Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 272 Death of Vision

As a leader, Professor X can always see the future situation. He wants to fight for the rights and interests of his own species, while the X-Men are almost wiped out, and the attack on mutants is undoubtedly devastating.

"The radiation outside is too strong now, and going out directly is too much of a burden on our bodies." Doctor Strange said: "Let's go to the London Sanctuary to get some guardian magic items."

As he said that, Doctor Strange waved his hands, and the surrounding space twisted. In an instant, the three of them had arrived at the core city of the British peninsula, London.

Located at 177A Bleecker Street, the London Sanctuary is one of the three magical sanctuaries.

"Wait a minute, I'll get it for you." As the supreme mage, Doctor Strange has the highest authority in the three magic sanctuaries. After arriving at the London sanctuary, he didn't waste any time and immediately entered the magic item storage room...

After Doctor Strange and others left the distorted space, Thanos walked out of the protective layer made of space protection gems, and walked into the nuclear explosion scene with his tyrannical body.

As an eternal Titan, Thanos' body is strong enough to allow him to survive in space, and his tough cells can withstand the penetration of various radiations.

Thanos, who walked into the sea of ​​fire and hell, rushed directly to the superhero with red skin, AI consciousness, vibrating gold body, and the original stone battery of the soul, Vision.

Vision is a newly born superhero. He was originally a body built by the super villain Ultron in the cradle of regeneration.

In order to make this body strong enough, Ultron used the cosmic metal "vibration gold" with explosive strength as the main material, and the "soul gem" as one of the six original stones in the universe as the energy source. The technological "Cradle of Regeneration" created this body for the training chamber.

It's a pity that the Scarlet Witch betrayed Ultron after learning of Ultron's plot to destroy the world, and let the Avengers take away the cradle of regeneration.

Later, the Cradle of Regeneration was shocked by Thor's Hammer, and when the Cradle of Regeneration was destroyed, it happened to activate this created body.

But this body did not upload the consciousness of the super villain Ultron, but instead became the basis of consciousness by Iron Man's original AI assistant Jarvis.

Thus, this superhero who was so powerful that he surpassed the Avengers was born.

Of course, although the illusion that became a new life uses AI "Jarvis" as the basis of consciousness, it is a brand new life.

Afterwards, the Avengers successfully defeated the super villain Ultron in Serbia.

Of course, the help of defeating Ultron and Vision is inseparable. If Vision did not join the Women's Federation or was successfully entered into Vision's body by Ultron's consciousness, then the earth would probably be destroyed at that time.

After all, Ultron is a super villain who has accomplished the achievement of ruling or destroying the earth in multiple parallel worlds.

However, although the Women's Federation defeated Ultron, it still caused huge destruction in Sokovia and the world, which directly led to the subsequent civil war of the Women's Federation.

After many wars that almost destroyed the world, the governments of the world could no longer tolerate the uncontrolled Avengers. Under the pressure of the world governments, the United Nations finally issued the "Sokovia Accords."

The agreement stipulates that members of the Avengers must publicly reveal their identities to accept the supervision of the government, and must only act with the permission of the government.

For this deal, the Avengers split into two factions.

One side is the faction that agrees and signs the agreement represented by Iron Man Tony. Vision is also in this faction. He uses data and equations to calculate that the emergence of a large number of ability enhancers will lead to disaster.

The other side is the faction that refuses to sign the agreement represented by Captain America Steve.

There are others such as the temporarily undecided Scarlet Witch Wanda, and the retired Hawkeye Clint.

Due to differences over the agreement and attitudes towards the Winter Soldier, Iron Man eventually broke with Captain America, and the two sides fought in Germany.

After the civil war, the two sides parted ways. The Vision and the Scarlet Witch were no longer involved in the Avengers. They went to Edinburgh to live together for two years.

And today, Thanos reappeared in Los Angeles with the Chitauri, wreaking havoc.

Although Vision and Scarlet Witch have lived in seclusion, Vision understands that if it does not appear to prevent this catastrophe, the entire earth will not be spared in the future through super computing power.

So, he and his lover Scarlet Witch left Edinburgh and came to Los Angeles to resist the alien invasion together.

Through the battle just now and the communication with Doctor Strange, Vision also knew the purpose of this blue alien attacking the earth.

Unlike the previous villains, this alien's goal is the Mind Stone and the Time Stone, that is to say, himself and Doctor Strange are what he is looking for.

And the purpose of the other party snatching the gems is to restart the universe...

Facing the menacing Thanos, the illusion rose in the air.

The energy of the yellow gemstone on the forehead was activated, and the golden light shot towards Thanos.

Thanos' running body turned into a phantom at the moment the ray was about to hit, and a vigorous body appeared behind the phantom.

space conversion.

Thanos slammed down with his fist without the Infinity Gauntlet.

Vision turned around and raised his hands up, catching the fist that could smash the building.

The huge force caused the two to fall from the sky at the same time.

While the two were wrestling, Thanos' other hand flashed blue light, unexpectedly capturing the flames of the nuclear explosion in the sky in an instant, and blasting towards Vision.

Vision knew that this blow was hard to resist, and his body instantly blurred, allowing Thanos' fist to pass through him.

At this moment, a smile of success appeared on Thanos' face.

The fist with the infinite gauntlet did not release the power of the explosion, but an electronic pulse.

"Ah~" Vision yelled.

Into the phantom body blurs and snows like a blocked signal.

It turns out that what Thanos used the space gem to gather just now is not only a partial nuclear explosion, but also a large number of pulses.

These pulses may not have a big impact on other heroes, but they have a huge impact on heroes with an AI core like Vision.

Although his source of energy is the Mind Stone, the essence of his consciousness is still a supercomputer.

Taking advantage of the confusion of Vision's consciousness, Thanos used the space gem again to change the density of the space where Vision is located, and squeezed this virtual superhero out of the space.

"The Mind Stone..." Thanos grabbed the top of Vision's head with one hand.


Vision's vibrating body couldn't stop Thanos' great strength, and the Mind Stone was pulled out by Thanos at once, leaving a huge hole on top of Vision's head, and the electronic machinery inside could be clearly seen.

With the departure of the gemstone, Vision's body instantly faded and turned gray.

At this moment, the Scarlet Witch who was far away on the other side of the earth suddenly turned pale, and tears could not stop falling down.

She is an alpha-level mutant, and her powerful psychic ability allows her to sense the death of her lover at the same time.

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