DU dust turned his attention to another world.

This world has beautiful mountains and rivers, singing birds and fragrant flowers, and incomparably rich innate resources, which have given birth to many tyrannical gods one after another.

But after many iterations, it was the obscene god Sodom who finally shrouded authority.

Under the power of Sodom, the rules of this world are gradually reversed, yin and yang are in disorder, and all things in the world have a tendency to corrupt to varying degrees, and even all intelligent beings are addicted to it, and even men are pregnant, and male beasts are laying eggs. Condition.

If this is the case, that's fine, the so-called movement against the Tao, every world is constantly developing and changing, and any kind of rule will change after it is developed to the extreme.

But during DU Chen's visit beyond time, he found that this obscene god actually locked the space crystal wall of this world in the future, turning it into an independent world.

This is a big problem. One world is a part of the heavens, just like a cell in an organism. It is an independent individual, but it is also a part of the whole. It needs to breathe with the heavens and exchange energy.

But he locked this world, which is equivalent to cutting off the energy flow of this world.

After losing the circulation of fresh energy, the world became lifeless, and a large number of creatures began to gradually degenerate. All the intelligent beings were addicted to corruption, which led to the stagnation of all development in this world, everything began to regress, and civilization gradually returned to the original, so all sentient beings became Sodom dregs of medicine.

After countless years like this, everything in this world was sucked dry by Sodom, and all creatures became low-level silver beasts that had no intelligence and only knew how to mess around.

Seeing such a future, DU Chen frowned, and thought of destroying Sodom flashed in his mind.

At the same time, Sodom seemed to be touched.

His divine sense actually penetrated the space crystal wall and connected with DU dust.

"Great ruler, every god has its own way, I'm just practicing my way, besides, I and the power of rules have completely enveloped this world, if I die, this world will soon be governed by the rules." Destroyed in turmoil."

It was Sodom who sensed his killing intent and came to beg.

"Then I'll choose someone to replace you." Du Chen replied.

Now he can fully understand the feelings of the master of the starry sky. Why did he annihilate a Marvel universe before, and the Life Tribunal and AAO ignored it, because there are too many worlds, which are born and die at any time, so there is no time to pay attention.

And now it doesn't matter if he erases that world, but his killing intent is aimed at Sodom, there is no need for the world to be buried with him.

"Master, the reason why I can become the god of this world is because this world chose me, and this world chose me to become its destiny. If you want to choose other rules to replace me in this world, I am afraid that in the future, you will be the god of the world. Even worse." Sodom replied.

"If there is really no one in this world who can make it go on the right track, then go with you." Du Chen responded.

What Sodom said was also true. At the beginning, there were more than one great god who competed with him for the position of god, but in the end he won a complete victory. It is true that all living beings chose to practice his way and choose his rules to become the mainstream.

It is also easy to understand that the lower the creature, the easier it is to immerse in the pleasure of gluing. This pleasure can influence the will of the creature, and can be transformed into control, being controlled, owning, being owned, needing, being needed, etc. various feelings.

As long as it is a creature that needs this kind of feeling to fill its heart, it is easy to indulge in this kind of behavior, and regard it as a way to obtain psychological needs.

This is why the way of Sodom is more accepted by the public.

The rules of indulgence are always more popular with creatures without self-control than the rules of austerity.

"My lord, it's impossible for that world to have no one who can resist corruption. I'm willing to go there and find one." In the palace hall, a beautiful blond and blue-eyed angel said.

She is Shalier.

"That's right, there are hundreds of millions of sentient beings in this world, and I believe there will always be some who can maintain a clear mind." A handsome male demon god next to Shalier said, "I am also willing to go and find someone who can help my lord." Someone who replaces the rules of Sodom."

He is Fu Jiyi.

"Okay, but you look for it, if not, then the whole world will be destroyed." Du Chen said.

Shalier and Fujiyi crossed the crystal wall of space and came to this world.

Just entering here, you can immediately feel the ubiquitous powdery smell in the air.

The two of them have been walking in this world for ten years, whether it is a prosperous city or a remote country, whether it is a high mountain or a winding river valley.

But no one can make them feel clean, no one can make them feel pure.

Even most animals continue to produce emotions in violation of the laws of the species.

On the contrary, because Shalier and Fu Jiyi both have handsome faces, no matter where they go, they will receive lewd and lewd eyes.

Some powerful lords and even mountain gods want to capture them and turn them into their own playthings.

Although it is impossible for angels and demon gods to be trapped by lower creatures, they have been wandering around for more than ten years, but they have found nothing.

"This is the only thing left." Shalier frowned and looked at the majestic city wall in front of him.

"This is Sodom, the holy city directly under Sodom's jurisdiction. It is the most deeply controlled by His authority. I'm afraid we won't find the people we need." Fu Jiyi also sighed.

The huge city in front of him is the largest city in this world. Its scale is larger than some planets, and hundreds of millions of intelligent life are living there. According to the regulations of Sodom, all creatures can obtain the same rights in this city.

Glue with the power.

As soon as they entered the city, Shalier and Fu Jiyi felt uncomfortable.

The sky here is pink, and there is an indescribable smell in the air.

Now the civilization has not degenerated, the city is very developed, and the brilliance shines, no matter where they go, there are bursts of music.

There are even intelligent creatures of different species performing on the street, with frantic expressions more like a magic cave than a magic cave.

The two of them wandered around this great city for ten days, and what they saw was shocking. With their magic eyes, many young people had already begun to fester from inside their bodies, and invisible avatars from Sodom were lying on them, waiting for them to die again and again. When people exercise, they absorb nutrients.

"Let's go back." Shalier sighed: "This world will usher in his destruction."

"En." Fuji nodded.

Just when they were about to go back to the shrine through the crystal wall, Fu Jiyi suddenly saw a young man in plain clothes.

Not only is his inside not eroded and empty, but it is clear and stable.

Fu Ji's eyes lit up, it's been more than ten years, this is the first one he has met.

"Young man, what's your name?" Fu Ji stepped forward and asked.

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