Chitong directly used the silent Shunpo to rush towards Xiaohui.

Hug Xiaohui!

"Oh, I've been discovered!!" After Xiaohui was hugged, she immediately revealed her true body, scratched her head and laughed.

"Chitong, you are harmful!!

When I used the transparent fruit, I also used the breath-containing technique. Combining the two, I thought I was hiding it well.

In the end, you were discovered. "

Xiaohui was still a little surprised that Chitong found her so quickly.

"Xiao Hui, you are the right one. I released Observation Haki and scanned it several times before I faintly sensed your presence.

Although you just ate the transparent fruit, you are much better than that Abu!!" Chitong couldn't help but praise Xiaohui.

"Xiao Hui, tell me how you plan to develop transparent fruit next?" At this time, Liszt asked with a smile.

"Captain, although the Transparent Fruit is good, it has a weakness, which is restrained by Observation Haki.

It's okay for people who don't have Observation Haki, you can go without any benefit.

But after facing someone with Observation Haki, it seems a bit stretched.

So, next, I am going to develop the transparent fruit combined with the breath-containing secret technique.

Try your best to come and go without a trace.

Not showing any killing intent.

Reduce your sense of existence to the lowest level.

Make the enemy's Observation Haki unable to sense my presence. Xiaohui said.

"You have a good idea, but it's not that easy to do this!!" Liszt laughed.

"Where there's a will, there's a way! Captain, I believe I can succeed!!" Xiao Hui said firmly and confidently.

"I also believe you can do it!" Liszt said with a faint smile.

Xiaohui usually doesn't have much sense of presence.

Moreover, she also practiced the breathing technique.

After Liszt completely took possession of her, he created a breath-containing technique specifically for her.

She learned quickly.

With her talent, she developed the transparent fruit to such an extent that even Observation Haki could not feel her presence.

It's not an empty statement.

Among the twelve girls, apart from Xiao Ai, it is estimated that only Xiao Hui has the ability to do this.

Moreover, Xiaohui has even less presence than Xiaoai.

Maybe that's why.

That’s why Transparent Fruit chose Xiaohui’s!

Everyone chatted for a while.

It’s time for the lottery draw again.

"The time has come. See if you can capture Moria's Shadow Fruit! 々~!" Liszt said.


"Youlan, you're lucky, it's up to you to lift the canvas next!"

The girls unanimously recommended Youlan to kick off the show.

"No problem!" Youlan smiled gently.

Without refusing, he walked directly to the edge of the deck and lifted the canvas covering Gekko Moria.

"Wow!! Appeared!! Devil Fruit appears again!!"

"Youlan, you are indeed the lucky one loved by God!!"

The moment Youlan opened the canvas.

The girls immediately saw a special-looking fruit in the most eye-catching place among the pile of fruits covering Moria.

That's exactly what Devil Fruit is.

Gekko Moria's Shadow Fruit!

Chitong walked over.

Get the shadow fruit.

Walk up to Liszt.

"Captain, we found another Devil Fruit!" Chitong smiled.

"Yes, yes, you are very lucky and have a lot of fate with these Devil Fruits. These Devil Fruits have been left for you one after another." Liszt has become numb to this kind of luck.

There was no Devil Fruit in the lottery that day, or he would be surprised.

"In that case, let's stick to the old rules!"

Liszt smiled faintly.

Take out a bamboo tube again.

Place on the table.

at this time.

Among the two girls.

Only five people are left without Devil Fruit.

Ma Yin, Xiao Tao, Xiao Xun, Xiao Ai, Maple!

at this time.

All five people became nervous.

At this time, they are all very eager to get this Devil Fruit.

After all, don't eat another Devil Fruit.

They became the last ones among the twelve girls.

"let's start!!"


After the girls responded.

Ma Yin stood up first.

Either die early or die late.

What is yours is ultimately yours.

If it's not yours, no matter how hard you struggle, it won't help.

Moreover, there is the example of Youlan.

You may not be able to win in the first draw.

"I'll go first!!"

While Ma Yin cheered herself up, she came to Liszt.

The girls didn't compete with her either.

Looked at Ma Yin silently.

Soon, Ma Yin took out a lottery ticket from the tube.

Open it and take a look.

The result is a blank sign.

"That's it again!" Ma Yin's face darkened and she threw the empty lotto to the ground.

He turned and left angrily.

Seeing this, Liszt smiled dumbly.

Are Shadow Fruit and Sniper compatible??

It doesn't really seem to match.

On the contrary, the transparent fruit goes well with the sniper.

Unfortunately, Xiaohui and Xiaoai are actually more suitable than Ma Yin.

It’s not her turn, what a pity!!

The girls looked at this scene and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next, it's my turn!" Xiaoxun took a step forward.

He also took out a lottery ticket from the bamboo tube, turned it over and saw that it was still an empty lottery ticket.

Xiaoxun turned around and left with a stinky face.

"It's my turn!!" Xiao Tao said, walking up and drawing a lot!!

I turned it over and saw that it was still empty.

"Hey, what a pity!!" Xiao Tao sighed, turned around and left.

"Now there are only two lots left. Each of us has a 50% chance of getting the Shadow Fruit. I'm so nervous, little Ai, should you go for it or me??" Maple looked at it. Xiao Ai glanced at him and asked.

"`々Come on!!" Xiao Ai responded.

"Okay, I'll do it!" Maple responded and took a step forward, standing in front of the lottery tube.

But she didn't know which lot to draw.

Once you catch this sign, you will get the profit.

Back and forth several times.

Liszt couldn't stand it anymore.

Silently said: "That's almost enough. There is a time in life, but it will eventually happen. There is no time in life, so don't force it!"

"Hi!" Maple heard Liszt's words.

Without hesitation, he directly drew a lot.

As a result, when I turned it over and looked at it, I still saw a white matter blank.

"Ah... I drew the wrong one!!" Maple immediately hugged her head and cried.

"In this case, Xiao Ai won!"

"This is so lucky."

The girls exclaimed again.

"Little Ai, the Shadow Fruit is already in your possession, but the drawing ceremony still needs to be completed! Come over and draw your lot!" Liszt smiled.

"Hi, Captain!!" Xiao Ai responded, stepped forward, and pulled out the last lottery ticket from the bamboo tube.

Turning it over, I saw the word "Yuan" written on it.

Later, Xiao Ai handed the signature to Liszt (Qian Li’s).

After Liszt took it, he glanced at it and said with a faint smile:

"Now I declare that the Shadow Fruit belongs to Xiao Ai!!"

Chitong then handed the Shadow Fruit to Xiao Ai.

"Thank you, Captain, thank you Chitong!!" Although Xiao Ai usually doesn't like to talk or laugh much, at this moment, there was still a flash of joy in her eyes.

After taking over the Devil Fruit.

Little Ai, like everyone else, ate the Shadow Fruit in just a few mouthfuls.

Then, he quickly ate some delicious fruits to dilute the smell of Devil Fruit.

Then, he closed his eyes again.

Same as Xiaohui just now.

Begin to sense Devil Fruit's presence.

Instantly relaxed.

A dark circular shadow, with Xiao Ai as the center, quickly expanded to the sky.

Chi Tong, Liszt and others were instantly enveloped in it.

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The picture above shows Xiao Ai.

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