Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 260 Black Yao Five Generals

The void is worthy of being the head of a god. Although it has been dead for an unknown number of years, its wreckage is still extremely strong.

The artillery fire enveloped the void, and the smoke of death permeated the universe.

While being bombarded by various super weapons, an invisible virus storm traveled through space and entered the huge face.

Inside the void is a standard space station, with all kinds of aliens coming and going, like a huge black market.

There are a lot of buying and selling transactions in the universe will be carried out here, in addition to the smugglers from various star fields, the most common ones are black market merchants.

The most powerful among them is Gao Tianzun's brother, Tanya Tiwan, the collector of the elders of the universe.

The virus storm swept across the void in an instant, wrapping the head of the god like a net.

As DU Chen expected, Thanos and his general Obsidian were not bombarded by artillery fire, but teleported into the void through the space gem.

At this time, due to the bombing of the warships of the Cree Empire outside, the entire void is now in chaos.

After all, there are too many people here who can't see the light, maybe more than 60% of them are on the most wanted lists of the major empires in the universe.

Now that the outside is being bombarded indiscriminately, the inside is naturally flying around.

But the chaos here is not a bad thing for Thanos and DU Chen.

As an old virus, DU Chen directly blew up a storm of black mist in the void, instantly infecting all the stars who were exposed outside.

Except for members of the elders of the universe like collectors and runners, or demigods like Thanos, no one was spared.

At the same time, Thanos and his Obsidian general have gotten straight to the point, broke into the silver-haired collector's territory, and fought with the collector's men.

In the original movie, when the Guardians of the Galaxy Star-Lord and his party arrived in the void, the collectors had already been defeated by Thanos and took away the gems, and all they saw were illusions.

But at this time, because Thanos and General Obsidian did not come with a large army, they fell into a stalemate with the collector's men.

The collector is immortal, and possesses the powerful ability to travel through time and space and foresee the future. He and Thanos, who also possesses space gems, are tied together, constantly flickering in the void.

Because their abilities are too powerful, they can't do anything to each other for a while.

In comparison, the battle between the subordinates was much more exciting.

Black Yao Wu will be the most powerful subordinate of Thanos, each of them has extraordinary abilities.

General Deathblade possesses super strength and healing ability, and he can quickly heal even the most severe wounds, and he has a warblade that resides in his soul. Even if his body is destroyed, as long as this warblade is still there, he can continue to fight. resurrection.

His wife, Proxima Centauri, is good at fighting. She is the strongest individual combat master in the universe. She holds a magic gun made by Thanos himself. Once thrown, it will split into three black rays that can track the target. Creatures die instantly.

Husband and wife teamed up, fighting in and out amidst the hail of bullets, and the war blade and magic gun brought up a puff of soaring blood.

The Collector's minions don't even have a single enemy.

When a combat maid of the Collector aimed a laser gun at Proxima Proxima, which was leaping tens of meters away, her face froze suddenly, her teeth rattled, and she immediately turned the gun head, and shot her comrade in arms headshot.

Not far away, Ebony Throat smiled sinisterly.

As the think tank of the Dark Order, Ebony Maw stood upright even in the battlefield. Although his face was ugly, he still had a gentlemanly demeanor.

Facing the dense incoming bullets, he could divert them all with just his eyes.

Compared with several other aggressive fighters, Ebony Maw is good at telekinesis. Of course, his "black tongue" ability is even more terrifying.

That magical whisper can control or even completely change a person's inner thoughts, making this person controlled by his words and become his puppet.

In the original work, he even bewitched Thanos' son Thain at one point.

Unfortunately, this ability is not suitable for use in melee.

Suddenly, a golden light and shadow flickered, and passed Ebony Maw's side as fast as light.

Blood splattered...

"Uh, uh..." Ebony Throat's original graceful figure suddenly disappeared, and he fell to his knees directly.

He covered his neck with his withered hands, traces of purple-black blood flowed from his fingers, but the black tongue that could confuse demigods could only let out a miserable sob.

"Hahaha." The golden light stopped, and a man with golden skin and naked body laughed and hung in the air.

His hands were dripping with blood, holding a piece of torn flesh.

It was the trachea of ​​the ebony throat.

"Runner..." Thanos, who was confronting the collector, cast his gaze.

He recognized this golden man with bare fruit, Gilbert Pelton "Runner" member of the Elders of the Universe.

"Death." Seeing that Ebony Throat was scratched half of the neck by the runner, Black Dwarf, one of the five generals of Hei Yao, leaped towards the runner with a double-edged ax at high speed, and slashed at the runner.

"Hey." The runner once again turned into a golden light and circled the black dwarf in the sky.

The black dwarf, the most defensive member of the Dark Order, was instantly removed from its limbs, and fell to the ground with a bang, sending smoke and dust flying up on the rocky and rubble ground that had been beaten by the battle.

Compared with the speed of a runner, the speed of a black dwarf is no different from standing still.

He is famous for the defensive power of the Thanos team, which is not enough in the face of the existence of the elders of the universe.

Like Gao Tianzun, the collector, the runner is also a member of the elders of the universe.

They were born at the beginning of the universe, and they are the survivors of the first batch of highly intelligent life races in the universe.

Each of these highly intelligent life races that have ever existed has left brilliant civilizations and extremely high levels of development in the universe.

And as the last survivors of these civilizations, the elders of the universe are almost immortal beings who live the same age as the heaven and the earth, and live the same life as the sun and the moon.

In the long cosmic epoch, the remnants of these various civilizations were connected with each other and formed the so-called Cosmic Elders, or also called the Cosmic Elders.

Each of them has very unique abilities. For example, Gao Tianzun, the eldest brother of the elders, has almost infinite life, and is immune to aging and all diseases. Physical attacks cannot hurt him. In addition, he can convert cosmic energy into levitation , ability projection, psychic ability, material reorganization, time and space jumping and other superhuman abilities.

The most powerful thing is that Gao Tianzun also has the divine power to bring the dead back to life. He can almost bring any living body back to life within 30 hours of death.

Also the Elder of the Universe, Runner can reach near the speed of light, is immune to disease, has virtually immortality, and has no form of damage that can kill him.

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