Fulindo sat on the chair, feeling that countless blades were scraping every inch of his muscles, and he seemed to be torn from the inside and then stitched up again, just a few minutes, as long as a lifetime.

Sure enough, as Xiao Saburo said, the power in the base was restored quickly, and the communication became normal.

Fu Linduo was sweating coldly, panting violently.

However, the physical pain was not enough to threaten this determined man. What really made him unbelievable was this strange and unforgettable piece of information that appeared in his brain.

It turned out that the communication interruption of these bases was the reason...

Fu Linduo quickly regained his strength, looking at Xiao Saburo in front of him, he felt as if he had a special connection with this former subordinate.

"Sir Fulindo, let's complete the organization optimization." Xiaosaburo laughed, but what he said seemed to have magic power, which made Fulindo unable to refuse.

Or rather, irresistible.

He followed Xiao Saburo out of the office, and now the Rockets in the entire base either maintained their human form or turned into strange monsters, and the elves who did not enter the elf ball were the same, and some of them also mutated.

These mutants are lying on the ground, being suppressed by the highly fused infected bodies.

At this moment, flaxen with black uniform and blond hair came in.

"Thank you." Xiao Saburo nodded.

"For the hive." Yamado responded.

Fu Linduo looked at this situation bitterly, and he already understood the significance of Bishas' previous behavior.

Following the orders of Yamaduo and Kosaburo, other team members who successfully fused began to use poisonous fire to destroy the failed mutants.

Seeing those mutant players screaming in the flames but unable to struggle physically, Fu Linduo felt pain in his heart.

If there is a vote within the Rockets to select which senior cadre is the best for his subordinates, Fu Linduo is definitely the well-deserved number one.

In an emergency, he is even willing to sacrifice himself to fight for his subordinates to escape.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Saburo, who is more integrated than him, still calls him "Sir".

"Sir Fulindo, the hive has issued an order that needs to be fulfilled by you." Xiao Saburo said to Fulindo.

"I know." Fu Linduo nodded, he had already received this instruction in his consciousness just now.

"I didn't expect that after many years of operation, it would end in this way." Fu Linduo sighed, his face was full of emotion...


As the sun sets, the city of Kaina, which is dominated by white, is covered with golden curtains.

Quan looked at the dark and strong man who got up in front of him, with neither sadness nor joy on his face.

In the two days since Du Chen left, she had secretly contacted most of the members of the marine group lurking in the port of Kaina City, and brought those members who had withstood the virus test into the hive.

Now, Ushio, a senior cadre of the Marine Corps and her class, has also completed the infection.

"Honeycomb..." Chao slowly got up, and the two-meter-tall man was a little confused.

Ushio is a high-ranking cadre of the Marine Corps, possessing the formidable body and spirit of a wrestler.

Because Shui Wutong had helped him, with the heart of repaying the savior, he decided to take Shui Wutong's ideal as his own ideal, and even sacrificed his life to realize his ideal.

But now, he has to give something more important than his life to serve the hive...

"I know it's hard to digest, but this is our future destiny..." Quan told Tide about the things related to Denji and Kioka.

Chao was silent for a long time, he didn't want to betray Shui Wutong, but he couldn't resist his own blood.

"Actually, as long as Gaioka is found, Master Shuiwutong still has a chance, doesn't he?" After these two days, Quan also wanted to open a lot.

In fact, her initial resistance to the hive was nothing more than that she felt that this situation was an act of betraying the ocean group, and she was filled with guilt.

But thinking about it carefully, the hive has not done any adverse behavior so far, and even provided the sea group with the location of Kaioka, which solved the biggest difficulty of the sea group, which made her feel better.

For the same loyal Ushio, Quan also shared some of his experiences.

The two collected all the climate conditions in the vicinity of Liuli City in recent years, and asked the scholars of the Ocean Group to make an analysis, intending to use this as an excuse to mobilize the team to investigate.

This is a suitable way, after all, they can't go directly to Shui Wutong, just open their mouths and say that Gaioka is sleeping there, let's go...


When the sun was born, DU dust sat on the voyage ship, watching the rising sun rising from the sea line.

It seems that I haven't seen the sunrise like this for a long time, it is really beautiful...

Although the beauty of the sunrise is very attractive, something even more attractive is playing on the TV. He can hear the noisy sound in the ship hall while sitting on the deck.

The Golden City TV station is broadcasting a report that shocked the world. The senior officials of the Rockets, Lance and Fulindo, jointly issued a statement:

Due to the disappearance of the top leader of the Rockets, Sakagi, starting today, the Kanto Rockets announced their disbandment...

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The release of this statement not only shocked the alliance, but also shocked all forces in the world and even ordinary people.

The Rockets in Kanto just disbanded?

It's as if people in the Middle East wake up from their sleep and find the Taliban disbanded...

And the highest leader of the Rockets, Sakagi?

As soon as this remark came out, except for the high-level executives who were already in love with the alliance, everyone else was stunned.

Especially the people of Viking City and the trainers who have challenged the Viking City Gym before.

This man who defends the city and is respected as "Sakagi of the Earth", this man who uses ground-type spirits to guide novice trainers, this man who holds Shiluf in his hand and is rich in the world, is actually the largest in Kanto The leader of the evil forces, the most terrifying underground emperor in the world?

Are you fucking kidding me?

All of a sudden, the relevant organizations in Viridian City, Shiluf Building in Golden City, and even the Quartz Plateau suddenly became lively, almost being overwhelmed by the surging crowd.

Among them, reporters are still a small matter, and there are many protesters, some looters, some law enforcement personnel, including some victims of the Rockets.

Some people shouted and began to ask the alliance for an explanation.

The leader of the Rockets is the top executives of the league, so the league has to give an explanation.

The alliance staff was covered by the tide-like crowd at this time, and they were in a hurry, and they almost dug a well and went underground.

Don't tell me? Not even tape...

The highest meeting room in Quartz Plateau.

Damaranche looked gloomy and said nothing.

Originally, after Sakagi escaped, the alliance had already made a series of preparations for information public relations and hatred transfer, but this still needs some time to arrange and ferment.

But unexpectedly, two senior officials of the Rockets issued a statement today, pushing Sakagi and the alliance to the cusp...

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