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Chapter 543: Xu Xian

Li Gongfu pulled the knocker and slapped the door lightly and hard, while shouting, "Miss, I'm back, open the door quickly! I have something great to tell you."

"Come on!" A woman's voice sounded in the courtyard, with a trace of complaint in her words: "I've been busy so late today. Have you eaten yet? Don't go out and drink with others!"

The slightly wealthy Xu Jiaorong opened the door from the inside. She originally wanted to reprimand Li Gongfu, tell him to pay attention to his body, not to drink indiscriminately, and to live frugally, but he saw Li Gongfu standing beside him wearing a Taoist robe and holding him. After the dog's Yue Si, Xu Jiaorong immediately restrained her expression and turned into the demeanor of a good wife who is a good housekeeper.

Xu Jiaorong reprimanded Li Gongfu for his own good. Her parents died early, and she raised her younger brother. If a woman wants to live in this era, she must become stronger, and savageness and knife mouth are necessary skills.

Working alone requires two people to support, work more and eat less. Xu Jiaorong used to be thin, and she could be described as a flower in eight towns, but after getting married, the requirement to live with her younger brother Xu Xian persuaded many people to turn away. , It was also Li Gongfu who moved Xu Jiaorong with his enthusiasm, his identity as a headhunter, and his simple personality, and then became a family.

After marrying Li Gongfu, Xu Jiaorong lived a stable life and no longer had to worry about making a living. Li Gongfu's secretly and secretly caught the head and the income was enough for the three of them to live, and she gained weight.

She gave Yue Siwan a blessing, and then Xu Jiaorong pulled Li Gongfu and asked in a low voice, "Gongfu, who is this Taoist priest? Also, what is the good thing about what you are shouting about? The neighbors heard what to do."

"Oh, let's go back and talk about this matter, it's definitely a good thing, but this is not the place to talk, let's go first." Li Gongfu put off his mother-in-law in a few words, and then said to Yue Si: "Master, please come in, this is the Zhuojing Xu Shijiaorong, this is my home, if you are willing to stay in Qiantang County, you can temporarily stay in my home for the past few days.”

Xu Jiaorong looked at Yue Si, and although she didn't understand how her official had a relationship with such a wandering Taoist priest, she still stepped aside and asked Yue Si to enter the house, and then called her younger brother Xu Xian to discuss together. Clean up a guest room for Yue Si, open the window for ventilation, clean up the dust, and find a spare quilt to make a bed or something.

Li Gongfu thought that Yue Si had eaten, so he stopped greeting him. His family sat at a table and ate dinner. Li Gongfu ran for a long time, just drank a few wells of water at the farmer's house, washed and changed into casual clothes and sat down. At the dining table, I took a big mouthful of eating with the chopsticks in my arms, it was really hungry.

"Official man, what is the origin of that Taoist priest? You respect him so much." Xu Jiaorong didn't move her chopsticks after eating two bites of the dish, but asked Li Gongfu, monks and others, whether it would be best if she could not deal with him. She understands the principle of staying at a distance when dealing with him. Now that Gongfu Li has brought people to live at home, how can Xu Jiaorong not worry.

Li Gongfu finished eating a bowl of rice and smoothed it out with tea. Then he told the story of today without any hassle, and praised Yue Si's ability. After returning to the original form, the main topic was finally introduced: "Miss, we have been married for these years, and there has been no movement. The Taoist master is skilled in medicine and has a profound spell, so it will definitely solve our problem. The Taoist priest looked at it before entering the door. Our family has Atmospheric luck, in the future, you will be able to get the champion."

Yes, it is possible to win the champion, but it will take more than 20 years to wait for the person named Xu Shilin.

But Xu Jiaorong didn't care about this, but said in a panic, "You said that the dog is actually a wolf, or is it a wolf demon that can transform into a human?"

Just now, Xu Jiaorong saw that the wolf demon's hair and bones were very good-looking, and she had the urge to touch it, but she was afraid of being bitten by a dog. She didn't do that, but after knowing that it was a wolf demon, she immediately Unable to sit still, the chopsticks in his hands fell off the table, and then he stood up and kept pacing: "You, you, you actually brought a monster into the house, what if it harms us? A rope is tied in the yard, what should I do if I run away?"

Regarding his wife's questioning, Li Gongfu seemed very calm. He was very confident in Yue Si's strength, so he said with relief: "Madam, don't worry, there is a way, that wolf demon dare not make mistakes. "

But Xu Jiaorong still didn't believe it, and she had never seen Yue Si make a move, and it was Li Gongfu who persuaded him to persuade him.

But when her sister fell asleep, Xu Xian, who had always been like a little transparent, left the room tiptoe, without lighting the oil lamp, because the lamp oil was very expensive, she walked into the yard in the dark, and came to Yue Si's place by the moonlight. in the yard.

The first thing Xu Xian saw was the dog—no, it was the being called a wolf demon by her brother-in-law.

After seeing himself, the wolf demon did not bark, but looked at himself with curious eyes, his eyes glowing a faint green light under the moonlight - God knows how he got from a dog, oh no, a wolf Seeing the emotion of "curiosity" in his eyes, Xu Xian thought he was dizzy.

Thinking that it was a wolf demon, Xu Xian felt it was not strange again.

In the courtyard, Yue Si was standing there, with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky, as if he was observing the stars, but as we all know, the moon has few stars, and the moon tonight is very bright, with few stars.

"Daoist, my surname is Xu Mingxian, and the word is Chinese." After Xu Xian saw Yue Si, he bowed his hands and saluted.

Yue Si looked at Xu Xian and suddenly said, "Do you want to cultivate with me?"

"I want to, I really want to." Xu Xian straightened up and said, his whole person has a dull temperament, just like the kind of person who reads and reads stupidly. wooden.

But after saying these words, Xu Xian's whole person took on an aura that seemed to be on fire.

Seeking immortality and attaining the Tao is the pursuit of most people in this era. The world is too hard. Only by becoming an immortal can you get rid of this pain and be free. Get a longer lifespan and energy to enjoy it all.

"It's just that Xu Xian can't practice Taoism. Xu Xian's parents died early, and she was brought up by her elder sister. Although she is her elder sister, she actually plays the role of a mother. My elder sister hopes that Xu Xian can start a family and continue the incense, but Xu Xian cannot study and study medicine. If you don’t study well, you can only waste it like this.”

"Ah, this, you don't have to worry about it." Yue Si waved his hand and said, "Cultivation is not a monk, it's just to make some time in daily life to practice, eat, drink, get married and have children. "

"Ah?" Xu Xian was obviously stunned. He thought that for Taoism, he needed to become a monk, stay away from the mortal world, and go to Taoist temples to escape from the world. He didn't expect to do that.

"Why, I see that many people can only practice after becoming a monk, chanting and meditating every day."

Xu Xian's face was full of confusion and confusion, but what Yue Si said was different from what he understood.

Yue Si smiled in his heart and said, "Cultivation is a process of water grinding, and it needs to be done step by step, and every day should not be slack. Living in the mortal world, the world is complicated, and everything will distract the mind, and it is impossible to put energy into practice. I need to stay away from the world and become a monk, I don’t have so many worries about this method, as long as I set aside a little time every day to practice.”

"Cultivation of the Tao is not an easy task. It is very picky. You need to read and read, you need to understand the principles of medicine, and you need to have great perseverance, perseverance, and money."

"Master, are you rich?" Xu Xian thought it made sense after hearing the first few items. You don't know how to read or understand the meaning of the scriptures. Tangerine", seeing this sentence, people who understand can smile knowingly, knowing that this is playing an ethical stalk, people who don't understand look at it, and people don't know it when they are sons.

The same is true of medical skills. In the biographies of immortals, the immortal family usually has the behavior of giving medicine and medicine.

Great perseverance, great perseverance, these are the same, no matter what you do, you need these two qualities.

But what's the point of being rich?

"People who practice cultivation need to accumulate mana, where does the mana come from, from the energy of heaven and earth, from their own spirit, they need to read to understand the truth, they need to learn martial arts to strengthen their bodies, poor literature and martial arts, how to learn martial arts without eating meat." Yue Si said: "I can't lack food every day, at least two catties of meat."

Xu Xian nodded again and again, he did not understand cultivation, everything was subject to what Yue Si said, and what he said was what he said.

Moreover, there are many similarities between what Yue Si said and the few common sense he knew. His brother-in-law Li Gongfu has martial arts skills. When he was learning martial arts, he also ate meat every day. Ordinary people have two meals a day, and his brother-in-law has a day. Three meals are not enough, and I have to eat a pot of porridge in the evening - but after marrying his sister, I have to take care of his food and drink, which saves a lot of expenses, and has a lot less to practice martial arts.

Practitioners have four closely related conditions, namely "law, wealth, partner, and land", the fundamental method of practice, the wealth of clothing, food, medicine, and Taoism, and a place far away from the hustle and bustle. Xu Xian's practice is the first difficulty, fell on this wealth.

"You first converge on your consciousness, I will teach you the practice method, you must keep it in mind." Yue Si said.

Hearing Yue Si's words, the wolf monster lying on the side pricked up his ears. The law does not teach six ears. The practice method is difficult for ordinary people to touch. It is a coincidence that the unpopular practice method can be transformed into a human form. , Now that there is a true teaching, of course, you must listen carefully and memorize it carefully - as Yue Si said, catastrophe is also a test, and of course there are prizes for passing the test.

It's just that Yue Si's teaching was beyond the wolf demon's imagination. He directly imprinted the law into Xu Xian's mind with his spiritual sense. Suddenly receiving so much information, Xu Xian seemed even more stunned, like a wood carving. His mind was analysing and absorbing the law passed by Yue Si, and he was unable to process and feed back the information from the outside world.

"Go back, go back to sleep, and from tomorrow, I will officially teach you to practice." Yue Si waved his hand and said.

After listening to Yue Si's words, Xu Xian walked towards his room stiffly like a puppet, lying on the bed, eyes closed, completely lost consciousness, and his mind was immersed in the mysterious truth, unable to extricate himself.

After seeing Xu Xian's sluggish back, Yue Si burst into laughter in his heart. It was the standard villain's laughter. It was the wild laughter of the demon giant after the conspiracy succeeded. Hearing it, you can know that the other party is a bad guy.

Imagine, when Bai Suzhen came to him to repay his kindness, Xu Xian shouted "Where is the evildoer going!", and then let out a sword energy and fought with the two snakes Baiqing, the original repayment turned out to be a meeting of slaying demons and eliminating demons.

Or after marriage, Fahai came to the door, or Bai Niangzi was tricked into Jinshan Temple by Fahai, Xu Xian hit the door with his sword, demolished his Jinshan Temple, knocked down Leifeng Pagoda, and broke Fahai's golden body.

That scene must be very fun.

"You can't learn the law I gave him, and you won't be able to learn it." Yue Si said to the wolf demon, "I have a set of law specially created for you. Listen, you have the foundation of cultivation. Remember to practice carefully after remembering that, if your source is lacking, run the Dharma Jutsu first to make up for the injury, and then practice.”

Yue Si nodded on the wolf demon's head, put a magic trick into its consciousness, and then left it alone. He took out the carving knife he bought from the blacksmith shop, and once the magic power was refined, it became easy. He took out the bluestone from the family from his pocket, sat on the stone bench in the yard, and began to carve the stone.

Soon, a vivid Godzilla walked out of the stone. Although it was only the size of a palm, it was lifelike, showing the momentum of the atomic beast like a natural disaster.

The carved stone statue was placed on the stone table facing south, and Yue Si took out two kinds of medicinal herbs and the boiled egg that the family forced to Yue Si, and placed them in front of the stone statue. Bend down and bow down, chanting words in my praise, Godzilla Buddha. "

"You are the infinite light, the infinite radiation, the infinite birth and death, and the great sun."

"There is an infinite gravitational halo in the back of the head, the light of the fusion sun in the body, and the electromagnetic, light, and thermal radiation of the sun in the palm."

This Godzilla statue was sculpted by Yue Si in the same way as the deity. Even if it has a bit of charm, it is still just a dead thing. Being worshipped by Yue Si like this, it shows a bit of magic, like a **** When it descended into it, a crimson color appeared in the blue-black stone sculpture, which was the power of solar fusion.

Since then, there has been a Buddha statue in this world, which is the Great Sun Godzilla Buddha.

It's just that this Buddha does not exist in this world, the scriptures and books do not have his name, the monks do not know his name, and the temple does not have his image.

The only thing that can prove its existence is this small statue, which looks like a hand-made ornament.

Seeing the wolf demon next to him, he knelt down behind Yue Si and bowed three times to the statue of Godzilla, and then suddenly there was a training formula in his mind, which could be combined with the one that Yue Si had taught him before.

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