Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 122 Obediently Be a Dog

This is how people move with their own hearts. Although Lila is a powerful superpower, she is not a perfect saint. She also has her own emotions and emotions, as well as her own emotions.

Since she was a child, the deepest hidden thing in her heart is her own life experience.

Like every orphan, she always wondered where her biological parents went and why she was adopted.

So much so that she later became an international policeman, and some wanted to use this position to find out her life experience.

It wasn't until she became a senior member of the international police that she knew her true origin, a person who fell into this world from the ultimate hole...

That's why, the alliance asked her to be the head of the UB countermeasure headquarters, and put her in charge of fighting against the ultimate beasts from other worlds.

It took a long time before she stopped her frantic breathing.

"I won't join you..." Lila said softly, "Your existence is too much of a threat to this world. I can't believe your words."

"Hehe, I know you already believe it." Du Chen said with a smile: "Don't forget, we are connected by blood. I know there are people from different worlds who told you terrible things, but I can tell you , I have no interest in destroying the world."

"So what do you want to do?" Lila asked.

"World Peace."

"World peace?" Lila seemed to have heard the funniest joke, but she couldn't laugh at all.

"I can tell you that I will eradicate all the evil forces in the world. Within three days, I will eradicate the Rockets in Kandu." Du Chen said lightly: "After that, I will come to you again. I hope you can think it through."

Finished speaking, DU dust left on the use of teleportation.

Lila didn't stop it either, because she knew that this intelligent virus was already a standard champion leader based on the level of human trainers at this time, and stopping it would only threaten the lives of innocent people here.

However, DU Chen's words were still rolling in her mind, constantly stirring up waves.

Du Chen's figure teleported to a forest outside Kaina City.

The reason why he didn't stay longer was because he felt that many heavenly king masters in the battle area had begun to gather towards the battle tower. He was not sure whether these people would risk destroying the entire battle frontier to besiege him.

Because there is Lila, a person with super mental power, once she is besieged, she is likely to be locked in the movement of the emperor strain.

But even though he left, his goal had been achieved.

He could feel that his words had already affected Lila.

The flaws in the heart are the easiest to be exploited by others.

DU dust strolled in the forest, feeling the breeze blowing.

The surroundings were unusually quiet, the usual thorntails, serpentine bears and other elves did not know where they were hiding at this time, only the sound of DU Chen walking and the rustling of the ground being stepped on.

Suddenly, a violent energy rushed towards him head-on, blowing Dianci's hair flying.

After the wind subsided, a majestic figure stood in front of DU Chen, its crimson eyes fixed on DU Chen, exuding fury and violent hatred.

Ever since Lei Huang realized that he was infected by the evil aura, he left the battle frontier and was waiting here for Emperor Yan and Shui Jun to come.

Due to the mania and rage in their hearts, the weak elves in the undisguised forest were almost out of breath.

It's just that it didn't expect that the source of evil would appear in front of it so blatantly.

"Lei Huang, from today onwards, I will be your master." Du Chen said lightly.


Hearing these words, Emperor Lei felt his blood rushing to his brain, but for some reason, its body did not intend to tear the opponent apart at all, it just let out a deep roar.

"Hehe." Du Chen smiled and said, "Hey, roll around on the ground twice."

Lei Huang seemed to have lost control of his body, but it seemed that his brain responded automatically, lying on his back on the ground, rolling around twice like a baby.

This bastard actually treats it like a dog?

Lei Huang couldn't believe that one day he would be treated like a dog.

"Aren't you the Phoenix King's dog before?" Du Chen smiled, "Be my dog ​​obediently from now on."

Finished, DU dust stretched out his right foot.

Lei Huang crawled over involuntarily, stuck out his tongue and licked it twice.

"Hahaha, good boy." Du Chen laughed and patted Lei Huang's head, not caring about the murderous fury in his heart.

Originally, Du Chen's character was not interested in doing such humiliating behaviors, but this power generating dog almost killed all his infected bodies in Hualan City, and it was also the one who imprinted the breath of the virus on Lila, making Lila die at sea. Cut him off and nearly kill him.

Now that it is in his hands, it is natural to train it well.

After collecting Lei Huang into the elf ball, DU dust returned to Kaina City, ready to return to Kanto by boat from Kaina Port.

After all, it is too tiring for Xanadu to travel back and forth to the mainland with teleportation, especially when he fought against the battle tower just now, and he can't squeeze his elves too hard, isn't it...

Kanna City is located in the southern part of the Hoenn region and is the ninth largest city in the world.

At first, people gathered because of the clean water and sufficient food here, and later developed into a world-class port city with sufficient goods, and ships often come and go here.

Has the famous Kusnoji Shipyard, Marine Science Museum and so on.

DU dust didn't hang around, went directly to the port and bought a ticket to Kuye City in Kanto.

At this time, a luxury car drove over, and a middle-aged man in a gray suit with a kind face got out of the car.

A crowd of journalist-like people rushed up like a flood, blocking the middle-aged man's way forward.

"Mr. Kusnoji, there are rumors that the cooperation between you and Devon Company is not voluntary. Is that true?"

"Mr. Kusnoji, I heard that the Breaker is about to be completed, when will it be officially put into use?"

"Mr. Kusnoji, I heard that you adopted a foreign museum owner as a lover. How do you respond to this matter?"

"Mr. Kusnoji, may I ask if it is true that you bought a stake in Corydalis Holdings?"

Facing the questions from the reporters, Kusnoggi did not say a word, but walked into the Harbor Building under the protection of the bodyguards who cleared the way.


Du Chen remembered this person. He was a well-known entrepreneur in Kaina City. In the game, he helped the Ocean Group and the Lava Group to repair the submarine engine. From the memory of Apollo, Dianci and others, he was in the real world. He is very famous and has many industries under his name. It seems that this port has his shares.

Seeing him, DU dust suddenly became interested.

The German company mentioned by the reporters just now is a super-large company in the Fengyuan area, and the boss is Zifuqi, the father of the champion leader of Fengyuan, Dawu.

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