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Chapter 723: Mist Ninja Surrender

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"It's just a mere shrine, still a kid!"

Threatened by Yue Si with a gun, the five of them were unwilling.

The chakra reaction on Yue Si was very weak, not even as good as Ebisu on the side. However, among the Konoha ninjas present, it was Yue Si who put the most pressure on them, and the middle-aged man with thick eyebrows next to him was not as tolerant as Yue Si. There is an aura, especially no matter which one is pointed at by Yue Si with a gun, a coolness directly jumps from the tail vertebra to the back of the head, that kind of feeling like being hit by thunder ninjutsu, so that they dare not act rashly.

"Oh? Not reconciled, that's fine, come on." Yue Si held up the pistol and let the muzzle of the ninja knives constantly switch on the five people, and said, "I can tell you now that my ninja tool is clear. You can only fire one bullet at a time, even if it hits, you can only take one person at a time, and the rest of you can take me out while I am reloading."

"Then, there is only one question left, which one of you will be willing to be that early bird, willing to use yourself as a bargaining chip, bear my shot, and end up like that person."

"Also, my shot may not be able to hit any of you. Just like ninjutsu, if you can't hit the enemy, even if it is S-rank ninjutsu, it will be a waste of chakra after all."

"Come on, try to kill me, get rid of me, the murderer who killed the third generation of water shadows, so that you can return to the Mist Ninja Village with glory, one of you may even be because of this. Credit and hope to run for the fourth generation of water shadow."

In the unbelievable eyes of Shiranui Xuanjian, Yue Si kept provoking the five Ninja swordsmen with words, asking them to do something to him, coercing and enticing him. , In the face of Yue Si's provocation, it is estimated that he will also do it.

Yue Si's style of painting gradually became tough, and rust-red battle lines appeared on his face little by little: "Why, don't you dare to step forward, didn't you use your own sacrifices to create opportunities for your partners?"

"As you can see, there are five of us here, only the handsome guy next to him is Chunin, and the rest of us are all under-nin, and they are all unnamed juniors, and although there are only seven of you ninja swordsman left. There are five people, but all of them are the famous Shangin, no matter how you look at it, you guys have the advantage!"

"There is such a possibility that my lower ninja is worthy of the name, and I am not like Mr. Dai, who can burst out the power beyond the upper ninja, so Zhang only has this ninja tool in his hand. Without it, I am actually very weak."

"Do you want to try it bravely, now the initiative is in your hands."

In the stalemate between the two sides, it was the group of seven people who could not hold on to it. They did not dare to gamble. Yue Si's first move and the aura emanating from his body shocked them, especially the assassination of the third generation of water shadows. It left them in a state of confusion, and they lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

Under the influence of Konoha's "will of fire" for many years, Konoha ninjas have the consciousness of self-sacrifice for their companions, while other villages are a little worse in this regard.

Throwing down the smoke bomb, the group of Ninja Swordsmen brought the loquat Shizang, who did not know whether they were dead or alive, and the top half of the corpse of the group of seven people of the Ninja Ninja, recovered their Ninja Swords, and turned around and left.

The ninja’s methods are all kinds of strange. It is also possible to obtain information from the brains of the dead. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are powerful, and the information in their heads is also very important and cannot be obtained by Konoha. Moreover, there are also There is still a chance of being rescued.

As for the ninja swords, sometimes the value is more than their lives. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen is a name that can be passed down. As long as the ninja swords and the ninjas who use them are there, the seven people of the ninja swords will exist forever.

"Yue Sang, did you just let them go?" Matt Kai asked Yue Si after the smoke cleared.

"Huh? Actually, I'm lucky enough that they were able to turn their heads and escape." Yue Si put away his pistol and said, "I only went deep into the village of Wujin this morning, with hundreds of thousands of Wujin. In a big battle, the physical strength and chakra were consumed very badly, and in a real fight, I guess it is not their opponent, and I can scare them away, in fact, I am also very surprised."

Yue Si, who has hidden his own strength, said that when he was in Mist Ninja Village, he had already sensed Orochimaru's spying, so he did not show the true power of [magnetic field rotation], but only with power and means that did not exceed the scope of ninjas. To deal with those fog ninjas.

The same is true now. If he wants to, he can completely keep the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but in order to fit the previous background, he must pretend to be weak, but the Seven Ninja Swordsmen did not choose to escape, but with Fighting on his own side, Yue Si is not false, there is every reason to explain the prevarication - such as squeezing cells, burning life in exchange for powerful strength.

However, Yue Si did not guarantee that Genma Shiranui and Ebisu would survive the battle.

After the Seven Ninja Swordsmen left, the anger in Genma Shiranui and Ebisu dissipated, and their courage was pulled from their bodies and they immediately slumped on the ground, while Mattai and Matekai The father and son hugged each other while weeping bitterly. Matdai kept praising his child, his achievements in practice, his dedication to his heart, and the heart of protecting precious things even if he sacrificed his life.

After watching with black lines all over his face for a while, Matt Dai and his son were playing tricks, and then asked by Shiranui Genma. "Yue Sang, that, you really used your ninja tool to kill the water shadow of the fog ninja village."

Yue Si nodded and said, "Of course, Mr. Orochimaru and I are doing this for these days. We put on makeup and sneaked into the village of Mist, and with the advantage of the right time and place, we managed to get close to the third generation of water shadows ten meters away. inside, and then drew the gun and killed him."

When describing the assassination of the three generations of Mizuying to Shiranui Genma, Yue Si concealed many details, such as the cooperation between Orochimaru and Wu Ninja, including how they entered Wu Nin Village, and his big Kill the Quartet thing.

These things are not for outsiders. If other people know about it, it will not be good for Orochimaru or Yue Si himself.

"By the way, what about Captain Bankuro?" Yue Si had already guessed the ending of Caiga Bankuro, but he still asked.

Shiranui Xuanma gritted his teeth and secretly hated, with tears in his eyes, clenched his fists and said seriously: "In order to protect us, Mr. Bankuro has fallen into the hands of the seven ninja swordsmen, Mr. Bankuro, before sacrificing, put the fire The will is entrusted to me, and I will definitely pass on the will of fire."

Yue Si was silent for a long time, and finally said:

"It's too cheap to let the seven Ninja swordsmen go back like this. No matter what, Captain Hankuro has also taken care of me for a long time. His sacrifice, his hatred, must be attacked by those few. Get it back from the street boy."

With his hands sealed, Yue Si pressed his palms to the ground: "Spiritualism!"

With the sound of "bang", a behemoth appeared in the forest, crushing many trees.

It was a long snake-like thing with many knots, and it was seventy meters long. The whole body was made of metal. It had a complex and sturdy mechanical structure. The four of Mattyday and Meitekay were shocking enough.

Yue jumped on top of his own psychic creation, kneeling halfway, pressing his hands on it, and injecting the power of [magnetic field rotation] into it. In an instant, countless electric currents circulated on this mechanical creation, beating in the air. , giving off a scorching stench.

After accepting the power provided by Yue Si, this behemoth began to wake up, and began to test itself in every place. After the verification was successful, it entered a standby state, waiting for Yue Si's next order.

In the eyes of Shiranui Xuanma and others, the metal creation that was originally just a dead thing now has life, exuding the powerful and terrifying aura of top predators, making their hearts throb.

"Come on! Although it's just an unfinished work, your strength is enough, high-frequency vibration particle cannon!"

The mechanical long snake raised its head like a giant dragon, and lifted Yue Si to a high place, allowing him to look into the distance-although the dense jungle blocked his view, Yue Si was still able to detect the fleeing ninja sword 5.5 crowd.

The armor plate on the head of the mechanical creation is like a blooming flower, unfolding layer by layer, exposing the muzzle, filling it with energy, condensing into a huge energy ball, and then converging into a beam of crimson light, from the muzzle. Boom out.

At the moment of launch, the high-frequency vibration particle beam hit the position of the seven people of the ninja knife. During the transmission process, the negligible energy of the high-frequency vibration particle beam that came into contact with the air and escaped has caused the air to violently The change, a gust of wind blew through, bending the treetops and breaking the branches. Even standing behind the mechanical creation, I did not know how many people in Huo Xuanjian could feel the impact. He lowered his body and covered his face with his arms. Ebisu directly It was blown down, rolled on the ground a few times, and stopped while hugging a tree.

Not to mention the contact, the high-frequency vibration particle cannon hit the position where the seven people of the ninja sword were located. The release of energy vaporized the area, and the original hills and woodlands were directly flattened, and a lake-sized lake appeared in an instant. In the pothole, the soil and rocks became high-temperature plasma under the action of the high-frequency vibration particle cannon. The violent expansion of the volume formed an explosion. The shock wave lifted a large number of soil and rocks into the sky, but almost instantly melted into red. of magma.

After the effect of the shock wave was eliminated, the magma poured down like pouring rain and gathered in the giant crater. If you ignore the high temperature that can melt steel and the red magma, this is a lake.

With one blow from Yue Si, a lava lake was created.

"'s scary!" Genma Shiranui stammered. Although he couldn't see the effect of Yue Si's blow, he could feel the power of Yue Si's blow through the aftermath.

And Matekai ignited his fighting spirit, and one day, he will become as strong as Yue Si.

In the next period of time, the Konoha ninja’s front line ushered in a violent impact from the mist ninjas. Those mist ninjas seemed to be dying, and madly attacked the ninjas of Konoha, even if their actions were meaningless. Yes, it is meaningless for the big battle situation and the small battle, but they still do it.

However, the commander of Konoha's side found that although Mist was not afraid of death, the situation was favorable for Konoha's side.

Not long after, the high-level officials of the mist ninja came to contact Konoha Fang, and brought along with them, and the book please - the mist ninja village was no longer able to participate in the ninja war.

The death of the third generation of water shadows has already caused a lot of trouble in the village of fog ninja. Although a considerable number of people in the village of fog ninja were not convinced by the three generations of water shadows, they thought he was a blocking stone, but, at least on the surface , still respects the three generations of water shadows, even if they are yang and yin, and they don't work hard, they still do superficial work.

With the leader of the three generations of water shadows, although the power of the fog ninja village is not twisted into one, it is at least in one general direction, and after losing the three generations of water shadows, the internal contradictions of the fog ninja village are stimulated, just like losing the leader. Like a flock of sheep, ramming around.

Fierce like a tiger, disobedient like a sheep, and greedy like a wolf, these descriptions are perfect for Wu Nin Village.

I am afraid that before the selection of the fourth generation of water shadows, the interior of the water country fog ninja village will not want to get a stable life. Every force wants to choose the person who is beneficial to them to sit in the position of the fourth generation of water shadows. For this reason , they want to weed out dissidents and get rid of other candidates. For a while, there was chaos in Mistin Village. How could one word "chaos" describe it.

He had to fight with Lianshengxuan News. I don't know how many people became victims, not to mention the ninjas with terrifying combat power, who have also undergone professional training, and it was terrifying to start.

Not to mention the Mist Ninja Village that was devastated by detonating How to relieve the current predicament is a difficult problem for the top management of Mist Ninja, the demolition, reconstruction and repair of the Ninja Village, the medical treatment of the wounded, the deceased The burial, the resettlement of the homeless, etc. have consumed a lot of manpower and material resources in the village of fog ninja. In the absence of water shadows, only the families of the fog ninja do all this spontaneously, which is inefficient and human and material resources. Serious waste.

This also means that there is no one who can coordinate the deployment to provide supplies for the Mist Ninjas on the front line and have already provided manpower assistance.

After many days of traveling across the ocean, such information was finally passed on to the Mist Ninja on the front line. After losing the high-end combat power of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, they also lost logistical support, and The loss of the backbone of the third generation of water shadows, and so on, these news have a strong blow to the morale of the fog ninja. Many people have lost their will to fight, and the fog ninja has been defeated in the battle with Konoha.

After a lot of consideration, after many meetings and discussions, the commander of the Kirin Ninja front finally made a decision to give up everything he had obtained from the beginning of the war to the present and surrender to the Konoha Ninja.

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