrapped in long, thick-looking and actually lightweight pajamas.

Previously, I had only washed up briefly, but now I was standing at the gate of the Zhuangyuan and waiting.

The servant on the side made him a cup of warm coffee in advance.

Stull holds a glass of hot milk in his hand.

He stood beside Mr. Barry and looked up at the sky, this time it would be his first time he had gone far since crossing over.

Is this the town of Gannon his hometown after crossing over?

Priest Lyden drove an ordinary black car from a distance.

Mr. Barry frowned, and the oncoming sense of cheapness made him feel unworthy of the honorable status of the Son.

Rust opened the door from the back and said to Stuhl: “Everything has been brought in.”

These were already packed yesterday. ”

Stull nodded, and he looked at the two large packages placed in the back seat, the kind of size similar to a hiking backpack.

The inside was stuffed full, like two bulging sacks.

When Rust gets in the car a while, he has to push it inside to squeeze it up.

Mr. Barry was tempted to ask his driver to drive the Son back to the city of Montt.

Because he felt that the Holy Son left in such a car, it was really a little shabby, as if the people of Gannon Town simply sent the Holy Son away.

But he still did not say this in the end, after all, the Holy Son wanted to enter St. Neil’s Church simply, and did not want to be too ostentatious.

Mr. Barry guessed that the current Holy Bishopric Church should still be in the examination period of the Son.

He wanted to see if the Holy Bishop at this time was still worth his return.

“Mr. Barry! ”

“Yes, I’m listening, do you have any arrangements? ”

“Firm faith! Be faithful to the Lord!

Every person’s destiny is certain, and the miracle or mission given by the Holy Lord must first make it suffer that ordinary people cannot endure.

As I said at Mass yesterday, I often feel abandoned by the world in orphanages.

Wander outside the world, trapped within walls.

The spiritual tear and pressure did not destroy me, but made my faith in the Holy Lord more firm and solid!

But it is not easy to hold on to the faith, and if you can do it, you will inevitably get what you want.

The Holy Lord has always been very merciful to his followers. ”

After Stuhl’s words, Mr. Barry’s breathing became heavy.

He thought of his poor, terminally ill daughter.

The Son had miracles, he healed many people, but never restored Asinsha.

Asinsa and Mr. Pali have always believed that their faith in the Lord is not faithful enough, and no matter what they do, it is not enough in the eyes of the Son.

And now Mr. Barry heard it, not enough, but because the Son was unwilling to interfere in the Holy Lord’s arrangement of Asinsha’s fate.

No matter how the Holy Lord arranges the fate of Asinsha, even if it is destined death, they are willing to accept it, and they will not be afraid of death even if they are fanatic.

At this time, their attitude towards life has begun to slowly shift into a bystander, which can be regarded as a sublimation.

Mr. Barry bowed deeply to Stuel.

Stull sat in the passenger seat of the car, looked at Mr. Barry, and waved goodbye to the other party.

What he just said was only to stabilize Mr. Barry’s emotions, after all, Asinsa and Mr. Barry had done a lot for the church and for him.

But Stull never used a cure to treat Asinsha.

But this is also because the cure needs to deduct ten years of life to restore the other person’s health.

After gaining more faith power in Monte City, Stull will find a way to heal Asinsha.

Now it is enough to give Mr. Barry and his daughters hope.

Sometimes Stull thinks about it, and everything feels like seeing flowers in a dream, and the flowers bloom and fall in the blink of an eye.

Having never left the town after crossing over, Stull now has an unreal feeling as the car pulls out of the Gannon town sign.

He lowered his window and looked at the chalk-walled church on the outskirts of Gannon until it faded and disappeared from sight.

It was a nearly seven-hour drive, departing at six o’clock in the morning and arriving at Monte City until a little after one o’clock in the afternoon.

They also had lunch at a fast-food restaurant in the middle.

At 1:30 p.m., Stull saw a metropolis in the distance, with high-rise buildings like the silhouette of a concrete and steel jungle.

When entering the city limits, the road begins to become clogged, and the car driving all the way from Gannon town is like a lonely ant returning to a crowded anthill.

It became a very inconspicuous little one.

“Traffic in Monte is like that, like a blocked sewer.

There is no slack. Lydon, who was driving, couldn’t help but complain.

Rust, who was sitting in the back seat, said: “In the past, when we were going from St. Neil’s Church to other parishes to deal with business.

If you are close, you will not drive, and would rather take the time to walk there, even if it is an hour.

Think of the distance that used to take pilgrims over mountains and even years to reach the Holy Land. ”

After walking slowly on the road for a while, the traffic congestion improved a little, and the car began to slowly accelerate, after driving for more than half an hour.

Ledden pointed to the large building in front that was obscured by the floor, revealing a continuous red tile behind it, and said: “There is St. Neil’s Church, which is the main church of the entire district.

Now Cardinal Rama Crollo Neil is in charge of the church, and he is also the de facto administrator of the entire region. ”

“Rama Crollo Neil? What is his relationship with St. Neil! ”

In general, in the doctrine of the Holy Bishop, the name of the church takes precedence over the name of the place as the primary signature.

For example, the chapel where Stull stayed in Gannon Town is called Gannon Town Church because there is only one in the area.

Therefore, when believers mention the church, they refer to the one and do not mention the full name.

But in large cities, if there is more than one local church, it will be arranged according to the size of the church, and there must first be one signed according to the place name.

Medium and large churches in line with the scale of the city.

Secondly, some chapels can be signed by the name of the street in which they are located.

There is also a case where the name of the Holy Spirit is used.

Examples include dead saints, and holy angels who appear in the Bible.

St. Neil’s Church, represented by the name of Saint Neil, is named after Saint Neil.

If it is such and such a cathedral, it means that it is named after the angel name that appears in the Bible, and the word ‘holy’ in front of the church name means taken from the name of the saint.

If it is called a cathedral, it is taken from the name of the Holy Angel in the Bible.

“Bishop Rama, does it have anything to do with that legendary saint Neil? Stull felt that the question he asked was a bit unreasonable.

After all, the last saint of the Holy See to be canonized was more than a hundred years ago.

The current holy bishop simply does not dare to publicize and launch a living ‘saint’ in modern society!

In the history of the Holy Bishop, there are only a handful of ‘saints’ alive!

Moreover, the canonization of a believer after death is also very strict within the Holy See.

First of all, the believer must have high prestige, fame, and prestige, and secondly, the other party’s virtue must not find any problems, whether it is wind evaluation or personal evaluation.

And after the death of this believer, he will still have a high influence in the diocese he is responsible for, and some people will deepen their dependence on his faith in addition to believing in the Holy Lord.

Finally, there are miracles, and miracles must occur no less than twice.

And one of the most straightforward explanations for miracles is that believers go from mutilation to perfection.

It’s like the kind of trick Father Pitt played in Gannon in the beginning.

When a believer is physically disabled, or seriously ill, the name of the deceased cleric is added to the prayer.

For example, ‘So-and-so, I pray to you, please help me bring a word to the Holy Lord, so that I can restore my health!’ ’

And if the man is really healthy, then it is a miracle.

Later, the Holy Bishop expanded the scope of the miracle, and a person’s sudden reversal in a desperate situation can also be seen as a miracle.

Let’s say a bankrupt who adds the name of a deceased prestigious cleric to his prayers, and suddenly his luck turns good and he makes money.

This can also be seen as a miracle.

It can only be said that the process of canonization is very complicated, the candidate for canonization should also be considered, and the miracle should be reasonable enough to make people believe that it is indeed a miracle.

Therefore, the current Holy See is particularly cautious about canonization, and has not even canonized other deceased priests for more than a hundred years.

If that Cardinal Rama had anything to do with the saint hundreds of years ago, Stull really couldn’t think of anything other than the same family relationship.

“Saint Neil is the patriarch of Bishop Rama. ”

Rust explained later.

Stull nodded, sure enough, he guessed correctly.

The Holy Bishop was a little different from the church he had known in his previous life.

It is the Holy Bishop who allows the clergy to legally have marriages.

After all, if even the clergy are to be celibate, what reason is there for other people’s children to believe in serving the Lord?

This also leads to a very complicated family relationship within the Holy Bishop.

Stull has always felt that a huge religious organization, religious leaders in high positions, have also bred family power, and the so-called family children have appeared.

Some religious second-generation.

It really made him feel funny.

Stull chuckled twice and said to the two of them, “You guys think that this Rama bishop does not rely on the family strength behind him.

Can he have the status he has now?

Do they think that he does not depend on his family, does not depend on the shadow of his saints’ ancestors, and is he worthy of being a cardinal? ”

Recently, I have been a little tired of trying two more, let me rest for a while, in recent days, first change, and when I encounter recommendations, I will definitely change more, and the new book issue also hopes that readers can help me add one plus to read.

If this book can be recommended, I can write it harder.

Please, everyone.

(End of chapter)

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