Villains Template

Chapter 701: go to the front

Fall in love with, the villain template of the heavens

Orochimaru took Yue Si and Mitarai red beans to Hokage's office.

Although Yue Si can often see this place and overlook it from time to time, it is the first time that he has truly entered this place.

Looking at the contemporary Hokage at such a close distance, it was the first time that Sarutobi Hirazan had ever met. Yue Si carefully looked at this old man who was known as the "Ninja". In other words, it has reached its golden age.

With five chakra attributes, he has mastered thousands of ninjutsu, and after the second Hokage, he led Konoha to win the second ninja war, and he still faced the war of more than two countries, making the country of fire. As the leader of the five kingdoms, the three generations of Hokage were proudly praised as "the strongest Hokage", and he accepted the title with confidence.

And Yue Si was thinking that, when the Anbu ninja failed to attack him, when Orochimaru returned to the village, when Orochimaru was alone with himself, he behaved a little abnormally, and once again felt the feeling of being spied on.

It is estimated that the three generations of Hokage used the "telescope technique" to monitor himself. At that time, he had to release his "combination ninjutsu" to explain how the mere Shinobi himself was able to hold on to his roots for such a long time. Time.

Staring at Hiruzen Sarutobi for a few times, Yue Si's anger was filled with joy in his heart, and his hatred turned to courage. He wanted to get rid of this Hokage - if he attacked at this time, he would kill the Hokage in front of him. , what would be the result.

However, let’s just think about this kind of thing. As Yun Ren’s spy who broke into Konoha, Yue Si’s role is not to be the kind of dead man who is used to assassinate Konoha’s high-level figures, but as a secret chess move. Induced but not released, play a role at a critical time.

At this time, Sarutobi Hizan had just finished his tedious work as Hokage, and was smoking a dry cigarette to relieve his fatigue. He looked at Yue Si and Mitashiroshi, who were standing behind Orochimaru, and showed a smile as an elder.

Seeing Guan Shanyue and Miten Washing Red Bean is something he said to Orochimaru a long time ago. He really wanted to know what kind of talents the ninja who can enter Orochimaru's eyes have, but something happened in the middle. It was only today that I finally saw them.

Looking at the three people in front of him, especially Yue Si, who was constantly looking at himself, Hizan Sarutobi smiled.

As expected of the child that Orochimaru is optimistic about, he has wisdom beyond ordinary people and courage beyond his age. He is very similar to Orochimaru when he was young, and is destined to be called a powerful ninja in the future.

But before Sarutobi Hibiki opened his mouth to talk about the past and win over his feelings, he heard Orochimaru say: "Lord Naruto, Guan Shanyue has made new achievements in the development of ninja tools. This time, I want to apply for research funding from you. , and on the border, relying on actual combat to verify the power of the ninja tools, there are still areas that need improvement."

Seeing Orochimaru's businesslike appearance, Sarutobi Hizan knew that Orochimaru still had a disagreement with himself about the last incident. Genbu and Danzo started to attack his carefully trained disciples, but he maintained the group. Zang, covered up for him, handled the beginning and end for him, made the whole incident small and small, and poured a pot of dirty water on Yun Ren's head.

Orochimaru knew the inside story, and external statements could deceive other people, but he couldn't deceive him. Even if he didn't tell him the truth, he could still analyze it, so Sarutobi Hizen directly told Orochimaru the truth.

Therefore, Orochimaru's current attitude, Sarutobi Hizen can understand.

"Orochimaru, don't be so serious, no matter what, I'm also your teacher." Hiruzen Sarutobi squeezed out a smile, trying to ease the atmosphere between the two by relying on the master-apprentice relationship.

But Orochimaru still had that iceberg face, and said, "Lord Hokage, this time we are here for the future of the village. You are busy with official business, and I dare not bother you too much time."

Sarutobi Hiizhan glanced at the desktop of his office and saw the pile of documents to be processed. He couldn't help but have a headache. When Tsunade succeeded the position of the fifth Hokage, he had to deal with a large number of documents every day. Wrangling with consultant Konoha made her often unable to suppress her anger, using strange force to smash things or getting drunk to anesthetize herself.

In the seven-generation Hokage period of the official fandom of Naruto Uzumaki, even if he mastered the technique of multiple shadows, Naruto Uzumaki ignored his family because of heavy official duties, and let his son Uzumaki Boren give birth to a rebellious one in order to gain the love of his father. Behavior.

As the third generation Hokage, the same is true here. The youngest son, Asma, does not understand him very much. The relationship between father and son is very rigid due to the lack of communication and fatherly love.

Even if it was the disciple Orochimaru, the relationship gradually became a lot more distant, even if he took time out from his busy affairs this time to talk about the old relationship, but Orochimaru just kept talking about the business and didn't talk about it, like other people in the village. Like a ninja, there is no teacher-apprentice relationship at all, and the students are very divided.

But what did he do for Sarutobi Hiizan, not for the village, in order to coordinate all forces in the village, in order to deal with threats from all sides, in order to win over Danzo and his roots, in order to protect Konoha's strength by one more share…

But his children are full of prejudice against him, the disciple of Orochimaru is estranged, and the two closest people are drifting away from him.

Now that this is the case, it is irreversible, and Sarutobi Hizen also restrained his expression and said solemnly: "Funding or something, the village's funds have been tight recently, and I can't grant you much, Orochimaru, how much funding do you need. "

Orochimaru reported a number, and then Sarutobi Hiizan only felt the blue veins on his forehead burst, and the sound of blood flowing in the blood vessels was like a river washing both sides of the river: "No, you want too much, there are not so many in the village. The activity funds will be given to you, at most…”

Compared with the amount of funds reported by Orochimaru, what Sarutobi Hizan can provide is more than halved.

Perhaps knowing that his price was too harsh, the research and development of the new ninja tool was really worth it, Sarutobi Hizan added: "If you want to experiment with the power of the new ninja tool, I can assign a The experienced ninja team cooperates with your actions, what requirements do you have in this regard."

Orochimaru looked at Yue Si after hearing the words, Yue Si understood, and said: "Report to Hokage-sama, if it is a ninja who cooperates with our experiment - the Konoha 10-year grenade has been handed over to the village for a while, I hope If you can send ninjas with experience, it would be even better if there are white-eyed ninjas from the Hinata family."

In Yue Si's view, Baiyan's role in the war is much stronger than that of Sharonyan.

At the start, you have a telephoto eye of one kilometer, and you can also enhance your ability through practice and chakra. It has a 360-degree vision eye, and a perspective eye that can see through all objects. These are very important for small-scale battles. Source of intelligence, this is also the foundation for the Hinata clan to be the same as the Uchiha clan as the Konoha clan's village.

With these eyes, it is a pity that the people of the Hyuga clan do not become artillerymen. The premise is that they are good at mathematics and geometry. At least the part they learn in the ninja school must be mastered, so that they can be called qualified artillerymen. The basics.

Yue Si was not the only one who had the same knowledge. Sarutobi Hizan thought for a while and said, "The ninjas of the Hinata clan have indeed performed very well in the use of Konoha's 10-year grenade launcher. Yours The choice is very reasonable, and I will carefully select the right ninja team."

Dealing with official business is not done without thinking. One of Sarutobi Hiizan's sources of information is to extract useful information from large and small documents, so as to grasp the general trend of the ninjas in the whole village, and their general information. range of expertise.

After the Konoha 10-year grenade launcher, Sarutobi Hiizan paid extra attention to the results reported by the ninjas who applied for the use of this new type of ninja tool. Among them, the ninjas of the Hinata clan achieved the best results, and Guan Shanyue’s request was not met. Not outrageous.

Sarutobi Hiizan took two puffs of cigarettes and asked, "Guan Shanyue, what type of the latest ninja tool you took out?"

Having said that, Yue Si's face showed the enthusiasm of a scientist, and he used the technique of psychic to create a scroll, which was pinned to the wall of the office by Mitarai Red Bean, and showed it to Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"Reporting Naruto-sama, the latest ninja tool I developed is called a 120mm mortar, which can be regarded as an upgraded version of Konoha's 10-year-style grenade, but no matter the complexity of deconstruction, range, and power, it is all grenade. multiple times."

"The most important thing is that mortars can fire a variety of shells. The shells that I have carefully researched are used in many different occasions, including conventional fragmentation shells, ground-penetrating shells for Tudun ninjas - and my favorite. Yes, the cloud bomb that uses my strongest combination of ninjutsu."

"The cloud bomb uses the three-stage blasting principle. It is detonated and launched in the mortar, and when it flies over the target, the powdery detonating clay in the shell is thrown into the air to cover a larger area. The third explosion will cause large-scale damage, and the power is no less than A-level fire escape ninjutsu - but, this kind of shell requires the gunner to strictly grasp the timing, so it needs the ninja of the Hinata clan, and only their eyes can do it."

Yue Si guessed that Sarutobi Hizan had spied on his "combination ninjutsu" and demonstrated "combination ninjutsu" in front of Orochimaru. They understood that scene, but Mitarai Red Bean heard it in the cloud. foggy.

Orochimaru stared at Yue Si's face when he was explaining, and carefully observed his apprentice, while Yue Si's eyes were always on the drawing scroll and Sarutobi Hiizan's face, and when he saw Sarutobi Hiizan, it was clear. When the expression on his face was changing, Yue Si's expression changed, as if he saw something from Hizan Sarutobi.

In this regard, Orochimaru showed a smile, no matter what his apprentice saw, he was excellent.

"Then, Guan Shanyue, which border are you going to go to?" Sarutobi Hizan asked after listening to Yue Si's introduction.

Today's Fire Ninja is surrounded by enemies on all sides. Yan Ninja, Yun Ninja, and Mist Ninja are all eager to move, and there is constant friction. It can be said that there are potential battlefields everywhere. It depends on Yue Si's choice, so that he can coordinate and accompany Yue Si to go with him. A ninja experimenting with mortars.

The list of people who went to support the ninja on the front line was negotiated, and even if he was Hokage, he could only coordinate rather than dispatch directly.

"Since the ninja who attacked me last time was a ninja of Yun Ren disguised and impersonated, then I will go to the border between the land of fire and the land of thunder." Yue Si thought for a while and said so.

The five nations of the ninja world do not border each other, and there are small countries in between as buffers. Now that the contradictions have not been fully stimulated, the conflicts basically occur within the boundaries of those small countries.

As for Yue Si's choice to go to the Land of Thunder, it was because news came from the front line some time ago that Yun Ren's ab brother and Namifeng Minato had fought many times, that is, the future four generations of Raikage and rap lovers Qi Rabbi, and in the confrontation with the two, Minato Namikaze relied on the technique of flying thunder **** not to fall, and won the name of "Yellow Flash of Konoha" for him.

Yue Si is looking forward to seeing whether he, as a Konoha Ninja, will meet his classmates in Yun Ninja's same period on the battlefield. Because of his genius, he graduated early, and after so many years, his same period has basically grown into The age of seventeen or eighteen is exactly the age when he was sent to the battlefield to experience. .

At that time, will I be the killer, or will I be the killer?

After saying some things, Orochimaru took Yue Si and Mitarai Red Bean out of Hokage's office. Before leaving the office building, Orochimaru and Yue Si made eye contact.

What is going to the front line to test the power of the new ninja equipment, that is all a pretense, an excuse negotiated by Yue Si and Orochimaru, as long as you leave the village and arrive at the front line, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, do something, take the village If the ninjas in here do research, they can let go.

What's even better is that now there are constant frictions on the border, and both sides have suffered casualties. Take your own ninjas for an experiment. If the experiment fails, let's kill the mouth, destroy the corpse, and then push it to the enemy's side. Anyway, in this Time period, this excuse is very convincing.

In times of war, it is understandable to accidentally injure one's own side.

For example, the Nanbangzi driver who killed Lieutenant General Meijian, even if a lackey surnamed Li wanted to shoot the driver to give his father an explanation, in the end, according to the wartime regulations, the driver was only sentenced to three years in prison.

As for what kind of research to do, of course, it is the research between the Uchiha family's writing wheel eye and personal emotional conflict. After holding ordinary ninjas for a long time to study emotions and brain secretions, they finally synthesized a kind of A concoction that can make people feel the pain of losing a loved one. After injection, it can put people in that sad state. When combined with induced illusion, the effect is doubled.

For ordinary villagers and ordinary ninjas around Konoha, the effect of this mixture is very good, but it is applied to the ninjas of the Uchiha clan after all, so it is necessary to go to the front line to find the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, and then start.

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but after a while, he got used to Zhen Mosi is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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