Villains Template

Chapter 830: Don't worry, play with her

[["Hero, please forgive me."

The social youth who was kicked out by Wuying's foot begged for mercy, then couldn't catch his breath, and passed out.

What kind of loyalty in the world does not exist in front of this group of social youths. Seeing a few people on my side being knocked down by the seemingly funny Lu Mingfei in an incredible way, the courage to rely on numbers and alcohol to improve is gone. , Their bravery and ruthlessness are nothing in front of their real strength.

Volley kicked five or six consecutive kicks at a person, and then landed steadily, how could this skill make them fight.

"This is not Diao Weiya, let's make a martial arts movie!"

Such thoughts arose in the hearts of the social youth who had fled.

They didn't even care about the few people who were knocked out by Lu Mingfei.

After seeing those people fleeing, he let out a long breath, and Lu Mingfei's originally tall and straight body immediately relaxed, becoming a little hunched over, and then bent over to find something on the ground.

Seeing Lu Mingfei's appearance, the girl asked, "Hero, what are you looking for?"

"Nutrition Express, there's still half a bottle left, don't waste it."

What Lu Mingfei threw out just now was the half bottle of Nutrition Express that he was holding in his hand before. With a certain weight and enough speed, it easily knocked out a social youth when it hit the face.

"Don't look for it, let's get out of here quickly, at worst I'll buy you a box." The girl tugged at the corner of Lu Mingfei's clothes and dragged him to a place beyond the alley: "What if those people come back again. "

"Oh." Lu Mingfei picked up the slightly deformed bottle of Nutrition Express from the ground, ran out of the alley with the girl, and ran towards a certain direction.

Based on Lu Mingfei's understanding of this place, it is a more lively place, and there are more people at night. When they go to a place with a lot of people, those people have to be more cautious, and that group of people may not be able to recognize them. come out.

Being held by the girl by the wrist and running towards that side, countless Lu Mingfei in the chat group sneered - don't worry, just play with her and see what tricks she can do.

The face shown by Lu Mingfei just now is obviously a disguise, it is the appearance that the original Lu Mingfei should show, the lingering second sense, as well as the lack of self-confidence and inexplicable sense of justice, are very It fits the image of Lu Mingfei who "gained great power".

As for the girl running in front, her appearance was also a disguise, a kind of performance. Lu Mingfei didn't smell any "fear" and "fear" from the other party that should be presented. Keep calm.

And the girl has obviously received professional training, which can be easily seen by Lu Wudi. The muscles all over her body are very organized, with obvious sculpted marks, which means that the girl not only exceeds the Most people's explosive power is not even comparable to that of many adult men, and their fighting skills are even better. It is enough to fight women's boxing, especially Lu Mingfei can feel the aura of the mixed race on the opponent, which belongs to the dragon. The smell of blood.

Without Lu Mingfei's presence, the girl alone can eliminate the group of social youths. Although the girl's dress is well concealed, Lu Mingfei can tell from the way the other party walks that this person is wearing a weapon.

But the girl still chose to call for help, and even when she was threatened by those social youths, she just happened to be seen by Lu Mingfei.

This incident of social youth coercing a beautiful girl happened to happen when Lu Mingfei turned off his phone, left the Internet cafe and returned to his residence.

There are too many coincidences, and it seems deliberate. Before the artificial intelligence invaded the computer to monitor him, it had already aroused Lu Mingfei's vigilance, and then it happened in front of him by such a coincidence.

And those people who are ambushing around, your eyes are too dazzling. Although their killing intent is very faint, they are very conspicuous like candles in the darkness, and it is impossible for people not to notice.

Lu Mingfei guessed that this group of mixed races should be for the purpose of contacting him, and this girl did not hesitate to use her body as a bait—well, the girl's dress is the costume of a literary girl that Lu Mingfei once liked.

By the way, what is the name of the girl I had a crush on once, oh, Su Xiaoqiang.

No, in his memory Su Xiaoqiang was a mixed race with a good figure, his family was rich, and he was wearing famous brands that Lu Mingfei didn't know. He definitely didn't look like a literary girl. He liked another girl, Chen Wenwen.

In order to lure themselves into the bait, these people have gone to great lengths.

The girl took Lu Mingfei to a relatively high-end restaurant, found a relatively remote corner and sat down, panting, and used her hand as a fan to cool down her red face from running.

Although her heart rate has not changed.

"I didn't expect you to be very handsome, hero."

The girl put her arms on the table, supported her face, and looked at Lu Mingfei with a smile.

The collar that Lu Mingfei used to cover the lower half of his face returned to its original position, revealing Lu Mingfei's complete face. The face that was not ugly before had more confidence, which can be called It's handsome.

"Aren't you going to call the police? You almost suffered illegal assault just now." Regarding the girl's words, Lu Mingfei didn't go down, but asked: "If you don't have a mobile phone, there should be a landline here. "

The girl didn't expect Lu Mingfei to say such words at all, and she suddenly realized: "That's order here first, you're welcome, I'll thank you, I'll call."

Then the girl left her seat and didn't mention it when she came back, but the topic revolved around Lu Mingfei: "Hero, you must be the kind of martial arts master who lives in seclusion in the city. Why did you go to the park to learn how to learn swords from the old man and old lady for a day, you must have lied to those people."

Lu Mingfei quickly waved his hand: "What I said is true. About two months ago, I suddenly suffered from a serious illness. After recovering from the illness, I found that I had inexhaustible strength as if I had acquired superpowers. You only need to sleep for a short time to replenish your energy, and you don’t feel tired after playing games for three days in a row, and you can do things that you didn’t even dare to think about before.”

"I think I should have obtained some kind of superpower, just like the first man Kujo JO who awakened his double, no, it should be Jousuke Higashika, because of the influence of JO's bloodline, he had a serious illness, and after he recovered, he got a double. "

"Then, I felt that I was chosen by God, just like those people who survived adventures in the novel, with an extraordinary destiny waiting for me, and then I went to learn swordsmanship, waiting for my strength to be able to Use it to save the world one day."

"In the middle, there are often people who seem to be old men and old ladies who practice swords in the park, but are actually martial arts masters. I think that with my qualifications, they will definitely attract them to take me as an apprentice, and then learn superb martial arts."

The girl asked curiously: "But why don't you continue to practice?"

"Too tired." Lu Mingfei said: "I live too far away from the park, it's too tiring to walk there, and it's such an era now, personal power is nothing, I'd better play games —Maybe the times will change in the future, and playing games can also become a legitimate profession, and you can also earn money. When people see that I play games well, they will give me money or something.”

The girl showed a kind of bewilderment towards Lu Mingfei's answer. Among the countless assumptions she had made, it was the result that Lu Mingfei would never make such an answer, so she could only respond with an embarrassed and polite smile.

Moreover, she could see the uneasiness and nervousness on Lu Mingfei's body. Even though he acted like a hero before, when he came to a restaurant that he would never set foot in, Lu Mingfei still showed timidity.

"At least your strength came in handy, hero. If it wasn't for you today... I'm afraid, but thank you anyway."

The girl asked again: "But the shots you made just now, hero, are very handsome, just like a kung fu movie."

"Yes, I just learned what I learned from watching kung fu movies and special dramas in Internet cafes. I just wanted to give it a try, but I didn't expect to use it. I was very surprised." Lu Mingfei said : "I only ate a bucket of instant noodles and two ham sausages before. I was a little hungry. I ordered a little too much. Don't mind."

"It doesn't matter."

Then the dishes Lu Mingfei ordered spread all over the whole table, as if he wanted to kill the girl for a meal, and when he and the girl left, all the food was eaten except for the bones and decorations. The girl's eyes widened.

"Hero, your appetite is really big."

"Since a serious illness, my appetite has increased greatly, and I eat a lot every meal. If my parents don't give me enough living expenses, I might look for a job now. I don't know if there are any jobs suitable for minors."

When she was leaving, the girl still wanted Lu Mingfei's contact information, but Lu Mingfei waved his hand and said, "Forget about it, don't look for me anymore, I just want to play games quietly, Don't be bothered, if the police come to you to ask about the situation, say that a masked man fell from the sky and rescued you from the group of social youths."

Holding his half bottle of Nutrition Express, Lu Mingfei turned his head and walked back to the place he rented.

The restaurant provides drinks with a fee but unlimited refills, and the half bottle of Nutrition Express he picked up was not used.

After Lu Mingfei walked away, the expression on the girl's face changed, and she took out a mobile phone from her body, and the phone showed that she was talking. According to the time of the call, it was estimated that the entire conversation between Lu Mingfei and the girl broadcasted.


"Your task has been completed very well." Angers voice came from the phone: "You keep that thing safe, and don't let others find it."

"Yes." The girl touched her lower back, and there was a dagger pinned there, a dagger made using alchemy.

This dagger came with an order from the principal, asking her to contact Lu Mingfei to judge his mental state and judge whether his mental state was stable.

Obviously, Lu Mingfei passed the test. The state he showed was just a patient with the second disease who suddenly awakened the blood of the dragon race, and it was a relatively serious type of second disease. The rest was the same as ordinary people. Try it if you are interested, and give up when you feel tired.

Just like those who spent thousands of dollars to get a fitness card, but only went to the shower twice, they didn't even steal a single dumbbell.

If Lu Mingfei fails the test, then what awaits him is the murderous intent of the girl. With the training the girl has received, she can completely stab the alchemy dagger into Lu Mingfei's body. The alchemy weapon made by the vice principal himself It is completely possible to kill him, and during the period, other personnel of the Executive Department will provide her with various supports not limited to sniping.

Of course, this judgment is based on the information they have about Lu Mingfei.

"Principal, you can be sure that he is an awakened hybrid. Shall we invite him to attend the college's preparatory class and get in touch with the world of dragons and hybrids in advance." The girl gave her own suggestion.

"No need, wait until next year."

Lu Mingfei did not expect that the first contact between the mixed race organization and him would be presented in such a form, it was almost like a script written by a third-rate playwright.

If I heard the cry for help and didn't choose to come forward to save others, but "lonely", then wouldn't their scene fail; and, if I don't have that power, the hero saving the beauty will be changed. If he becomes a bear, he will be beaten to the ground by those social youths, like a wild dog kicked by the side of the road.

However, the subsequent development of the plot was beyond Lu Mingfei's expectations. After the incident of the girl that night, his life was peaceful, and the monotonous rhythm was repeated day after day, shopping, cooking, eating, playing games, etc. Practice.

He thought that there would be some mixed-race organization to recruit him, let him join them, and then give a wild mixed-race self a few years of training plan to better develop his own strength and make himself the sharpest knife in their hands.

And I will use the other party's resources, borrow chickens to lay eggs, and use other people's nests to hatch my own eggs.

For this Lu Mingfei tries his best to show his "immature" side in front of that girl, so that the people behind the other party feel that he belongs to the kind of person who is easier to control.

In the end, there was nothing, as if what happened that night was really a coincidence, and the murderous intent that appeared on the girl didn't seem to be aimed at him, making Lu Mingfei's calculations come to nothing.

In the days that followed, Lu Mingfei bought a magazine called "XX World" in the bookstore, which had an introduction to the IP of Warhammer, although he couldn't find any content about the Mechanic God related to the Mechanic Priest Lu Mingfei. But it has relevant information about the space fighters mentioned by Astartes Lu Mingfei.

Astartes Lu Mingfei comes from the Destroyer Squad established according to the "Astartes Codex", pays attention to a firepower suppression, and is good at using heavy explosive bombs, missile launchers, laser cannons, multi-tube fusion Heavy firepower such as , plasma cannon and gravity cannon, in short, is a big bomb "beep".

Time passed day by day like this, the Olympic Games began and ended, and Lu Mingfei also ushered in his last year of high school life. >Remember the URL of this site, for the convenience of reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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