Chapter 17: 17 The Egg of Life responds

As the chief of the Gannon Town Police Department, Yasen has a strong voice in the local ability to organize and mobilize other government departments to help.

For example, Yasin was able to coordinate with police and fire stations around Gannon to help.

But you need to say hello to the mayor’s office in advance.

When Yasin explained what had happened here to the mayor, there was a long silence on the other side of the phone, and finally he asked Yasin to handle the matter properly.

For now, it is still necessary to find out how many people Witero killed here.

There have been no reports of missing people in the town in recent years, so the people killed by Withro can be concluded to be all outsiders.

This would be troublesome if it were to be investigated, and the Gannon Town Police Department would not be able to solve such a big case.

Just the ‘handmade statue’ of Mother Azira in the wooden cave has identified the bones of seven people in different parts of their bodies.

Let Director Yasen’s head grow for a while.

He discussed with Stull and decided to report the case to the Monte City Police Department, and it is estimated that this case will cause a sensation in the country.

At that time, the Monte City Police Department will also have a difficult time investigating, and it should be the commissioner of the Federal Police Department who should be in charge in the end.

And they have the genetic data of the whole country to be able to identify the bodies of these missing people, even if it is very time-consuming.

The municipality of Montt is responsible for governing only one state of the Federation.

Stull sat in the corridor of the wooden house, he was a little tired, and he sat here to rest.

“You can sit next to me, Mr. Burris. ”

“No… No, thanks. ”

Burris stood apprehensively across from Stuel, who still had a lot of questions to ask him.

At the same time, Burris behaved very restrained in front of the teenager, he was not not relaxed, but he couldn’t do it in front of Stuhl.

Face to face with the teenager in front of him, he always felt that the surrounding space seemed to be imprisoned by the aura of the other party.

Burris felt like a cat thrown into a transparent bottle by Stuhl.

The narrow and enclosed space is almost so tense that I can’t breathe.

Officer Richard came behind Stur, holding a shorthand notebook in his hand, and he would jot down things about the case when the two men talked.

After all, Burris is the only ‘survivor’ found so far.

Stull then asked, “Why are you here?”

Before, when Withro was going to kill you, I heard Ling call out his name and ask why he did it?

You guys knew each other from the beginning? ”

Burris swallowed his spit and answered truthfully: “I… Because of my work, I have been having a hard time lately.

So listened to one… It’s a friend’s opinion, come here to feel the breath of nature, and one of my hobbies is fishing, especially outdoor fishing! ”

He looked bitter: “But I don’t like this activity anymore.” ”

“My friend introduced me to this place and gave me a letter of introduction, saying that Mr. Withro would treat me well when I came here. ”

Burris suddenly gritted his teeth and said angrily: “Damn it! I should teach him a hard lesson when I go back.

No! I should have told the cops that the man was definitely with Withro. ”

“Don’t get excited, tell me who your friend is? ”

“Oh… That guy is a member I met in ‘Egg of Life’, I don’t know his real name, his name in Egg of Life is ‘Mr. K’! ”

Stuhl frowned, and he then asked, “What is the egg of life?” ”

“An animal protection organization founded in the city of Monte, the meaning of the Egg of Life is to protect animals and pursue harmony between man and nature. ”

Burris said a little shyly: “I am also a member of the Egg of Life. ”

Stull wondered: “A person who likes outdoor fishing, but a member of an animal protection organization?” ”

“I belong to the initiative of being recruited by them, and organizations like this need to get the attention of social groups, and if they don’t pay attention, they can’t achieve the desired purpose.”

And I’m a journalist… Intern journalist… Just tilt the content slightly towards this organization when writing your manuscript later.

It is enough to increase their chances of appearing in newspaper news. ”

Burris paused and continued, “And I can also get a little polishing fee, and I can also participate in some of the social activities of the Egg of Life.”

For example, the rich and upper-class people, the charity association initiated by the main body of animal protection… And so on and so on and various activities. ”

Stull nodded, how did he feel that this organization of the Egg of Life was like doing business.

However, according to the operating model of the Egg of Life, they should value Burris’s status as an intern reporter.

Why did he send him to Withro, this Mr. K must have something to do with Cavendi, and sending Burris over is to let the other party die.

Meet Witero, a madman, with a homicidal proclivity that arises due to problems of faith.

“You said Cavendi was the president? ”

“Yes, Mr. Cavendi is the president of the Egg of Life, but Cavendi should also be the other party’s proper name in the organization.

The internal members of the Egg of Life are managed by a secret member who hides their true identities, and President Cavendi has explained that this is to prevent personal fame from overshadowing the Egg of Life.

And the egg of life is to promote people to love animals and live in harmony with nature, and there is no need for society to pay attention to who the members of this organization are.

Therefore, members of the Egg of Life, even if they appear in public, must wear masks in addition to using their proper names. ”

It was the first time Stull had heard of this kind of organizational regulation, and it was quite fresh.

“Which newspaper did you intern? ”

“The Urban Window newspaper of Montt. ”

“How many articles have you written for the Egg of Life? ”

Burris’s expression was a little unnatural, and he smiled awkwardly: “Not yet? I am a journalist who likes to write about outdoor travel, scenery, and food.

Not very good at highlighting something else in the article.

In fact, the members of the Egg of Life have urged me internally, but I really don’t have a good inspiration entry point.

This has also led to a lot of pressure on me lately and a lot of competition in the newspaper.

After all, I am an intern journalist, and if I want to become a regular reporter, I need to squeeze my scalp and climb up with multiple interns. ”

Now Stull kind of understood why this guy was introduced to this place by the members of the Egg of Life.

It turned out that the ability was not good, and there was no performance at all.

Burris grabbed the sides of his pants with both hands: “And I can feel that the editor-in-chief does not value me, and I am already thinking about the next job.”

Maybe I can try to become a promotional copy for a commercial company. ”

Stull looked at him seriously: “You are really not suitable to be a journalist, how to say, you lack the qualified professionalism of a journalist.” ”

When the teenager in front of him said this, Burris’s face turned red, but he didn’t dare to refute it at all.

Because the other party’s prestige in this group of people is too high, if he refutes, it is estimated that the policeman standing behind Stull can jump directly and beat him.

At this time, Stull pointed around, especially the opposite pond, and the police had begun to raise a conspicuous cordon around the pond.

“What a good scene, murderer, serial murder, throwing corpses into the lake, and this murderer is also a believer in evil gods.

If any of these items are taken out, after you write the news, you can cause a sensation, and you can directly turn positive with this news.

And so many elements added together, as the first journalist to publish the news, your article is enough to sensationalize the entire Federation! ”

Burris’s eyes suddenly widened, and there seemed to be light in his eyes again.

No wonder Stull just said that he did not have the professional qualities of a journalist, and that every journalist should train himself to be a hound’s nose.

This is how the editor-in-chief personally taught all the interns in this group when he entered the Urban Window newspaper in Montt.

Now he’s almost forgotten.

Chief Yasin came to Stuhl’s side and said: “I have begun to contact and coordinate in all aspects, and in a while professional underwater search and rescue personnel will come here to explore the bodies in the water.”

One of my options is that if underwater exploration is difficult, then use a large pump to drain the water here. ”

“I’ll do a purification of this place later, and then you can do it with confidence, it won’t be polluted in any way.” ”

Chief Yassen looked at Burris, who was taking pictures, and said, “Is this appropriate?” Didn’t you say that you should not expose some things about alien demons to the outside world? ”

“It doesn’t matter, after all, you have already begun to contact the commissioner of the Federal Police.

What happens here cannot be hidden, and if we hide here, what will happen to those killed by Withro?

This is just a terrible serial murder case, as long as the time comes, as long as you don’t take the initiative to mention the alien demon and Witro believes in an evil god like Azira.

Even if the reporter came to a group, like a fly, just the serial murder case was enough to feed them. ”

Director Yasen thought for a while, but still took the initiative to ask: “Holy Son, there is a person about Cavendi in Wittero’s diary!” ”

After all, Cavendi and Wittero believe in Azira, and through the description in Waitero’s diary, Cavendi is still a divine messenger in the cult organization of Azira.

And this person is active in Monte City, do you want to disclose this person’s information to the Federal Police Commissioner.

But behind Cavendi is a very terrifying mysterious and extraordinary power.

This is not something that ordinary people can solve, thinking of the corpse of the alien demon, thinking of the statue of Azira under the wooden house cave.

Chief Yasen’s hands were shaking, and for the first time he felt such fear.

“This note should not be disclosed to the outside world. Stull said to Yassen, “I plan to go to the city of Monte in a few days to put an end to what happened here.” ”

Stull looked at the sky above his head and said, “I like Gannon very much, and I like the residents and believers here.”

So I will not allow evil forces to pollute this place, even if it leaves a thick sore, I will uproot it!” ”

“Cavendi! I will not spare him, let him bear the judgment of the will of the Holy Lord! ”

When Stull was about to appear in front of people again and perform the essence pool, he suddenly turned back to Yasin and asked:

“Do you think evil beliefs are terrible? ”

Yasin thought of the alien demon, of the image of Azira in the dungeon, including the murderer of Withro, and he nodded very firmly.

Stall shook his head and said, “Believing in evil gods is not scary for us.

The scary thing is to get a response from the evil god! ”

(End of chapter)

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