Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 141: Smashing and Inverting the World

Now everyone present has become an infected body, so naturally they will not refute DU Chen's words.

"But how should we go back?" Ma Shide asked the question that everyone present was concerned about.

"The inverted world is generally considered to be the shadow of the real world. There is no life here, and there is only one master, Giratina, who is said to be the shadow of Arceus." Sirona, who is very familiar with Sinnoh's mythology, said : "We have to go back, we must pass through Giratina."

"But this world is as vast as the real world, where can we find Giratina?"

Several people began to discuss with each other. Even Sirona, who is the most knowledgeable, only knows part of the relevant legends, and has no clue about how to summon Giratina.

"Actually, it's not that complicated." Du Chen said, "As long as we smash the inverted world."

Giratina is the master of the inverted world, and this is its home. If someone smashes its home, can it not come out?

Everyone suddenly understood what DU Chen meant, and they looked at him as if they were crazy.

"Don't worry, we have more than forty king-level spirits. If we can't beat them, we won't be helpless. If they don't compromise, we will destroy the reversed world." Du Chen knew very well that although the reversed world and Realities are independent of each other, but they also influence each other.

In the original work, the battle between Diya Luka and Palkiya, which caused damage to the real world, also had an impact on the reverse world. Giratina was dissatisfied with this, and rushed into the real world to fight Diya Luka. .

On the contrary, as long as the reverse world is destroyed, the real world will inevitably have an impact.

The purpose of the mythical elves is to destroy human technological civilization rather than the world, so there will definitely be a reaction, and there will naturally be a chance when the time comes.

Everyone listened to DU Chen's words, although everyone still felt crazy, but there was no other way at this time.

The power of dozens of king-level spirits attacking together is beyond the imagination of ordinary trainers.

Destroying light, freezing light, sun flames, crazy plants, cannon water cannon, electromagnetic cannon, dragon star group, extremely giant cannon, burnout and other super powerful range skills began to bombard indiscriminately.

A series of energies of different colors but with a destructive aura exploded in the inverted world, as if an earthquake of magnitude 18 had occurred in the entire space.

The ice, fire, electric dragon and other energies converged in chaos again in the explosion, forming an energy storm that annihilated everything. Even the air was smashed into the smallest atoms in the sweeping area, and countless black lightning burst out in the raging void.

No, that's not lightning, but the space can no longer bear this crazy energy and shatters.

Not only DU Chen, but all the champion leaders present were shocked by this doomsday scene.

No one in this world has seen what kind of terrifying power will erupt when dozens of king-level elves join forces.

With this level of power, super metropolises like Jinhuang City and Feiyun City would be wiped out if they couldn't last even a second.

Just as the crazy energy storm was raging, the void suddenly split open, and an extremely dark hole appeared.

This deep hole erupted with surging gravitational force, sucking in the energy storm that shattered everything like a whale sucking water.

Du Chen and the others could even see the electric light that exploded from the hole when it absorbed energy.

The crazy behavior finally caught the attention of the reverse world master.

In other words, Giratina, who had been observing secretly, finally couldn't bear it and came out to stop it.

DU dust ordered all the elves to stop and wait for the black hole to eliminate this destructive energy.

This process lasted for nearly a minute. It can be seen that even for Pluto, it is not easy to move this energy out.

"Hello, respected king of the reversed world." Du Chen said to the red eyes as big as two moons flickering in the black hole.

"Human, you need to pay the price for your unforgivable behavior." A deep voice sounded in everyone's consciousness.

"I'm sorry, our world is facing a major threat, and we have no choice but to invite you out in this way." Although DU Chen's tone was sincere, Sirona and the others behind him couldn't help but roll their eyes.

The shadow in the black hole shook for a while, and a huge body flew out of it, looking down at everyone.

The Pluto dragon Qi Latina finally showed his real body. It was the first time for all the people and elves present to see the master of the reversed world in myths and legends.

His dragon-shaped body is 100 meters long, and six ghost-like, striped wings float behind it. The wingtips are red, and there are six pointed objects on the sides, and four golden ones appear near the end of the tail. Spikes.

DU Chen, who is familiar with the original work, knows that this is the original form of Giratina. After entering the real world, his form will change to a certain extent.

"The king of the reversed world, the mythical elves want to provoke a full-scale war between humans and elves in the real world for their own selfishness. This will be devastating to both the real world and the reversed world. I hope you can let us go back Stop this war to keep the real world and reverse world safe."

After Giratina appeared, he didn't act immediately, which showed that he had some scruples about his own strength, which was why Du Chen let dozens of king elves attack with all his might.

If you want to negotiate, you must first demonstrate your qualifications for negotiation.

"With you, how could you stop it?" Giratina's tone revealed a trace of disdain.

Even after seeing the combined power of dozens of king-level elves, Giratina still doesn't think they can compete with Rogia and Ho-oh.

"We may not be able to do it alone, but in the real world there are still many strong people at the same level as us. Once we join forces, we may not be able to stop it." Du Chen said.

"Oh? Then I can't let you go back, maybe I should kill you here." Giratina was unmoved, obviously more inclined to side with the mythical elves.

"However, what's the benefit of killing us?" DU Chen smiled slightly, and suddenly communicated with Giratina through teleportation: "Rogia and the others must have made some promises to get your help. Could it be that it made you the king of the real world?"

DU dust waited a few seconds, Giratina did not answer, but did not refute.

"You have infinite life and invincible power. I think you don't want to be trapped in this empty world without any life forever." Du Chen continued to say while watching Giratina's reaction : "If you let us out, I can guarantee that you will become the king of elves."

"Hahahaha..." Giratina burst into laughter suddenly, as if he had heard the funniest joke: "You promise to make me the king of elves, hahaha..."

Giratina looked up to the sky and laughed long, his 100-meter-long body swayed in the air, causing ripples in the surrounding air.

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