Villains Template

Chapter 578: Bugs and Gods

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Before Yue Si's strategic plan is completed, he must be eliminated. This is the only way to crack Yue Si's wall-faced plan.

This undoubtedly reflects the strategic value of the plan formulated and implemented by Yue Si. Whatever the enemy fears is what you should focus on implementing.

In order to stop and destroy Yue Si's plan, eto used almost all of their power. One after another assassination will be carried out on Yue Si, and even in the process, and for them, only one person assigned a wall to crack their plans.

Why didn't I use an absolute description for Eto's use of resources to assassinate Yue Si, that's because three people became Wallfacers to deal with them, otherwise Eto would really use all his strength to deal with them. Yoss.

This is where the ridicule comes in, the same wallfacers, their existence is just a disease of scabies for the three-body people, a ten-dollar ointment is good to apply, Yue Si is their worst disease, they need Consume a lot of energy to focus on treatment, using surgical methods to "cut out" him.

And looking at Yue Si's performance over the past month, he should have had a plan for the invasion of the Trisolarans, and even before the Wall-Facing Plan was proposed and officially implemented, there was relevant analysis, research and strategy formulation. Just coincidentally.

Because of the information asymmetry, the three Wallfacers analyzed something far from the truth.

Afterwards, Yue Si entered the room and took two suitcases from Lao Xu. Then Lao Xu closed the door from the outside and let the four Wallfacers share the same room. The next conversation happened between the Wallfacers. .

The two suitcases were all silver and white, with black edges at the four corners, and they looked quite heavy.

"Don't tell me anything until I turn this device on." Yue Si put the two suitcases on the table in the center of the room, and said to the other three Wallfacers.

The Wallfacer who wanted to ask something swallowed his words, and then watched Yue Si's operation. Yue Si placed his palm on a suitcase, and the micro-scanner scanned the distribution of his subcutaneous veins. After the verification was passed, Yue Si opened the suitcase by entering the password again.

At this time, the three Wallfacers realized that the suitcase is not a container for something, but that it is part of a piece of equipment, its outer shell, a device with a complex structure that holds the suitcase together. The interior space is filled to the brim.

The center of the installation is an unknown part the size of the mouth of a bowl. It is made of translucent material and exudes a blue glow. The rest of the part is completely blocked by metal plates, making it impossible for people to spy on its details.

"Cherenkov radiation?"

Frederick Taylor and Manuel Rey Diaz have been in contact with many nuclear projects during this time, and are no strangers to the existence of this electromagnetic radiation - a sound similar to that produced by objects at supersonic speeds. Explosion phenomenon, Cherenkov radiation is the phenomenon produced by the object moving faster than the speed of light in the medium.

Before the very early chapter, some readers asked me if I knew about the speed of light. Because of the age, the chapter review could not be found. If I can insist on seeing it here, here is my reply.

"Low temperature small nuclear fusion reactor." Yue Si said, "This sentence is enough."

After finishing speaking, he opened another suitcase, pulled out two wires, and connected it to the fusion reactor. Under the energy supply, the equipment in the other suitcase was activated, and a spherical energy field was generated and expanded, and The whole room was wrapped up.

"This is the device we use, which can block the prying eyes of Sophon. After the energy shield is generated, it can block the prying eyes of Sophon." Yue Si sat down and said to the other three: "This is the three-body man who ordered eto to ignore it. All the reasons for wanting to get rid of me."

"What step have you come to!" Bill Hines said in shock, Sophon's spying can't be stopped by human beings. People can only rely on the labyrinth of thinking to seal off their real thoughts, which is why there is a wall-faced plan. birth.

"It's not us, it's just an accident, a beautiful accident." Yue Si said: "Extraterrestrial beings are not just Trisolarans, they are just very close to us. In the vast universe, there are countless civilizations, wars and wars. Happening all the time, from wars between civilizations... the universe is far more dangerous than we think!"

"This technology is a gift from an alien civilization we have come into contact with. It shows us the vastness of the universe and the insignificance of human beings, as well as the cruel truth of this universe."

"The weapon that ends the war is also a gift from alien civilization, right?" Frederick Taylor suddenly asked: "The kind of weapon with incredible destructive capabilities - the cleanup of the city's wreckage has not yet been completed. "

His identity and position led him to ask this question. This is also the question that the defeated side of the Third World War has always asked. They have consulted countless scientists, but those human elites do not understand the principle of that weapon.

"Gravity bomb?" Yue Si raised his eyebrows and said, "Forget it, without the help of that alien civilization, we cannot produce independently, and the industrial base of the earth is far from that level, even in the Small and medium batch production in the laboratory is not possible, and even the mathematical model of that weapon is only half finished.”

"We are using the only two weapons. The key weapon is to use it in the right place, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Frederick Taylor and Bill Hines breathed a sigh of relief. The shadow of that super weapon has not dissipated. Frederick Taylor once wanted to rely on the power of the Wallfacer to inquire. The truth about that weapon, but after review, his application was voted down by the Planetary Defense Council because it was beyond the scope of Project Wallfacer.

It's just that they didn't fully believe what Yue Si said - what they thought and said could be chosen to be a Wallfacer was far from simple.

Anyone who believes that Yue Si has only two is a fool.

"You two, the war between human beings is over, isn't it?" As a third party who did not participate in the war, Manuel Rey Diaz reconciled and persuaded the two who claimed to be from the "civilized world". Wallfacer.

On some occasions, Frederick Taylor and Bill Hines clearly expressed their rejection of him and their hostility to Yues, which is a very bad practice in the face of foreign invasion. .

Manuel Rey Diaz said: "What we need to know now is the truth of the universe we live in! The truth of it!"

Frederick Taylor and Bill Hines retracted their divergent thoughts and took a gesture of listening intently.

Yue Si spread his hands and said, "The truth of the universe is very cruel!"

"Peace does not exist in this universe. After a civilization discovers another civilization, the first thing that comes to mind is to destroy each other, communicate and help each other, and combine different civilizations to form alliances. It's just a fantasy, or the technology has reached a certain level. Only a level of civilization can achieve true peace, but that civilization is far from what we can understand now. Fortunately, the technological level of the Trisolaran civilization is not too much ahead of us. Otherwise, we would not have the opportunity to sit here and chat at all. There are even four hundred years of development time.”

"However, the Trisolarans are still afraid of us, afraid that we will have a technological explosion, surpass them, and then counterattack the Trisolaran civilization - they know the truth of this world."

"Fortunately, the earth is located in a remote and wild planet. We belong to the end of time here. The civilizations that have been bred are sparse and backward, and the rest of the powerful alien civilizations rarely cast their eyes on us... If you play If you have played the game, you can understand that the three-body relationship between us and the three-body people is just a rookie pecking from the novice village players, and the operation of the real high-end players is beyond our imagination."

As Yue Si spoke, he took out a palm-sized notebook from his body, tore a page from it, rolled it into a cone or a horn, and pointed to the bell mouth of the cone a little bit backwards and said, "This, it's easy. It's our universe, and this is where the earth is in the universe..."

Then, Yue Si moved his hand to the end close to the tip of the cone: "Assuming that there is a civilization in this part of the universe, their technological leadership is beyond our imagination, even if they are just bugs in the sea bottom mud at the beginning. , but with continuous evolution and development, the level of civilization reached is like a **** to us."

"If human beings want to continue to reproduce and pass on their civilization, then the enemies they have to face will be endless, and peace will never come to us!"

"Even, there are alien civilizations passing by the earth, seeing our civilization, thinking that we are very annoying, thinking that we will threaten their civilization in the future, or like a child who sees ants on the side of the road, he wants to go. The same way they stepped on it, they just fired a star destroyer and completely wiped the earth."

After Yue Si finished speaking, he left the three people with time to think, and after they digested the information, they continued to say: "The three-body man has never been the real enemy of mankind, they are not worthy, what mankind has to face, It's the entire universe, the countless civilizations hidden in the universe, the countless civilizations that want to get rid of their competitors."

"The task is heavy, and the road is long!"

Afterwards, Yue Si said to Bill Hines: "Remember what I said when I answered your question five weeks ago, although basic human physics research is locked, the existing technology The reserves are enough for mankind to move forward for another two hundred years, as long as the Trisolarans are defeated, all problems will no longer be problems."

"So, I hope you can continue on your research project, and be able to complete the concept of uploading knowledge directly into the human brain. The upgrade of civilization is not about a few elites, but the overall improvement!"

There are so many things Yue Si wants to say, but the other three Wallfacers still have a lot of questions to ask: "What about the alien civilization that has come into contact with you?"

"Accurately, it is the remains of an alien civilization." Yue Si said: "It is like a projection, you can see it, but you can't touch and capture it. It is only by observing it that we can obtain a lot of Advanced technology—presumably, it's a higher dimensional being that we can't even touch."

"However, such a powerful existence is still unable to avoid the arrival of death. It is in a state of death, drifting aimlessly in the universe until it contacts the earth with a very low probability, just like neutrinos. Across the Earth, drifting toward the ends of the universe, we've gained a lot in that limited amount of time."

The other three Wallfacers all had a feeling of enlightenment. They understood the vastness of the universe and the insignificance of human beings.

Humans who claim to be advanced beings are similar to insects under the technology of advanced civilization. Sophon once publicly ridiculed that humans are just insects; and civilizations with extremely high technology, even if they are insects living in the mud, they are still gods.

"In the next time, we will lead the rapid upgrade of earth technology, and then gradually release the technology we have mastered." Yue looked at Bill Hines and said: "This requires your research, only in this way, we Only by catching up can more people have enough foundation to learn and research the technology that surpasses the times!”

"I don't know what the Trisolaran will but I know human beings." With his words, Frederick Taylor began to make some gestures, which were meaningless but echoed. His language enhances the momentum in his words: "This sentence is what Mike Evans of the Earth Trisolaran organization said, and it has also become their motto. I agree with this sentence."

"I borrowed this sentence - I don't know if the Trisolarans or any other aliens will eventually invade the earth, but, I know that once the aliens have actual contact with the earth, then the capitalists will Betray humanity by grasping resources that are scarce for the earth.”

Manuel Rey Diaz, following Frederick Taylor's words: "As long as the profit is sufficient, the capitalist will sell the rope to hang himself."

Some people, people who occupy a very small part of the whole human being, in order to maintain their position, will hinder the progress of technology, everyone sitting here can see it, this is a foreseeable necessity.

For some people, their sense of superiority is more important than money itself, and they need someone to be squeezed by them forever, even if that will lead to a complete defeat of the human race in the war with the Trisolaran, which will lead to the demise of the human race.

"I was a part of them, and I know what they think," said Frederick Taylor sadly.

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