Villains Template

Chapter 610: Evil happens in dark places

On the way from the Osborn Building to the R&D Center, Yue Si talked to Norman Osborn a lot, including his personal views on human experiments and the positioning of superheroes, and then he successfully convinced Norman · Osborn, let the future supervillain endorse his concept of "superheroes", decided to suspend cooperation with the military and concentrate on promoting Yue Si's "superhero company" project.

Of course, Yue Si's inner demon technique interfered with Norman Osborn's judgment and made him subconsciously agree with Yue Si's idea. This is one of the reasons why Norman Osborn changed his mind. accounted for more than 80% of the reasons.

Yue Si knows his own abilities. He is not the kind of person who is good at persuading others. He cannot make others agree with his ideas through words, not to mention that the ideas he expounds are not what he really agrees with, and he does not believe in himself. How can it be used to convince others.

Unless there is a common ideal and goal, we work together towards a certain reality.

Therefore, Yue Si thinks that it is better to directly change a person's thinking, just like in the Marvel universe, directly reshaping Justin Hammer's personality and memory.

What Yue Si needs is a tool person, not a partner.

"Science is a serious business, Norman!"

In the Biochemical Research Institute of Osborn Industries' scientific research and development area, a bald scientist said righteously to Norman Osborn: "You have also seen the experiment of our physical enhancement agent on mice, and it does not It does not meet our requirements, it is 100% effective, and there is no guarantee of 100% no side effects - this kind of medicine will eventually be used on humans!"

"If human experiments are carried out rashly, it will eventually lead to terrible consequences... Norman, do you remember the experiments we conducted in the early days of drug development? Those mice that inhaled the strength-enhancing drugs, their body's basic indicators soared rapidly, Strength, speed, responsiveness, and self-healing ability are enhanced.”

"But! But they all died without exception. The longest surviving experimental sample was only counted in minutes. The chemical changes that were so complex that it was difficult to measure appeared in the body of the mice. Unknown chemical substances made Their skin turns green, then the muscles begin to spasm, the bones, although strengthened, cannot withstand the explosive force of the muscles, and are broken in the constant spasms - the brain cannot control the body, cannot recruit muscles, and its own body kills myself."

When the bald scientist saw Norman Osborn leading the stranger, Yues, he immediately complained about the technical flaws, the side effects of the unfinished version of the strength-enhancing potion, and the horror it had on the experimental subjects. Effect.

This is the necessary rigor for him as a scientist, to prevent Yues or Norman Osborn from making any undue attempts to strengthen the potion.

"You misunderstood, Dr. Stromm (subtitles were given to DR. Stromm)." Norman Osborn said, "I have decided to restart the physical strength potion project."

When Dr. Shi heard the words, his eyes immediately lit up: "Norman, it's great for you to think like this, we shouldn't be against the nature of science by our immediate interests, we don't need to rush for success—what step do you plan to start from? ?"

The two main projects of the Osborn Group today—flying skateboards and physical strength-enhancing medicines—are all in charge of this Dr. Shi, who has the most say in the progress of the research.

"From the ground up, from the very beginning of the formula, we are going to restart the physical enhancement potion project!" Norman Osborn said: "The new project is called 'The Hero Project', it is a collection of plans, we There will be new weapon development, new human enhancement programs."

"Our competitor, the new research project of exploring aerospace, is the humanoid flight armor - this project, we are also going to do it, and we will go further than them and take the order from the military from them."

However, unlike Norman Osborn's high-spirited spirit, Dr. Shi was not so optimistic: "Norman, I'm glad you can think this way, but you have to be realistic, we don't have that much time to come. To do R&D, the funding gap is huge — that's what's been bothering you before."

"Furthermore, if we set up additional projects, we also lack the necessary researchers. I am now in charge of two projects by myself, and I have no skills!"

"Dr. Shi, these problems summed up, in fact, there is only one problem, the question of money." Norman Osborne patted Dr. Shi's shoulder and said: "I would like to introduce to you, the new Osborne Group. Our partner, Mr. Yue Si, has brought us a large amount of capital and will provide the necessary technical support."

"As long as the problem of funding is solved, the company can operate normally, without worrying about bankruptcy, and can continue to allocate resources to research projects; if there are not enough people, then recruit people from the outside world, and spend a lot of money to hire well-known professors to participate. in our research project.”

After convincing Dr. Shi, Norman Osborn introduced to Yues the flying skateboard of the Osborn Group, which later became the Green Goblin skateboard - this thing is not only the skateboard itself, but a whole set of equipment.

Because it was originally designed for military applications, the Green Goblin skateboard can be said to be armed to the teeth. In addition to the most basic manned flight function, this flying chess board can reach a maximum speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour with a load of one ton, and the front end can extend Out of the blade, carrying twelve rounds of miniature air-to-surface missiles, a miniature machine gun with a reserve of 5,000 rounds of ammunition, as well as lighting equipment and fire-breathing equipment.

The pursuit is high mobility and lethality in complex terrain.

And such a manned aircraft has high requirements on the driver, so there is a physical strengthening agent, which can enhance the driver's physical fitness and enhance their neural response, so that they can better make some maneuvers that challenge the limits of the human body. , otherwise it is very likely to kill yourself.

The operation of the Green Goblin skateboard is based on the instructions issued by the human brain, which is coded and controlled by an external device that can directly collect information from the human brain. In the movie "Spider-Man", when the Osborn Group showed the flying skateboard to military representatives , which shows this very intuitively, although there is only a short shot, the Green Goblin Norman Osborn integrated that set into the Green Goblin helmet.

In addition, there is also an armored flight suit, which is a device that integrates anti-G suits, high-altitude compensatory suits, temperature-adjusting suits and other functions, which can protect the driver from high-speed maneuvering. Air friction, low temperature and other effects, and provide the necessary protection.

The maximum speed is kilometers per hour, which is the maximum speed of a civil airliner. Newton's third law tells us that the force is mutual. Under such a high-speed flight, the damage caused by a head-on collision with a sparrow is difficult to achieve. imagination.

When the big boss is present, everything can speed up the pace. If you say it depends on the experiment, then arrange for people to play immediately, not to mention that there are future sponsors here.

A tester with a shaved head put on the equipment, drove a flying skateboard, and simply performed a flight performance indoors. Because it is not a strengthening person, his physical fitness and neural responses are the better ones among normal people, but he still does not get rid of it. Ordinary people's meal expenses, the testers' flying attitude is very careful, but they still show good skills and show the various functions of the flying skateboard.

Of course, there are no weapons and equipment on the flying skateboard.

Gu Huan

"Mr. Osborn, give you a chance to be a superhero, do you want it?"

Yue Si said to Norman Osborn with a smile: "If you promise, I can help you do it."

Pointing to the tester driving the flying skateboard, Yues said: "I can help you improve your flying board, and your flight suit, and make you your first superhero."

Although it is a whim, Yue Si already has a case and plans to create the first superhero in this world.

In the middle of the night, in a secluded alley, a lady just held her purse in her arms and looked around anxiously. The sound of "bang bang bang".

As a well-known big city in American comics, Gotham City in DC comics can be said to be well-known. It is the city with the highest crime rate in American comics.

The prototype of Gotham City is the same as Superman's Metropolis, which is based on New York, but Gotham City is the dirty side of New York at night, and Metropolis is the rich and stable side of New York during the day.

But even if it belongs to the dark and sinful side of New York, the number of violent attacks in Gotham City in a whole year is only equivalent to the amount of real New York in one quarter. It is conceivable that the real New York is dangerous, not to mention At this time, Spider-Man has not made his debut, and there is no good neighbor to bring psychological shock to criminals and provide substantial shelter to good citizens.

It was for this reason that this woman was so afraid, she knew the dangers of her situation, but she had no choice.

"I used to walk this road during the day. It's very close to my home. If I'm lucky, I'll be back home in three minutes, no, two minutes!"

For her, the current situation is just an accumulation of small, unfortunate incidents, such as accidentally spilling a colleague's coffee, forgetting the key at the workstation, and so on. The chain reaction forced her to take a short cut back home through dark alleys.

However, her constant hints to herself were ruthlessly shattered by reality.

In view of the fact that the black brothers have played such roles too many times, the appearance is a middle-aged white male, a typical and stereotyped red-necked image, five-sized and three-thick, with a beard, a big belly, fierce eyes, and a Tattoos, at first glance, are not the kind of good people.

"Bichi, stop and hand over all your money to me!"

The robber spat a mouthful of phlegm on the ground, took out a switch knife, and spoke to the woman who had already expressed despair in a sinister tone.

However, with the light from nowhere, the robber saw the woman's face, and his mind changed again. This time, he not only wanted to rob money, but he could also rob a color along the way - although the woman is not very beautiful , but with the blessing of clothing and makeup, it is also very good.

Seeing the robber's expression, the woman originally wanted to save money and avoid disaster, and handed over the bag, key documents, etc., she kept it close to her body, although she lost a relatively expensive bag and some cash, but Not to mention broken bones.

But after the robbers have some thoughts, the matter is not so simple. The behavior of robbery is usually accompanied by violent injuries. Even if they cooperate, they cannot change the violent behavior of the other party.

She took the satchel off her shoulder and smashed it hard at the robber who was constantly approaching her. The woman turned around and ran away, hoping to take this opportunity to distract the robber, let the other party accomplish the goal of robbery, and then let him go.

But how can she outrun an adult strong man with rapid hormone secretion, especially when the desire for reproduction takes the upper hand.

The robber grabbed the woman in three or two steps and hit the woman hard with the handle of the knife. The severe pain struck, and the woman immediately fell to the ground. The momentary pain made her mind go blank, and she lost the ability to think. ability.

Just when the robber was about to do whatever he wanted to the woman, a person seemed to appear suddenly, standing not far from the two, watching the robber and the woman who fell to the ground.

"Mommy Fake, what a freak!"

The robber looked at the man, who was wearing a strange robe with very wide tightened the waist of the robe with a belt and tied it around him.

This kind of dress is obviously not suitable for violent movements. This kind of dress is very ridiculous in today's place, and it is obviously not a normal person.

He kicked the woman who fell on the ground, causing her to curl up into a ball, like a prawn, the robber lit the knife in his hand towards the strange man: "Go away, freak, if you don't If you have a few holes in your body, just, right away, get the **** away from me!"

"Have you ever believed in the existence of gods?" said the eccentric.

"My Tefak?" The robber was confused by the other party's words. However, due to various reasons such as nervousness, he didn't want to understand what the eccentric was trying to express. He was going to use the switch knife in his hand to give the opposite side some color. have a look.

It could be red, it could be green, it could be yellow shit.

But the weirdo's reaction was quick. After the robber's knife got close, he immediately grabbed the opponent's wrist. He didn't have the slightest grasping skills. It all depended on his eyesight and quick reaction. With a twist, the other party felt pain and let go of his hand, throwing away the knife in his hand, but the weirdo just held the other party's wrist and did not move further.

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