Although parallel DU dust was a little surprised by his opponent's remarks, his actions did not stop.

Little Hoopa reached into a ring and pulled out a golden charm pendant.

This pendant is made of gold, and looks exactly like the golden cross wheel on Arceus' waist.

DU Chen knew this thing. It was the ornament on the neck of the Arabian-dressed human Gulisi who used the pot of punishment to seal Hupa in the original work. Later, this thing and the pot of punishment were passed on to his descendant Mei Yali and Balza are the siblings in the original theatrical version.

The golden wheel pendant broke away from Hoopa's little hand, and flew into the air with a flash of light, forming a front-to-back position with Hoopa's ring.

A dazzling golden light emitted from Hoopa's ring, and a strong golden energy gushed out.

"Hahaha, since you are stronger than me, let's see if you can beat him." Parallel DU Chen laughed.

Just like Palkiya represents space and Dialga represents time, Hoopa's golden ring represents "transfer", and because of its superpower and ghost attributes, it can also attach its will for a short time during the transfer. to the summoned.

Due to the blessing of the power of rules, even some mythical elves will be controlled for a short time when it is fully exerted, while ordinary elves or creatures, Hoopa's will can even affect their whole life.

Of course, this is not without limitation. He can summon any existence from any corner of the world at any time, but there is only one who cannot, and that is Arceus.

Since Arceus' rule power is higher than that of the Golden Ring, the summoning must take some time.

The gushing golden energy is already in a liquid state, and it seems to be condensing into a solid.

Parallel DU Chen laughed, although summoning Arceus is very dangerous, but to deal with the enemies in another world, the creator of this world has an absolute advantage.

But in the next second, his expression froze.

His virus evolution system is jumping out of information prompts:

"Warning, high-privilege system interference."

"Warning, high-privilege system interference."

"Warning, the system has been compromised."

"Warning, the system has been compromised."

"Warning, 1% of the system has been compromised"

"Warning, the system has been compromised by 5%"

A series of prompts made him dizzy.

DU Chen is old, how could he still talk so much nonsense with him, because facing opponents who also have a system, he has to use the power of rules to suppress them.

"Damn it." Parallel DU Chen could understand from the system prompt that the enemy in this different world has higher system authority than himself. Since everyone is the same system binder, the other party has absolute suppression on him. Hack your own system.

But so what, parallel DU dust ignored the prompt, but accelerated the call of Arceus.

He believed that as long as Arceus appeared, the other party would definitely run away.

Suddenly, the same golden ring appeared and flew in front of the golden ring that was spewing golden energy.

This is the golden ring that liberates Hoopa controlled by DU Chen, and it also has the power of "transfer".

It's like a pipe that draws water from a pool, but the other end of the pipe is still in the pool.

The energy that was summoned by parallel DU dust just now was sent back to the original point by the golden ring that liberated Hoopa.

Parallel DU Chen's eyes widened all of a sudden, and then flew out from punishing Hoopa's body.

And Du Chen also took the opportunity to take over Punishment Hoopa's small body.

The mountain-like giant turned into a blue-purple storm and flew into Hoopa's body. This time, the combination of body and will, Du Chen has completely captured this mythical elf who has the ability to "transfer".

"It seems that as long as I get rid of the parasite, his invasion of me will stop." Parallel DU Chen has turned into an invisible microorganism again. While flying in the air, he is thinking about how to make a comeback next time.

But at the next moment, the sudden system prompt made his mood drop again.

"Warning, the system has been compromised to 31%"

"Warning, the system has been compromised by 32%"


how is this possible?

I have left the host body...

Just when he was wondering, there were layers of voices coming from the surrounding void

"I am everywhere, as long as you think of me, you can never get rid of me."

The sound was like the whisper of the devil, and the laugh of death. Parallel DU Chen found that his life value of trillions was falling crazily.

Different from DU Chen's emperor strain, there is no core virus on the parallel DU dust's evolution route, so to speak, every virus and infected body is a part of him.

This is why DU dust killed the infected body on a large scale when destroying the Umbrella base.

Because as long as there is an infected body or even a microbial virus alive, Parallel DU Chen will not die.

However, Du Chen's task is not to kill the system binder, but to destroy the world.

And because his own virus evolution system authority is higher than that of parallel DU Chen, so when he is weakened to a certain extent, the best way is to use system intrusion.

Conceptual viruses can not only infect concrete things, but also infect abstract things.

"System intrusion level 60%"

"System intrusion level 61%"

With the continuous appearance of prompts, Du Chen could feel that the resistance of the other party's system was getting weaker and weaker.

Because of the level of authority, DU dust has an advantage in the power of rules.

What's even more strange is that, through the compatibility with the parallel DU dust's virus evolution system, DU dust followed the power of the invisible rules, and also sensed "the same kind" like the stars in the sky.

Yes, it is the binder who has the "virus evolution system".

Some of these binders are DU Chen from the past and future, and some are people with other identities.

Even in some abstractly "distanced" time and space, the binders of this system are not human beings, but countless creatures such as orcs, slimes, devils, etc., and the world they exist in is not Pokémon world.

At this time, Du Chen seemed to have entered the database of the main server and obtained unprecedented information.

This is the power of conceptual existence, as long as there is a handover, it can be invaded.

Sure enough, the timeline is endless. Unless the multiverse is destroyed, countless worlds will be born and die every moment.

Now as a conceptual existence, DU Chen has the ability to pull himself out of the restriction of multiple rules, but he also understands that he has not become the conceptual "only" yet.

Because once he becomes the "unique concept", he will be the only "virus" no matter in this world, the universe or even the multiverse. At that time, all viruses and even all derivatives of viruses will be under his watch and control.

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