Several people continued to walk along the cave, towards the light source in the depths.

After walking for less than two hours, the light in the depths became brighter and brighter until several people came to a wide cave.

"Hahaha, it really is here." Shui Wutong laughed wildly, feeling that his long-cherished wish for many years was about to come true.

Not only Shui Wutong, Quan, Chao and other members who entered together were shocked.

This cave is extremely vast, filled with flowers, plants and corals, and there is a calm lake that emits infinite blue-golden light in the middle.

In the center of the lake is the mythical elf known as the Emperor of the Ocean, Gaioka.

The Adam's apple of the water phoenix tree is surging, and the goal that the Haiyang Group has been striving for for many years is in sight...

In addition to ecstasy, there was also a hint of shock.

He already knew that this place was provided by the beehive, that is to say, the beehive had long known the sleeping place of Kyoka.

According to the original work, Shui Wutong did not accept the stop of the spring, and awakened Kaioka with a beautiful blue orb. Then Kaioka returned to the original, and rushed out of the sea, causing heavy rain, storms and tsunamis. The terrifying force of nature almost drowned Feng. edge of the mainland.

But let it go crazy is not what DU dust wants.

Because of years of deep sleep, Gaioka has formed a thick layer of stone film on his body.

DU dust flew directly to Gaioka, turned his hand into a sharp point like a Terminator, and pierced the stone on Gaioka's face.

This is the ability it inherited from Deoxys after devouring the meteorite.

Now even if DU dust doesn't need to transform freely, he can change his shape freely.

Pieces of shattered stones fell, revealing Kyoka's sea-blue and white skin.

How could DU dust let go of a mythical elf lying here quietly.

Although Gaioka's mouth was tightly closed, it was the same as opening his mouth wide for a microbe-sized virus. Du Chen controlled a large number of viruses from entering its body.

Hundreds of millions of viruses invaded and began to infect the sleeping emperor of the ocean.

Unlike humans and ordinary elves, as the oldest and most powerful species, Kyoka's cellular precision far exceeds any elves he has infected.

Every organ in its body has evolved to perfection, and its DNA is not two strands of human beings, but six strands. It is so perfect and strong that it is almost invulnerable. Even the Veronica virus does not know how to invade it for a while.

Not infected, DU dust frowned.

Not only could it not be infected, but it seemed to have discovered the invasion of the virus. Kioka's immune system operated on its own, and a green-gold energy began to circulate in its body, killing all the Veronica viruses it encountered.

In less than a few breaths, the virus that DU dust had invaded Gaioka's body was completely wiped out.

Didn't expect this to happen...

The reason why viruses can infect humans and elves is because the virus's ability to invade and transform is stronger than human cells. The more powerful elves before infect the slower because the abilities contained in these elf cells are much greater than other elves.

But mythical elves are different. If the cells of ordinary elves are sand castles, the cells of mythical elves are fortresses made of steel. DU Chen's current LV7 Veronica can't even invade cells.

DU Chen immediately thought that the reason why Giratina didn't rush into the real world to hunt him down immediately was because he wasn't infected at all.

After seeing Hei Lujia scratching him in the reversed world, Du Chen fled back to the real world immediately, and had no chance to check whether the invasion was successful, and now it seems that it probably failed.

But the mythical elf is already in front of him, should he go out and upgrade and come back?

No, the task of the system is to infect the mythical elves, and it is impossible to give a task that cannot be completed.

DU Chen was thinking. Suddenly, a vast and extremely dangerous aura came from above. This aura hovered above, as if searching for something.

Crack empty seat...

DU dust instantly recognized this majestic momentum with killing intent.

This is the feeling that once appeared in the consciousness fragment of Deoxys. Three years ago, when the Rift Seat fought another Deoxys, it left a deep impression on the consciousness in this meteorite.

DU Chen realized that it was after he charged the meteorite, the aurora from the meteorite attracted the Rift Seat, and he chased after Deoxys' breath.

Fortunately, this underwater cave has a strong isolation effect, so Likongzao chased up to the sky, but he still hasn't found DU Chen's location.

It is worthy of being the sleeping place chosen by the mythological elf for himself. The breath barrier can't even penetrate the empty seat, Du Chen sighed.

But now it has been blocked by the Rift Seat, once it goes out from the underwater cave, it will be stopped immediately...

Although Shui Wutong and others were not as sensitive as DU Chen, they could still feel a very oppressive momentum, which made the heart beat faster and the blood tremble.

DU Chen thought for a moment, and in the system information, he pointed the evolution point to Veronica-Spiritual Insect form.

At this moment, his emperor strain suddenly became illusory, becoming an existence between matter and spirit, and he found that the energy backtracking between himself and all infected bodies became clearer and stronger.

In this form, he can receive more blessings from infected bodies.

It turns out that the blessing of the infected body to the emperor strain is spiritual power, and the virus evolves into a psychic insect form, which has more spiritual attributes, so the increase in spiritual power is even more obvious.

Now that the Kanto Rocket Team, Ocean Group, many high-level members of the Alliance, and elves that are several times larger than humans have been gathered, Du Chen has more than 10,000 infected bodies. Among them, more than 4,000 were used by the Rocket Team to explore the ruins last time. Little Lada.

More than 10,000 infected bodies, their energy fed back made DU Chen's mental power expand to the extreme, even faintly exceeding the limit that the meteorite could carry.

If it wasn't for an uninfected mythical elf in front of him telling him that he was not strong, DU Chen would probably be so inflated that he didn't know his last name.

Because the thoughts and thoughts of tens of thousands of beings are under his control, this feeling is very similar to a god, a god who controls all living beings.

Du Chen once again separated a virus, but this time the virus army has become a kind of spiritual parasite.

The virus entered Kioka's body, and instead of invading his cells, it became entangled with his consciousness.

This time, Kyoka's immune system did not activate.

Gaioka's spirit is like a vast blue ocean, while DU dust's virus is like waves in the sea.

But when the waves roll, they will always roll up the surrounding water...

At the same time, DU dust will directly enter his consciousness into the spiritual ocean of Gaioka.

Now he is no better than before, with the blessing of tens of thousands of infected bodies, his mental power is stronger than the original Deoxys, and soon set off a huge wave in the ocean of Kaioka's consciousness.

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